Photos of camouflaged wireless sites including cell pines, cell palms, cell rocks, cell signs, cell flagpoles, mono cypress trees, church steeples, clock towers, a cellular bison, grain silos, a faux adobe home cell site, etc.
709 files, last one added on Jan 12, 2016 Album viewed 39432 times
WELCOME WALL STREET JOURNAL READERS! These photos are of the first group of Mobilitie sites in the City of Los Angeles. These photos show the uninspired (and rather ugly) design employed by Mobilitie.
390 files, last one added on Oct 20, 2017 Album viewed 3288 times
This public art cell site in the City of San Diego was conceived and designed by Ron Pekar and Sandy McDaniel; brought to life by Esteban DuPont's CellTech Wireless, sponsored by Crown Castle, and permitted by the City of San Diego. This is a wonderful result for a great collaboration. Located at CA905 and Beyer Blvd in San Diego. I am honored to have played a very small role in making this site come to life.
27 files, last one added on Feb 19, 2017 Album viewed 2282 times
A gallery dedicated to a uniquely designed multi-carrier cell tower constructed in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The architect for this site is Dekker/Perich/Sabatini. This site uses light and shadows to enhance the aesthetics.
247 files, last one added on Dec 11, 2011 Album viewed 3778 times
So. Cal. Gas wireless meters connect to centralized collection points, such as those shown in this Album, and then are relayed by another wireless connection to the Gas Company computer systems.
43 files, last one added on Oct 08, 2014 Album viewed 1351 times
KMLT-FM in Thousand Oaks, California features a nearly invisible antenna and an underground transmitter building in an Open Space, Protected Ridge zone. See how this station grew from a set of plans to replace an aging hilltop facility to a new and unique facility.
51 files, last one added on May 28, 2006 Album viewed 2790 times
Construction (and reconstruction) of a camouflaged Verizon site in West Los Angeles. Once in the gallery, select "FILE NAME +" to view in the proper order.
34 files, last one added on Jan 29, 2006 Album viewed 2228 times
51 files, last one added on Sep 21, 2012 Album viewed 961 times
1 albums on 1 page(s)
Robert Voit's Cell Site PhotosRobert Voit, based in Germany, is a very talented cell site photographer. Copy and enter the link below into your web browser to visit his site: