Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Last additions - Non-Camouflaged Sites
446 viewsFeb 06, 2006
Two on a Stick527 viewsSprint's BTS equipment is located in the large flush-to-grade vault. It's flush vents bracket the BTS vault.Jan 19, 2006
Two on a Stick466 viewsHere's a close-up of the dual antennas on this wood pole in Santa Monica, California. Sprint is on the bottom; Cingular is that mass at the top. By the way, the palm is not a camouflage element of Cingular's antennas. Jan 19, 2006
Two on a Stick410 viewsHere's a long view of this two-carrier site. If you look in the sidewalk area to the right of the pole you'll see Cingular's flush-to-grade equipment vault, and just to the left of it, Cingular's two flush-to-grade vents.Jan 19, 2006
Two on a Stick364 viewsCingular and Sprint share this wood light pole in Santa Monica, California. Cingular is on the top, and Sprint is on the arm. Both carriers use completely underground BTS equipment enclosures and flush-to-grade vent systems.Jan 19, 2006
Two on a Stick460 viewsCingular and Sprint share this wood light pole in Santa Monica, California. Cingular's antennas, pictured here, are on the top. Sprint's antennas are on an arm below the bottom of the photograph. Both carriers use completely underground BTS equipment enclosures and flush-to-grade vent systems.Jan 19, 2006
High Power - Higher Education383 viewsSprint has this site at the Irvine Valley College in Irvine, California.Dec 09, 2005
Multi Carriers on Multi Power Towers371 viewsThese antennas sites are located on SCE power transmission towers in Irvine, California.Dec 09, 2005
Cell Service, USN Style384 viewsThis is a photo of a cell site at the USN Amphibious Base in San Diego.Dec 09, 2005
cells.oliverhurst.ca.UbiquitelPCS.2765Pwerline Road.20051112.DSCN0360.jpg
PCS Base Station below PG&E Power Tower592 viewsUbiquitel's BTS in Olivehurst, California is located in a wood-fenced enclosure below the PG&E power transmission tower.Nov 13, 2005
What's Red and Whilte and Radiates All Over510 views...it's this T-Mobile lattice tower in Gridley, California.Nov 13, 2005
The Golden Signal369 views...from this water tank site in Chico, California belongs to T-Mobile.Nov 13, 2005
The Golden Signal479 viewsHere's a close-up of one of T-Mobile's sector antennas and tower-mounted amplifiers at its Chico, California water tank site.Nov 13, 2005
382 viewsThis co-lo water tank site in Olivehurst, California is shared by T-Mobile, Nextel, and Cingular. The terminated ASR for this site is 1031366 (terminated because it qualifies for delisting under the FCC's 6 meter rule).Nov 13, 2005
cells.oliverhurst.ca.UbiquitelPCS.woodbalancepanels..2765Pwerline Road.20051112.DSCN0361.jpg
Wood You Please Support These Antennas?530 viewsUbiquitel uses wood panels to replace antennas not installed on the two-antenna mounts atop this PG&E power tower in Oakhurst, California. This site is at 2765 Powerline Road.Nov 13, 2005
cells.oliverhurst.ca.UbiquitelPCS.2765Pwerline Road.20051112.DSCN0357.jpg
PCS Crown on PG&E Tower362 viewsUbiquitel's PCS antennas in Olivehurst, California are located above the high tension lines on this PG&E power transmission tower.Nov 13, 2005
One of T-Mobile's sector antennas at its Chico, California water tank site. Photo taken just before sunset.330 viewsAnother view of two sectors of T-Mobile's antennas at its Chico, California water tank site. Photo taken just before sunset.Nov 13, 2005
The Golden Signal347 viewsOne of T-Mobile's sector antennas at its Chico, California water tank site. Photo taken just before sunset.Nov 13, 2005
The Tower Company Tower391 viewsSounds circular, eh? Located in Chico, California.Nov 13, 2005
Time to Shippee Out the Signal342 views...from this Spectrasite lattice tower on Shippee Road in Oroville, California. Nextel is on the tower. The tower ASR is 1239078. I like the way the tower reflects in the water.Nov 13, 2005
Time to Shippee Out the Signal370 views...from this Spectrasite lattice tower on Shippee Road in Oroville, California. Nextel is the tower occupant. The tower ASR is 1239078.Nov 13, 2005
Sutter County Lattice Tower431 viewsHere's a closer view of the SR99/Howsley Road lattice towre in Sutter County, California.Nov 13, 2005
Sutter County Lattice Tower368 viewsOff of CA SR99 at Howsley Road in Sutter County, you'll find this lattice tower.Nov 13, 2005
cells.ca99.biggs.ca.american.twr.site.82517.cingular.20051112. DSCN0402.jpg
A Singular Pole for a Cingular Site385 viewsAmerican Tower leases this monopole to Cingular. It's located in Biggs, California (American Tower Site No. 82517). Nov 13, 2005
