Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Top rated
Spectrum from the Spectrum1247 viewsThis camo cell site is at the Irvine (California) Spectrum shopping center.33333
(10 votes)
Chris Hicks, Chief Engineer1217 viewsChris Hicks is the Amaturo Group's RF engineer responsible for getting the new KMLT from dirt to on-the-air. He's (proudly) standing by the KMLT transmitter, which is temporarily installed in a trailer while the permanent underground transmitter building is being constructed nearby.1 comments33333
(8 votes)
Microcell mounted in traffic signal light standard720 viewsThe cell antennas are pointed to cover short street segments on Ventura Blvd east and west of Laurel Canyon Blvd. San Fernando Valley, California.33333
(8 votes)
Semi-camo tower528 viewsThe Santa Monica Mountains frame this cell site, located along Interstate 405 near the Getty Center in Los Angeles.33333
(7 votes)
Cell Pine under construction - Close up1081 viewsHere's a close-up of the branch attachment pegs for this cell pine. Notice how well the cables, seen at the very top of the photograph, are hidden by the branches. Also, notice the faux pine needle cover on the antenna to the right of the trunk. A good job by American Tower.33333
(7 votes)
Panoramic view of the Rocky Peak Wireless Rocks and Wireless Sign1628 viewsHere are 5 of the 6 cell rocks at Rocky Peak. The cell sign is hidden behind the cell rock in the foreground. Note that cell rocks are on concrete pads.

The equipment building with the small microwave antenna belongs to Nextel. The hidden building with the larger microwave antenna belongs to AT&T Wireless. Other carriers are in fenced cages below AT&T and Nextel.

This site houses Cingular, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T Wireless, and Nextel, and serves the Ronald Regan Freeway (SR118) at the east end of the Santa Susana Pass between Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley.

Save for one of the Nextel rocks (shown in this gallery), there are no RF warning signs to alert the public to (suspected) high level RF fields around this easy-to-access site.
2 comments33333
(13 votes)
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna (Roof on)500 viewsThis is an updated panoramic shot of the job site and antenna. The roof is now on the building. Photo taken on a weekend (no workers present).33333
(6 votes)
Faux penthouse extension832 viewsThis Nextel site has its antennas located inside the faux penthouse atop the building. Notice the uneven coverage of Spanish tiles on the sides. 33333
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Pine tree stealth site2162 viewsWhile it stands alone above the hill, this is actually a very good camouflaged site. Sufficient faux foliage coverage to hide antennas. 1 comments33333
(11 votes)
Church clock tower783 viewsAT&T Wireless' omni-directional antennas are atop the clock tower of this church. View from rear of church.1 comments33333
(5 votes)
Mismatched Bricks1316 viewsHere is an example of a faux building extension with a poorly matched 'brick' facing. There's no doubt that this design does not effectively hide the antennas behind the faux brick facing. Notice that no effort was made to match the brick patter of the underlying building thereby highlighting the 'out of place' nature of the extension.
