Image search results - "and"

Verizon 'Small Cell' (Really a DAS node)529 viewsStrapped on to a City of Los Angeles light standard. Cables are routed inside the pole to and through the top cap.

Verizon 'Small Cell' (Really a DAS node)427 viewsStrapped on to a City of Los Angeles light standard. Cables are routed inside the pole to and through the top cap.

So-so Camo'ed Pop-Up Site in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley)474 viewsThis is a so-so camo rooftop site in the San Fernando Valley portion of Los Angeles. It uses open-back pop-ups on the building to mostly hide the antennas.

So-so Camo'ed Pop-Up Site in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley)429 viewsThis is a so-so camo rooftop site in the San Fernando Valley portion of Los Angeles. It uses open-back pop-ups on the building to mostly hide the antennas.

So-so Camo'ed Pop-Up Site in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley)378 viewsThis is a so-so camo rooftop site in the San Fernando Valley portion of Los Angeles. It uses open-back pop-ups on the building to mostly hide the antennas.

So-so Camo'ed Pop-Up Site in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley)395 viewsThis is a so-so camo rooftop site in the San Fernando Valley portion of Los Angeles. It uses open-back pop-ups on the building to mostly hide the antennas.

So-so Camo'ed Pop-Up Site in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley)451 viewsThis is a so-so camo rooftop site in the San Fernando Valley portion of Los Angeles. It uses open-back pop-ups on the building to mostly hide the antennas.

Tarzana, California521 viewsClark Avenue

Tarzana, California435 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Tarzana, California431 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Tarzana, California415 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Tarzana, California403 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Tarzana, California385 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Tarzana, California398 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Tarzana, California403 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Tarzana, California425 viewsClark Avenue light standard

Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey483 viewsWater tank site or giant doorknob in Maryland.

Righty Tighty Lefty Loosy445 viewsIt's either a water tank or a big door knob. Oh yes, it has antennas on it.

Would Verizon please let the Sprint Nextel inside?2189 viewsThe inside of the building is occupied by Verizon. Verizon's antennas are behind the faux tiles. Sprint's Nextel cabinets are outdoors adjacent to the building, and its antennas are on H-Frame mounts (see the associated pictures).

Would Verizon please let the Sprint Nextel inside?1885 viewsThe inside of the building is occupied by Verizon. Verizon's antennas are behind the faux tiles. Sprint's Nextel cabinets are outdoors adjacent to the building, and its antennas are on H-Frame mounts (see the associated pictures).

New Concept: A wireless site without antennas or base station equipment1246 viewsThis SCE tower features a three sector panel mount without panels. It also lacks any base station.

Power on the Tower416 viewsAn AT&T site on a SCE transmission tower in Thousand Oaks, California.

YMCA Monopole732 viewsA shorty monopole site at a YMCA camp in Thousand Oaks, California.

Cupola Site703 viewsT-Mobile's antennas are inside at the top of the cupola.

What time is it? Time to make a call!531 viewsSort-of camo site (antennas are on the corners of the clock tower). Thousand Oaks, CA.

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California321 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California287 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California281 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California256 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California255 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California279 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California299 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California273 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California263 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California272 views

NextG DAS - Rancho Palos Verdes, California266 views

2250 viewsCan you guess which of the light standards contains the site antennas?

Santa Fe High School Light Standard353 viewsLight Standard site at Santa Fe High School (New Mexico)

Santa Fe High School Light Standard352 viewsLight Standard site at Santa Fe High School (New Mexico)

AT&T Camo Light Standard 984 viewsAT&T's camo light standard site at Cresthaven and Westlake Blvd. in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are within the radome above the light arm. The GPS antenna above the radome should not be visible based on the plans approved by the Planning Commission.

AT&T Camo Light Standard1012 viewsAT&T's camo light standard site at Cresthaven and Westlake Blvd. in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are within the radome above the light arm. The GPS antenna above the radome should not be visible based on the plans approved by the Planning Commission.