No, the tower legs are NOT two colors...364 views...it's just the the legs on the right have so many black cables for the T-Mobile, Cingular, and Nextel antennas. Olivehurst, California.Nov 13, 2005
Lattice Tower in Sutter County359 viewsOff of California State Route 70 at Nicolaus Road you'll find this lattice tower site.Nov 13, 2005
Store that Signal!415 viewsThe roof-mounted cable tray supporting the antenna coax cables can be clearly seen in this photo. The cable tray protects the coaxial cable from being damaged, here from people walking and working on the roof. Damaged coaxial cables most often seriously degrade the received and transmitted signals. Oct 29, 2005
Store that Signal!377 viewsPublic Storage locations are popular cell site locations. The carrier will often locate its equipment in a top floor or building end unit and place its antennas on the roof or an adjacent mono-whatever.

This PS location, in Rowland Heights, California sports externally mounted antennas.
Oct 29, 2005
Park'n the Signal on the Roof514 viewsNotice how the coax ground wires are far from supported, attached, and protected at this site. This is a violation of the NEC 810.21(C) and (D) et seq.Oct 25, 2005
Park'n the Signal on the Roof459 viewsThe cable wiring for this site leaves something to be desired. Notice how the cables are attached to wood blocks.

PMBS>Cingular>T-Mobile at The Grand Long Beach Event Center, 4101 East Willow St.
Oct 25, 2005
Park'n the Signal on the Roof452 viewsPBMS built this site. Cingular took it over. It's likely now a T-Mobile site. Long Beach, California, on top of the parking lot for The Grand Long Beach Event Center, 4101 East Willow St.Oct 25, 2005
Park'n the Signal on the Roof388 viewsPBMS built this site. Cingular took it over. It's likely now a T-Mobile site. Long Beach, California, on top of the parking lot for The Grand Long Beach Event Center, 4101 East Willow St.Oct 25, 2005
Building Topper373 viewsIn Inglewood, California, this multi-sector site could have been placed BEHIND camouflage panels instead of in front! Two sectors are visible...way too visible. Carrier(s) unknown.Oct 23, 2005
Church Bell Tower Mount386 viewsThe sector panels are mounted to the face of the bell tower. The overall quality of the site is, at best, fair. Exposed and disconnected cables detract from the site, as do the visible preamplifiers inside the bell tower. Carrier (as yet) unknown.Oct 23, 2005
Restful Signal362 viewsSprint's antennas are on the motel sign just out of the frame on the right side. It's BTS equipment is located in the bricked area to the left center of this photo. Notice the power panel, transfer switch, etc. on the left side of the enclosure. From the street side, this enclosure is very well designed to blend in with the buidling.Oct 17, 2005
Restful Signal357 viewsHere's a non-camo three sector Sprint site located on a motel sign post in Azusa, California. Oct 17, 2005
Got Desert?497 viewsThis little Verizon 3-sector site sites atop a wood pole in Victorville, California. The BTS equipment is in the fenced area to the left, and the telco and power panels are to the right.Sep 28, 2005
The Leaning Tower of Victorville422 viewsVerizon's 3-sector wood pole is ever-so-slowly leaning over. Victorville, California.Sep 28, 2005
Monopole368 viewsA monopole site between Victorville, California and Littlerock, California. Carrier unknown.Sep 28, 2005
Monopole504 viewsA monopole site between Victorville, California and Littlerock, California. Carrier unknown.Sep 28, 2005
Power Transmission Tower Site390 viewsNextel's BTS equipment shelter is constructed between the legs of this SCE power transmission tower. Highway 18 between Victorville and Littlerock, California.Sep 28, 2005
Power Transmission Tower Site364 viewsNextel's site not only provides local cell coverage along a highly traveled (and very dangerous) state highway, it also serves as a repeater site to relay MTSO connections to a site yet further away. If you didn't understand that, give me a call and I'll explain! :-) Between Victorville and Littlerock, California.Sep 28, 2005
Cell Site on a Power Pole (Crown Design)416 views...on 19th near Tuckahoe in Fairfax Co., VA near I66. Notice how the cable ladder is attached to the pole using straps.Sep 26, 2005
Arlington, VA Multicarrier Site395 views...at Washington Blvd. and 25th.Sep 26, 2005
Field of Signals378 viewsCingular's light standard site in the Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California. Sep 14, 2005
