Top rated - Camouflaged Sites

Exhausting!764 viewsVerizon's generator at Mulligan Fun Center in Murrieta, California has its exhaust drawn off to a remote vent. This is an unusual configuration for an outdoors generator but appropriate here where the generator is located adjacent to a public area.     (1 votes)

Barn There; Done That916 viewsVerizon's site equipment is located behind the well-marked door inset in the driveway. Notice the GPS antenna at the roof of the antenna enclosure...it should have been located inside the antenna housing.     (1 votes)

Sprint on a building815 viewsThis is a Sprint site in San Marcos, California. The BTS equipment cabinets are within in the CMU walled enclosure at ground level; the antennas are inside the surface mounted box on below the top of the building. This site is co-located with a Cricket Wireless monocypress site.     (1 votes)

Mono Cypress943 viewsCricket Wireless has constructed this attractive mono cypress in San Marcos, California. The BTS equipment is located against the wall of the building.     (1 votes)

USPO Flag Site869 viewsThis is a Cingular site at a post office in San Marcos, California     (1 votes)

Wireless Adobe1113 viewsLooking southwest to Cingular's wireless adobe site. It's on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).     (1 votes)

BTS cabinets during installation - Cable ladder rack881 viewsThis is a photo of the BTS (Base Telecommunications Station) cabinets during installation. Notice the cable ladder rack connecting the BTS cabinets to the trunk of the tree. The coaxial cables will be lashed to this ladder for physical support.     (1 votes)

Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm615 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.     (1 votes)

Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm559 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.     (1 votes)

Camo Site at Gas Station683 viewsVerizon Wireless is in the far tower of this gas station on the road to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The site is in Valley, Arizona.     (1 votes)

Faux Roof Penthouses603 viewsThe three rooftop enclosures house cell equipment/antennas. Torrance, California.     (1 votes)

Verizon's Sassy Site: Grounded Bollards716 viewsThe traffic bollards at Verizon's Sassy site are grounded. This helps to prevent RF hot-spots near the antennas. Of course, the bollards also help to deter unwelcome vehicle-visitors!     (1 votes)

Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site526 viewsA good detail shot of Sprint's antennas located in a faux elevator penthouse.     (1 votes)

I feel the power in Claremont, California (1 of 2)741 viewsThis freestanding cross houses Verizon's antennas at a church site off of I-210 in Claremont, California. This site was originally constructed by PacBell Mobile.     (1 votes)

Camo site under construction619 viewsNextel's antennas are behind the foam panel. Site engineering and fabrication by Peabody Engineering.     (1 votes)

Wireless Sign843 viewsThis uncompleted sign framework holds multiple antennas. Note that the 'rock' to the left is a cellular rock housing Nextel's antennas. Rocky peak site in Santa Susana Pass, California.      (1 votes)

City Sign Cell Site891 viewsThis camouflaged site along Interstate 405 in Westminster, California was constructed by AT&T Wireless, now Cingular.     (1 votes)

A Growth on a Monopalm768 viewsSpectrasite's monopalm has this very strange 6-panel growth on the tree trunk. And isn't that a stange looking, er, microwavealbe 'date' below the palms?! How sad. Inglewood, California. Cingular and Sprint are at this site.     (4 votes)

Our Clock Tower is now Finished670 viewsOther photos in this gallery document the construction of this site (actually, an upgrade to add additional carrier antennas). This is the site, now complete. Notice the GPS antennas on the roof to the left (west) of the clock tower.     (3 votes)

BTS Equipment Shelter672 views...nicely screened with a matching wood cover.     (3 votes)

Monopalm with Hidden Antennas1359 viewsSprint's monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California uses a design by Chameleon Engineering. The antennas are mounted inside the 'growth pod' below the palms. This view looks upwards to see how the grown pod radone is set out from the trunk of the palm.     (5 votes)

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California634 viewsLong shot of the co-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
The antennas are located in the cross, behind RF transparent panels just below the roof, and on a light standard above a children's play area. Zoom in to see the multiple GPS antennas above the camo panels. Why so many carriers at this site? Three words: Location, Location, Location. This site, on a hill, has a great look up and down Interstate 5, and east to newly developed areas of the City of San Clemente, California.     (4 votes)

