Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Top rated
8. Installation of the Cable Tray to the Roof437 viewsThe techs are installing the cable tray. Once installed, the coaxial cables will be lashed to the ladder arms to provide for support, and to prevent excessive bending of the coaxial cables.22222
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405 views22222
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398 views22222
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Inside 2.JPG
View inside the Transmitter Vault628 viewsHere's a view facing southwest inside the equipment vault. The large openings are for air conditioning. The cable conduit entry ports can be seen in the upper-far corner of the same wall. Photo by Bill Cloutier.22222
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Cabinet Pads in the Transmitter Vault556 viewsThe raised concrete pads lift the transmitter and air conditioning cabinets off of the floor. That's real handy where water might pool around it, don't ya know! Photo by Bill Cloutier.22222
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No Trouble Here! (1 of 3)716 viewsThis Nextel site in North Hollywood, California has its equipment room located to the right of the building in the brick-faced 1 story extension. The antennas are mounted behind RF transparent panels finished to look like a brick parapet (top left).22222
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Sprint Cell on Wheels (COW)802 viewsAt the Rose Bowl, January 2005, Sprint used this temporary cell site to add network capacity in the Rose Bowl area.22222
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Self-supporting cell tower - Mass Turnpike363 viewsThis co-location site is in Newton, MA along the turnpike.22222
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Cell Site Generator Plug and Breaker/Switch-over Panel500 viewsMany cell sites must operate 24/7, even in the event of a commercial power failure. Most carriers have standby power generators that can be driven to cell sites and plugged in to a generator plug such as the one shown to the right of the breaker/switch-over panel. This facility is owned by AT&T Wireless. It's in the western part of Los Angeles.22222
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Penthouse external mounted site463 viewsThis is a plain, externally mounted cell site on a commercial office building. Note the GPS (timing) antenna well above the roof line, which might have been mounted at the roof level to minimize its visibility from ground level without impairing its function.22222
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Pole-mounted Microcell1327 viewsThis wireless microcell provides uninterrupted coverage on a busy major highway in a steep winding canyon on the Southern California coast. 22222
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Monorock, Interrupted1196 viewsSprint has demonstrated that it can build very nice monorock sites. This isn't one of those good sites. Too many square edges, and not continued around the back enough to hide the edges from passersby. For an example of how Sprint does this type of design correctly search this site for "Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!" 22222
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837 views22222
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Blessed be Sprint850 viewsA sprint site inside a faux bell tower at a church in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles, California).22222
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Almost a Flagpole Site832 viewsThe panels are missing at this flagpole site in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles, California).22222
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Camouflaged Antenna Site840 viewsThis tower houses sector antennas.22222
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2008 Rose Bowl Herd662 viewsFrom foreground to background we have Nextel, Sprint, and AT&T Wireless. This is the usual herd found at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena for the Rose Bowl Game and related events. These cows are penned on the west side of the Bowl across the wash from the south parking lot. Moo!22222
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Wireless Adobe888 viewsA telephoto shot of Cingular's wireless adobe site on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).22222
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CellSign Updated560 viewsThis AT&T wireless site has been modified since the last time we photographed it. Search for "Pico" to find the original site configuration. Originally, this was a single band site; now this is a dual band site. The boxes adjacent to the amplifiers are called "tower mounted amplifiers" (TMAs).22222
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CellSign Updated473 viewsThis AT&T wireless site has been modified since the last time we photographed it. Search for "Pico" to find the original site configuration. Originally, this was a single band site; now this is a dual band site. The boxes adjacent to the amplifiers are called "tower mounted amplifiers" (TMAs).22222
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Any port in a storm782 viewsThis is a cable port near the base of the monopalm. It is used to provide an entrance/exit for the coax cables in the trunk of the tree. The 'ladder' below the port is actually a cable support. The coax cables are lashed to the ladder to provide physical support as the cables transit through the cable port.22222
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481 views22222
