Last additions

Verizon MTSO cell and microwave tower1731 viewsThis is an interesting 63-ish foot communications tower in Schertz, Texas. It's owned by Verizon Wireless.Oct 05, 2004

14 - Mother Earth Starting to Reclaim...1057 viewsNature (with the help of plantings by the carrier) is starting to retake the base of the site.Sep 26, 2004

15 - Vandals Strike!1230 viewsOkay, I'll start by saying it wasn't me! Really!! Someone(s) climbed our little friend and installed some cute "eyes" at the top of the pole. The eyes remained in place for about two weeks near Christmas time 2002.Sep 26, 2004

09 - Construction of the Ice Guard906 viewsA box to protect the coaxial cables (often called an ice guard) is installed at the base of the of the trunk. The cones are cute, eh?Sep 26, 2004

10 - Close up of Ice Guard Construction849 viewsThe title of this slide says it all.Sep 26, 2004

11 - Ice Guard Construction Nearly Complete749 viewsThe frame for the ice guard is basically complete. Soon it will be covered.Sep 26, 2004

12 - Fence Installation and Ice Guard Completion721 viewsA very short (and hardly functional) fence is installed, and the ice guard is covered. Sep 26, 2004

13 - Basically Complete742 viewsThis is a photo of the site at completion.Sep 26, 2004

01 - Before635 viewsThis is a photo simulation of the site prior to the installation of the concrete base. (SORT by "TITLE +" or "TITLE -" in the upper right of the thumbnail frame to see these photos in the proper order!)Sep 26, 2004

02 - Concrete Base Installed646 viewsThis photo simulation shows the base installed before the installation of the "trunk" of the cell pine.Sep 26, 2004

03 - Trunk Installed693 viewsThe "trunk" of the cell pine is installed on the concrete base. Note the pegs used to receive the branches, and the cable portal at the top of the trunk.Sep 26, 2004

04 - Cables Pulled in Trunk705 viewsThe coaxial cables that will be connected to the antenna are pulled from the BTS equipment to the top of the trunk. Photograph 16 in this gallery is an excellent, if long shot, of the equipment building seen here, above and behind our little tree.Sep 26, 2004

05 - Antenna Bracket Assembly674 viewsA technician is constructing one of the two antenna support arms.Sep 26, 2004

06 - Antenna Arms Installed671 viewsThe antenna support arms are installed. The coaxial cables are fanned out to the arms to match to the antennas that will be installed later.Sep 26, 2004

07 - Antennas Installed, Connected734 viewsThe techs have installed the panel antennas on the arms, and are now connecting the coaxial cables to the antennas.Sep 26, 2004

08 - Faux Branches Installed1193 viewsOur little tree is taking shape now the branches have been installed. Notice the unprotected coaxial cables running to the tree near the base (right side).Sep 26, 2004

Not much water, but lots of signal1604 viewsLocated in at a shopping center in Oxnard, California, the cell antennas are located below the faux water tank.Sep 26, 2004

Hot zone? What hot zone?723 viewsThis roof-top site (now removed) used cheezy plastic safety cones with pasted-on warning signs to alleged mark the edge of the general population/uncontrolled RF zone. Note the two cones at rear-right that have blown over. A very effective warning technique, eh?Sep 26, 2004

Two levels? No problem!558 viewsThis cell site, located on Yerba Buena Island in the San Francisco Bay serves both levels of the Bay Bridge.Sep 26, 2004

"...before the mast"1091 viewsHere's what the camo cell palm looked before the bolt-on antennas were added (see "What's below the fans?" photograph in this section).Sep 26, 2004

What's that below the fans?1214 viewsTake one poorly configured camouflaged cell palm tree and then abandon any desire to keep it camouflaged. How? Just add non-camo antennas bolted onto the 'trunk' below the fans as seen in this photograph. To see what this cell palm looked like before the addition of the bolt-on antennas, see "...before the mast" in this section!Sep 26, 2004

Lattice but not a tower900 viewsThe antennas at this site in Santa Monica, California are partiallyhidden behind the lattice above the roof. A better design would have required the two visible antenna pole mounts to be cut off above the antennas so as to be hidden from view.Sep 26, 2004

Mismatched Bricks1316 viewsHere is an example of a faux building extension with a poorly matched 'brick' facing. There's no doubt that this design does not effectively hide the antennas behind the faux brick facing. Notice that no effort was made to match the brick patter of the underlying building thereby highlighting the 'out of place' nature of the extension.
Sep 26, 2004

Penthouse external mounted site463 viewsThis is a plain, externally mounted cell site on a commercial office building. Note the GPS (timing) antenna well above the roof line, which might have been mounted at the roof level to minimize its visibility from ground level without impairing its function.Sep 26, 2004