Monorock, Interrupted1005 viewsFront view of Sprint's monrock highlights the poor design that has many sharp edges; is incomplete; and sports a GPS antenna sticking up above the rock. Yuck.     (2 votes)

The Sweet Taste of Signal546 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.     (2 votes)

Not-a-Monopalm BTS Enclosure725 viewsThe monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church school is served from this BTS enclosure adjacent to the kids play area. Palm Desert, California. This panorama consists of three photos. Can you find both break points?     (2 votes)

Cell Palm730 viewsSprint's Desert Hot Springs monopalm site at 61400B Pierson Blvd. sits aside the road to 29 Palms. Relatively poor branch coverage.     (2 votes)

Proud Waves From Sprint (3 of 3)675 viewsA wide-shot view of Sprint's Scottsdale Ranch flagpoles site.     (2 votes)

Water Tank761 viewsIn a shopping center in Chino Hills, California     (2 votes)

More Waves and Waves960 viewsA very large flagpole cell site in Southgate, California.     (2 votes)

Cellular Pine Tree1369 viewsIn the Sepulveda Pass between West Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley (California).      (5 votes)

Shelling out some signal805 viewsNextel's antennas are affixed below the gas station sign at this site in Henderson, Nevada.     (3 votes)

What a Strange Trunk!965 viewsGosh, this cell palm has an odd-looking trunk, don't you agree?! Not a very good design, but perhaps it's better than its neighbor.     (3 votes)

Signal from a dead tree847 viewsThis wood pole supports a cell site radome at the top. The cables are secured in metal U-channels on the side of the pole.      (3 votes)

What a Lug!693 viewsNextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California) is adorned with this emergency generator socket (sometimes called a "LUG"). It permits the Nextel to bring in a portable power generator to keep the site on-air during local power outages. For technical details regarding this device see:
http://www.appletonelec.com/pdf/D-2thru31.pdf     (4 votes)

A Growth on a Monopalm662 viewsSpectrasite's monopalm has this very strange 6-panel growth on the tree trunk. How sad. Inglewood, California. Cingular and Sprint are at this site.     (3 votes)

AT&T Camo Light Standard 986 viewsAT&T's camo light standard site at Cresthaven and Westlake Blvd. in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are within the radome above the light arm. The GPS antenna above the radome should not be visible based on the plans approved by the Planning Commission.     (2 votes)

McCell Site735 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.     (2 votes)

The Word Rings Out From T-Mobile679 viewsT-Mobile's exterior box design is spoiled by the visible antenna cables and tower mounted amplifiers in plain view. A little work would make this a nice site on a church bell tower.     (2 votes)

Top of Poorly Maintained Faux Chimney587 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very poorly maintained faux chimney. A brick facade panel is coming off. The cable, telephone, and power drops should be relocated to achive the required NEC clearances.     (2 votes)

Nextel Near the L.A. Convention Center685 viewsNextel's equipment is located inside this building west of the L.A. Convention Center. The building design is quite interesting, eh? Sprint and Cingular and co-located at this site. Sprint's antenna support is like Nextel's (only it has a fresh coat of paint), and Cingular uses a mono-bore tower here.     (2 votes)

What's Under the Skirt?793 viewsNextel's Nextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site antennas are behind a radome/skirt affixed to a field light standard. Looking upwards, you can see 4 of the 6 antennas behind the radome/skirt.     (2 votes)

Nextel BTS Equpment Shelter696 viewsThis is the BTS equipment shelter for Nextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California). This buidling is located adjacent to a baseball diamond to the east of the field light standard supporting the site antennas.
Notice that the shadow of the field light standard and Radome are falling on the building. Just a lucky shot!      (2 votes)

Obelisque du Signal768 viewsThis cellular Obelisque is located at the interchange of California SR241 and SR133 in the City of Irvine, Calfornia. A similar but smaller wireless obelisque is located at The Spectrum in Irvine (a photo is on this site).
This view is from the SR133 N to the SR241 S connector. It highlights the aircraft warning beacon on the top of the obelisque.     (2 votes)

Obelisque du Signal595 viewsThis cellular Obelisque is located at the interchange of California SR241 and SR133 in the City of Irvine, Calfornia. A similar but smaller wireless obelisque is located at The Spectrum in Irvine (a photo is on this site).
This view is looking to the east from Portola Road.     (2 votes)

