Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Image search results - "cingular"
AT&T Cow in Action992 viewsPanoramic (three photos) shot of AT&T's Cell-on-Wheels (COW) in action in the Santiago Canyon area of Orange County after the October 2007 wildfires. The portable generator powers the site.
AT&T Cow in Action1760 viewsAT&T's Cell-on-Wheels (COW) in action in the Santiago Canyon area of Orange County after the October 2007 wildfires. The portable generator powers the site.
AT&T Cow in Action686 viewsLook up the ridge at AT&T's Cell-on-Wheels (COW) in action in the Santiago Canyon area of Orange County after the October 2007 wildfires. A portable generator powers the site.
Very Large Mono-Cross1210 viewsThe East Valley Free Will Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona features a very large mono-cross. This site was constructed by Cingular.
Very Large Mono-Cross723 viewsThe East Valley Free Will Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona features a very large mono-cross. This site was constructed by Cingular.
Time for a new Flag and some paint1197 viewsThe flag flying at this Cingular site, located at a Post Office in San Marcos, California is ready to be replaced. Disposal is subject to the U.S. Flag Code. Also, a wee-bit of paint is about due, here, too!
USPO Flag Site867 viewsThis is a Cingular site at a post office in San Marcos, California
One bump too many1146 viewsThis Cingular site cable transition to a flagpole site at the USPO in San Marcos, California features impacts. It's too close to the driveway.
DAS Outboard on Power Meter Cabinet871 viewsOverview of a Cingular (now AT&T) DAS site in Rolling Hills Estates, California.
DAS Outboard on Power Meter Cabinet757 viewsOnce more, Cingular (now AT&T) employs the cabinet-on-a-cabinet technique of placing its DAS note, here in Rolling Hills Estates, California.
DAS Outboard on Power Meter502 viewsOnce more, Cingular (now AT&T) employs the cabinet-on-a-cabinet technique of placing its DAS note, here in Rolling Hills Estates, California.
Wireless Adobe1362 viewsLooking at the west and south sides of Cingular's wireless adobe site. It's on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).
Wireless Adobe1086 viewsCingular's wireless adobe site on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).
Wireless Adobe888 viewsA telephoto shot of Cingular's wireless adobe site on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).
Wireless Adobe943 viewsA telephoto show of Cingular's wireless adobe site on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).
Wireless Adobe831 viewsApproaching Cingular's wireless adobe site from the west side service road. It's on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).
934 viewsA high resolution detail show of Cingular's wireless adobe site from the west side service road. It's on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).
Wireless Adobe1113 viewsLooking southwest to Cingular's wireless adobe site. It's on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).
AT&T/Cingular Cow at the Rose Bowl652 viewsCingular's (AT&T's) Cow at the 2007 Rose Bowl Game.
Faux Steeple Site Overlooking LAX606 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the relationship between the site and the west complex of LAX. This is a $million dollar view of LAX, but I suspect the mortuary isn't quite making all that from T-Mobile.
LMU/GPS - Unusual Configuration675 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very unusual placement of the LMU antenna (left) and the GPS antenna (right) attached to the power riser. This face of the building is to the south, so the LMU antenna is block for about 180 degrees of arc. Clever, eh?
Fax Steeple Site Overlooking LAX599 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. Note that the chimney shown in this photo IS NOT the camo faux chimney in the rear of the property. This is the building real chimney.
Close Up of Top of Poorly Maintained Faux Chimney907 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very poorly maintained faux chimney. A brick facade panel is coming off. The cable, telephone, and power drops should be relocated to achive the required NEC clearances.1 comments
BTS Equipment, Top and Bottom of Faux Chimney612 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport.
Top of Poorly Maintained Faux Chimney585 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very poorly maintained faux chimney. A brick facade panel is coming off. The cable, telephone, and power drops should be relocated to achive the required NEC clearances.
BTS Equipment, Top and Bottom of Faux Chimney595 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport.
BTS Equipment, Bottom of Faux Chimney555 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport.
The Sweet Taste of Signal717 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers. Cingular is in the prefabricated building on the right. The carrier on the outdoor platform on the left is (currently) unidentified.
The Sweet Taste of Signal608 viewsA view of the jumper-to-hardline and grounding point for this unidentified carrier at the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo. The colored tape is used to identify the antenna sectors and whether the antennas are transmit or receive. Loveland, Colorado.
The Sweet Taste of Signal626 viewsUnidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland Colorado. Notice that the equipment is held aloft on a variable mount platform rather than engineering a foundation.