1 comments33333
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"We Come In Peace!"742 viewsWater tank cell and microwave site south of Sacramento, California along I-533333
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Disguised as Bricks1581 viewsAnother example of disguise painting used to conceal antennas on a complex surface. From a distance, they are barely noticeable. 33333
(9 votes)
Disguised as part of the brickwork1531 viewsThis antenna array is cleverly painted to match the color and texture of the building. Downtown LA intersection, yet barely noticeable.33333
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662 views2 comments33333
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Camo site on a Public Storage building887 viewsHere's a multi-sector camo installation on a PS building in Los Angeles. The antennas are located inside the box structures on the face of the building.33333
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Lattice but not a tower900 viewsThe antennas at this site in Santa Monica, California are partiallyhidden behind the lattice above the roof. A better design would have required the two visible antenna pole mounts to be cut off above the antennas so as to be hidden from view.33333
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Close-up of anti-Bird-bomb net over antennas601 viewsHere's a close-up photo of the net placed over the antennas to keep the birds off (and to keep them from bombing the cars below)! 33333
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Disguise site to look like a chimney1396 viewsThis antenna site in Los Angeles is designed to look like a chimney. Note the panel covers. 33333
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693 views2 comments33333
(6 votes)
07 - Antennas Installed, Connected734 viewsThe techs have installed the panel antennas on the arms, and are now connecting the coaxial cables to the antennas.33333
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A Blessed Signal1193 viewsSpreading the word from the tower of a church.33333
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Village of Oak Creek near Sedona602 viewsTwo camouflaged sites are seen (barely) in this shopping center along Highway 179 in the Village of Oak Creek, near Sedona, Arizona.33333
(3 votes)
A Dam Tall Tower512 viewsThis tall tower, well, towers over Hoover Dam in Nevada and/or Arizona. I guess it depends in which state you live. This tower is on the Nevada side.33333
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Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?746 viewsI continue to update the gallery with new photos of this ever-changing site. The latest is the addition of new panel antennas.33333
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Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?729 viewsThis Nextel site on USMC property in San Diego is already depicted in the gallery, but it's time to revisit is as Cingular is in the process of adding 12 antennas. The lift used to get workers 'up into the tree' is shown in the foreground.1 comments33333
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Painting on the Sky 3 of 6601 viewsBill continues his way down the the PCV pole supporting KMLT's antenna.

Photo thanks to Bill Cloutier.
(3 votes)
Yet Another Strange Cell-Palm773 viewsWe'll, perhaps a coat of brown paint constitutes camouflage....perhaps it doesn't.1 comments33333
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View of the transmitter site from near the antenna site528 viewsHere's an updated view of the KMLT transmitter area take from about 600 fee up the hill (very near the antenna site).33333
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KMLT Almost Buried550 viewsIf you compare this photo with past photos you'll notice that half the transmitter building is now buried. When complete only the ground level access in the foreground of the building will remain. The pullbox to the left of center is for electrical power. The pullbox to the far right is for the coaxial egress point to feed the antenna.33333
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Looking at the entry area.534 viewsHere's a good look at the entry area and the conduits extending from the transmitter building to what will be underground when the earth is pushed back around the building.33333
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Faux church steeple - Rough construction649 viewsThe faux church steeple to be used as a cell site is under construction. The parts of the steeple are being mated. The undercoating is yet to be applied. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.33333
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Building top multi-sector cell site594 viewsYet another roof-top cell site. This is a macrosite adjacent to a major freeway in Los Angeles.1 comments33333
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Smokestack BTS equipment362 viewsThis is the base station equipment cage next to the smokestack site in Westborough, MA.33333
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Simple, single carrier wireless site352 viewsSimple monopole with a single carrier33333
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Camo on an apartment building814 viewsIt was a hard call: Is this a camo or non-camo site? Well, the antennas are hidden behind the enclosure on the right side of the roof, but there was no attempt to hide the BTS equipment in the middle of the roof. Overall, a very poor design.33333