Obelisque du Signal675 viewsThis cellular Obelisque is located at the interchange of California SR241 and SR133 in the City of Irvine, Calfornia. A similar but smaller wireless obelisque is located at The Spectrum in Irvine (a photo is on this site).
This view is looking to the west from the northbound SR241 just before the interchange.     (2 votes)

A Growth on a Monopalm722 viewsYet another view of a compromised monopalm. Spectrasite's cellpalm should never have had the microwave dish or the add-on panel antennas on the tree trunk. It took an only fair design and made it terrible. Sprint and Cingular are at this site. Others may be, too.     (2 votes)

Sprint Monopalm959 viewsSprint's monopalm in Inglewood, California. Interestingly, the FCC tower registration for this site points to a completely different address. Hummmm!     (2 votes)

Sprint's Dual Light Standard Site758 viewsHigh above the US101 (Ventura Freeway) in Thousand Oaks sit these dual light standards. Two light standards provide three sectors of diversity coverage in this very high (RF) traffic area. The equipment is located in an underground vault. Rasnow Peak can be seen in the distance.     (2 votes)

Underground BTS Equipment Vault941 viewsYou're looking at a close-up view of one way that Sprint places its equipment underground. The vents provide air flow. The green pedestal is for the power meter. The PVC tubing is for site drainage. This site is in the Newbury Park portion of Thousand Oaks, California.     (2 votes)

Mounting collar: Radome above a light standard936 viewsHere's a close-up view of how a radome is attached to the top of a concrete light standard. This is a Sprint site in the Newbury Park portion of Thousand Oaks, California     (2 votes)

Monopalm with Hidden Antennas882 viewsA view looking to the west of Sprint's monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, by Chameleon Engineering. The antennas are mounted inside the 'growth pod' below the palms.      (2 votes)

Certainly-a-Monopalm706 viewsHere's an overview of the very active monopalm surrounded by live palm and broadleaf trees. St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California.
Thanks to Rienk Ayers of Chameleon Engineering for updating me regarding the site. Chameleon's tag line works: "the Best is Hard to Find."     (2 votes)

Monopalm - A Morning View746 viewsClose up of the business end of the Palm Desert, California monopalm. Now you see it...now you do!     (2 votes)

Sprint's New No Tresspassing Sign Has Teeth!826 viewsHeck, after reading this I want to turn myself into the FBI! This is posted at Sprint's water tank site in San Dimas, California.     (2 votes)

Naked Cellular/PCS Flagpole!769 viewsThis is actually three photos stitched together to show the three-flagpole site in great detail. The center flagpole is an AT&T (now Cingular) Wireless site in Los Angeles, California. AT&T shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.     (2 votes)

Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites859 viewsThe enclosure on the far left houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the left light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment.     (2 votes)

More of the word from on high...775 viewsThis is a multi-carrier camo site at a church in Thousand Oaks, California. Can you guess where the antennas are hidden?     (2 votes)

Sickly Monopine1186 viewsOff of the Old Las Vegas Highway outside of Santa Fe, this poorly designed monopine stands out like the sore thumb it is. The branch coverage, branch count, and panel antenna socks are inferior. A properly designed and executed monopine would not all the antenna stand-off arms to be seen, much less be painted a highly visible green.
By the way, in this case, Las Vegas refers to Las Vegas, New Mexico, rather than to Lost Wages, Nevada.     (1 votes)

Mono-cross1132 viewsTight close-up of the mono-blah-cross at a Mesa, Arizona church. Notice that the antenna cover at the top is askew.      (1 votes)

Lots of Signals761 viewsThis multi-carrier, multi-owner site is in Mesa, Arizona. The tower registration shows Verizon as the anchor of the lattice tower. The City of Mesa has multiple sites on the top of its water tank.     (1 votes)

Very Large Mono-Cross723 viewsThe East Valley Free Will Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona features a very large mono-cross. This site was constructed by Cingular.     (1 votes)

Blessed be the Antennas889 viewsThe antennas at this church in Los Angeles are located adjacent to the cross in the cupola. The antennas an enclosed in the boxes. The cable tray runs over the roof.     (1 votes)

Barn There; Done That916 viewsThis is a nice Verizon Wireless site off of I-580 in Berkeley California. The antennas are in the enclosure at the peak of the roof. There is a GPS antenna mounted above (which should have been inside).     (1 votes)

