Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Image search results - "sea"
Turkish COW in Istanbul1953 viewsTurkish COW in Istanbul along the shore of the Marmara Sea.
This site SEEMS to need Less SEAMS791 viewsSprint's camo site in Santa Fe Springs, California looks like a major patching and repainting jobs is due...or overdue.
Can a Faux Monopine Have a Faux Disease?799 viewsNextel (now TowerCo) can take 'great pride' in its economical design of this monopine, located in a CalTrans yard at the intersections of the I405 and I10 freeways in West Los Angeles. References to Christmas trees owned by a certain person with the last name of Brown are appropriate.
Fake Cell Pine Diseased Tree1503 viewsThis has got to be one of my favorite cell trees...perhaps the worlds worst cell pine design. Yes, Nextel is to be commended on this design, not found in nature, spotted in West Los Angeles, California. Compare this to Nextel's truly good design for a cell pine.2 comments
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