Lighting the Lot429 viewsSprint's interesting little Mono-Parking-Lot-Light-Site in San Fernando, California

Light Standards with More788 viewsNear a hospital heliport, which explains the aircraft warning lights, the Verizon site (left) and the T-Mobile site (right) feature clamp-on radomes. The Verizon site also features a microwave antenna, which is unusual for light standard sites. Anaheim, California

You want fries with that BTS?744 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure. There is no compelling need for the GPS antenna to extend above the CMU wall.

McCell Site656 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.

So, it works in orange, too!643 viewsThis is a Clearwire site near the Portland, Oregon airport (PDX). Sites near airports are sometimes required to be painted with aviation orange and while to make them more visible to pilots. Clearly seen in this photo are Clearwire's on panel-per-sector deployment for serving the customers in the area, and two backhaul microwave antennas to link this site to other site, and on to the Clearwire POP ("point of presence") connecting to the Internet.

Can You Store My Signal Now?948 viewsT-Mobile's faux lighthouse antenna site in the San Fernando Valley, California.

T-Mobile Faux Lighthouse Antennas799 viewsPublic Storage, the national chain of self-storage centers has many centers that provide cell site locations. This center, in the San Fernando Valley, supports two carriers (T-Mobile and Sprint Nextel). The antennas on top of the faux lighthouse belong to T-Mobile.

Is that A Fog Horn I hear?719 viewsPublic Storage, the national chain of self-storage centers has many centers that provide cell site locations. This center, in the San Fernando Valley, supports two carriers (T-Mobile and Sprint Nextel). The antennas on top of the faux lighthouse belong to T-Mobile.

About three hundred years apart548 viewsYes, this is big iron in Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania. Yes, it's in the middle of a field being tended by local Amish citizens. Yes, this photo captures technology spanning about 300 years. Amazing!

Amish Area Cell Tower428 views...in Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania, in the heart of the Amish country.

Days'd and Confused1105 viewsNextel need only extend the flashing to and across the top of its antenna enclosure to make this a very good site.

Days'd and Confused890 viewsJust a bit more flashing, if you please.

Now you see it; now you shouldn't.1369 viewsAs an example of how to ALMOST construct a camouflaged site, look at this photograph. Nextel's camo box fails to extend the flashing around the top of its enclosure. As a result, from ground level you can see the coaxial cables running over the top parapet to the camo box. I've created a photo simulation to illustrate how little it would have taken to complete the camouflage for this site, and the benefits of that little effort. Planners, think about these things...they will make a great difference in the result of your work.

Cardiff Sports Park1045 viewsMulti-pole, multi-carrier site in the Cardiff Sports Park in Encinitas, California.

Cardiff Sports Park789 viewsOne pole of a multi-carrier site in the Cardiff Sports Park in Encinitas, California.

An Insect Attracted to a Light1005 viewsView of the Andrew node of the Cricket Wireless DAS site (installed by NextG) on a light standard in Encinitas, California.

An Insect Attracted to a Light997 viewsSide view of the Cricket Wireless DAS site (installed by NextG) on a light standard in Encinitas, California.

An Insect Attracted to a Light913 viewsThe omnidirectional antenna of the Cricket Wireless DAS site (installed by NextG) on a light standard in Encinitas, California.

An Insect Attracted to a Light838 viewsThis is a Cricket Wireless DAS site (installed by NextG) on a light standard in Encinitas, California.

A well lit monolight brought to you by Verizon591 views...in the San Fernando Valley. A Verizon site. The base station equipment is located in one of the mall stores, which Verizon has taken over and added a new interior door.

Blessed be Sprint995 viewsA sprint site inside a faux bell tower at a church in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles, California).

Blessed be Sprint850 viewsA sprint site inside a faux bell tower at a church in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles, California).

Blessed be Sprint824 viewsA sprint site inside a faux bell tower at a church in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles, California).

DAS Outboard on Power Meter Cabinet871 viewsOverview of a Cingular (now AT&T) DAS site in Rolling Hills Estates, California.

Das da ticket!573 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.

Das da ticket!571 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet. Notice that the node is not directly affixed, but is held via stand-offs.

Das da ticket!494 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.

Das da ticket!544 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.

