
8 foot antenna on building491 viewsA rather ugly 8' antenna stuck on the side of a building in Tarzana, California     (1 votes)

8 foot antenna on building364 viewsA rather ugly 8' antenna stuck on the side of a building in Tarzana, California     (1 votes)

8 foot antenna on building313 viewsA rather ugly 8' antenna stuck on the side of a building in Tarzana, California     (1 votes)

8 foot antenna on building339 viewsA rather ugly 8' antenna stuck on the side of a building in Tarzana, California     (0 votes)

8 foot antenna on building280 views8 foot antenna tarzana california building     (0 votes)

Multi-carrier Monopole Site345 viewsMulti-carrier Monopole Site in Santa Fe, New Mexico     (0 votes)

Just park that signal!583 viewsT-Mobile's recently upgraded parking lot site in Long Beach, California.     (2 votes)

Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey484 viewsWater tank site or giant doorknob in Maryland.     (0 votes)

Sprint Omni Site342 viewsTwo on an Arm legacy Sprint site in Los Angeles     (0 votes)

Sprint Omni Site392 viewsSprint's underground equipment vault     (0 votes)

Sprint Omni Site350 viewsTwo on an Arm legacy Sprint site in Los Angeles     (0 votes)

Sprint Omni Site346 viewsTwo baby-vents for Sprint's equipment vault.     (0 votes)

Righty Tighty Lefty Loosy449 viewsIt's either a water tank or a big door knob. Oh yes, it has antennas on it.     (0 votes)

New Concept: A wireless site without antennas or base station equipment1249 viewsThis SCE tower features a three sector panel mount without panels. It also lacks any base station.      (0 votes)

Sprint Monopole in Lebec, California769 viewsSite is controlled by TowerCo (soon to be SBC).     (1 votes)

Power on the Tower418 viewsAn AT&T site on a SCE transmission tower in Thousand Oaks, California.     (0 votes)

A Pair of Monopoles in Gorman, California401 viewsAt the northern end of Los Angeles County along I-5.     (0 votes)

Guyed Tower in Cantua Creek, California333 viewsA big tower in a small town. It's guyed.     (0 votes)

YMCA Monopole735 viewsA shorty monopole site at a YMCA camp in Thousand Oaks, California.     (0 votes)

Rocket South of Santa Fe on I-25487 viewsOne of the worst located sites I have ever run across.     (0 votes)

Santa Fe Country Club399 viewsMono-Golfball Screen     (0 votes)

Santa Fe Country Club372 viewsMono-Golfball Screen     (0 votes)

Santa Fe Country Club394 viewsMono-Golfball Screen     (0 votes)

Santa Fe Country Club390 views     (0 votes)

Cricket in Santa Fe493 viewsThe Fashion Outlets of Santa Fe hosts this Cricket site.     (0 votes)

Cricket in Santa Fe360 viewsThe Fashion Outlets of Santa Fe hosts this Cricket site.     (0 votes)

Santa Fe High School Light Standard356 viewsLight Standard site at Santa Fe High School (New Mexico)     (0 votes)

Santa Fe High School Light Standard354 viewsLight Standard site at Santa Fe High School (New Mexico)     (0 votes)

Santa Fe Big Steel Lattice Tower349 viewsSanta Fe, New Mexico     (0 votes)

Santa Fe Big Steel Guyed Tower328 viewsSanta Fe Big Steel Guyed Tower     (0 votes)

Santa Fe Big Steel Guyed Tower297 viewsSanta Fe Big Steel Guyed Tower     (0 votes)

Cricket has the Power in Santa Fe305 viewsCricket has the Power in Santa Fe     (0 votes)

Cricket has the Power in Santa Fe325 viewsCricket has the Power in Santa Fe     (0 votes)

CornucopiaMicrowave Horn in Las Vegas, New Mexico351 viewsThis is a 'cornucopia' (high performance) microwave antenna at the CenturyLink Central Office in Las Vegas, New Mexico.     (0 votes)

Big Steel over Las Vegas (New Mexico, that is)345 viewsThis multi-carrier tower serves much of Las Vegas, New Mexico.     (0 votes)