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Church bell tower478 viewsThis is a non-camo site atop (well, just below) the bells of a church. Notice the shadowing of the antenna cables on the right side front of the tower.33333
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What time is it? It's Cingular Time!1151 viewsHere's an attractive Cingular Wireless clock tower cell site in Buena Park, California. The BTS equipment is located at ground level behind the block wall.33333
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Can a Faux Monopine Have a Faux Disease?799 viewsNextel (now TowerCo) can take 'great pride' in its economical design of this monopine, located in a CalTrans yard at the intersections of the I405 and I10 freeways in West Los Angeles. References to Christmas trees owned by a certain person with the last name of Brown are appropriate. 33333
(5 votes)
Nextel antenna structure on top of an industrial building593 viewsOpen antenna structures have little impact in industrial areas.33333
(9 votes)
03 - Trunk Installed693 viewsThe "trunk" of the cell pine is installed on the concrete base. Note the pegs used to receive the branches, and the cable portal at the top of the trunk.33333
(10 votes)
16 - Equipment Shelter and Pad for Our Little Friend892 viewsThis is the first good shot I've been able to take of the equipment building for our little friend. It's a long shot, taken with a telephoto lens, but you can clearly see the equipment building for the original carrier, and the pad-mounted equipment for the new carrier (on the trunk). Photograph 04 in this gallery shows the relative positions of the equipment building and our little tree.33333
(8 votes)
Camo Monopine872 viewsBranch design and branch coverage are the keys to a great...or poor...monopine design. This multi-carrier monopine, adjacent to an interstate highway, has relatively poor branch coverage. The bark cladding stops at the lowest level of the branches, leaving exposed flat metal surfaces above.33333
(6 votes)
405 views33333
(4 votes)
Monopalm with Hidden Antennas902 viewsA close-up of Sprint's monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California. The design by Chameleon Engineering hides the antennas inside the 'growth pod' below the palms. 33333
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No Dead Zones Around This Site1128 viewsCingular's very slick stand-alone site is located on the grounds of a cemetery.2 comments33333
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17 - Side view of Our Little Friend1209 viewsJanuary 2, 2005 was a cold, damp day in Southern California, but I managed to snap a photo of our little tree to better show the new antennas mounted off of the trunk, and the new sickly green quad antennas. Also notice a small "Keep Out" sign at the lower left corner of the front fence. I'm sure that it is very effective.33333
(4 votes)
Cell Pine with Antenna Panel Covers1273 viewsHere's a Nextel site at the intersection of the CA SR91 and I110. It's a good design, and uses what I lovingly call "pine needle slip covers" on the panel antennas.

Good branch coverage down the trunk. Good texturing on the trunk, too.

Nice job, Nextel!
(4 votes)
A Royal Treatment801 viewsThis is the rear of the building supporting Royal Street's cupola site in San Juan Capistrano, California. . The cable tray exits the roof, comes down over the roof of the walk way, down the column, and underground to the equipment enclosure cut into the hillside (left side of picture).33333
(2 votes)
764 views33333
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Another Big Mac Site1497 viewsThe carrier has its equipment in an underground vault in the grass area of this McDonald's in Huntington Beach, California. Notice the two green vents in the background.33333
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CoLo Site - Escondido, California439 viewsMesa Rock Road north of Deer Creek Road, Escondido, California.33333
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Camouflaged Antenna Site789 viewsThis tower houses sector antennas.33333
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DAS Outboard on Power Meter Cabinet757 viewsOnce more, Cingular (now AT&T) employs the cabinet-on-a-cabinet technique of placing its DAS note, here in Rolling Hills Estates, California.33333
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625 views33333
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2008 Rose Bowl Herd776 viewsHere are Nextel's and Sprint's COWS at the 2008 Rose Bowl Game. These cows are penned on the west side of the Bowl across the wash from the south parking lot. Goal-to-Goal in under a second!33333
(2 votes)
2008 Rose Bowl Herd - AT&T Wireless652 viewsAT&T's entry into the 2008 Rose Bowl Rodeo. Much nicer than in previous years.33333
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Wireless Adobe1087 viewsCingular's wireless adobe site on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).33333
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Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm589 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.33333
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502 views33333
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The Herd at the 2007 Rose Bowl498 viewsNextel, Sprint, and AT&T "cover" the 2007 Rose Bowl Game.33333