Field of Signals424 viewsCingular's dual CEV site at Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California. Notice the GPS/LMU antenna bolted to the side of the CEV in the foreground.Sep 14, 2005
Field of Signals425 viewsCingular's light standard site in the Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California. Sep 14, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel404 viewsOkay, it's really a hotel with an amazing number and variety of cell sites. Look at the related series of photos to get a flavor of this amazing site in Torrance, California.

Looking northeast. Cells on the roof (camo to the right; not camo in the middle) and on the southwest wall. Three panel non-camo sector on the west roof.
Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel328 viewsLooking northeast. Cells on the roof (camo) and on the southwest wall.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel340 viewsLooking northeast. Close-up of cells on the southwest wall. Notice the loose cables.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel290 viewsLooking northeast. Cells on the roof (camo) and on the southwest wall.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel311 viewsLooking northwest. Cells on the southeast wall.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel330 viewsLooking southwest. Cells on the northwest wall.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel284 viewsCable chase with missing cover on northwest corner. Notice how the cable chase has been built into the corner of the wall. Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel304 viewsLooking south at north wall. Corner reflector antennas on the left; camo box in left center; naked panels on right (west).Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel306 viewsLooking south at north wall. Corner reflector antennas on the left; camo box in left center.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel295 viewsLooking south at north wall. Corner reflector antennas on the left; camo box in left center; naked panels on right (west). Notice the separate cable chase coming down from the roof to the corner reflector antennas.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel285 viewsLooking south at north wall. Corner reflector antennas on the left; camo box in left center; naked panels on right (west). GPS antenna at lower left-center. Notice the add-on cable chase to serve the corner reflector antennas.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel290 viewsLooking south at north wall. GPS antenna at center.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel272 viewsLooking west at north wall. Corner reflector antennas on the left; camo box to the right of the reflector antennas.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel316 viewsLooking west at the east roof/face of the hotel. Camo box; microwave dish antennas.Sep 12, 2005
Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel303 viewsOkay, it's really a hotel with an amazing number and variety of cell sites. Look at the related series of photos to get a flavor of this amazing site in Torrance, California.Sep 12, 2005
Parking lot site for a parking lot320 viewsThis site, atop a parking lot, is well-suited for the parking lot it serves, the San Diego Freeway (I-405) in Culver City, California.Sep 02, 2005
Verizon MTSO Orange County451 viewsThis VZW MTSO (mobile telephone switching office) is in Santa Ana, California. The height of the tower is 60.7 meters AGL.Sep 02, 2005
Uninspired Cricket Wireless Site in Mesa, AZ384 viewsClose-up of the Cricket Wireless site on top of the Holiday Inn on Country Club in Mesa, Arizona. From a different view along the street the panel antennas are plainly visible. Not recommended.Aug 24, 2005
Uninspired Cricket Wireless Site in Mesa, AZ321 viewsCricket didn't do much to camo its site atop the Holiday Inn on Country Club in Mesa, Arizona. From a different view along the street the panel antennas are plainly visible. Not recommended.Aug 24, 2005
Uninspired Cricket Wireless Site in Mesa, AZ339 viewsCricket didn't do much to camo its site atop the Holiday Inn on Country Club in Mesa, Arizona. From a different view along the street the panel antennas are plainly visible. Not recommended.Aug 24, 2005
475 viewsClose up of the Fountain Hills three sector site atop a traffic and light standard.Aug 24, 2005
I'll Turn Left on a Green Sector...408 viewsFountain Hills area of greater Phoenix. A three sector site atop a traffic and light standard.Aug 24, 2005
Great Scott!469 viewsYet another view of a pole-mounted cell site in Scottsdale, Arizona. Notice the LMU antenna mounted at the top. Aug 24, 2005