Use a Cell Phone: Go to Jail531 viewsSpotted in Las Vegas, New Mexico     (0 votes)

Big Iron in New Mexico (I25 north of ABQ)325 views     (0 votes)

Big Iron in New Mexico (I25 north of ABQ)278 views     (0 votes)

Big Iron in New Mexico (I25 north of ABQ)287 views     (0 votes)

Big Iron in New Mexico (I25 north of ABQ)273 views     (0 votes)

Big Iron in New Mexico (I25 north of ABQ)267 views     (0 votes)

Big Iron in New Mexico (I25 north of ABQ)260 views     (0 votes)

Big Iron in New Mexico (I25 north of ABQ)257 views     (0 votes)

Big Iron in New Mexico (I25 north of ABQ)254 views     (0 votes)

Big Iron in New Mexico (I25 north of ABQ)268 views     (0 votes)

Sprint on a Stick in San Diego County378 views     (0 votes)

Sprint on a Stick in San Diego County342 views     (0 votes)

Federally Protected Bird's Next in Taos, NM418 viewsThis is a close-up of the federally-protected bird's next located high up an American Tower colo site in Taos, New Mexico.     (0 votes)

Radio Plaza in Santa Fe, NM358 viewsThis is an updated photo of the Radio Plaza site, overlooing the historic central plaza in Sante Fe, New Mexico.     (0 votes)

A Tower That Helps Birds!480 viewsThis is American Tower's "Taos Center" tower site in, ah, Taos (New Mexico). It's most unique feature is the federally protected bird's nest on the tower. Here's the sign warning against climbing without permission.     (0 votes)

Tall Tower to Save Birds391 viewsAmerican Tower's Taos Central site in Taos, NM has a federally-protected bird's nest on one of the platforms. The the photos here. Search on Taos.     (0 votes)

335 viewsThis is a very, very tall self-supporting lattice tower site, owned by American Tower, in Espanola, New Mexico.     (0 votes)

Cell Call Box (Version 2)374 viewsHere is the current version of this cellular call box, located on Pacific Coast Highway in southern Ventura County, California. A photograph of the original design is also here at this site. Search on "Cell Call Box" to find it.     (0 votes)

2,500 Years Apart342 viewsThe Acropolis above Athens has been standing for 2,500 years. The cell antennas on the rooftops, not so long.     (0 votes)

Catch a Dream With This Site362 viewsLocated ajacent to the "Dreamcatcher Cinema" in Espanola, NM, this uni-pole-ish, mon-pole-ish site is owned by TowerCo.     (0 votes)

Lighting the Lot431 viewsSprint's interesting little Mono-Parking-Lot-Light-Site in San Fernando, California     (0 votes)

Lolipop Antenna Mount432 viewsA Lolipop antenna mount is a panel on top of a short pole. Here is on installed by Cricket Wireless in the San Diego, California market. Notice how the coaxial cables are protected within a metal tube.     (0 votes)

A Terrible Missile Rises Over the New Mexico Horizon427 viewsThis is a monster of a visible site. It stands 150 feet tall and is located on the I25 Frontage Road east of County Road 57 south of Santa Fe, NM. There is another photo in this gallery showing just how awful this site is from afar.     (0 votes)

Powering Up Santa Fe397 viewsT-Mobile occupies the top of this power transmission pole near the Plaza in Santa Fe, New Mexico.     (0 votes)

Tower Towers Over the Santa Fe Plaza394 viewsThis tower stands just south of the Plaza in historic Santa Fe. It's clearly visible from much of the Plaza area. So sad     (0 votes)

A Terrible Missile Rises Over the New Mexico Horizon389 viewsThis is a monster of a visible site. It stands 150 feet tall and is located on the I25 Frontage Road east of County Road 57 south of Santa Fe, NM. There is another photo in this gallery showing just how awful this site is from close-up.     (0 votes)

A Terrible Missile Rises Over the New Mexico Horizon384 viewsThis is a monster of a visible site. It stands 150 feet tall and is located on the I25 Frontage Road east of County Road 57 south of Santa Fe, NM. There is another photo in this gallery showing just how awful this site is from afar.     (0 votes)