The Sweet Taste of Signal535 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).
The Sweet Taste of Signal603 viewsA close-up view of the platform system used to elevate and level the equipment cabinets for this unidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland, Colorado.
The Sweet Taste of Signal653 viewsLong view of the Loveland Sugar Co. (Colorado) silo used as and antenna platform for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).
The Sweet Taste of Signal544 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.
The Sweet Taste of Signal552 viewsCloseup of the Cingular and unidentified second carrier panels and microwave in use on this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.
The Sweet Taste of Signal547 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old sugar silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.
Nextel Near the L.A. Convention Center685 viewsNextel's equipment is located inside this building west of the L.A. Convention Center. The building design is quite interesting, eh? Sprint and Cingular and co-located at this site. Sprint's antenna support is like Nextel's (only it has a fresh coat of paint), and Cingular uses a mono-bore tower here.
Sprint Together With Nextel...852 views...have the two unusual antenna supports at this site, located west of the L.A. Convention Center. Cingular is here, too, with a mono-bore tower off the photo to the right. Gee, that Nextel tower could sure use a fresh coat of paint, do you agree?
You Can Rest Your Signal Here725 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.
You Can Rest Your Signal Here612 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.
You Can Rest Your Signal Here649 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.
Two on a Stick669 viewsSprint's BTS equipment is located in the large flush-to-grade vault. It's flush vents bracket the BTS vault. It's interesting to compare the small Sprint vents to the large Cingular vents at the same site. (See the photos of Cingular's vents near this photo in the same gallery.)
Two on a Stick527 viewsSprint's BTS equipment is located in the large flush-to-grade vault. It's flush vents bracket the BTS vault.
Two on a Stick466 viewsHere's a close-up of the dual antennas on this wood pole in Santa Monica, California. Sprint is on the bottom; Cingular is that mass at the top. By the way, the palm is not a camouflage element of Cingular's antennas.
Two on a Stick410 viewsHere's a long view of this two-carrier site. If you look in the sidewalk area to the right of the pole you'll see Cingular's flush-to-grade equipment vault, and just to the left of it, Cingular's two flush-to-grade vents.
Two on a Stick363 viewsCingular and Sprint share this wood light pole in Santa Monica, California. Cingular is on the top, and Sprint is on the arm. Both carriers use completely underground BTS equipment enclosures and flush-to-grade vent systems.
Two on a Stick460 viewsCingular and Sprint share this wood light pole in Santa Monica, California. Cingular's antennas, pictured here, are on the top. Sprint's antennas are on an arm below the bottom of the photograph. Both carriers use completely underground BTS equipment enclosures and flush-to-grade vent systems.
A Baby ___pole Site668 viewsYet another ___pole missing its ____. This is a stunted ___pole just intended to shine signal on a stretch of the I-5 Freeway in the City of San Diego. Built by AT&T, this is now a Cingular site.
Just Signal583 viewsThis Cingular-constructed site in Irvine California has its antennas above the clocks. It's located at a "Just Tires" store.
A Flag and Light Show766 viewsThis is an AT&T Wireless site, later Cingular, shining signal in San Diego on the I-5 Freeway and the Coronado Bay Bridge. The light standard also supports antennas. 1 comments
A Flagpole Site556 viewsThis is an AT&T Wireless site, later Cingular, shining signal in San Diego on the I-5 Freeway and the Coronado Bay Bridge.
Just Signal648 viewsThis Cingular-constructed site in Irvine California has its antennas above the clocks. It's located at a "Just Tires" store.
382 viewsThis co-lo water tank site in Olivehurst, California is shared by T-Mobile, Nextel, and Cingular. The terminated ASR for this site is 1031366 (terminated because it qualifies for delisting under the FCC's 6 meter rule).
Mauve in Orange706 viewsI never knew that some Palm tree trunks were mauve. Apparently they can be for mono-palms like this Cingular site in the City of Orange, California.
cells.ca99.biggs.ca.american.twr.site.82517.cingular.20051112. DSCN0402.jpg
A Singular Pole for a Cingular Site385 viewsAmerican Tower leases this monopole to Cingular. It's located in Biggs, California (American Tower Site No. 82517).
No, the tower legs are NOT two colors...364 views...it's just the the legs on the right have so many black cables for the T-Mobile, Cingular, and Nextel antennas. Olivehurst, California.