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Light Standard Under Construction508 viewsThe double arms of this light standard, and the radome containing the antennas above the arms are yet to be placed.33333
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CEV ready for concrete pour485 viewsJust waiting on the transit mixer to show up.33333
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Blessed Be This Cell Site413 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!33333
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Camo LUG on Apartment Building600 viewsThis LUG (generator socket) is installed on an apartment building in El Segundo, California, overlooks Los Angeles International Airport.33333
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The Sweet Taste of Signal535 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).33333
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A Powerful Bison913 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. Notice the microwave dish to the right of the bison. It's used for backhaul to Verizon's mobile telephone switching office (MTSO). Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.33333
(2 votes)
A Powerful Bison688 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This site is about 1 mile south of the Wyoming state line. The apparent height of the bison is about 12 feet. This photo is looking to the north. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.33333
(2 votes)
A Stylish Sprint Design669 viewsJust west of the the L.A. Convention Center you'll find this interesting antenna support. While the antennas are external to the dedicated structure, quite a bit of thought went into the design. Linda Paul (now with T-Mobile) has provided additional information about this site, and I have to tell you that the more I see it, the more I like it!33333
(2 votes)
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!787 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking northwest from the roadway.33333
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Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!592 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking east from an area not usually accessible to visitors.33333
(2 votes)
29. Which Way Tray?480 viewsIt's now January, 2006. The site is active (but without a backup power generator). It seems that the installers missed putting all of the covers on the cable tray. Too bad.33333
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10. Securing the Coaxial Cables in the Tray411 viewsA tech secures the cables to the tray. Notice that the cable tray extends out a bit from the edge of the wall. This will connect with the vertical portion of the tray heading to the roof.33333
(2 votes)
cells.oliverhurst.ca.UbiquitelPCS.2765Pwerline Road.20051112.DSCN0360.jpg
PCS Base Station below PG&E Power Tower592 viewsUbiquitel's BTS in Olivehurst, California is located in a wood-fenced enclosure below the PG&E power transmission tower.33333
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Does RF Signal Leak Out of a Signal Tank?733 viewsA view of Sprint's San Dimas, California water tank site.33333
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KMLT Transmitter Vault Hatch...almost645 viewsThe site will awaits a metal hatch for the transmitter vault to complete the site security.33333
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Camo ____ Pole Site1051 viewsThis ____ pole site is owned by AAT Communications Corp. It's been quite a while since a ____ has flown on this ____ pole. It sure would look better if a ____ were flying here, wouldn't you agree? Gosh, I'd even be willing to bet a nickel that a ____ was featured in the design as approved by the city.33333
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Yet Another Sad Cell Pine789 viewsThis Sprint site in Hesperia, California sports sparse branch coverage, and lacks bark cladding. 1 comments33333
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It's a Gas! (Overview)545 viewsCompare this photo, taken in June, 2001, with the photo of the same site taken in May 2005. You'll see the original antenna in the center of each sector. Much cleaner than the replacement design. City of Los Angeles (Brentwood area).33333
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Rover's Roof480 viewsOn the roof of the drive test 'rover' is a GPS antenna (the square antenna in the center of the roof), plus two PCS omnidirectional antennas for signal measurement and communications purposes.33333
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PCS-Transmitter-in-a-Box450 viewsWhen a wireless carrier selects a candidate cell site it will usually conduct a 'drive test' to determine actual coverage. The drive test consists of elevating an antenna (here, an omnidirectional antenna) to a predetermined height. Inside the truck is a portable PCS transmitter powering the antenna.

This is a photo of the PCS transmitter used by Sprint in this drive test. What? You thought it would be larger?!
(2 votes)
Sprint - Monopole with externally mounted single sector panel antenna712 viewsThis is the single sector antenna used at Sprint's Mountaingate site. The trench cut covers the conduit connection to the BTS equipment vault in the traffic median. No, technically this isn't entirely a camouflaged site, but the majority of the site is, so that's why it's in our Camouflaged site gallery.33333