Great Scott!353 viewsYet another view of a pole-mounted cell site in Scottsdale, Arizona.Aug 24, 2005
Great Scott! (Even more)363 viewsYet another example of a pole-mounted cell site in Scottsdale, Arizona.Aug 24, 2005
Great Scott! (Some more)614 viewsThis close-up view shows a very stylish use of an iron sculpture to provide an interesting surround to a cell site BTS.3 commentsAug 24, 2005
A Crown Castle Site in Mesa, Arizona447 viewsBig iron in Mesa. A Crown Castle site on Broadway near Country Club.Aug 24, 2005
Great Scott!614 viewsScottsdale has some very interesting pole mounted sites. This long view of several carriers' sites shows an interesting deployment scheme to cover subdivisions along Shea Road.3 commentsAug 24, 2005
Side Saddle Microwave Dish Installation568 viewsAnother view of this cell site which uses a microwave dish antenna system to provide backhaul to the MTSO. The interesting note for this site is the side saddle (offset) installation of the dish antenna. In most metro installations, a microwave antenna saves the carrier the cost of leasing a telco dataline, but at the expense of adding visual loading to the project.1 commentsAug 20, 2005
Side Saddle Microwave Dish Installation407 viewsThis cell site uses a microwave dish antenna system to provide backhaul to the MTSO. The interesting note for this site is the side saddle (offset) installation of the dish antenna. In most metro installations, a microwave antenna saves the carrier the cost of leasing a telco dataline, but at the expense of adding visual loading to the project.Aug 20, 2005
SFO Airport - Terminal 2/Admin Building440 viewsYup. There's the panel antenna.Aug 18, 2005
SFO Airport - Terminal 2/Admin Building335 viewsCan you spot the single panel? There's a matching panel just off the photo to the right. Aug 18, 2005
SFO Airport - Superbay Hanger322 viewsThe cell antennas are mounted on the roof of the Superbay hanger in the top center of the photograph. Aug 18, 2005
SFO Airport - Rental Car Center320 views...as seen from the rental car shuttle train heading away from the building.Aug 18, 2005
SFO Airport293 viewsThere are multiple sites atop the elevator penthouses in the center parking lot of SFO airport. This photo is an example of another set of 4 antennas ganged in two radomes on the "E" parking elevator penthouse.Aug 18, 2005
SFO Airport304 viewsThere are multiple sites atop the elevator penthouses in the center parking lot of SFO airport. This photo is an example. Notice, in this close-up, the stacked diplex antennas. There are a total of 4 antennas inside the two radomes (antenna covers).Aug 18, 2005
SFO Airport284 viewsThere are multiple sites atop the elevator penthouses in the center parking lot of SFO airport. This photo is an example.Aug 18, 2005
One Well-Placed PG&E Transmission Tower328 viewsPG&E sure scored locating this tower near the I280 freeway adjacent to Redwood City, California. Lots of carriers (4), lots of income.Aug 18, 2005
Cable TV Headend Cell Site361 viewsOne of Comcast's cable television headend towers in the Philadelphia area supports cell panel antennas.Aug 14, 2005
Power Transmission Tower Site344 viewsPECO transmission tower cell site in Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Elevated Water Tank Cell Site467 viewsArtwork adorns this 4-level multi-carrier water tank site near Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Multiple Carriers - Rooftops307 views...in downtown Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Multiple Carriers - Rooftops298 views...in downtown Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Smokestack Cell Site307 viewsMulti-carrier smokestack cell site in Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Multiple carriers on the roof of the VA Hospital in Philadelphia295 viewsRooftop installation on the VA Hospital in Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Cellular Billboard Sign365 viewsSpotted in Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Cellular Billboard Sign436 viewsSpotted in Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Power Transmission Tower Site348 viewsPECO transmission tower cell site in Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Rooftop Cells - Close up287 viewsSpotted in Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Rooftop Cells281 viewsSpotted in Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
Rooftop Cells311 viewsSpotted in Philadelphia.Aug 14, 2005