Park'n the Signal on the Roof514 viewsNotice how the coax ground wires are far from supported, attached, and protected at this site. This is a violation of the NEC 810.21(C) and (D) et seq.
Park'n the Signal on the Roof458 viewsThe cable wiring for this site leaves something to be desired. Notice how the cables are attached to wood blocks.

PMBS>Cingular>T-Mobile at The Grand Long Beach Event Center, 4101 East Willow St.
Park'n the Signal on the Roof452 viewsPBMS built this site. Cingular took it over. It's likely now a T-Mobile site. Long Beach, California, on top of the parking lot for The Grand Long Beach Event Center, 4101 East Willow St.
Park'n the Signal on the Roof388 viewsPBMS built this site. Cingular took it over. It's likely now a T-Mobile site. Long Beach, California, on top of the parking lot for The Grand Long Beach Event Center, 4101 East Willow St.
A Growth on a Monopalm722 viewsYet another view of a compromised monopalm. Spectrasite's cellpalm should never have had the microwave dish or the add-on panel antennas on the tree trunk. It took an only fair design and made it terrible. Sprint and Cingular are at this site. Others may be, too.
A Growth on a Monopalm766 viewsSpectrasite's monopalm has this very strange 6-panel growth on the tree trunk. And isn't that a stange looking, er, microwavealbe 'date' below the palms?! How sad. Inglewood, California. Cingular and Sprint are at this site.
A Growth on a Monopalm661 viewsSpectrasite's monopalm has this very strange 6-panel growth on the tree trunk. How sad. Inglewood, California. Cingular and Sprint are at this site.
Super Signal From Super 8644 viewsCingular built this camo site below a sign at the Super 8 Motel in Azusa, California. For some reason the radome cover is missing, exposing the three sector antennas to public view. The BTS equipment is located on the roof of the motel, just out of sight to the left of the photo.
Super Signal From Super 8608 viewsCingular built this camo site below a sign at the Super 8 Motel in Azusa, California. For some reason the radome cover is missing, exposing the three sector antennas to public view.
Super Signal From Super 8517 viewsCingular built this camo site below a sign at the Super 8 Motel in Azusa, California. For some reason the radome cover is missing, exposing the three sector antennas to public view.
Field of Signals378 viewsCingular's light standard site in the Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California.
Field of Signals424 viewsCingular's dual CEV site at Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California. Notice the GPS/LMU antenna bolted to the side of the CEV in the foreground.
Field of Signals424 viewsCingular's light standard site in the Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California.
It's a Gas!580 viewsUSA Gas in Irvine, California sports this nifty T-Mobile flag site. Cingular has a proposal to change out the flagpole for a dual-carrier flagpole.
It's a Gas!685 viewsUSA Gas station in Irvine, California. This flagpole is operated by T-Mobile. Cingular would like to change it out for a dual-carrier flagpole.
BTS Equipment Behind Mounment Sign569 viewsCloseup of the equipment behind the monument entry sign at CLU.
BTS Equipment Behind Mounment Sign560 viewsCloseup of the equipment behind the monument entry sign at CLU.
BTS Equipment Behind Monument Sign547 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights (seen in this background right of this photo), and the BTS equipment is behind the monument entry sign.
BTS Equipment Behind Monument Sign520 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights (not seen in this photo), and the BTS equipment is in the background behind the monument entry sign.
Cingular Camo Light Standard632 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights, and the BTS equipment is in the background behind the monument entry sign.
Cingular Camo Light Standard640 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights, and the BTS equipment is in the background behind the monument entry sign.
A faux 'faux chimney'750 viewsCingular's faux chimney on the front of a real estate office is lacking the adequate coverage required to truly consider this to be a camouflaged site. Notice the interesting (read: "ugly") cable entry box, and the fact that the panel antenna protrudes above the level of the faux chimney. Not a good design.
Faux 'faux chimney' - A Different Angle510 viewsFrom this angle, Cingular's faux chimney on the front of a real estate office is a good design, but things aren't as they seem. See the view of this faux chimney from the other side to see why its inferior.
Close-up of a faux 'faux chimney'556 viewsHere's a close-up of Cingular's faux chimney on the rear of a real estate office. Notice how the panel antenna protrudes above the level of the faux chimney. Not good.
Faux 'faux chimney'542 viewsCingular's faux chimney on the rear of a real estate office is a better design than the front faux chimney, yet this chimney suffers from one of the same faults as the front: the panel antenna protrudes above the level of the faux chimney.