Days'd and Confused1105 viewsNextel need only extend the flashing to and across the top of its antenna enclosure to make this a very good site.     (1 votes)

Cardiff Sports Park1046 viewsMulti-pole, multi-carrier site in the Cardiff Sports Park in Encinitas, California.     (1 votes)

Cardiff Sports Park790 viewsOne pole of a multi-carrier site in the Cardiff Sports Park in Encinitas, California.     (1 votes)

Hope (and signal) Sprints Eternal532 viewsAnother view of the camo antennas at Sprint's Hope Church site in Vista California.     (1 votes)

What an Awful 'Camouflage' Design680 viewsSprint's silly camo box above non-camo legs design in Burbank, California. Not even painted with some classic line like, "Eat At Joes" or "Repent! The End (of Bad Camo Designs) is at Hand!"     (1 votes)

What an Awful 'Camouflage' Design711 viewsSprint's silly camo box above non-camo legs design in Burbank, California. Not even painted with some classic line like, "Eat At Joes" or "Repent! The End (of Bad Camo Designs) is at Hand!"     (1 votes)

I'll Take Your Parking Ticket, If you Please645 viewsSprint's BTS is located under the stairs at the entry?/exit? of this garage in Burbank, California. Notice how the space was extended below the stairs to house the equipment.     (1 votes)

Faux Steeple Site Overlooking LAX607 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the relationship between the site and the west complex of LAX. This is a $million dollar view of LAX, but I suspect the mortuary isn't quite making all that from T-Mobile.     (1 votes)

LMU/GPS - Unusual Configuration677 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very unusual placement of the LMU antenna (left) and the GPS antenna (right) attached to the power riser. This face of the building is to the south, so the LMU antenna is block for about 180 degrees of arc. Clever, eh?     (1 votes)

Fax Steeple Site Overlooking LAX600 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. Note that the chimney shown in this photo IS NOT the camo faux chimney in the rear of the property. This is the building real chimney.     (1 votes)

BTS Equipment, Top and Bottom of Faux Chimney613 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport.      (1 votes)

BTS Equipment, Top and Bottom of Faux Chimney596 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport.      (1 votes)

BTS Equipment, Bottom of Faux Chimney555 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport.      (1 votes)

Camo Site Overlooking LAX535 viewsThis apartment building sports mutiple carries in the faux parapet. This site, in El Segundo overlooks LAX. It appears to have 3 carriers co-located here.     (1 votes)

The Sweet Taste of Signal717 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers. Cingular is in the prefabricated building on the right. The carrier on the outdoor platform on the left is (currently) unidentified.     (1 votes)

The Sweet Taste of Signal608 viewsA view of the jumper-to-hardline and grounding point for this unidentified carrier at the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo. The colored tape is used to identify the antenna sectors and whether the antennas are transmit or receive. Loveland, Colorado.     (1 votes)

The Sweet Taste of Signal627 viewsUnidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland Colorado. Notice that the equipment is held aloft on a variable mount platform rather than engineering a foundation.     (1 votes)

The Sweet Taste of Signal604 viewsA close-up view of the platform system used to elevate and level the equipment cabinets for this unidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland, Colorado.     (1 votes)

The Sweet Taste of Signal655 viewsLong view of the Loveland Sugar Co. (Colorado) silo used as and antenna platform for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).     (1 votes)

The Sweet Taste of Signal554 viewsCloseup of the Cingular and unidentified second carrier panels and microwave in use on this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.     (1 votes)

The Sweet Taste of Signal547 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old sugar silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.     (1 votes)

Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!735 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking west from the roadway.     (1 votes)

Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!808 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking east from an area not usually accessible to visitors.     (1 votes)

Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!942 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking north.     (1 votes)

Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!695 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking east from an area not usually accessible to visitors.     (1 votes)

You Can Rest Your Signal Here613 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.     (1 votes)

You Can Rest Your Signal Here650 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.     (1 votes)

Highland View Pentecostal Assembly - Los Angeles587 viewsCloseup of the antenna camo boxes on the bell tower. The construction is not very good.     (1 votes)

Highland View Pentecostal Assembly - Los Angeles630 viewsView of BTS equipment next to chapel of the church.     (1 votes)