Major Macrocell Site (multiple carriers)507 viewsThis is an example of a traditional multiple carrier macrocell site. Note the large microwave antennas facing to the right: They are used to provide high-reliability connection of this site to the MTSO some 25 miles away.Sep 24, 2004

Cell site on a Call Box638 viewsThis cell site uses a travelers call box as the antenna support. The equipment is located just beyond the railing in the underground enclosure. Near Pt. Mugu, California.Sep 24, 2004

PGE Transmission Tower Cell Site438 viewsSpotted in Walnut Creek, California: A cell site mounted atop a PGE transmission tower. Sep 24, 2004

Sign of the times (1 of 2)1453 viewsThe cell site antenna is seen at the top of the outdoor advertising sign. Spotted in Connecticut.Sep 24, 2004

Sign of the times (2 of 2)1096 viewsNotice how the base station equipment is mounted on the advertising sign pole mount.Sep 24, 2004

Strand-mounted cell site (Sprint)668 viewsThis is a Sprint cell site using the cable TV system to connect users to the MTSO. Irvine, CA.Sep 24, 2004

More Waves and Waves960 viewsA very large flagpole cell site in Southgate, California.Sep 24, 2004

Chester, PA Cell Site550 viewsAttention KMART shoppers! Now you can show for sundries and signal at the same time!Sep 24, 2004

Cell site in Salzburg, Austria434 viewsWhile in Salzburg to lecture at the Center for International Legal Studies I snapped this photo of a cell site across the street from my hotel room.Sep 24, 2004

Old Power Tower = New Cell Tower458 viewsThe power utility removed its wires from this old transmission tower, but still uses it to support a cell site.Sep 24, 2004

Close-up of anti-Bird-bomb net over antennas601 viewsHere's a close-up photo of the net placed over the antennas to keep the birds off (and to keep them from bombing the cars below)! Jul 06, 2004

What's that wrapping around the antennas?599 viewsHere's an interesting site (close up in next photo). Notice that there are cars parked in the auto body shop lot directly below the antennas. Perhaps birds like to take aim and, er, hit the cars below. What a clever carrier solution! Put a net around the antennas to keep the birds off. Jul 06, 2004

Cell Pine (multiple carrirers)1387 viewsCell pine tree (multi carriers) with more antennas mounted on the building in the background.Jul 02, 2004

Sending out 'the word'1861 viewsA cell site within a church cross. The antennas are behind removable panels above the cross arm. The equipment cabinets are behind the brick wall to the right in the picture.Jul 02, 2004

Pt. Sur (Ca.) Lighthouse Water Tank1233 viewsAT&T Wireless rebuilt this tank in Big Sur to house a cell site (thanks to Neal McLain for this photo). Check out Neal's site www.antennastructures.blogspot.com.Apr 07, 2004

Cellular Pine Tree1369 viewsIn the Sepulveda Pass between West Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley (California). Apr 07, 2004

Welcome to Town!1313 viewsHere's a clever way of hidding a cell site inside a City sign.Apr 07, 2004

A Blessed Signal1193 viewsSpreading the word from the tower of a church.Apr 07, 2004

Spectrum from the Spectrum1247 viewsThis camo cell site is at the Irvine (California) Spectrum shopping center.Apr 07, 2004

Semi-camo tower528 viewsThe Santa Monica Mountains frame this cell site, located along Interstate 405 near the Getty Center in Los Angeles.Apr 07, 2004

Cell site crowning a power transmission tower520 viewsThis cell site, in Walnut Creek, California, is atop a PG&E power transmission tower.Apr 07, 2004

The Tower Works LTD875 viewsThis structurally attractive tower is in Mangonia Park just north of West Palm Beach. The tower is just over 500 feet tall. I had a delightful chat with Marlin of TTW about her tower. She shared some great stories - and frustrations - about this and other towers she's been involved with.Mar 28, 2004

Camo-ish on-building cell site (close-up)1478 viewsLook at how the antennas are covered with the brick-link material. Also note the color bands on the antenna cables. The color bands are used to show the service technician which cables are for transmitting, and which are receiving. The color bands also indicate additional information such as the antenna 'sector' and data transmission.Mar 09, 2004

Camo-ish on-building cell site1119 viewsThis is an example of how surface mounted antennas can be detailed to blend, if not disappear, into the background of the structure.Mar 09, 2004

Short Flag Pole1273 viewsUS/Mexican Relations.Feb 19, 2004

What time is it?1609 viewsIt's time to make a cell phone call. This is a multiple carrier cell site.Feb 19, 2004

Camo site atop broadcast center1885 viewsMajor network studio in Los Angeles. Transmission facilities hidden behind decorative work on top of the building. Jan 29, 2004