It Radiates Near Radiation525 viewsThis is a monopole owned by American Tower located in Los Alamos, New Mexico. They work on things there that are better left unspoken (absent a suitable security clearance, that it).     (0 votes)

Manny, Moe and Jack371 viewsThese three lattice towers stand just off of US285 in Nambe, New Mexico. This site is a few miles north of the Santa Fe Opera House.     (0 votes)

Tower Towers Over the Santa Fe Plaza426 viewsTowering over the historic Santa Fe Plaza (and just about everything else in the area), this awful pole is about as out of place as a tower can be. So sad. Thanks to Alltel for contributing to the spoiling of the historic Santa Fe Plaza area.     (1 votes)

Los Alamos, New Mexico361 viewsThis is a monopole owned by Alltel, and is located in Los Alamos, New Mexico. This tower is fairly close to the airport, so that's why you see an aircraft warning light on the top.      (0 votes)

A true Solar Cell558 viewsThis is a photo of AT&T's solar powered cell site just north of CA52 at Mast Road in San Diego. This site connects back to the mobile telephone switching office via a microwave antenna (behind the panel).     (0 votes)

UCLA? I C LA!629 viewsVerizon's right-of-way microcell monopole site on Hilgard Avenue near Manning just to the east of UCLA. The base station equipment is located underground adjacent to the two vents.     (1 votes)

NextG DAS Pole Mounted Site701 viewsA NextG distributed antenna system (DAS) site in Redondo Beach, California.     (1 votes)

Santa Fe Opera462 viewsSingle carrier on a driveway light at the Santa Fe Opera, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Note the BTS enclosure.     (0 votes)

Take me to the Opera!471 viewsThe BTS cabinets for the multi-carrier sites (on parking lot lights) at the Santa Fe Opera in Santa Fe, New Mexico.     (0 votes)

A parking lot light site at the Santa Fe Opera, Santa Fe, NM.506 viewsMulti-carrier sites (on parking lot lights) at the Santa Fe Opera in Santa Fe, New Mexico.     (0 votes)

Take me to the Opera!420 viewsA parking lot light site at the Santa Fe Opera, Santa Fe, NM.     (0 votes)

Take me to the Opera!409 viewsThe BTS cabinets for the multi-carrier sites (on parking lot lights) at the Santa Fe Opera in Santa Fe, New Mexico.     (0 votes)

Not too compliant with the FCC OET Bulletin 65 Rules670 viewsThe FCC rules require that where visitors (and even trespassers) are expected, a wireless carrier must protect those members of the general population from RF exposure exceeding the uncontrolled standard. This site does not meet that requirement due to the antennas mounted on the exterior fence of this water tank site.     (1 votes)

Wireless, with Cables558 viewsSome of the base station equipment cabinets (cellular, paging, etc.) at the upper landing of the Mt. Roberts Tramway in Juneau, Alaska     (0 votes)

Wireless, with Cables528 viewsThis multicarrier site is at the upper station of the Mt. Roberts Tramway in Juneau, Alaska.     (0 votes)

Ketchikan Me if you Kan414 viewsMulticarrier site in Ketchikan, Alaska     (0 votes)

Wireless, with Cables429 viewsClose up of the multicarrier site at the upper station of the Mt. Roberts Tramway in Juneau, Alaska.     (1 votes)

Ketchikan Me if you Kan385 viewsMulticarrier site in Ketchikan, Alaska     (0 votes)

Wait 'Till We Get Our Haines Signal On You!395 viewsMulticarrier site above Haines, Alaska     (0 votes)

On the Fence397 viewsSome wireless carriers mount their antennas on the outside of water tank sites atop hilltops.      (0 votes)

About three hundred years apart550 viewsYes, this is big iron in Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania. Yes, it's in the middle of a field being tended by local Amish citizens. Yes, this photo captures technology spanning about 300 years. Amazing!     (0 votes)

Amish Area Cell Tower430 views...in Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania, in the heart of the Amish country.     (0 votes)