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Sprint Together With Nextel...852 views...have the two unusual antenna supports at this site, located west of the L.A. Convention Center. Cingular is here, too, with a mono-bore tower off the photo to the right. Gee, that Nextel tower could sure use a fresh coat of paint, do you agree?22222
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You Can Rest Your Signal Here725 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.22222
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13. Securing the Cables and Painting398 viewsThings are moving forward downstairs, too! 22222
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11. Cables are now in the Cable Tray413 viewsWe're getting closer! Notice that the cables make a gentle (less than 90 degree) bend at the bottom of the ladder where it connects to the tray in the hallway. Bending cables too much can kink them. Kinking can cause excessive signal transmission losses. Not a good thing! Also notice that the GPS antenna is now installed--quite visibly--at the top of the cable tray on the roof. More in the next photograph...22222
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4. BTS Pad and Cable Termination431 viewsThe raised concrete pad is to support the BTS equipment. The cables that dead-end in the wall-mounted tray will connect the roof antennas to the BTS.22222
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325 views22222
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Highland View Pentecostal Assembly - Los Angeles579 viewsThis site's antennas are built into a add-on box on the bell tower.22222
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Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?1192 viewsI continue to update the gallery with new photos of this ever-changing site. The latest is the addition of new panel antennas.4 comments22222
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Two Cacti Site - Eagle Mountain Golf Course and Inn981 viewsHere are two more cellular cacti, both manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). The landscaping at this site is nothing less than outstanding. It's very difficult to photograph either of the cacti in a full frame given the landscaping. If you didn't know it was there...you wouldn't know it was there! Way to go, Sprint!3 comments22222
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Making calls in Comfort589 viewsNextel invites you to make calls via its camo site atop this Comfort Inn in Fountain Hills, Arizona22222
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Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site703 viewsLooking at another side of Sprint's faux elevator penthouse, it's clear to see that this site is in need of some demand maintenance. The RF transparent panels are falling off.1 comments22222
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Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site574 viewsIn West Los Angeles, Sprint's antennas are located in a faux elevator penthouse, and the base telecommunications station equipment is in the foreground on the left side. If you look closely on the top of the parapet you'll see a pair of AT&T Wireless (now Cingular) omnidirectional antennas. Those antennas are featured elsewhere in this gallery.22222
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Well, it's mostly a camo site!1059 viewsNotice how the panel antennas peek over the top of the faux-whatcha-ma-call-it. This is possibly due to an antenna change out that didn't consider (or perhaps care) about the length of the new antenna.

Not a good design.
1 comments22222
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Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California602 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This non-camo sector shines north along Interstate 5.
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A New Sign of the Times396 viewsYes, this cell site is sandwiched between two outdoor advertising signs. Yes, two of the three sectors shine THROUGH the signs (with metal rails just in front of the panel antennas). 22222
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An Executive Quality Installation946 viewsVerizon's camo site in Irvine, California is well-crafted inside this business park monument.1 comments22222
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Camo shutters838 viewsHere's a cell site with the antennas recessed into the wall. RF-transparent shutters will be installed in front of the antennas to make the antennas disappear. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.22222
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Two Greek Cows548 views...on the road between Athens and the Athens Airport. Shot through the window of a moving taxi.22222
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Yet another ____ Pole1142 viewsOnce again we have a flag pole antenna site missing an important element: The Flag! This is a Cricket site in Spring Valley, California. Notice that the GPS antenna is visible above the CMU wall enclosing the BTS cabinets; it's a bad design, and unnecessary.22222
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897 views22222
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So-So Sprint Monopine Close-up1254 viewsThis is a close-up of the panel array located at Sprint's monopine, located in Corona, California, is a good example of what happens when the antenna array extends past the branches. Also note the degraded and falling-off panel covers (socks). This site is now managed by TowerCo.22222