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site350 viewsAT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection. This photo shows a second set of omnidirection antennas immediately adjacent to the public parking space. Jul 21, 2005
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site330 viewsAT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection. This photo shows a second set of omnidirection antennas immediately adjacent to the public parking space. Jul 21, 2005
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site407 viewsJust park your BTS equipment in this space and you're good to go. AT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection.Jul 21, 2005
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site342 viewsAT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection.Jul 21, 2005
Parking the Signal391 viewsParking spaces make good sites for BTS cabinets, GPS, and LMU equipment! And parking lot walls are great for mounting panel antennas, especially when the parking lot faces a major freeway. This site is near LAX airport in Los Angeles along the San Diego Freeway at Century Boulevard.Jul 14, 2005
Church Bell Tower With External Antennas376 viewsThis church bell tower sports multiple panel antennas on the face of the structure, rather then flush or camouflaged inside the tower. Too bad. Certainly not a high quality installation. Spotted in South-Central Los Angeles.Jun 30, 2005
Spectrasite Co-Lo Multisector at Different Levels568 viewsSpectrasite tower supports a three sector wireless system, with one of the sectors lower than the other two (to help shape coverage). Also, this site supports an omnidirection carrier (the vertical antennas on top of the tower). 2 commentsJun 09, 2005
Verizon MTSO San Diego 2 of 2673 viewsThis photo shows Verizon's Mobile Telephone Switching Office and tower in San Diego, California. The microwave antennas connect various cell sites back to this MTSO. Telephone company leased data lines (usually T1 circuits) are another means of connecting remote cell sites back to a MTSO.Jun 09, 2005
Verizon MTSO San Diego 1 of 2418 viewsThis photo shows Verizon's Mobile Telephone Switching Office and tower in San Diego, California.Jun 09, 2005
A Real Education451 viewsThis Cingular site is located on the grounds of Fountain Valley (California) High School.Jun 06, 2005
A New Sign of the Times396 viewsYes, this cell site is sandwiched between two outdoor advertising signs. Yes, two of the three sectors shine THROUGH the signs (with metal rails just in front of the panel antennas). May 06, 2005
Really, really flat vines on this pole!386 viewsA Spectrasite site in Montebello, CA.May 06, 2005
Sprint microcell - Two Sectors768 viewsPole mounted Sprint microcell in Brentwood, California (Parkyns St.). The panel antennas should have been painted brown or green to afford some measure of camouflage. This site is near OJ's former home on Rockingham in Brentwood, California. It's a much nicer area than were he now lives in Nevada.2 commentsMay 06, 2005
Yahoo! What a site!479 viewsThis omnidirection site is in Santa Monica, California. The GPS antenna is the right (north) of the antennas on the roof.Apr 23, 2005
Single Carrier Monopole425 viewsNot much to say about this site. It's a monopole that happens to be located at the top of a hill next to a water tank.Apr 08, 2005
Spectrasite in Paramount, California374 viewsYet another Spectrasite installation, this time in Paramount, California (looking north).Mar 13, 2005
Spectrasite in Paramount, California340 viewsYet another Spectrasite installation, this time in Paramount, California (looking west).Mar 13, 2005
Hitting the signal out of the park398 viewsSprint's three-sector site is split between one sector on an existing light standard, and two sectors on a pole it installed.Mar 09, 2005
Cell site and Microwave Relay468 viewsThis site is not a mobile telephone switching office (MTSO). Rather, its an aggregation point for microwave backhaul from other wireless sites. Verizon and Nextel are co-located here.

Why red and white? This site is located adjacent to the Ontario, California airport.
Mar 07, 2005
Sending out the word...to Interstate 10390 viewsYet another church along a freeway that (likely) enjoys income in the thousands-of-dollars-per-month range. This is a Nextel site near San Bernardino, California.

The interesting and unusual element of this site is the placement of the antennas following the rise of the roofline. In a typical configuration, the two outside antennas are used for reception, and the center antenna is used to transmit, and they're all on the same horizontal plane.