A well lit monolight brought to you by Verizon595 views...in the San Fernando Valley. A Verizon site. The base station equipment is located in one of the mall stores, which Verizon has taken over and added a new interior door.     (4 votes)

CoLo Site - Escondido, California477 viewsMesa Rock Road north of Deer Creek Road, Escondido, California.     (2 votes)

CoLo Site - Escondido, California584 viewsMesa Rock Road north of Deer Creek Road, Escondido, California.     (2 votes)

CoLo Site - Escondido, California440 viewsMesa Rock Road north of Deer Creek Road, Escondido, California.     (2 votes)

DAS Outboard on Power Meter506 viewsOnce more, Cingular (now AT&T) employs the cabinet-on-a-cabinet technique of placing its DAS note, here in Rolling Hills Estates, California.     (2 votes)

Das da ticket!573 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.     (2 votes)

Das da ticket!573 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet. Notice that the node is not directly affixed, but is held via stand-offs.     (1 votes)

Das da ticket!495 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.     (1 votes)

Das da ticket!546 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.     (1 votes)

Das da ticket!647 viewsA close up of the AT&T Wireless DAS antennas. Note several things:
First, the RF warning sign is on the rear of the antenna, where is cannot be seen by someone approaching the antenna. This is not consistent with the FCC RF safety requirements.
Second, these are dual band antennas. In the far antenna, the cellular band antenna feed is on the right; the PCS band feed is on the left.     (2 votes)

Das da ticket!614 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.     (1 votes)

Awful AT&T Antennas743 viewsThis rather awful antenna site, from AT&T wireless, is located at 10239 1/2 Vassar in Canoga Park, California. The dual band antennas use tower mounted amplifiers to enhance weak signal reception.     (1 votes)

Awful AT&T Antennas627 viewsThis rather awful antenna site, from AT&T wireless, is located at 10239 1/2 Vassar in Canoga Park, California. The dual band antennas use tower mounted amplifiers to enhance weak signal reception.     (1 votes)

CellSign Updated563 viewsThis AT&T wireless site has been modified since the last time we photographed it. Search for "Pico" to find the original site configuration. Originally, this was a single band site; now this is a dual band site. The boxes adjacent to the amplifiers are called "tower mounted amplifiers" (TMAs).     (2 votes)

CellSign Updated473 viewsThis AT&T wireless site has been modified since the last time we photographed it. Search for "Pico" to find the original site configuration. Originally, this was a single band site; now this is a dual band site. The boxes adjacent to the amplifiers are called "tower mounted amplifiers" (TMAs).     (2 votes)

Yerba Buena Island Site Serving the Oakland Bay Bridge550 viewsFrom July, 2001: This multicarrier site is pumping RF along the upper and lower spans of the Oakland Bay Bridge. Located on Yerba Buena Island (on the south side of the spans), this is an interesting configuration, employing "tip-to-tip" construction.
June 2008: This site no long exists. It has been removed to make way for construction of the new Bay Bridge connection to Yerba Buena Island. -jlk     (0 votes)

Desert Storm!691 viewsVerizon's "Desert Storm" light standard site in Irvine, California.     (3 votes)

Tumwater Reservoir, Tumwater, Washington520 viewsNear the Tumwater Airport. Note the airport rotating aerodrome beacon on top of the tank.      (1 votes)

Tumwater Reservoir, Tumwater, Washington460 viewsNear the Tumwater Airport.     (1 votes)

Unipole in Lacey, Washington553 viewsA T-Mobile unipole site in Lacey, Washington at the King Oscar Motel. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=kings+car+motel+lacey+washington&sll=33.857997,-118.283083&sspn=0.000873,0.002701&ie=UTF8&cd=1&ll=47.061194,-122.766165&spn=0,354.468384&t=h&z=8&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=47.061194,-122.766165&panoid=dqNvyTifCTgz-nLk-Ftupw&cbp=12,3.8848713226988707,,0,-6.115048506611214     (0 votes)

