Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Image search results - "mar"
Sprint's Residential Cell Site435 viewsSprint constructed this stand-alone cell site at a private residence in San Diego County adjacent to San Marcos.
Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey483 viewsWater tank site or giant doorknob in Maryland.
Righty Tighty Lefty Loosy445 viewsIt's either a water tank or a big door knob. Oh yes, it has antennas on it.
Turkish COW in Istanbul1953 viewsTurkish COW in Istanbul along the shore of the Marmara Sea.
You want fries with that BTS?744 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure. There is no compelling need for the GPS antenna to extend above the CMU wall.
McCell Site656 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.
Sprint on a building902 viewsThis is a Sprint site in San Marcos, California. The BTS equipment cabinets are within in the CMU walled enclosure at ground level; the antennas are inside the surface mounted box on below the top of the building. This site is co-located with a Cricket Wireless monocypress site.
Sprint on a building815 viewsThis is a Sprint site in San Marcos, California. The BTS equipment cabinets are within in the CMU walled enclosure at ground level; the antennas are inside the surface mounted box on below the top of the building. This site is co-located with a Cricket Wireless monocypress site.
Mono Cypress1565 viewsCricket Wireless has constructed this attractive mono cypress in San Marcos, California. The BTS equipment is located against the wall of the building.
Mono Cypress880 viewsCricket Wireless has constructed an attractive mono cypress in San Marcos, California. This is a close up of the BTS equipment. Note that a Sprint site enclosure is in the background.
Mono Cypress943 viewsCricket Wireless has constructed this attractive mono cypress in San Marcos, California. The BTS equipment is located against the wall of the building.
Time for a new Flag and some paint1197 viewsThe flag flying at this Cingular site, located at a Post Office in San Marcos, California is ready to be replaced. Disposal is subject to the U.S. Flag Code. Also, a wee-bit of paint is about due, here, too!
USPO Flag Site867 viewsThis is a Cingular site at a post office in San Marcos, California
One bump too many1146 viewsThis Cingular site cable transition to a flagpole site at the USPO in San Marcos, California features impacts. It's too close to the driveway.
Nextel Camo Site - San Marcos, California546 viewsNextel's poorly-maintained camo site at a medical office building in San Marcos, California.
Nextel Camo Site - San Marcos, California535 viewsNextel's poorly-maintained camo site at a medical office building in San Marcos, California.
McCell Site735 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.
Nextel Field Light Standard Radome Antenna Mount1047 viewsNextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California) uses a field light standard to support the antennas, and the radome that covers those antennas.

The mountain in the background/right of the field light standard is Santiago Peak, the key radio site in Orange County, California.
What's Under the Skirt?793 viewsNextel's Nextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site antennas are behind a radome/skirt affixed to a field light standard. Looking upwards, you can see 4 of the 6 antennas behind the radome/skirt.
Nextel BTS Equpment Shelter696 viewsThis is the BTS equipment shelter for Nextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California). This buidling is located adjacent to a baseball diamond to the east of the field light standard supporting the site antennas.

Notice that the shadow of the field light standard and Radome are falling on the building. Just a lucky shot!
What a Lug!693 viewsNextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California) is adorned with this emergency generator socket (sometimes called a "LUG"). It permits the Nextel to bring in a portable power generator to keep the site on-air during local power outages. For technical details regarding this device see:
Monopalm with Hidden Antennas882 viewsA view looking to the west of Sprint's monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, by Chameleon Engineering. The antennas are mounted inside the 'growth pod' below the palms.
Monopalm with Hidden Antennas902 viewsA close-up of Sprint's monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California. The design by Chameleon Engineering hides the antennas inside the 'growth pod' below the palms.
Monopalm with Hidden Antennas1357 viewsSprint's monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California uses a design by Chameleon Engineering. The antennas are mounted inside the 'growth pod' below the palms. This view looks upwards to see how the grown pod radone is set out from the trunk of the palm.3 comments
A Thoughtful Monopalm768 viewsThe business end of this two-carrier monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church school in Palm Desert, California. Notice that there are no antenna arms at top of the tree structure. Cool.

Thanks to Rienk Ayers of Chameleon Engineering for updating me regarding the site. Chameleon's tag line works: "the Best is Hard to Find."
Certainly-a-Monopalm706 viewsHere's an overview of the very active monopalm surrounded by live palm and broadleaf trees. St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California.

Thanks to Rienk Ayers of Chameleon Engineering for updating me regarding the site. Chameleon's tag line works: "the Best is Hard to Find."
Very Active Monopalm787 viewsThis monopalm is located at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California. Notice that the antenna arms are not visible because they are hidden in the growth pod.
Not-a-Monopalm BTS Enclosure725 viewsThe monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church school is served from this BTS enclosure adjacent to the kids play area. Palm Desert, California. This panorama consists of three photos. Can you find both break points?
28 files on 1 page(s)