Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Last additions
Big Iron CoLo in Lacey Washington546 viewsNextel and AT&T Wireless share this tower in Lacey, Washington. Notice the climbing space through the bottom platform.Nov 18, 2007
478 views Nov 18, 2007
Big Iron CoLo in Lacey Washington455 viewsNextel and AT&T Wireless share this tower in Lacey, WashingtonNov 18, 2007
The Transit Mixer has Arrived...549 views...so let the pouring begin!Nov 18, 2007
Light Standard Under Construction508 viewsThe double arms of this light standard, and the radome containing the antennas above the arms are yet to be placed.Nov 18, 2007
Not part of an underground water river...560 viewsThe water bottle is not part of the CEV. Nov 18, 2007
CEV ready for concrete pour485 viewsJust waiting on the transit mixer to show up.Nov 18, 2007
Nearly time for the 'crete!433 viewsWorkers preparing the CEV for the concrete pour.Nov 18, 2007
Don't worry...the ladder will be removed before the concrete is poured.511 viewsWorkers preping the CEV for the concrete pour. The large holes are to connect to what will be intake and outflow air vents yet to be installed.Nov 18, 2007
Cable route in/out of the CEV483 viewsThis trench will house the power and telephone cable conduits into and out of the CEV, as well as the coaxial cables to the base of the light standard.Nov 18, 2007
Looking at the rear of the CEV.487 viewsA good shot of the base and read of the CEV dig hole.Nov 18, 2007
Light Standard Under Construction587 viewsThe double arms of this light standard, and the radome containing the antennas above the arms are yet to be placed. The light standard is located in the greenbelt median of the roadway.Nov 18, 2007
Verizon CEV installation in Irvine, California620 viewsNov 18, 2007
Verizon CEV installation in Irvine, California667 viewsWorkers preping the CEV for the concrete pour.Nov 18, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node612 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node830 viewsNextG's DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. The DAS equipment manufacturer is Andrew Corporation. This DAS node is a member of Andrew's ION ("Intelligent Optical Network") line of products. The cover at the top of the DAS housing covers a cooling fan.

Under SDG&E rules, this site does not consume enough power to require a power meter; merely a breaker box (located to the right of the DAS node).
Nov 17, 2007
NextG RF Safety Advisory Notice671 viewsThis is NextG's RF safety advisory below the DAS node. It clearly spells out the RF safety facts and compliance for this site as it pertains to the general population walking by the site.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node561 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node466 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node469 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node467 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node517 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node427 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node430 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node553 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node437 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.Nov 17, 2007
Camo Site at Gas Station683 viewsVerizon Wireless is in the far tower of this gas station on the road to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The site is in Valley, Arizona.Nov 11, 2007
Central Sedona Arizona535 viewsThis multicarrier site is located at Fire Station 4 in Sedona, Arizona.Nov 11, 2007
Central Sedona Arizona449 viewsLocated at Fire Station 4 in Sedona, Arizona, this multicarrier site has an attractive backdrop.Nov 11, 2007
Grand Canyon - South Rim420 viewsThis multicarrier site is located near the Bright Angle Lodge at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona.Nov 11, 2007
Village of Oak Creek near Sedona709 viewsThis camo site is located on Highway 179 in Oak Creek. This site is on the main road connecting I-17 with Sedona. The site is hidden in the facade box. Nice background, eh?Nov 11, 2007
God Bless This Cell Site448 viewsLocated east of I-17 in Black Rock City, Arizona, this multicarrier site has an odd shaped antenna mounted directly to the tower. A message, perhaps?Nov 11, 2007
Village of Oak Creek near Sedona673 viewsThis camo site is located on Highway 179 in Oak Creek. This site is on the main road connecting I-17 with Sedona. The site is hidden by the parapet above the roof. Nice background, eh?Nov 11, 2007
Blessed Be This Cell Site487 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!Nov 11, 2007
Blessed Be This Cell Site461 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!Nov 11, 2007
Blessed Be This Cell Site390 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!Nov 11, 2007
Blessed Be This Cell Site413 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!Nov 11, 2007