Mar 07, 2005
Nextel's Interesting Lattice Tower473 viewsA Nextel site using an interesting lattice tower to support its antennas and microwave antennas.Mar 02, 2005
Sprint's Drive Test Rover446 viewsThis is a Sprint vehicle used to receive the test signal emitted from the temporary transmitter van. This van drives a predetermined area collecting signal strength data for later mapping.Feb 25, 2005
Rover's Roof481 viewsOn the roof of the drive test 'rover' is a GPS antenna (the square antenna in the center of the roof), plus two PCS omnidirectional antennas for signal measurement and communications purposes.Feb 25, 2005
Drive Test Rover Ready To Run399 viewsInside the cab of the drive test 'rover' is a portable computer connected to the output of the PCS signal strength receiver and the GPS receiver. The computer records the data for later mapping. The clipboard holds the predetermined route that the driver of the rover will cover during the test.Feb 25, 2005
Sprint Conducts a Drive Test469 viewsThe tech mounts the omnidirectional antenna to the telescoping mast. Once the antenna is mounted, he'll connect the coax that runs back to the portable PCS transmitter sitting inside the van. Then the tech will elevate the antenna to the desired height, and set the proper output power of the transmitter. With all this done, another tech will drive the streets in the area recording signal strength, latitude, and longitude for later mapping.Feb 25, 2005
PCS-Transmitter-in-a-Box450 viewsWhen a wireless carrier selects a candidate cell site it will usually conduct a 'drive test' to determine actual coverage. The drive test consists of elevating an antenna (here, an omnidirectional antenna) to a predetermined height. Inside the truck is a portable PCS transmitter powering the antenna.

This is a photo of the PCS transmitter used by Sprint in this drive test. What? You thought it would be larger?!
Feb 25, 2005
Sprint Conducts a Drive Test476 viewsWhen a wireless carrier selects a candidate cell site it will usually conduct a 'drive test' to determine actual coverage. The drive test consists of elevating an antenna to a predetermined height. Inside the truck is a portable PCS transmitter powering the antenna. In a separate vehicle (call it a 'rover') the carrier will drive the streets around the test site out to a predetermined distance from the site. The received signal level and GPS location information are stored in a portable computer inside the rover.

After the test is concluded, the received signal strength and location information are plotted on a street map. That map then serves to guide the RF engineer to select a final candidate site, and to design the antenna system to cover the desired area without causing unreasonable interference to other cell sites on the same network.

Attached to the left of the antenna (and blowing in the breeze) is a measuring tape used to determine the height of the antenna.
Feb 25, 2005
Equipment Cabinets, GPS and LMU antennas511 viewsCingular's equipment cabinets are mounted in the hardscape area between the curb and sidewalk.Feb 25, 2005
Close-up of GPS Antenna and LMU Antenna485 viewsCingular's GPS antenna (left) and the LMU antenna are mounted at about the 5 foot level adjacent to the sidewalk. It's amazing that they're still there. Hope no pedestrians walk into the bracket at night.Feb 25, 2005
Utility Wood Pole Top Mount579 viewsCingular's three sector antenna system is mounted at the top of the utility pole it installed (it has a PBM pole number). The equipment cabinets are located to the right of the pole.Feb 25, 2005
Tip-to-Tip 1 of 2401 viewsThis equipment cabinets of this site are behind an unlocked gate. Many of the cable conduit pull caps have been removed exposing the site wiring.

Note the antennas mounted in a "tip-to-tip" configuration. A close up of the antennas is seen in an adjacent photo in this gallery.

This site is located in San Francisco and shines signal on US101.
Feb 20, 2005
Tip-to-Tip 2 of 2441 viewsHere are four antennas mounted in a "tip-to-tip" configuration. Notice the faux antenna cover used to blend each of the two vertical antennas on the right side of the pole. Also clearly seen are the antenna downtilt mounts, and pole-mounted pre-amplifiers.

This site is located in San Francisco and shines signal on US101. The equipment cabinets for this site are seen in an adjacent photo in this gallery.