Das da ticket!646 viewsA close up of the AT&T Wireless DAS antennas. Note several things:
First, the RF warning sign is on the rear of the antenna, where is cannot be seen by someone approaching the antenna. This is not consistent with the FCC RF safety requirements.
Second, these are dual band antennas. In the far antenna, the cellular band antenna feed is on the right; the PCS band feed is on the left.

Das da ticket!611 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.

Awful AT&T Antennas740 viewsThis rather awful antenna site, from AT&T wireless, is located at 10239 1/2 Vassar in Canoga Park, California. The dual band antennas use tower mounted amplifiers to enhance weak signal reception.

Awful AT&T Antennas626 viewsThis rather awful antenna site, from AT&T wireless, is located at 10239 1/2 Vassar in Canoga Park, California. The dual band antennas use tower mounted amplifiers to enhance weak signal reception.

Monopalm in the Sepulveda Pass1172 viewsWorking on the little tree (July 2001). This monopalm is located on Sepulveda Blvd. south of Mulholland off of the I-405 freeway in Los Angeles.

Tree Trunk Firmly Planted!741 viewsThis photo shows the detail of the monopalm trunk installation to the foundation. Footings are sunk and concrete is poured around the footings. The tree is bolted to the footings.

Yerba Buena Island Site Serving the Oakland Bay Bridge547 viewsFrom July, 2001: This multicarrier site is pumping RF along the upper and lower spans of the Oakland Bay Bridge. Located on Yerba Buena Island (on the south side of the spans), this is an interesting configuration, employing "tip-to-tip" construction.
June 2008: This site no long exists. It has been removed to make way for construction of the new Bay Bridge connection to Yerba Buena Island. -jlk

Desert Storm!690 viewsVerizon's "Desert Storm" light standard site in Irvine, California.

The Transit Mixer has Arrived...549 views...so let the pouring begin!

Light Standard Under Construction508 viewsThe double arms of this light standard, and the radome containing the antennas above the arms are yet to be placed.

Not part of an underground water river...559 viewsThe water bottle is not part of the CEV.

CEV ready for concrete pour485 viewsJust waiting on the transit mixer to show up.

Nearly time for the 'crete!433 viewsWorkers preparing the CEV for the concrete pour.

Don't worry...the ladder will be removed before the concrete is poured.511 viewsWorkers preping the CEV for the concrete pour. The large holes are to connect to what will be intake and outflow air vents yet to be installed.

Cable route in/out of the CEV482 viewsThis trench will house the power and telephone cable conduits into and out of the CEV, as well as the coaxial cables to the base of the light standard.

Looking at the rear of the CEV.487 viewsA good shot of the base and read of the CEV dig hole.

Light Standard Under Construction587 viewsThe double arms of this light standard, and the radome containing the antennas above the arms are yet to be placed. The light standard is located in the greenbelt median of the roadway.

Verizon CEV installation in Irvine, California619 views

Verizon CEV installation in Irvine, California666 viewsWorkers preping the CEV for the concrete pour.

NextG Distributed Antenna System Node830 viewsNextG's DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. The DAS equipment manufacturer is Andrew Corporation. This DAS node is a member of Andrew's ION ("Intelligent Optical Network") line of products. The cover at the top of the DAS housing covers a cooling fan.
Under SDG&E rules, this site does not consume enough power to require a power meter; merely a breaker box (located to the right of the DAS node).

Camo Site at Gas Station682 viewsVerizon Wireless is in the far tower of this gas station on the road to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The site is in Valley, Arizona.

Grand Canyon - South Rim420 viewsThis multicarrier site is located near the Bright Angle Lodge at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

Grand Canyon Valle Airport377 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.

Sock-it-to-me411 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.

Which Way is the Wind Blowing?392 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.

McCell Site735 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.

Sing it with me... "Every Light A Cell Site"682 viewsThis is a view of the east side of the track at Agoura High in Agoura Hills, California. Each of the four light standards at this track support a antennas in radomes.

Agoura High School711 viewsAll four light standards at the Agoura Hills High School sport antenna radomes

The Sweet Taste of Signal717 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers. Cingular is in the prefabricated building on the right. The carrier on the outdoor platform on the left is (currently) unidentified.