Steel in the Air445 viewsThis AT&T wireless site is located on Highway 64, about 12 miles south of Valle, Arizona. It's mounted on a steel power transmission pole. Note the flat panel back-haul antenna located below the panels.Nov 11, 2007
Grand Canyon Valle Airport377 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.Nov 11, 2007
Sock-it-to-me411 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.Nov 11, 2007
Which Way is the Wind Blowing?392 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.Nov 11, 2007
Village of Oak Creek near Sedona603 viewsTwo camouflaged sites are seen (barely) in this shopping center along Highway 179 in the Village of Oak Creek, near Sedona, Arizona.Nov 11, 2007
McCell Site735 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.Oct 20, 2007
There's Hope For the Signal!682 viewsSprint's site at Hope Church in Vista California is built in the add-on column below the spire. If you look closely you can see how the add-on was constructed. The facade is RF transparent material.Oct 20, 2007
Hope (and signal) Sprints Eternal573 viewsAnother view of the camo antennas at Sprint's Hope Church site in Vista California.Oct 20, 2007
BTS Equipment Enclosure556 viewsSprint's BTS equipment is located in this CMU walled enclosure at the Hope Church site in Vista, California.Oct 20, 2007
Hope (and signal) Sprints Eternal532 viewsAnother view of the camo antennas at Sprint's Hope Church site in Vista California.Oct 20, 2007
Faux Roof Penthouses603 viewsThe three rooftop enclosures house cell equipment/antennas. Torrance, California.Oct 19, 2007
Faux Roof Penthouses597 viewsThe three rooftop enclosures house cell equipment/antennas. Torrance, California.Oct 19, 2007
461 viewsA Verizon MTSO in Stockton, California.Oct 19, 2007
771 viewsA camo METROPCS site in San Pablo, California. The antennas are in the radomes just below the Holiday Inn sign.Oct 19, 2007
Sleep Wirelessly in San Pablo, California531 viewsMetroPCS site inside the legs of a Holiday Inn Express sign. For more views of this site, visit http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/ex/1/en/hotel/spoca?_requestid=302192.

Oct 19, 2007
Sing it with me... "Every Light A Cell Site"683 viewsThis is a view of the east side of the track at Agoura High in Agoura Hills, California. Each of the four light standards at this track support a antennas in radomes.Oct 19, 2007
602 viewsOct 19, 2007
Agoura High School712 viewsAll four light standards at the Agoura Hills High School sport antenna radomesOct 14, 2007
Outback with the Signal654 viewsNextel's antennas are inside the lower portion of the sign. The GPS antenna is mounted to one of the legs of the sign. Norwalk, California, overlooking Interstate 5.Oct 14, 2007
Outback with the Signal507 viewsNextel's antennas are inside the lower portion of the sign. The GPS antenna is mounted to one of the legs of the sign. Norwalk, California, overlooking Interstate 5.Oct 14, 2007
Primm an Properr in Primm Nevadaa700 viewsA site below the turret of one of the buildings at Whiskey Pete's in Primm, Nevada (about 400 yards from the California State line) off of I-15.Sep 14, 2006
Shelling out some signal805 viewsNextel's antennas are affixed below the gas station sign at this site in Henderson, Nevada.Sep 14, 2006
Can a Faux Monopine Have a Faux Disease?799 viewsNextel (now TowerCo) can take 'great pride' in its economical design of this monopine, located in a CalTrans yard at the intersections of the I405 and I10 freeways in West Los Angeles. References to Christmas trees owned by a certain person with the last name of Brown are appropriate. Sep 14, 2006
A Dam Tall Tower512 viewsThis tall tower, well, towers over Hoover Dam in Nevada and/or Arizona. I guess it depends in which state you live. This tower is on the Nevada side.Sep 14, 2006
It's a sign...it's a monopole...it's a sign...it's a monopole574 viewsWhy, it's both, in Henderson, Nevada.Sep 14, 2006
Sort-of Flag Tank Site714 views...in Boulder City, Nevada.Sep 14, 2006
Flamingos Have Antennas!546 viewsI always focused on the tail feathers of Flamingos. Who knew that they had antennas, too!Sep 14, 2006
Using Microwaves to Cook the Food?784 viewsThis site's antennas are painted to match the McDonalds barrel sign at the Barstow Station, Barstow California.Sep 14, 2006
Can You Fry Me Now?805 viewsThis site's antennas are painted to match the McDonalds barrel sign at the Barstow Station, Barstow California.Sep 14, 2006
The Word Rings Out From T-Mobile678 viewsT-Mobile's exterior box design is spoiled by the visible antenna cables and tower mounted amplifiers in plain view. A little work would make this a nice site on a church bell tower.Sep 14, 2006
What an Awful 'Camouflage' Design680 viewsSprint's silly camo box above non-camo legs design in Burbank, California. Not even painted with some classic line like, "Eat At Joes" or "Repent! The End (of Bad Camo Designs) is at Hand!"Sep 14, 2006
What an Awful 'Camouflage' Design711 viewsSprint's silly camo box above non-camo legs design in Burbank, California. Not even painted with some classic line like, "Eat At Joes" or "Repent! The End (of Bad Camo Designs) is at Hand!"Sep 14, 2006