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So-So Sprint Monopine2049 viewsSprint's monopine, located in Corona, California, is a good example of what happens when the antenna array extends past the branches. Also note the degraded and falling-off panel covers (socks). This site is now managed by TowerCo.22222
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Mono-Cross in Tempe Arizona712 viewsThis is a fairly blah mono-cross in Tempe, Arizona. Taken mid-afternoon.22222
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Monorock, Interrupted810 viewsSide view of Sprint's monrock highlights the poor design that has many sharp edges; is incomplete; and sports a GPS antenna sticking up above the rock. Yuck.22222
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660 views22222
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T-Mobile Faux Lighthouse Antennas799 viewsPublic Storage, the national chain of self-storage centers has many centers that provide cell site locations. This center, in the San Fernando Valley, supports two carriers (T-Mobile and Sprint Nextel). The antennas on top of the faux lighthouse belong to T-Mobile.22222
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Days'd and Confused890 viewsJust a bit more flashing, if you please.22222
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Sprint on a building902 viewsThis is a Sprint site in San Marcos, California. The BTS equipment cabinets are within in the CMU walled enclosure at ground level; the antennas are inside the surface mounted box on below the top of the building. This site is co-located with a Cricket Wireless monocypress site.22222
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Mono Cypress880 viewsCricket Wireless has constructed an attractive mono cypress in San Marcos, California. This is a close up of the BTS equipment. Note that a Sprint site enclosure is in the background.22222
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An Insect Attracted to a Light913 viewsThe omnidirectional antenna of the Cricket Wireless DAS site (installed by NextG) on a light standard in Encinitas, California.22222
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Awful AT&T Antennas740 viewsThis rather awful antenna site, from AT&T wireless, is located at 10239 1/2 Vassar in Canoga Park, California. The dual band antennas use tower mounted amplifiers to enhance weak signal reception.22222
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Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm582 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.22222
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Tumwater Reservoir, Tumwater, Washington458 viewsNear the Tumwater Airport.22222
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Big Iron CoLo in Lacey Washington546 viewsNextel and AT&T Wireless share this tower in Lacey, Washington. Notice the climbing space through the bottom platform.22222
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NextG Distributed Antenna System Node468 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.22222
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Steel in the Air445 viewsThis AT&T wireless site is located on Highway 64, about 12 miles south of Valle, Arizona. It's mounted on a steel power transmission pole. Note the flat panel back-haul antenna located below the panels.22222
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Two on a Stick410 viewsHere's a long view of this two-carrier site. If you look in the sidewalk area to the right of the pole you'll see Cingular's flush-to-grade equipment vault, and just to the left of it, Cingular's two flush-to-grade vents.22222
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A Sign of the T-Mobile Times498 viewsThis furniture store sign supports T-Mobile's sectorized antennas. National City, California (south of San Diego). The furniture store is out of business.22222
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Highland View Pentecostal Assembly - Los Angeles627 viewsOverview of the antenna camo boxes on the bell tower.22222
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YA_P Site658 viewsYet another ____ pole site. This one in Newport Beach, California.22222
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I'll Turn Left on a Green Sector...408 viewsFountain Hills area of greater Phoenix. A three sector site atop a traffic and light standard.22222
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Eagle Mountain Cellular Cactus592 viewsEagle Mountain Inn, Arizona. Design by Larson-USA. It's an outstanding Sprint site.22222
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Nextel Camo Site - Completed583 viewsElsewhere in this gallery you'll find a photo of this site while under construction. This photo shows the completed site.22222
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Panoramic view near antenna looking at the KMLT work site460 viewsHere's a good overview of the KMLT transmitter site, under construction, and the City of Thousand Oaks in the background. The camera position is about 30 feet south of the antenna. 22222
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Not much water, but lots of signal1604 viewsLocated in at a shopping center in Oxnard, California, the cell antennas are located below the faux water tank.3 comments22222
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18 - Our little friend has changed and grown!1171 viewsThis photo, taken in November, 2004 shows (1) that the second-to-the-right antenna has been changed out without much regard to color matching, (2) that a new dual-band antenna has been added on trunk below the prior-existing antennas, and (3) that the faux branches have been extended down the trunk to provide partial cover for the new antenna.

