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NextG Distributed Antenna System Node430 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.


Yet another awful Mobilitie design430 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Salzburg, Austria cell site - Apartment Building429 viewsThis is a cell site on the roof of an apartment building in Salzburg, Austria. I snapped this photo from my hotel room after having just lectured on cell siting at the Center for International Legal Studies.

Lighting the Lot429 viewsSprint's interesting little Mono-Parking-Lot-Light-Site in San Fernando, California


So-so Camo'ed Pop-Up Site in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley)429 viewsThis is a so-so camo rooftop site in the San Fernando Valley portion of Los Angeles. It uses open-back pop-ups on the building to mostly hide the antennas.

Verizon 'Small Cell' (Really a DAS node)429 viewsStrapped on to a City of Los Angeles light standard. Cables are routed inside the pole to and through the top cap.

Mobilitie New Wood Pole Pox in West Los Angeles429 viewsMobilitie has planted this awful wood pole in West Los Angeles. Note the standoffs for the equipment and conduits. A small cell? I think not.

Amish Area Cell Tower428 views...in Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania, in the heart of the Amish country.

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node427 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.

A Terrible Missile Rises Over the New Mexico Horizon427 viewsThis is a monster of a visible site. It stands 150 feet tall and is located on the I25 Frontage Road east of County Road 57 south of Santa Fe, NM. There is another photo in this gallery showing just how awful this site is from afar.

427 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027

Yet another awful Mobilitie design427 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Tarzana, California426 viewsClark Avenue light standard

426 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027

426 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027

Panoramic view of the KMLT transmitter building425 viewsThe roof is on. Less than a month to go before the hole is closed and the building is buried.

Single Carrier Monopole425 viewsNot much to say about this site. It's a monopole that happens to be located at the top of a hill next to a water tank.


Wireless, with Cables425 viewsClose up of the multicarrier site at the upper station of the Mt. Roberts Tramway in Juneau, Alaska.

Sprint - Microcell using Sanders CATV radio424 viewsSprint (especially in conjunction with Cox) deployed a significant number of the Sanders cable TV/cell interface. This site uses very low gain antennas (the two outside antennas are for reception from the users, and the center antenna is for transmission to the users). Sprint has built its own CATV-like wireless system to connect many of its sites back to its MTSOs.

Field of Signals424 viewsCingular's light standard site in the Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California.

Field of Signals424 viewsCingular's dual CEV site at Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California. Notice the GPS/LMU antenna bolted to the side of the CEV in the foreground.

6. A Close-Up View of Two Sectors of RF-Transparent Panels424 viewsYet another view of the bell tower being modified to enclose the antennas.

Irvine, Califoria multicarrier site424 viewsThis is an outstanding multicarrier camo site in Irvine, CA

Yet another awful Mobilitie design424 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire


Tower Towers Over the Santa Fe Plaza423 viewsTowering over the historic Santa Fe Plaza (and just about everything else in the area), this awful pole is about as out of place as a tower can be. So sad. Thanks to Alltel for contributing to the spoiling of the historic Santa Fe Plaza area.

423 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027

Color can make all the difference - Close up422 viewsThe antenna panels, while not camo, are nicely blended into the underlying structure.

Guyed Tower - Antennas Vertically Stacked422 viewsThis cell site is on a guyed lattice tower on top of a commercial building in Modesto, California. Notice that the antennas are vertically stacked "tip-to-tip" at the top of the tower.

The Leaning Tower of Victorville422 viewsVerizon's 3-sector wood pole is ever-so-slowly leaning over. Victorville, California.





422 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027

Mobilitie New Wood Pole Pox in West Los Angeles422 viewsMobilitie has planted this awful wood pole in West Los Angeles. Note the standoffs for the equipment and conduits. A small cell? I think not.

16. Clock Tower Painting Underway421 viewsYet another view of the re-painted clock tower.

21. Huh? What Happended to the Concrete Pad?421 viewsIn a surprising twist, the concrete pad has been hammered out and new frames and conduits installed. What gives? According to the work crews, it seems that the generator pad was installed 90 degrees off. Go back in the gallery and look and you'll see what I'm talking about. Because of the little error, weeks were apparently lost in site activation...not to mention $$$ (which I didn't, okay?).