Cingular BTS580 viewsThis BTS installation at a Cingular site in Tustin, California is somewhat interesting as it is mounted between two buildings. The faux chimney antenna sites at this location are detailed in other photographs.
Saguaro Sends Signals Silently734 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Cingular's BTS equipment is located in the fenced area in the left side of the photo. The cactus is up a small rise.
Saguaro Rocks!566 viewsYet another photo of Larson-USA's Fountain Hills, Arizona site for Cingular.
Okay, so what's with the Rock?841 viewsThe faux rock on the left, bottom of the cell cactus hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. It blends in quite nicely. Larson-USA design.
Hollow Rock?617 viewsAnother view of the faux rock on the left, bottom of the cell cactus. The rock hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. Larson-USA design.
Faux Cactus, Faux Rock1085 viewsThe faux rock on the bottom center of the cell cactus hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. Larson-USA design.
Bolts Holding Down Cactus?!1205 viewsThis detail show shows how the faux cactus is bolted to the concrete pad. The faux rock hiding the coaxial cables can be seen at the rear of the cactus. Larson-USA design. www.utilitycamo.com
Low Mileage Monopalm648 viewsHere's a better-than-average Cingular monopalm installation. What makes it better than average? The more-than-usual number of palm fronds that provide better cover for the panels.
Naked Cellular/PCS Flagpole!768 viewsThis is actually three photos stitched together to show the three-flagpole site in great detail. The center flagpole is an AT&T (now Cingular) Wireless site in Los Angeles, California. AT&T shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.1 comments
Naked Cellular/PCS Flagpole!701 viewsAll three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is a AT&T Wireless site in Los Angeles, California. AT&T (Cingular) shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.
Close-up of a cellular/PCS flagpole without the covers4666 viewsThis is a close-up shot of how antennas are stacked in a faux flagpole. All three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is an AT&T Wireless (now Cingular) site in Los Angeles, California. Verizon shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.2 comments
Hint: It's Not Canneroni590 viewsThese are three section covers of a faux flagpole barely in the City of Los Angeles, California. They're off while Cingular works on its antennas (see the photos in this gallery).
Hint: It's Not Canneroni2182 viewsThese are three section covers of a faux flagpole barely in the City of Los Angeles, California. They're off while Verizon's works on its antennas (see the photos in this gallery).
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site350 viewsAT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection. This photo shows a second set of omnidirection antennas immediately adjacent to the public parking space.
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site407 viewsJust park your BTS equipment in this space and you're good to go. AT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection.
AT&T Wireless (Cingular) Omni Site342 viewsAT&T Wireless built this dual band cellular/PCS site in West Los Angeles adjacent to a large regional mall and a busy intersection.
Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site574 viewsIn West Los Angeles, Sprint's antennas are located in a faux elevator penthouse, and the base telecommunications station equipment is in the foreground on the left side. If you look closely on the top of the parapet you'll see a pair of AT&T Wireless (now Cingular) omnidirectional antennas. Those antennas are featured elsewhere in this gallery.
It's a Grand Old Flag...Again673 viewsHere's an updated photo showing the new (not torn) American Flag at this Cingular flagpole cell site.
It's a Grand Old Flag...Again590 viewsCingular has replaced the old, torn US Flag with this fine one. The code inspector in this community had a chat with Cingular to let them know that the old, Old Glory was a bit too old (and torn). Look further down in this gallery to see the sad 'before' photo.
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?822 viewsHere's another view of the Nextel/AT&T Wireless Co-Lo site on USMC property in San Diego. This angle shows the microwave antenna used for backhaul purposes.

Notice how the bark cladding ends at the level of the lowest branches. Modern design (and permit conditions) would have the cladding extend to the top of the tree. Modern design would also extend the branches closer to the ground, and would provide for significantly greater branch coverage. Finally, modern design would also provide for camouflage covers on each of the antennas, and better treatment of the microwave radome.
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?729 viewsThis Nextel site on USMC property in San Diego is already depicted in the gallery, but it's time to revisit is as Cingular is in the process of adding 12 antennas. The lift used to get workers 'up into the tree' is shown in the foreground.1 comments
A Real Education451 viewsThis Cingular site is located on the grounds of Fountain Valley (California) High School.
