Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Image search results - "tip"
Yerba Buena Island Site Serving the Oakland Bay Bridge546 viewsFrom July, 2001: This multicarrier site is pumping RF along the upper and lower spans of the Oakland Bay Bridge. Located on Yerba Buena Island (on the south side of the spans), this is an interesting configuration, employing "tip-to-tip" construction.

June 2008: This site no long exists. It has been removed to make way for construction of the new Bay Bridge connection to Yerba Buena Island. -jlk
Tip-to-Tip 1 of 2401 viewsThis equipment cabinets of this site are behind an unlocked gate. Many of the cable conduit pull caps have been removed exposing the site wiring.

Note the antennas mounted in a "tip-to-tip" configuration. A close up of the antennas is seen in an adjacent photo in this gallery.

This site is located in San Francisco and shines signal on US101.
Tip-to-Tip 2 of 2441 viewsHere are four antennas mounted in a "tip-to-tip" configuration. Notice the faux antenna cover used to blend each of the two vertical antennas on the right side of the pole. Also clearly seen are the antenna downtilt mounts, and pole-mounted pre-amplifiers.

This site is located in San Francisco and shines signal on US101. The equipment cabinets for this site are seen in an adjacent photo in this gallery.
Guyed Tower - Antennas Vertically Stacked422 viewsThis cell site is on a guyed lattice tower on top of a commercial building in Modesto, California. Notice that the antennas are vertically stacked "tip-to-tip" at the top of the tower.
Co locate site for multiple cell structures771 viewsThis multi-tower site is along next to Interstate 405 in Irvine, California. 1 comments
Multi-carrier cell site and TVRO downlink499 viewsThe multiple carrier tower isn't connected with the TVRO satellite antennas in front, but it makes for a nice picture. This site is located in northern San Antonio, Texas at a very large church facility. An interesting note: The antenna structure registration number shown on the site is, per the FCC's database, cancelled. Interesting!
Major Macrocell Site (multiple carriers)507 viewsThis is an example of a traditional multiple carrier macrocell site. Note the large microwave antennas facing to the right: They are used to provide high-reliability connection of this site to the MTSO some 25 miles away.
7 files on 1 page(s)