Image search results - "olivehurst"

PCS Base Station below PG&E Power Tower592 viewsUbiquitel's BTS in Olivehurst, California is located in a wood-fenced enclosure below the PG&E power transmission tower.

382 viewsThis co-lo water tank site in Olivehurst, California is shared by T-Mobile, Nextel, and Cingular. The terminated ASR for this site is 1031366 (terminated because it qualifies for delisting under the FCC's 6 meter rule).

Wood You Please Support These Antennas?530 viewsUbiquitel uses wood panels to replace antennas not installed on the two-antenna mounts atop this PG&E power tower in Oakhurst, California. This site is at 2765 Powerline Road.

PCS Crown on PG&E Tower362 viewsUbiquitel's PCS antennas in Olivehurst, California are located above the high tension lines on this PG&E power transmission tower.

No, the tower legs are NOT two colors...364 views...it's just the the legs on the right have so many black cables for the T-Mobile, Cingular, and Nextel antennas. Olivehurst, California.