No Dead Zones Around This Site1128 viewsCingular's very slick stand-alone site is located on the grounds of a cemetery.2 comments
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California632 viewsLong shot of the co-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

The antennas are located in the cross, behind RF transparent panels just below the roof, and on a light standard above a children's play area. Zoom in to see the multiple GPS antennas above the camo panels. Why so many carriers at this site? Three words: Location, Location, Location. This site, on a hill, has a great look up and down Interstate 5, and east to newly developed areas of the City of San Clemente, California.
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California685 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This camo sector shines to the east. You can see one of the antennas for this sector located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. The arrows indicate the direction of installation of one of the antennas. The color tape on the coaxial cable is a typical method of identifying the sector of the antenna, and whether its a transmit, receive, or duplex model.
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California535 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This camo sector shines to the south. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. One of the panels doesn't match, does it?
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California521 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This camo sector shines to the east. You can see the Cingular BTS. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof.
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California601 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This non-camo sector shines north along Interstate 5.
Camo, almost matching... (2 of 2)607 viewsThis Cingular site is a good example of the need to carefully plan how much of an existing wall will be replaced with a fiberglass camo panel. In this case, the cut out portion of the wall, now replaced with a painted/textured RF transparent panel, is clearly visible. A better approach would have been for the carrier to cut from wood panel edge to panel edge so that the difference, if visible, would have been more uniform.
Camo, almost matching... (1 of 2)575 viewsThis Cingular site is a good example of the need to carefully plan how much of an existing wall will be replaced with a fiberglass camo panel. In this case, the cut out portion of the wall, now replaced with a painted/textured RF transparent panel, is clearly visible. A better approach would have been for the carrier to cut from wood panel edge to panel edge so that the difference, if visible, would have been more uniform.
BTS Equipment Shelter671 views...nicely screened with a matching wood cover.1 comments
Cingular Flag Pole595 viewsThis "super-sized" flag pole camo site is located at a... Well, you can see for yourself.
Cingular Flag Pole (Close-up)1080 viewsThis photograph highlights the reason for conditioning wireless flag pole sites flying the American Flag to routinely inspect the condition of flag, and to follow the requirements of the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10. As seen in this photo, the US Flag on the Cingular camo flag pole is tattered.1 comments
Equipment Cabinets, GPS and LMU antennas511 viewsCingular's equipment cabinets are mounted in the hardscape area between the curb and sidewalk.
Close-up of GPS Antenna and LMU Antenna485 viewsCingular's GPS antenna (left) and the LMU antenna are mounted at about the 5 foot level adjacent to the sidewalk. It's amazing that they're still there. Hope no pedestrians walk into the bracket at night.
Utility Wood Pole Top Mount579 viewsCingular's three sector antenna system is mounted at the top of the utility pole it installed (it has a PBM pole number). The equipment cabinets are located to the right of the pole.
Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites700 viewsThe enclosure on the far right houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the right light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment. Rosemead, California (just north of the I-10 freeway).
Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites859 viewsThe enclosure on the far left houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the left light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment.1 comments
Sun, Sail, and Signal #2658 viewsThis camo chimney is located at the Sun and Sail Club in Lake Forest, California. The AT&T Wireless and Cingular antennas are behind the faux rock detail at the top of the chimney. The BTS equipment is located directly below, and in front of the chimney (out of sight in this photo, just below the wood box containing the coaxial and ground cables).
Sun, Sail, and Signal #1583 viewsThis camo chimney is located at the Sun and Sail Club in Lake Forest, California. The AT&T Wireless and Cingular antennas are behind the faux rock detail at the top of the chimney.
Camo site atop standalone church tower - #2843 viewsThis church, in Irvine, California, has a Cingular site above the stained glass in the stand-alone tower.
Camo site atop standalone church tower605 viewsThis church, in Irvine, California, has a Cingular site above the stained glass in the stand-alone tower.
BTS Equipment at Church655 viewsThis is a view of Cingular's BTS equipment installed at a church in Irvine, California. Notice that the GPS antenna, used to providing timing synch, is under the eve of the building.
City Sign Cell Site891 viewsThis camouflaged site along Interstate 405 in Westminster, California was constructed by AT&T Wireless, now Cingular.
Cingular underground cell site equipment1272 viewsThe BTS equipment vault, in the foreground, serves a Cingular's light standard microcell. The green pedestal houses the power company meter, and is subject to removal if the power company allows unmetered or remotely metered service sometime in the future.
What time is it? It's Cingular Time!1151 viewsHere's an attractive Cingular Wireless clock tower cell site in Buena Park, California. The BTS equipment is located at ground level behind the block wall.
127 files on 1 page(s)