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Faux church steeple - nearing completion551 viewsThe faux church steeple to be used as a cell site is nearing completion. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.33333
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Microcell Bolted on Parking Lot Light479 viewsSpotted in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, this microcell site is bolted to the top of an existing parking lot light standard. Notice the equipment mounted in the grass area (hey, guy, open that car door slowly or you might hit something).33333
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More Power from Power...400 views...plant, that is. San Diego County, California.33333
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Multi-carrier Omnis and Panels411 viewsThis traditional 'high iron' site supports several carriers using omni-directional antennas, as well as at least one carrier with sectorized panel antennas.33333
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Microcell - Two Sectors396 viewsTwo sectors facing up/down the highway. That's the San Fernando Valley in the background (on a VERY clear day!).33333
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Sprint microcell - Single Sector458 viewsA Sprint single sector microcell site on Mullholland Road in Los Angeles.33333
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Penthouse on a Penthouse903 viewsThe cell antennas are located in the faux penthouse in the center of the roof.33333
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San Mateo Bridge433 viewsTo provide for high power, focused coverage along a significant portion of the San Mateo Bridge spanning the Bay, carriers use high gain antennas. Here's a co-lo cell site on the east side of the bay.33333
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Cell site in Salzburg, Austria434 viewsWhile in Salzburg to lecture at the Center for International Legal Studies I snapped this photo of a cell site across the street from my hotel room.33333
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Another sickly cell-pine1987 viewsIt looks like hardly any imagination was used to design this sad tree tower site.1 comments22222
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Roof fascia.1363 viewsHidden by a false fascia, the antennas on top of this building are barely noticeable.22222
(9 votes)
Close-up of antennas on pine tree stealth site1259 viewsHere is a close-up of the antenna mounting pattern on the pine tree stealth site. 22222
(7 votes)
Camouflaged flagpoles1869 viewsSpotted in Glendale, California.22222
(12 votes)
Cell Palm766 viewsYet another cell palm.22222
(5 votes)
Cell Pine under construction866 viewsThe branch attachment pegs are visible in this photograph. Note the relatively random layout of the pegs, and the fairly good coverage of the antennas at the top. This is an American Tower site in California.22222
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Waves of Power416 viewsA fairly standard power transmission tower with a cell crown. Spotted in Walnut Creek, California, this photograph graces the cover of Paul Valle-Riestra's book, "Telecommunications: The Governmental Role in Managing the Connected Community" published in 2002.

(5 votes)
Faux chimney antenna site 1 of 24009 viewsThe antennas are in a faux chimney. The base station equipment is adjacent to the house in the lower right portion of the photo. Spotted in Southern California.22222
(16 votes)
Is that a Diamond-shaped date?1902 viewsThe diamond-shaped device belong the cell antennas is a flat panel microwave antenna. In many cases, the purpose of this antenna is to save the carrier the cost of leasing a data line from the local telephone company. The trade off is that the antenna weakens or destroys the camouflage nature of the site. Not recommended in most cases. How 'bout the fact that the panel antenna supports aren't cut off above the panels. Also notice how the 'bark cladding' stops below the level of the palms. Not a complete camo solution by any means. Finally, is there a brighter green that might draw the eye even more effectively than the panel antenna on the right side? I think not!22222
(8 votes)
Faux chimney antenna site 2 of 22949 viewsThe antennas are in a faux chimney (center of roof).22222
(14 votes)
Nextel Wireless Rock922 viewsThis is a camo rock used by Nextel at its Rocky Peak site in the Santa Susana Pass, California.22222
(9 votes)
Field of RF Dreams921 viewsThis shot shows the full cell sign/cell rocks site, now-completed. Rocky Peak site in Santa Susana Pass, California. Each of the rocks visible contain cell and/or PCS antennas, as does the church sign. Viewed eastbound on the Ronald Regan Freeway (SR 118) from the Simi Valley heading into the San Fernando Valley. Other photos of this site are in this gallery. Search for 'rocky'.1 comments22222
(6 votes)
Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Site876 viewsWhat you see, including the BTS equipment, is what you get in this parking lot site. Note the addition of the parking lot lights on either side of the antenna pole.22222
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Pt. Sur (Ca.) Lighthouse Water Tank1233 viewsAT&T Wireless rebuilt this tank in Big Sur to house a cell site (thanks to Neal McLain for this photo). Check out Neal's site www.antennastructures.blogspot.com.22222