Nextel antenna structure on top of an industrial building593 viewsOpen antenna structures have little impact in industrial areas.Jan 29, 2004

Antenna arrays mounted on transmission towers529 viewsClose-up view of an antenna array mounted on a power transmission tower. Jan 29, 2004

Wireless sites on power transmission towers623 viewsA new trend to install wireless antenna arrays on high voltage power transmission towers. These new co-location sites are gaining popularity due their preexisting right of ways and available height. Jan 29, 2004

Close-up of antennas on pine tree stealth site1259 viewsHere is a close-up of the antenna mounting pattern on the pine tree stealth site. Jan 29, 2004

Pine tree stealth site2162 viewsWhile it stands alone above the hill, this is actually a very good camouflaged site. Sufficient faux foliage coverage to hide antennas. Jan 29, 2004

Unhidden and hidden1436 viewsOn this hillside are located two wireless structures. One is obviously not hidden and the other one is. Jan 29, 2004

Disguised as Bricks1581 viewsAnother example of disguise painting used to conceal antennas on a complex surface. From a distance, they are barely noticeable. Jan 29, 2004

Surface mounted antennas sometimes just require matching paint540 viewsThis surface mount wireless site is less visible due to the use of matching paint on the antenna radomes. Less visible, but not a true camouflage site. Jan 29, 2004

Close-up of antenna disguise fascia1365 viewsHere is a close-up photo of the false wall or fascia hiding these antennas. A better design would have completely hidden the antennas.Jan 29, 2004

Roof fascia.1364 viewsHidden by a false fascia, the antennas on top of this building are barely noticeable.Jan 29, 2004

Simple plastic covering.1519 viewsThis antenna structure looks more like a large swamp cooler on top of a building, but it is constructed out of translucent plastic panels to shield from view, but not interfere with RF. Jan 29, 2004

Disguise site to look like a chimney1396 viewsThis antenna site in Los Angeles is designed to look like a chimney. Note the panel covers. Jan 29, 2004

False 3rd story on office building1808 viewsAntenna room constructted on top of an existing office building. Windows are not real, but instead painted upon translucent plastic materia. Roof room accessible from access door on right end. Jan 29, 2004

Southern California palm tree cell site.1903 viewsAlong side a major freeway in the Los Angeles area, this cell site is hardly noticeable from the freeway. Jan 29, 2004

Disguised as part of the brickwork1532 viewsThis antenna array is cleverly painted to match the color and texture of the building. Downtown LA intersection, yet barely noticeable.Jan 29, 2004

On top of a roof access.1358 viewsFalse cupola constructed around the top of a roof access doorway. Conceals antennas.Jan 29, 2004

Freeway wireless site587 viewsThis double wireless array is situated on a building located immediately adjacent to the I-5 Freeway in Los Angeles. Jan 19, 2004

Multipurpose monopole612 viewsThis tall monopole belonging to a Southern California radio station is occupied at several levels by various communications services. Jan 19, 2004

Another sickly cell-pine1987 viewsIt looks like hardly any imagination was used to design this sad tree tower site.Jan 19, 2004

"We Come In Peace!"742 viewsWater tank cell and microwave site south of Sacramento, California along I-5Dec 31, 2003

Cell site on power transmission pole506 viewsThis site in located in British Columbia, Canada.Dec 31, 2003

Cell site on power transmission pole570 viewsThis site in located in British Columbia, Canada.Dec 31, 2003

Microcell mounted in traffic signal light standard720 viewsThe cell antennas are pointed to cover short street segments on Ventura Blvd east and west of Laurel Canyon Blvd. San Fernando Valley, California.Dec 31, 2003

Camouflaged flagpoles1869 viewsSpotted in Glendale, California.Dec 31, 2003

Camofulaged AML Receive Site?2763 viewsBack in 1983 Storer Cable was trying to secure a microwave-receive site on a hillside in San Juan Capistrano. The architect retained by Storer lost most of his hair trying to get a design that would pass muster with the City. One night, in a fit of frustration, he came up with this design. We never submitted this one to the City. Pity. It would have been fun!Dec 31, 2003

Faux chimney antenna site 2 of 22949 viewsThe antennas are in a faux chimney (center of roof).Dec 31, 2003

Faux chimney antenna site 1 of 24009 viewsThe antennas are in a faux chimney. The base station equipment is adjacent to the house in the lower right portion of the photo. Spotted in Southern California.Dec 31, 2003

Cell site, microwave mounted on wood pole1131 viewsWe don't need no stinking steel tower!Dec 31, 2003

Pole-mounted Microcell1327 viewsThis wireless microcell provides uninterrupted coverage on a busy major highway in a steep winding canyon on the Southern California coast. Dec 31, 2003

Cell site in parking lot1693 viewsNotice the addition of the lot lights. Dec 31, 2003
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