Note that the replacement dual-band antenna has its four cable ports visible on the bottom of the antenna, unlike the existing with hidden rear connectors. Most unsightly!

Sad, sad little tree.
(15 votes)
Two very different camo cell palm trees1316 viewsNotice the striking design differences between the two cell palms One uses a light round trunk; the other a darker square trunk with a diamond cross-hatch design. Also notice the difference in palm coverage. The Time Warner Palm Desert headend self-supporting tower can been seen in the background of the enlarged photograph.22222
(7 votes)
Waving the Flag and the Signal1104 viewsThis camo flag is adjacent to a major freeway. Note that under federal law the flag must be illuminated at night (it's not). 22222
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Close-up of GPS Antenna and LMU Antenna485 viewsCingular's GPS antenna (left) and the LMU antenna are mounted at about the 5 foot level adjacent to the sidewalk. It's amazing that they're still there. Hope no pedestrians walk into the bracket at night.22222
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Radome above light standard1083 viewsThis Sprint* site, in Thousand Oaks, California, is a low-impact micro cell designed to serve a small area of twisty streets.

*Thanks for clearing this up, Jimmy!
1 comments22222
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Cell Call Box578 viewsWhere there's nothing else vertical, some carriers will build cell sites on call boxes. This call box (now replaced) was installed on the Pacific Coast Highway near Point Mugu, California. The base station equipment was located in the flush vault in the foreground.22222
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13 - Basically Complete742 viewsThis is a photo of the site at completion.22222
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537 views22222
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Camouflaged Antenna, Exposed BTS Cabinets1120 viewsNotice the BTS cabinets of the two carriers installed on the roof of this shopping center adjacent to the tower camouflaging the antennas. This photo take from an adjacent commercial site parking lot. 22222
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There's Hope For the Signal!681 viewsSprint's site at Hope Church in Vista California is built in the add-on column below the spire. If you look closely you can see how the add-on was constructed. The facade is RF transparent material.22222
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Gimme a Transmitter with Mustard!490 viewsAnother view of the at-grade grill over the transmitter room at KMLT. May 200622222
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21. Huh? What Happended to the Concrete Pad?421 viewsIn a surprising twist, the concrete pad has been hammered out and new frames and conduits installed. What gives? According to the work crews, it seems that the generator pad was installed 90 degrees off. Go back in the gallery and look and you'll see what I'm talking about. Because of the little error, weeks were apparently lost in site activation...not to mention $$$ (which I didn't, okay?).22222
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19. Now You See the Cables...Now You Don't386 viewsAnd the cables in the BTS area are also safely tucked away under the cover of the tray.22222
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12. Close-up of GPS antenna and top of Cable Tray446 viewsAs noted before, the cables are carefully pulled on to the roof so as to prevent kinks. The GPS antenna provides system synchronization time signals. This location is inferior as it can been seen from the ground. A better location would have been on the roof away from the edge so as to hide this element. 22222
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6. A Close-Up View of Two Sectors of RF-Transparent Panels424 viewsYet another view of the bell tower being modified to enclose the antennas. 22222
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328 views22222
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Nextel Field Light Standard Radome Antenna Mount1048 viewsNextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California) uses a field light standard to support the antennas, and the radome that covers those antennas.

The mountain in the background/right of the field light standard is Santiago Peak, the key radio site in Orange County, California.
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A Thoughtful Monopalm768 viewsThe business end of this two-carrier monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church school in Palm Desert, California. Notice that there are no antenna arms at top of the tree structure. Cool.

Thanks to Rienk Ayers of Chameleon Engineering for updating me regarding the site. Chameleon's tag line works: "the Best is Hard to Find."