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2008 Rose Bowl Herd - AT&T Wireless741 viewsAT&T's entry into the 2008 Rose Bowl Rodeo. Much nicer than in previous years.22222
(3 votes)
Primm an Properr in Primm Nevadaa699 viewsA site below the turret of one of the buildings at Whiskey Pete's in Primm, Nevada (about 400 yards from the California State line) off of I-15.22222
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The Business End of KMLT845 viewsThis is a closeup of KMLT's transmitter antenna. A simple, elegant design. May, 2006.22222
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A Well-Done Grilled FM Station498 viewsKMLT's transmitter housing present appearance as of May, 2006 is virtually invisible. Easy to miss. Exactly what was intended! Outstanding work by Chris Hicks, KMLT's CE, the City of Thousand Oaks Planning department, and the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency22222
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30. BTS Installed and Humming440 viewsThe site is active. This photo is looking down on the site BTS equipment cabinet through the roof fence. You'll see more of the fense in a later photo.22222
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24. It's Concrete Pour Day...Again393 viewsThe wood frames are in place and braced for the pour...again. Notice the very nice cable terminations at the far end of the cable tray. You'll see these again, later.22222
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329 views22222
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398 views22222
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KMLT Antenna and Support706 viewsThe steel pole supporting the antenna is now painted blue to help it blend into the sky background.1 comments22222
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Great Scott!612 viewsScottsdale has some very interesting pole mounted sites. This long view of several carriers' sites shows an interesting deployment scheme to cover subdivisions along Shea Road.3 comments22222
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Tanks for the Signal953 viewsOn the left is a legacy multi-carrier lattice tower (with microwave antenna). To the right is a newer faux water tank enclosing the antennas behind RF transparent panels shaped and textured to look like a old wood water tank. The wood work above the equipment building below and to the right of the tank hides some of the roof-mounted equipment. Near Hesperia, California.1 comments22222
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KMLT's Antenna Fence Under Construction481 viewsAnother view of the antenna, and the fence being constructed is to keep the hikers away from the antenna site. 22222
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A Modest Cell Site?431 viewsThis water tank sports multiple panel antennas. Modesto, California.22222
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Another Sad Little Cell Pine1037 viewsThis cell pine, owned by American Tower, is a fairly poor design as far as camo goes. Like other poor designs for cell pines, this design contains too few branches, and the 'crown' of vertical branches is a dead-giveaway.5 comments22222
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Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna728 viewsThe trailer with the cable reel on top is the temporary transmitter location; the permanent underground transmitter building is behind the below the portable chain link fence behind the Bobcat. Zoom in on the ridge line to just make out the antenna location.1 comments22222
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Co-location cell site491 viewsThe lower array was added after the tower was constructed. How do we know? Many of the cables for that array are mounted on the outside of the pole on the righthand side. 22222
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The many colors of Red, White, and Blue1191 viewsFlag maintenance (and federally required lighting) should be a condition of approval of flag cell sites like the one above. Note that some of the red color stripes have faded to orange.1 comments22222
(7 votes)
05 - Antenna Bracket Assembly674 viewsA technician is constructing one of the two antenna support arms.22222
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Cell site on power transmission tower441 viewsHere's a fairly standard non-camo wireless site on a power transmission tower.22222
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Antenna arrays mounted on transmission towers529 viewsClose-up view of an antenna array mounted on a power transmission tower. 22222
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The Tower Works LTD875 viewsThis structurally attractive tower is in Mangonia Park just north of West Palm Beach. The tower is just over 500 feet tall. I had a delightful chat with Marlin of TTW about her tower. She shared some great stories - and frustrations - about this and other towers she's been involved with.1 comments22222
(14 votes)
28. Close up of the Site Name Sign658 viewsIt's for sure...We'll call this Armacost!22222
(5 votes)
Cell Pine (multiple carrirers)1387 viewsCell pine tree (multi carriers) with more antennas mounted on the building in the background.1 comments22222
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Fake Cell Pine Diseased Tree1503 viewsThis has got to be one of my favorite cell trees...perhaps the worlds worst cell pine design. Yes, Nextel is to be commended on this design, not found in nature, spotted in West Los Angeles, California. Compare this to Nextel's truly good design for a cell pine.2 comments22222