The Sweet Taste of Signal608 viewsA view of the jumper-to-hardline and grounding point for this unidentified carrier at the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo. The colored tape is used to identify the antenna sectors and whether the antennas are transmit or receive. Loveland, Colorado.

The Sweet Taste of Signal626 viewsUnidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland Colorado. Notice that the equipment is held aloft on a variable mount platform rather than engineering a foundation.

The Sweet Taste of Signal535 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).

The Sweet Taste of Signal603 viewsA close-up view of the platform system used to elevate and level the equipment cabinets for this unidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland, Colorado.

The Sweet Taste of Signal653 viewsLong view of the Loveland Sugar Co. (Colorado) silo used as and antenna platform for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).

The Sweet Taste of Signal544 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.

The Sweet Taste of Signal552 viewsCloseup of the Cingular and unidentified second carrier panels and microwave in use on this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.

The Sweet Taste of Signal547 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old sugar silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.

A Sassy Power Generator597 viewsVerizon's Sassy site features this remote power generator. Note that the fuel tank isn't here, but rather it's located in the main BTS fenced area about 50 feet away (and to the left of this view).

Verizon Wireless Camo Light Standard969 views...in Santa Monica, California. Notice that the BTS equipment vault is located around the corner to the right. It's in the sidewalk area. If you still can't spot it, look for the white painted labels! Actually, a nice design. The vents are in the greenbelt area.

Verizon Wireless Camo Light Standard900 views...in Santa Monica, California. Notice that the BTS equipment vault is located around the corner to the right. It's in the sidewalk area. The vault vents are located in the greenbelt behind the red curb. A very nice installation, indeed.

Two on a Stick669 viewsSprint's BTS equipment is located in the large flush-to-grade vault. It's flush vents bracket the BTS vault. It's interesting to compare the small Sprint vents to the large Cingular vents at the same site. (See the photos of Cingular's vents near this photo in the same gallery.)

Two on a Stick527 viewsSprint's BTS equipment is located in the large flush-to-grade vault. It's flush vents bracket the BTS vault.

Two on a Stick466 viewsHere's a close-up of the dual antennas on this wood pole in Santa Monica, California. Sprint is on the bottom; Cingular is that mass at the top. By the way, the palm is not a camouflage element of Cingular's antennas.

Two on a Stick410 viewsHere's a long view of this two-carrier site. If you look in the sidewalk area to the right of the pole you'll see Cingular's flush-to-grade equipment vault, and just to the left of it, Cingular's two flush-to-grade vents.

Two on a Stick363 viewsCingular and Sprint share this wood light pole in Santa Monica, California. Cingular is on the top, and Sprint is on the arm. Both carriers use completely underground BTS equipment enclosures and flush-to-grade vent systems.

Two on a Stick460 viewsCingular and Sprint share this wood light pole in Santa Monica, California. Cingular's antennas, pictured here, are on the top. Sprint's antennas are on an arm below the bottom of the photograph. Both carriers use completely underground BTS equipment enclosures and flush-to-grade vent systems.

A Flag and Light Show766 viewsThis is an AT&T Wireless site, later Cingular, shining signal in San Diego on the I-5 Freeway and the Coronado Bay Bridge. The light standard also supports antennas.

Store that Signal!415 viewsThe roof-mounted cable tray supporting the antenna coax cables can be clearly seen in this photo. The cable tray protects the coaxial cable from being damaged, here from people walking and working on the roof. Damaged coaxial cables most often seriously degrade the received and transmitted signals.

Store that Signal!376 viewsPublic Storage locations are popular cell site locations. The carrier will often locate its equipment in a top floor or building end unit and place its antennas on the roof or an adjacent mono-whatever.
This PS location, in Rowland Heights, California sports externally mounted antennas.

Nextel Field Light Standard Radome Antenna Mount1047 viewsNextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California) uses a field light standard to support the antennas, and the radome that covers those antennas.
The mountain in the background/right of the field light standard is Santiago Peak, the key radio site in Orange County, California.