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Illuminating the Way 1 of 2597 viewsThis 'lighthouse' supports an AT&T Wireless and Sprint co-lo site in Dana Point, California, just adjacent to the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Notice the antennas on the railing at the top.22222
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Sprint microcell - Two Sectors767 viewsPole mounted Sprint microcell in Brentwood, California (Parkyns St.). The panel antennas should have been painted brown or green to afford some measure of camouflage. This site is near OJ's former home on Rockingham in Brentwood, California. It's a much nicer area than were he now lives in Nevada.2 comments22222
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KMLT's Antenna Fence Under Construction504 viewsThe fence being constructed is to keep the hikers in the area away from the antenna site. At the time this photo was snapped KMLT was operating from its old (aux) transmitter site some miles away.22222
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Panoramic view of KMLT - 75% backfilled484 viewsThis panoramic photo of the site shows the building backfill nearly complete. Soon it will be time to move in the transmitter and related equipment.22222
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08 - Faux Branches Installed1193 viewsOur little tree is taking shape now the branches have been installed. Notice the unprotected coaxial cables running to the tree near the base (right side).22222
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Painting on the Sky 6 of 6585 viewsA close up of Bill priming the next section of the pole, and...from the looks of it...part of his left hand.22222
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06 - Antenna Arms Installed671 viewsThe antenna support arms are installed. The coaxial cables are fanned out to the arms to match to the antennas that will be installed later.22222
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What time is it?1609 viewsIt's time to make a cell phone call. This is a multiple carrier cell site.22222
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Sprint's Dual Light Standard Site806 viewsHigh above the US101 (Ventura Freeway) in Thousand Oaks sit these dual light standards. Two light standards provide three sectors of diversity coverage in this very high (RF) traffic area. The BTS equpment is located in the vault between the two light standards.22222
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Omnidirectional to Sectorized390 viewsThese poles formerly supported omnidirectional cell antennas. The carrier increased capacity by replacing the omni antennas with sectorized panel antennas.22222
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This signal ISN'T watered down365 viewsNote the panel antennas well below the tank.22222
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01 - Before634 viewsThis is a photo simulation of the site prior to the installation of the concrete base. (SORT by "TITLE +" or "TITLE -" in the upper right of the thumbnail frame to see these photos in the proper order!)22222
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Mono(blah)-Palm950 viewsCrown Castle's mono-palm in Mesa, Arizona hosts two carriers. The anchor carrier is Sprint; the other is unknown. A fairly poor design, made worse by the addtion of the panels below the top.22222
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CoLo Site - Escondido, California476 viewsMesa Rock Road north of Deer Creek Road, Escondido, California.22222
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Almost a Flagpole Site2020 viewsThe panels are missing at this flagpole site in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles, California). This is a good close-up showing the antenna and cables. By the way, most sites don't use bungee cords to hold the flag pole rope. 22222
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770 views22222
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DAS Outboard on Power Meter502 viewsOnce more, Cingular (now AT&T) employs the cabinet-on-a-cabinet technique of placing its DAS note, here in Rolling Hills Estates, California.22222
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2008 Rose Bowl Herd791 viewsCows need feeding. In the case of the 2008 Rose Bowl herd, Sprint and Nextel share the large AT&T data interface (bottom). AT&T Wireless gets its own interface above Sprint and Nextel.22222
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934 viewsA high resolution detail show of Cingular's wireless adobe site from the west side service road. It's on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).22222
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Sprint's COW: Rose Bowl 2006539 viewsSprint's COW at the 2006 Rose Bowl Game.22222
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493 views22222
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Cable route in/out of the CEV482 viewsThis trench will house the power and telephone cable conduits into and out of the CEV, as well as the coaxial cables to the base of the light standard.22222
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Sort-of Flag Tank Site714 views...in Boulder City, Nevada.22222
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Can You Fry Me Now?804 viewsThis site's antennas are painted to match the McDonalds barrel sign at the Barstow Station, Barstow California.22222
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KMLT's Antenna and Support Pole593 viewsThis photograph captures the final execution of KMLT's antenna. Yes, the steel support pole is painted sky blue. May 2006.22222