(11 votes)
Sprint Camo Cell Pine1185 viewsThis Sprint site, under construction as photographed, features a tree designed and installed by Radian Communications Services Corp. The branch coverage is excellent, and the panel antennas are virtually invisible due to branch coverage and camo covers. So, who says it can't be done right? Quite nice!1 comments22222
(6 votes)
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna (Waterproofing)497 viewsThis panoramic view shows the worksite, the antenna and tower, and the transmitter building with the waterproofing applied to the walls.22222
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What's that wrapping around the antennas?599 viewsHere's an interesting site (close up in next photo). Notice that there are cars parked in the auto body shop lot directly below the antennas. Perhaps birds like to take aim and, er, hit the cars below. What a clever carrier solution! Put a net around the antennas to keep the birds off. 22222
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Simple plastic covering.1518 viewsThis antenna structure looks more like a large swamp cooler on top of a building, but it is constructed out of translucent plastic panels to shield from view, but not interfere with RF. 22222
(13 votes)
Short Flag Pole1273 viewsUS/Mexican Relations.22222
(7 votes)
On top of a roof access.1358 viewsFalse cupola constructed around the top of a roof access doorway. Conceals antennas.22222
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Close-up of antenna disguise fascia1365 viewsHere is a close-up photo of the false wall or fascia hiding these antennas. A better design would have completely hidden the antennas.22222
(8 votes)
Camo-ish on-building cell site (close-up)1478 viewsLook at how the antennas are covered with the brick-link material. Also note the color bands on the antenna cables. The color bands are used to show the service technician which cables are for transmitting, and which are receiving. The color bands also indicate additional information such as the antenna 'sector' and data transmission.22222
(9 votes)
09 - Construction of the Ice Guard906 viewsA box to protect the coaxial cables (often called an ice guard) is installed at the base of the of the trunk. The cones are cute, eh?22222
(10 votes)
Looking at the antenna of an FM broadcast station1155 viewsThis is the omni-directional cross-polarization antenna used at KMLT-FM in Thousand Oaks, California. It's a one-of-a-kind antenna design by SPX Corporation's Dielectric division.22222
(11 votes)
14 - Mother Earth Starting to Reclaim...1057 viewsNature (with the help of plantings by the carrier) is starting to retake the base of the site.22222
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Unhidden and hidden1436 viewsOn this hillside are located two wireless structures. One is obviously not hidden and the other one is. 22222
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Columns of Signal880 viewsThe columns at the top are built with RF transparent materials. The antennas are located inside the columns of this church. The base station equipment is located at teh lower right site. This church is located in San Juan Capistrano, California.2 comments22222
(5 votes)
Nextel's RF warning sign on its Wireless Rock1031 viewsThis is the RF warning sign on Nextel's rock. How do we knot this is a Nextel rock? Call the phone number on the warning sign and find out for yourself.22222
(5 votes)
27. The Name Goes On Before the Quality Goes In447 viewsThe pad has been poured, again, and the fense is on it's tracks. No BTS yet, but the site sign has gone up announcing to the world that this is Verizon's Armacost site!22222
(4 votes)
3. Base Telecommunications Station Equipment459 viewsThis new addition to the existing structure at the rear of the building is to house the BTS equipment, plus a future standby power generator, power switching equipment, and a telephone interface panel. The standby power generator pad is the the one nearest the fence. The BTS equpipment pad is to the rear-left in this photo. Later, things will change a bit...oops!22222
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Overlooking Lake Elsinore, California (View 1 of 2)793 views...with this monopine antenna. Note the equipment located down the hill from the private home. This is a Sprint site that's actually located in Riverside County (thanks, Larry!).2 comments22222
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KMLT's Roof is On484 viewsIn three weeks the roof will cure and dirt will be pushed to close in the hole.22222
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Connecting the coax and ground strap to the antenna and post860 viewsThe transmitter coaxial cable (black) connects to the rigid coaxial rider inside the antenna support to feed the antenna. The very wide copper strap provides an unbroken ground connection between the antenna and the underground transmitter building about 700 feet away.22222
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Close Up of Top of Poorly Maintained Faux Chimney907 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very poorly maintained faux chimney. A brick facade panel is coming off. The cable, telephone, and power drops should be relocated to achive the required NEC clearances.1 comments22222
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