Monopalm - A Morning View667 viewsYet another view of the in-your-face panels on this monopalm in Palm Desert, California. Photo taken about 7:30 a.m.     (1 votes)

Monopalm - A Morning View690 viewsA closer view of the unknown carrier's in-your-face monopalm in Palm Desert, California.     (1 votes)

Monopalm - A Morning View657 viewsThis monopalm in Palm Desert, California is located in a shopping center. The branch coverage is poor, and the panels certainly stand out in the morning light. The carrier is unknown.     (1 votes)

Cell Palm767 viewsClose up of the business end of Sprint's Desert Hot Springs monopalm site at 61400B Pierson Blvd. sits aside the road to 29 Palms. Relatively poor branch coverage.     (1 votes)

Cell Palm683 viewsNotice that the coax ground block (below the ice guard) and the ground wire from the ground block are not properly affixed. Sprint site in Desert Hot Springs, CA     (1 votes)

A Mighty Wind's A'blowin...678 viewsLooking up to the working platform of the AT&T Wireless Camo Windmill in San Dimas, California. All three sectors can be seen. The cables come down the center inside the large pipe.     (1 votes)

Camo Sprint Site684 viewsHere's another view of Sprint's camo site on Montana Avenue in Santa Monica, California. This view is looking north from 15th Street toward Montana Avenue.     (1 votes)

Camo Sprint Site614 views...on Montana Avenue at 15th Street in Santa Monica. The two bumps to the right top of the cam parapet are work lights, not antennas.     (1 votes)

Sprint's Camo Water Tank in San Dimas (Overview)584 viewsThis photo provides an overview of the entire site. The faux tank is to the right. The equipment bay is just off to the left of center. The AC panel, transfer switch, and LUG connector are in the center.     (1 votes)

Does RF Signal Leak Out of a Signal Tank?648 viewsA view of Sprint's San Dimas, California water tank site.     (1 votes)

Does RF Signal Leak Out of a Signal Tank?609 viewsA view of Sprint's San Dimas, California water tank site.     (1 votes)

Power Meter, Transfer Switch, Generator Plug594 viewsSprint's water tank site in San Dimas features this power meter, transfer switch, and generator plug. Okay, it's not really featured, but it sure is part of the design.     (1 votes)

BTS Equipment - Sprint's Water Tank in San Dimas835 viewsA peek inside of the equipment bay of Sprint's San Dimas water tank site. The GPS antenna, painted brown, pops up above the wood cover.     (1 votes)

Sprint's San Dimas Water Tank - Entry Port541 viewsLooking up to the entry port of Sprint's water tank in San Dimas, California     (1 votes)

Cable Pulling Vault: Sprint's San Dimas Water Tank546 viewsThe cables from the BTS to the antennas pass through this pulling vault, then go up the legs of the tank to the antennas.     (1 votes)

Super Signal From Super 8645 viewsCingular built this camo site below a sign at the Super 8 Motel in Azusa, California. For some reason the radome cover is missing, exposing the three sector antennas to public view. The BTS equipment is located on the roof of the motel, just out of sight to the left of the photo.     (1 votes)

Super Signal From Super 8610 viewsCingular built this camo site below a sign at the Super 8 Motel in Azusa, California. For some reason the radome cover is missing, exposing the three sector antennas to public view.     (1 votes)

Super Signal From Super 8517 viewsCingular built this camo site below a sign at the Super 8 Motel in Azusa, California. For some reason the radome cover is missing, exposing the three sector antennas to public view.     (1 votes)

Drunk Tank?801 viewsThis series of photos of an interesting Verizon faux water tank in Littlerock, California suggests that perhaps something was amiss when the tank was installed on the legs, don't you know! The microwave dish is for 'back haul' to the MTSO.     (1 votes)

Drunk Tank?809 viewsThis series of photos of an interesting Verizon faux water tank in Littlerock, California suggests that perhaps something was amiss when the tank was installed on the legs. Quite an interesting way to mate things.     (1 votes)

Drunk Tank?596 viewsYet another view of the 'drunk tank' in Littlerock, California. The BTS equipment shelter is located behind the building in the foreground.     (1 votes)

BTS Equipment Behind Mounment Sign561 viewsCloseup of the equipment behind the monument entry sign at CLU.     (1 votes)