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33. Personals Ad: "Concrete Pad Sks Standby Pwr Gen!"460 viewsAs noted above, the standby power generator isn't (yet) installed here. Who knows...maybe it'll never be installed, but if it is, this is where it'll go.22222
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25. It's Raining, It's Pouring (Concrete)403 viewsHere's the new re-poured pad. It's just been poured. There'll be a cure period to let it harden before moving the equipment into the area.22222
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17. Clock Tower Painting Underway400 viewsA rear view of the re-painted clock tower.22222
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1. Antennas to be Hidden in Clock Tower509 viewsThree of four sides of the exsting clock tower had walls partially removed to permit the installation of RF-transparent fiberglass panels. As you'll see later, once the antennas are installed behind the panels, the panels are painted and textured to match the rest of the structure, thus hiding the antenna locations.22222
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2. Routing the Antenna Cables up to the Roof513 viewsThe coaxial cables for the antennas, including the GPS antenna, are loosely placed against teh wall going up to the roof. As you'll see later, these cables will be secured in a cable tray. At this time the GPS antenna is not yet installed.22222
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331 views22222
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The Leaning Tower of Victorville422 viewsVerizon's 3-sector wood pole is ever-so-slowly leaning over. Victorville, California.22222
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A "Sort-a-flaged" Site (Close-up)591 viewsIt's hard to hide in plain sight when the plain site is not well hidden. Thanks to Larry Thomas for identifying this as a Sprint site.22222
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Sprint Tower648 viewsThis stand-alone cell site is located in Carlsbad, California very near the La Costa Resort. Very stylish!22222
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When is a Flagpole Not a Flagpole?879 viewsWhen it's a cell site with a windsock! North Seattle Community College. Quite a nice design!1 comments22222
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Rooftop macrocell849 viewsThis macrocell is located atop a hotel next to the San Diego Freeway in West Los Angeles. Sorry, no room service on the roof.22222
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Cell-on-a-roof343 viewsThree sector cell site on a commercial building rooftop.22222
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12 - Fence Installation and Ice Guard Completion721 viewsA very short (and hardly functional) fence is installed, and the ice guard is covered. 22222
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Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?1082 viewsThis site is on USMC property in San Diego County. The red light on the trop of the cell pine tree warns off low flying helicopters. Notice how the bark cladding stops at the level of the lowest branches. Also notice how much reflective the trunk is without the cladding. The bark cladding should have been extended all the way up the tree trunk.11111
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02 - Concrete Base Installed646 viewsThis photo simulation shows the base installed before the installation of the "trunk" of the cell pine.11111
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04 - Cables Pulled in Trunk705 viewsThe coaxial cables that will be connected to the antenna are pulled from the BTS equipment to the top of the trunk. Photograph 16 in this gallery is an excellent, if long shot, of the equipment building seen here, above and behind our little tree.11111
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AT&T Camo Light Standard1012 viewsAT&T's camo light standard site at Cresthaven and Westlake Blvd. in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are within the radome above the light arm. The GPS antenna above the radome should not be visible based on the plans approved by the Planning Commission.11111
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679 views11111
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31. Cable Termination to BTS Jumpers468 viewsHere's a nice photo of the the cable terminations for the hardline cable to/from the roof, and the jumper to the equipment cabinet. The colored bands identify what cable is connected to what antenna.11111
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18. Now You See the Cables...Now You Don't402 viewsThe cables are now safely tucked away under the cover of the tray, now installed.11111
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14. Installing the Telco Interface and Power Switching Cabinets505 viewsThe large cabinet on the right (with the open door) is to house the telco interface. A telco dataline is used to connect this cell site back to Verizon's mobile telephone switching office. The two smaller cabinets on the left, starting at the far left, are the power breaker panel, and the power generator transfer switch. The transfer switch senses loss of commercial power and automatically starts the generator (yet to be installed) and transfers power to the generator once stabilized. The reverse occurs when the commercial power is restored for a minimum period of time.11111
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5. A Close-Up View of Two Sectors of RF-Transparent Panels390 viewsHere's a close-up of the bell tower being modified to enclose the antennas. The cut-outs on the front and left side of the tower are the RF transparent panels. 11111
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385 views11111
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Painting on the Sky 6 of 6655 viewsThe pole is now painted. May, 2005.