Yet another awful Mobilitie design421 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Grand Canyon - South Rim420 viewsThis multicarrier site is located near the Bright Angle Lodge at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona.



Yet another awful Mobilitie design420 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Poorly designed Church bell tower site419 views

Take me to the Opera!418 viewsA parking lot light site at the Santa Fe Opera, Santa Fe, NM.

Verizon MTSO San Diego 1 of 2417 viewsThis photo shows Verizon's Mobile Telephone Switching Office and tower in San Diego, California.

Time Warner Cable Wireless Node in Santa Monica/West Los Angeles Area417 viewsTime Warner Cable Wireless Node in Santa Monica/West Los Angeles Area. Manufactured by BelAir Networks.

Mobilitie New Wood Pole Pox in West Los Angeles417 viewsMobilitie has planted this awful wood pole in West Los Angeles. Note the standoffs for the equipment and conduits. A small cell? I think not.

Waves of Power416 viewsA fairly standard power transmission tower with a cell crown. Spotted in Walnut Creek, California, this photograph graces the cover of Paul Valle-Riestra's book, "Telecommunications: The Governmental Role in Managing the Connected Community" published in 2002.

Cell Site on a Power Pole (Crown Design)416 views...on 19th near Tuckahoe in Fairfax Co., VA near I66. Notice how the cable ladder is attached to the pole using straps.

Power on the Tower416 viewsAn AT&T site on a SCE transmission tower in Thousand Oaks, California.

Tarzana, California416 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Store that Signal!415 viewsThe roof-mounted cable tray supporting the antenna coax cables can be clearly seen in this photo. The cable tray protects the coaxial cable from being damaged, here from people walking and working on the roof. Damaged coaxial cables most often seriously degrade the received and transmitted signals.

Federally Protected Bird's Next in Taos, NM415 viewsThis is a close-up of the federally-protected bird's next located high up an American Tower colo site in Taos, New Mexico.

AT&T Site Undergoing a 4G Upgrade415 viewsThis site, at 703 Montana in Santa Monica, California is undergoing an upgrade to 4G.

Yet another awful Mobilitie design415 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Sprint microcell - Two Sectors414 viewsThis two sector microcell provides spot service along Mulholland Highway in Los Angeles. Note the good use of brown paint to provide some blending with the pole and arms.

Ketchikan Me if you Kan414 viewsMulticarrier site in Ketchikan, Alaska


9. More Cable Tray Installation413 viewsHere's a further view of the cable tray as it transitions from the hallway leading from the side of the building over and down to the BTS equpment housing area.

11. Cables are now in the Cable Tray413 viewsWe're getting closer! Notice that the cables make a gentle (less than 90 degree) bend at the bottom of the ladder where it connects to the tray in the hallway. Bending cables too much can kink them. Kinking can cause excessive signal transmission losses. Not a good thing! Also notice that the GPS antenna is now installed--quite visibly--at the top of the cable tray on the roof. More in the next photograph...

Blessed Be This Cell Site413 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!

Yet another awful Mobilitie design413 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Two Sectors - One into a hillside!411 viewsAs seen in the accompanying photo, the left-pointing antennas (sector) seem to provide excellent coverage for the hillside, and not much beyond it. It would be interesting to know how much power this site and antennas produce, and whether any portion of the hillside is in an RF controlled zone. The hillside, as you can see in the photo, is quite accessible to the general public.

Multi-carrier Omnis and Panels411 viewsThis traditional 'high iron' site supports several carriers using omni-directional antennas, as well as at least one carrier with sectorized panel antennas.

10. Securing the Coaxial Cables in the Tray411 viewsA tech secures the cables to the tray. Notice that the cable tray extends out a bit from the edge of the wall. This will connect with the vertical portion of the tray heading to the roof.

Sock-it-to-me411 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.

Two Sectors - One into a hillside!410 viewsOkay, here's a panoramic photograph of Sprint's excellent RF into the accessible hillside.