Feb 20, 2005
Flush Mount Cell Site on PG&E Transmission Pole - San Jose, CA Airport2365 viewsThe interesting point about the cell antennas mounted to PG&E's transmission pole (seen in the right side of the photo) is that the antennas are not out on arms. Usually power companies require carriers to mount antennas on arms to insure adequate climbing space under NESC/CPUC GO95.Feb 20, 2005
Multi-carrier Omnis and Panels442 viewsOn the west side of Interstate 5 in San Diego County, California.Jan 31, 2005
Multi-Carrier Panels604 viewsJust west of Interstate 5 in San Diego County, California. Notice that anyone can walk up to the ground-mounted panel antennas via the path in the foreground. This site is not fenced.1 commentsJan 31, 2005
Cell Sign406 viewsSpotted in Redwood City, California, this two sector cell site provides spot coverage along the US101.Jan 29, 2005
Galt High School Doesn't Lack for Signal456 viewsThree out of four light standards at the Galt (California) High School Warrior Stadium are cell sites. Well, that still leaves 25% growth potential!Jan 26, 2005
Sending out the word...to Los Angeles International Airport439 viewsThis is an AT&T Wireless site just north of LAX. It's a rather poor design Notice (1) the panels just above the roof line; the microwave panel antenna offset from the bell tower; and the cable runs down to the equipment building. A good design element (perhaps the only one) is the use of the brick face on AT&T's pre-fab building. Jan 15, 2005
City Hall Clock Tower575 viewsIrvine, California's civic center is a sight to behold. The clock tower above the site supports public safety radio antennas, and an omni-direction antenna cell site.Jan 13, 2005
CEV Hatch with Bench723 viewsThe metal bench sits atop the hatch of a CEV (controlled environmental vault) used to house telecommunications equipment in a large, underground room. How large is large, you ask? CEV's are common, but bench tops aren't.

CEVs come in many sizes, but its common for the size of the room below ground to be measured in hundreds of square feet.
Jan 04, 2005
Guyed Tower - Antennas Vertically Stacked422 viewsThis cell site is on a guyed lattice tower on top of a commercial building in Modesto, California. Notice that the antennas are vertically stacked "tip-to-tip" at the top of the tower. Dec 23, 2004
A Modest Cell Site?431 viewsThis water tank sports multiple panel antennas. Modesto, California.Dec 23, 2004
PCS at City Hall549 viewsThis Sprint site at the Redondo Beach, California City Hall also supports public safety radio antennas above and below the panels.Dec 17, 2004
Building top multi-sector cell site357 viewsPlain vanilla. No "touch of gold" here.Dec 11, 2004
Building top multi-sector cell site595 viewsYet another roof-top cell site. This is a macrosite adjacent to a major freeway in Los Angeles.1 commentsDec 09, 2004
Top Hat Wireless?405 viewsHere's a different spin on hanging antennas from a pole. The other poles along this strand line are shorter, but AT&T Wireless replaced the existing pole with a taller one to provide room at the top to hang its three sectors of panel antennas.Dec 09, 2004
Microcell Bolted on Parking Lot Light479 viewsSpotted in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, this microcell site is bolted to the top of an existing parking lot light standard. Notice the equipment mounted in the grass area (hey, guy, open that car door slowly or you might hit something).Dec 05, 2004
Oil's Well that Emits Well372 viewsOld oil wells can make good cell sites, even when a building has been built around the base!Dec 05, 2004
More Power from Power...400 views...plant, that is. San Diego County, California.Dec 03, 2004
Multi-carrier Omnis and Panels411 viewsThis traditional 'high iron' site supports several carriers using omni-directional antennas, as well as at least one carrier with sectorized panel antennas.Dec 01, 2004
Close-up of Cell Antennas and GPS Antenna on Traffic Signal/Light Standard482 viewsThis is a close-up of the antennas mounted on the traffic signal. Note the two coax cables into the bottom of each panel antenna. One is for transmitting and the other is for receiving.Nov 29, 2004
Updated to Digital...357 viewsThis overview shot shows the antennas (cells and GPS) on a traffic signal, and the BTS equipment in the sidewalk area to the left of the traffic signal. Compare this photo to the photograph in this gallery from a few years ago when this was an analog site.Nov 29, 2004
404 files on 3 page(s) 2