Photo thanks to Bill Cloutier.
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It's a Gas!613 viewsCompare this photo, taken in May 2005, with the photo of the same site taken in June 2001. You'll see the replacement of the center antenna in each sector. Not nearly as clean as the original design, shown here. City of Los Angeles (Brentwood area).11111
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Hey, it's a good thing they got the weatherproofing on the building!672 viewsIt's been raining 'round our soon-to-be underground friend. Notice that the conduits are extended through the precast holes.1 comments11111
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Rebar cage for underground transmitter building - From ramp542 viewsAnother shot of the rebar that forms the soon-to-be underground transmitter building. The roadway in the background goes to the antenna site, adjacent to a camouflaged water tank.11111
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Church bell tower - GPS antenna906 viewsThis is what first caught my eye: The poorly placed GPS antenna. A better design--one not visible to ground level viewers--would have been to place it at the top of the bell tower out of sight, or on the 'back side' where it would not been seen by church goers.11111
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Another wanna-be cell palm887 viewsDone on the cheap, is it a cell palm that suffers from some plastic fungus, or is it a monopole with some palms stuck on for fun. Your call...1 comments11111
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Painting on the Sky 2 of 6643 viewsBill's in the bucket applying primer, then paint, to the PCV pole supporting KMLT's antenna.

Photo thanks to Bill Cloutier.
(4 votes)
KMLT Almost Buried - Just a few weeks of work left!554 viewsThe underground transmitter building is almost complete. Just waiting on the stairs and hatch to be installed. The fencing is still not in final shape at the antenna. Most of the construction 'stuff' has left the site for points unknown. April 2005.11111
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Sort-of-Monopine834 viewsThis sickly Sprint monopine is located next to a water tank. Extremely poor branch coverage makes the overall appearance something less than stunning. No bark cladding. No antenna covers or branch coverage.2 comments11111
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COW: "Cell on Wheels"1560 viewsCOWs are used to provide temporary service, usually to special events, before the installation of a cell site, or in emergencies. Here's a COW owned by Nextel that was used to provide temporary service was the permanent site was being constructed on the roof of the building.11111
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Cell Palm head1149 viewsThis is a close-up of a cell palm. Note the GPS antenna stuck on to right-side of the frame for the panel antennas.2 comments11111
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A Sad Little Cell Palm1080 viewsIt is a cell pine? It is a monopole with a few palms attached? It is an example of how to 'sell' the community on a cell pine without delivering? You decide.

No texture on the pole; no real attempt to provide adequate palm cover.

Spotted off the I405 near Inglewood Blvd. in the Southbay area of Los Angeles.
1 comments11111
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RF Safety testing at an FM broadcast station (#2)752 viewsTesting the level of RF emissions to determine compliance with FCC OET 65. The engineer in the picture is Joel Saxberg of Beem Co., a contractor of KMLT-FM in Thousand Oaks, California1 comments11111
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16. Clock Tower Painting Underway421 viewsYet another view of the re-painted clock tower.11111
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A Mighty Wind's A'blowin...980 viewsThis well-known AT&T Wireless site sits to the west of SR57 in San Dimas, California (near Arrow Highway). The BTS equipment is located in the building to the left behind the barbed wire fence.3 comments11111
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Now the walls are up...472 views...another view with the side walls poured. The roof is yet to come.11111
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351 views11111
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