Two on a Stick410 viewsHere's a long view of this two-carrier site. If you look in the sidewalk area to the right of the pole you'll see Cingular's flush-to-grade equipment vault, and just to the left of it, Cingular's two flush-to-grade vents.


Yet another awful Mobilitie design410 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Yet another awful Mobilitie design410 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire


409 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027


I'll Turn Left on a Green Sector...408 viewsFountain Hills area of greater Phoenix. A three sector site atop a traffic and light standard.

AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site407 viewsJust park your BTS equipment in this space and you're good to go. AT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection.

Take me to the Opera!407 viewsThe BTS cabinets for the multi-carrier sites (on parking lot lights) at the Santa Fe Opera in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

407 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027

407 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027


Cell Sign406 viewsSpotted in Redwood City, California, this two sector cell site provides spot coverage along the US101.

Side Saddle Microwave Dish Installation406 viewsThis cell site uses a microwave dish antenna system to provide backhaul to the MTSO. The interesting note for this site is the side saddle (offset) installation of the dish antenna. In most metro installations, a microwave antenna saves the carrier the cost of leasing a telco dataline, but at the expense of adding visual loading to the project.

Irvine, Califoria multicarrier site406 viewsThis is an outstanding multicarrier camo site in Irvine, CA

Top Hat Wireless?405 viewsHere's a different spin on hanging antennas from a pole. The other poles along this strand line are shorter, but AT&T Wireless replaced the existing pole with a taller one to provide room at the top to hang its three sectors of panel antennas.



NextG DAS - Norwalk, California405 viewsNextG Networks DAS light standard site in Norwalk, California.

AT&T Clock Tower - Public Park405 viewsAT&T Clock Tower Site in Rio Rancho, NM

Yet another awful Mobilitie design405 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Mobilitie New Wood Pole Pox in West Los Angeles405 viewsMobilitie has planted this awful wood pole in West Los Angeles. Note the standoffs for the equipment and conduits. A small cell? I think not.

Multi-carrier Cell Site Cleverly Disguised As An Upscale Hotel404 viewsOkay, it's really a hotel with an amazing number and variety of cell sites. Look at the related series of photos to get a flavor of this amazing site in Torrance, California.
Looking northeast. Cells on the roof (camo to the right; not camo in the middle) and on the southwest wall. Three panel non-camo sector on the west roof.

Tarzana, California404 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Tarzana, California404 viewsClark Avenue light standard


25. It's Raining, It's Pouring (Concrete)403 viewsHere's the new re-poured pad. It's just been poured. There'll be a cure period to let it harden before moving the equipment into the area.

Chimney Site with Elevated BTS Platform - Hermosa Beach, California403 viewsThis site features a chimney to hide the antennas (except from behind) and an elevated BTS equipment cabinet platform.

18. Now You See the Cables...Now You Don't402 viewsThe cables are now safely tucked away under the cover of the tray, now installed.

Camo Water Tank402 viewsCamo Water Tank in San Dimas, CA

Yet another awful Mobilitie design402 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Tip-to-Tip 1 of 2401 viewsThis equipment cabinets of this site are behind an unlocked gate. Many of the cable conduit pull caps have been removed exposing the site wiring.
Note the antennas mounted in a "tip-to-tip" configuration. A close up of the antennas is seen in an adjacent photo in this gallery.
This site is located in San Francisco and shines signal on US101.

Yet another awful Mobilitie design401 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire

Monopole Power Tower Cell Site400 viewsThis is a cell site on a power mono-tower in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Notice the microwave antenna for backhaul located on the lower portion of the tower.

Rooftop macrocell400 viewsYet another rooftop macrocell site. Santa Monica, California.

More Power from Power...400 views...plant, that is. San Diego County, California.


17. Clock Tower Painting Underway400 viewsA rear view of the re-painted clock tower.


T-Mobile Camo Site 400 viewsT-Mobile Camo Site at New Hope Christian Church in Chino, CA


Drive Test Rover Ready To Run399 viewsInside the cab of the drive test 'rover' is a portable computer connected to the output of the PCS signal strength receiver and the GPS receiver. The computer records the data for later mapping. The clipboard holds the predetermined route that the driver of the rover will cover during the test.

