Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Image search results - "inglewood"
Building Topper373 viewsIn Inglewood, California, this multi-sector site could have been placed BEHIND camouflage panels instead of in front! Two sectors are visible...way too visible. Carrier(s) unknown.
A Growth on a Monopalm722 viewsYet another view of a compromised monopalm. Spectrasite's cellpalm should never have had the microwave dish or the add-on panel antennas on the tree trunk. It took an only fair design and made it terrible. Sprint and Cingular are at this site. Others may be, too.
A Growth on a Monopalm766 viewsSpectrasite's monopalm has this very strange 6-panel growth on the tree trunk. And isn't that a stange looking, er, microwavealbe 'date' below the palms?! How sad. Inglewood, California. Cingular and Sprint are at this site.
A Growth on a Monopalm661 viewsSpectrasite's monopalm has this very strange 6-panel growth on the tree trunk. How sad. Inglewood, California. Cingular and Sprint are at this site.
Sprint Monopalm959 viewsSprint's monopalm in Inglewood, California. Interestingly, the FCC tower registration for this site points to a completely different address. Hummmm!
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