A "Sort-a-flaged" Site561 viewsLearning the techniques...and the results...of planning wireless sites can be demonstrated by this site. This result serves as a sound basis to continue to upgrade the camouflage techniques that are applied to projects of this type. Optimally, Sprint's BTS cabinet would not be visible, and the RF transparent panels would be incorporated into a rooftop treatment that doesn't call attention to itself. Thanks to Larry Thomas for identifying this as a Sprint site.     (1 votes)

Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site609 viewsYet another view of Sprint's faux penthouse site on the top of the elevator.      (1 votes)

An Odd Cell Palm772 viewsThis Nextel cell palm sports an unusual gap between the bottom of the palm fronds and the growth pod. In fact, it appears to be green! How unusual.     (1 votes)

It's a Grand Old Flag...Again675 viewsHere's an updated photo showing the new (not torn) American Flag at this Cingular flagpole cell site.     (1 votes)

Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?822 viewsHere's another view of the Nextel/AT&T Wireless Co-Lo site on USMC property in San Diego. This angle shows the microwave antenna used for backhaul purposes.
Notice how the bark cladding ends at the level of the lowest branches. Modern design (and permit conditions) would have the cladding extend to the top of the tree. Modern design would also extend the branches closer to the ground, and would provide for significantly greater branch coverage. Finally, modern design would also provide for camouflage covers on each of the antennas, and better treatment of the microwave radome.     (1 votes)

No Trouble Here! (3 of 3)642 viewsTHis photo highlights the brick face on the Nextel equipment building and the match to the existing multi-story building. North Hollywood, California.     (1 votes)

No Trouble Here! (2 of 3)742 viewsHere's a closer look at Nextel's equipment building located to the right of the main building.     (1 votes)

It's a Grand Old Flagpole?815 viewsVerizon's flagpole site in Hesperia, California lacks, well, a flag. Note the wind/sand damage to the pole finish. If you look carefully, you'll see the rope used to hoist the flag has come down and is resting on top of the the equipment building, then falling to the ground to the right of the building. Nice job in site maintenance.     (1 votes)

I feel the power in Claremont, California (2 of 2)597 viewsThis is Verizon's equipment building for its church cross antenna site off I-210 in Claremont, California. Note the gas power generator mounted adjacent to the equipment building. Verizon seems to be adding gas gens where permitted to allow for uninterrupted service in the event of a local power failure.     (1 votes)

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California537 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
This camo sector shines to the south. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. One of the panels doesn't match, does it?     (1 votes)

Completely Camo'd Site685 viewsInside the tower.     (1 votes)

It's a Gas! (Overview)551 viewsCompare this photo, taken in May 2005, with the photo of the same site taken in June 2001. You'll see the replacement of the center antenna in each sector. Not nearly as clean as the original design. City of Los Angeles (Brentwood area).     (1 votes)

An Executive Quality Installation - Part 2668 viewsIn the other photo of this site (elsewhere in this gallery) I didn't show the location of the equipment cabinets. Based on requests from site users, here is a photo showing the equipment location behind the hedge.      (1 votes)

Cingular Flag Pole (Close-up)1081 viewsThis photograph highlights the reason for conditioning wireless flag pole sites flying the American Flag to routinely inspect the condition of flag, and to follow the requirements of the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10. As seen in this photo, the US Flag on the Cingular camo flag pole is tattered.     (1 votes)

Building A CellPine...716 views...one branch at a time. Notice that this is another example of failing to have the bark cladding all the way up the pole. The break point stands out, as does the painted metal above.     (1 votes)

Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites700 viewsThe enclosure on the far right houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the right light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment. Rosemead, California (just north of the I-10 freeway).     (1 votes)

Business Park Monument665 viewsThis Cingular site is hidden inside a business park monument. The BTS equipment is in the fenced area in the middle-center of the photograph.     (1 votes)

Wireless Rock1090 viewsThis 'rock' houses one or more wireless antennas. The lifting ring bolt at the top of the rock is a nice touch. Santa Susana Pass, California.      (1 votes)

Parking Lot Light Standard Site700 viewsThis is a close-up of the Nextel radome above the parking lot light standard on USN property in San Diego.     (1 votes)

Sort-of Camo805 viewsThis cell site is atop a two story commercial building. Note the use of the old-style RF transparent covers in front of the antennas.     (1 votes)