A Pair of Monopoles in Gorman, California399 viewsAt the northern end of Los Angeles County along I-5.

Tarzana, California399 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Microcell - Two Sectors398 viewsYet another pole-mounted two-sector cell site.



13. Securing the Cables and Painting398 viewsThings are moving forward downstairs, too!

Time Warner Cable Wireless Node in Santa Monica/West Los Angeles Area398 viewsTime Warner Cable Wireless Node in Santa Monica/West Los Angeles Area. Manufactured by BelAir Networks.

Hitting the signal out of the park397 viewsSprint's three-sector site is split between one sector on an existing light standard, and two sectors on a pole it installed.

Santa Fe Country Club397 viewsMono-Golfball Screen

Parking lot cell site396 viewsThe cell antennas are mounted on the light standard on the roof of a public parking lot in San Francisco.

Microcell - Two Sectors396 viewsTwo sectors facing up/down the highway. That's the San Fernando Valley in the background (on a VERY clear day!).

A New Sign of the Times396 viewsYes, this cell site is sandwiched between two outdoor advertising signs. Yes, two of the three sectors shine THROUGH the signs (with metal rails just in front of the panel antennas).

15. Clock Tower Painting Underway396 viewsThe panels are fully installed and are being painted and textured to match the building.

On the Fence396 viewsSome wireless carriers mount their antennas on the outside of water tank sites atop hilltops.


Arlington, VA Multicarrier Site395 views...at Washington Blvd. and 25th.

26. Anyone for a Tumble?395 viewsThe concrete mixer has done its job and is ready to go home, again!

Powering Up Santa Fe395 viewsT-Mobile occupies the top of this power transmission pole near the Plaza in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

So-so Camo'ed Pop-Up Site in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley)395 viewsThis is a so-so camo rooftop site in the San Fernando Valley portion of Los Angeles. It uses open-back pop-ups on the building to mostly hide the antennas.

Wait 'Till We Get Our Haines Signal On You!394 viewsMulticarrier site above Haines, Alaska

Sort-of Camo on Face of Shopping Center Tower394 viewsA less-than-inspired design in a shopping center in Chino, CA. Not impressive, and barely camo.

394 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027

24. It's Concrete Pour Day...Again393 viewsThe wood frames are in place and braced for the pour...again. Notice the very nice cable terminations at the far end of the cable tray. You'll see these again, later.


Irvine, Califoria multicarrier site393 viewsThis is an outstanding multicarrier camo site in Irvine, CA

Mobilitie New Wood Pole Pox in West Los Angeles393 viewsMobilitie has planted this awful wood pole in West Los Angeles. Note the standoffs for the equipment and conduits. A small cell? I think not.

Wireless site on a major transmission tower, Irvine, CA392 viewsUtilizing the powerline ROW, this wireless site makes use of a transmission tower. If you enlarge the photograph, you'll see another wireless site on the pole behind this one.

Which Way is the Wind Blowing?392 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.

Tower Towers Over the Santa Fe Plaza392 viewsThis tower stands just south of the Plaza in historic Santa Fe. It's clearly visible from much of the Plaza area. So sad

Santa Fe Country Club392 viewsMono-Golfball Screen

Parking the Signal391 viewsParking spaces make good sites for BTS cabinets, GPS, and LMU equipment! And parking lot walls are great for mounting panel antennas, especially when the parking lot faces a major freeway. This site is near LAX airport in Los Angeles along the San Diego Freeway at Century Boulevard.

The Tower Company Tower391 viewsSounds circular, eh? Located in Chico, California.

391 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027

Mobilitie New Wood Pole Pox in West Los Angeles391 viewsMobilitie has planted this awful wood pole in West Los Angeles. Note the standoffs for the equipment and conduits. A small cell? I think not.

Omnidirectional to Sectorized390 viewsThese poles formerly supported omnidirectional cell antennas. The carrier increased capacity by replacing the omni antennas with sectorized panel antennas.
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