What's Under the Skirt?793 viewsNextel's Nextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site antennas are behind a radome/skirt affixed to a field light standard. Looking upwards, you can see 4 of the 6 antennas behind the radome/skirt.

Sprint's Dual Light Standard Site758 viewsHigh above the US101 (Ventura Freeway) in Thousand Oaks sit these dual light standards. Two light standards provide three sectors of diversity coverage in this very high (RF) traffic area. The equipment is located in an underground vault. Rasnow Peak can be seen in the distance.

Sprint's Dual Light Standard Site806 viewsHigh above the US101 (Ventura Freeway) in Thousand Oaks sit these dual light standards. Two light standards provide three sectors of diversity coverage in this very high (RF) traffic area. The BTS equpment is located in the vault between the two light standards.

Underground BTS Equipment Vault941 viewsYou're looking at a close-up view of one way that Sprint places its equipment underground. The vents provide air flow. The green pedestal is for the power meter. The PVC tubing is for site drainage. This site is in the Newbury Park portion of Thousand Oaks, California.

Mounting collar: Radome above a light standard936 viewsHere's a close-up view of how a radome is attached to the top of a concrete light standard. This is a Sprint site in the Newbury Park portion of Thousand Oaks, California

Field of Signals378 viewsCingular's light standard site in the Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California.

Field of Signals424 viewsCingular's dual CEV site at Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California. Notice the GPS/LMU antenna bolted to the side of the CEV in the foreground.

Field of Signals424 viewsCingular's light standard site in the Thousand Oaks Park in Thousand Oaks, California.

BTS Equipment Behind Mounment Sign569 viewsCloseup of the equipment behind the monument entry sign at CLU.

BTS Equipment Behind Mounment Sign560 viewsCloseup of the equipment behind the monument entry sign at CLU.

BTS Equipment Behind Monument Sign547 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights (seen in this background right of this photo), and the BTS equipment is behind the monument entry sign.

BTS Equipment Behind Monument Sign520 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights (not seen in this photo), and the BTS equipment is in the background behind the monument entry sign.

Cingular Camo Light Standard632 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights, and the BTS equipment is in the background behind the monument entry sign.

Cingular Camo Light Standard640 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights, and the BTS equipment is in the background behind the monument entry sign.

Completely Camo'd Site684 viewsInside the tower.

Battle of the Mono's...859 viewsIn this case, a sickly monopine and a basic monopole, both located at the top of a hill next to a water tank. Not much can be said for the monopole, but the poor branch coverage of the monopine sure sticks out like a sore thumb. Successful monopines have great branch coverage, antenna covers, and bark cladding all the way up the tree (unlike this example).

Galt High School Doesn't Lack for Signal456 viewsThree out of four light standards at the Galt (California) High School Warrior Stadium are cell sites. Well, that still leaves 25% growth potential!

Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites700 viewsThe enclosure on the far right houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the right light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment. Rosemead, California (just north of the I-10 freeway).

Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites859 viewsThe enclosure on the far left houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the left light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment.

Rose Bowl Camo Site694 views...on a light standard.

Sprint microcell - Single Sector458 viewsA Sprint single sector microcell site on Mullholland Road in Los Angeles.

Radome above light standard1083 viewsThis Sprint* site, in Thousand Oaks, California, is a low-impact micro cell designed to serve a small area of twisty streets.
*Thanks for clearing this up, Jimmy!

Cingular underground cell site equipment1272 viewsThe BTS equipment vault, in the foreground, serves a Cingular's light standard microcell. The green pedestal houses the power company meter, and is subject to removal if the power company allows unmetered or remotely metered service sometime in the future.

A cell site on a power transmission monopole375 viewsIn Thousand Oaks, California. Note that the BTS equipment is underground.

Strand-mounted cell site (Sprint)667 viewsThis is a Sprint cell site using the cable TV system to connect users to the MTSO. Irvine, CA.

Microcell mounted in traffic signal light standard720 viewsThe cell antennas are pointed to cover short street segments on Ventura Blvd east and west of Laurel Canyon Blvd. San Fernando Valley, California.