Sprint Omni Site341 viewsTwo on an Arm legacy Sprint site in Los Angeles
Sprint Omni Site390 viewsSprint's underground equipment vault
Sprint Omni Site348 viewsTwo on an Arm legacy Sprint site in Los Angeles
Sprint Omni Site345 viewsTwo baby-vents for Sprint's equipment vault.
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site350 viewsAT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection. This photo shows a second set of omnidirection antennas immediately adjacent to the public parking space.
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site407 viewsJust park your BTS equipment in this space and you're good to go. AT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection.
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site342 viewsAT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection.
Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site574 viewsIn West Los Angeles, Sprint's antennas are located in a faux elevator penthouse, and the base telecommunications station equipment is in the foreground on the left side. If you look closely on the top of the parapet you'll see a pair of AT&T Wireless (now Cingular) omnidirectional antennas. Those antennas are featured elsewhere in this gallery.
Yahoo! What a site!478 viewsThis omnidirection site is in Santa Monica, California. The GPS antenna is the right (north) of the antennas on the roof.