Sign me up!606 viewsSprint's site, at the intersection of I-405 and I110 in Gardena, California, is built atop a commercial enterprise sign. See: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=gardena,ca&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=29.025693,55.107422&ie=UTF8&ll=33.857997,-118.283083&spn=0.000873,0.002701&t=h&z=19&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=33.857997,-118.283083&panoid=cnzdeipYOjdDXyBwyMclfQ&cbp=12,307.77006332815694,,0,-20.14375050524673     (2 votes)

Big Iron CoLo in Lacey Washington548 viewsNextel and AT&T Wireless share this tower in Lacey, Washington. Notice the climbing space through the bottom platform.     (1 votes)

Big Iron CoLo in Lacey Washington456 viewsNextel and AT&T Wireless share this tower in Lacey, Washington     (0 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node612 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (0 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node830 viewsNextG's DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. The DAS equipment manufacturer is Andrew Corporation. This DAS node is a member of Andrew's ION ("Intelligent Optical Network") line of products. The cover at the top of the DAS housing covers a cooling fan.
Under SDG&E rules, this site does not consume enough power to require a power meter; merely a breaker box (located to the right of the DAS node).     (0 votes)

NextG RF Safety Advisory Notice672 viewsThis is NextG's RF safety advisory below the DAS node. It clearly spells out the RF safety facts and compliance for this site as it pertains to the general population walking by the site.     (0 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node561 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (0 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node466 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (0 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node469 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (1 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node467 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (1 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node520 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (2 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node429 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (0 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node431 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (0 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node555 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (1 votes)

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node439 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.     (1 votes)

Central Sedona Arizona536 viewsThis multicarrier site is located at Fire Station 4 in Sedona, Arizona.     (2 votes)

Central Sedona Arizona449 viewsLocated at Fire Station 4 in Sedona, Arizona, this multicarrier site has an attractive backdrop.     (0 votes)

Grand Canyon - South Rim421 viewsThis multicarrier site is located near the Bright Angle Lodge at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona.     (0 votes)

God Bless This Cell Site449 viewsLocated east of I-17 in Black Rock City, Arizona, this multicarrier site has an odd shaped antenna mounted directly to the tower. A message, perhaps?     (0 votes)

Blessed Be This Cell Site487 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!     (0 votes)

Blessed Be This Cell Site462 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!     (1 votes)

Blessed Be This Cell Site391 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!     (0 votes)

Blessed Be This Cell Site415 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!     (2 votes)

Steel in the Air445 viewsThis AT&T wireless site is located on Highway 64, about 12 miles south of Valle, Arizona. It's mounted on a steel power transmission pole. Note the flat panel back-haul antenna located below the panels.     (1 votes)

Grand Canyon Valle Airport379 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.     (0 votes)

Sock-it-to-me412 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.     (1 votes)

Which Way is the Wind Blowing?393 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.     (0 votes)

461 viewsA Verizon MTSO in Stockton, California.     (0 votes)

A Dam Tall Tower513 viewsThis tall tower, well, towers over Hoover Dam in Nevada and/or Arizona. I guess it depends in which state you live. This tower is on the Nevada side.     (3 votes)

It's a sign...it's a monopole...it's a sign...it's a monopole574 viewsWhy, it's both, in Henderson, Nevada.     (2 votes)

Flamingos Have Antennas!546 viewsI always focused on the tail feathers of Flamingos. Who knew that they had antennas, too!     (1 votes)

Los Angeles Cathedrial457 viewsA surface mount antenna site at the Los Angeles Cathedral.      (2 votes)

Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California757 viewsThis view shows the separate fences for the varioud sites. Notice that the walkway between the Nextel site (left) and the Sprint site (middle, foreground) passes right under the various panels.     (1 votes)

Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California566 viewsNextel's site is to the far left. Sprint's site is in the foreground. Verizon uses the short tower in the rear-right of the photo.     (0 votes)

Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California728 viewsAs of early 2006, Verizon, Nextel, and Sprint have sites here, above the Lambert sisters home. All of this property, save for the homestead and trees, is being developed. The cell site is to be relocated. Notice he ripe red yummy things in the foreground.     (0 votes)