I'll Take Your Parking Ticket, If you Please645 viewsSprint's BTS is located under the stairs at the entry?/exit? of this garage in Burbank, California. Notice how the space was extended below the stairs to house the equipment.Sep 14, 2006
The Business End of KMLT845 viewsThis is a closeup of KMLT's transmitter antenna. A simple, elegant design. May, 2006.May 28, 2006
KMLT On-the-Air and Out-of-Sight699 viewsCompare this photograph of the 'finished product' with photos I took during construction. Chris Hicks, the City of Thousand Oaks, and COSCA worked together to create an invisible transmitter shelter in 'open space.' May, 2006.May 28, 2006
KMLT's Antenna and Support Pole593 viewsThis photograph captures the final execution of KMLT's antenna. Yes, the steel support pole is painted sky blue. May 2006.May 28, 2006
Gimme a Transmitter with Mustard!491 viewsAnother view of the at-grade grill over the transmitter room at KMLT. May 2006May 28, 2006
Where's the Transmitter?482 viewsLooking down from near the antenna, the underground FM transmitter housing is nowhere to be seen! May 2006.May 28, 2006
A Well-Done Grilled FM Station498 viewsKMLT's transmitter housing present appearance as of May, 2006 is virtually invisible. Easy to miss. Exactly what was intended! Outstanding work by Chris Hicks, KMLT's CE, the City of Thousand Oaks Planning department, and the Conejo Open Space Conservation AgencyMay 28, 2006
Faux Steeple Site Overlooking LAX607 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the relationship between the site and the west complex of LAX. This is a $million dollar view of LAX, but I suspect the mortuary isn't quite making all that from T-Mobile.Apr 17, 2006
LMU/GPS - Unusual Configuration676 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very unusual placement of the LMU antenna (left) and the GPS antenna (right) attached to the power riser. This face of the building is to the south, so the LMU antenna is block for about 180 degrees of arc. Clever, eh?Apr 17, 2006
Fax Steeple Site Overlooking LAX600 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. Note that the chimney shown in this photo IS NOT the camo faux chimney in the rear of the property. This is the building real chimney.Apr 17, 2006
Close Up of Top of Poorly Maintained Faux Chimney907 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very poorly maintained faux chimney. A brick facade panel is coming off. The cable, telephone, and power drops should be relocated to achive the required NEC clearances.1 commentsApr 17, 2006
BTS Equipment, Top and Bottom of Faux Chimney613 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport. Apr 17, 2006
Top of Poorly Maintained Faux Chimney587 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very poorly maintained faux chimney. A brick facade panel is coming off. The cable, telephone, and power drops should be relocated to achive the required NEC clearances.Apr 17, 2006
BTS Equipment, Top and Bottom of Faux Chimney596 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport. Apr 17, 2006
BTS Equipment, Bottom of Faux Chimney555 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport. Apr 17, 2006
Camo Site Overlooking LAX535 viewsThis apartment building sports mutiple carries in the faux parapet. This site, in El Segundo overlooks LAX. It appears to have 3 carriers co-located here.Apr 17, 2006
Camo LUG on Apartment Building600 viewsThis LUG (generator socket) is installed on an apartment building in El Segundo, California, overlooks Los Angeles International Airport.Apr 17, 2006
The Sweet Taste of Signal717 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers. Cingular is in the prefabricated building on the right. The carrier on the outdoor platform on the left is (currently) unidentified.Mar 26, 2006
The Sweet Taste of Signal608 viewsA view of the jumper-to-hardline and grounding point for this unidentified carrier at the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo. The colored tape is used to identify the antenna sectors and whether the antennas are transmit or receive. Loveland, Colorado.Mar 26, 2006
The Sweet Taste of Signal626 viewsUnidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland Colorado. Notice that the equipment is held aloft on a variable mount platform rather than engineering a foundation.Mar 26, 2006
The Sweet Taste of Signal535 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).Mar 26, 2006
The Sweet Taste of Signal603 viewsA close-up view of the platform system used to elevate and level the equipment cabinets for this unidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland, Colorado.Mar 26, 2006
The Sweet Taste of Signal655 viewsLong view of the Loveland Sugar Co. (Colorado) silo used as and antenna platform for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).Mar 26, 2006
The Sweet Taste of Signal546 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.Mar 24, 2006
The Sweet Taste of Signal554 viewsCloseup of the Cingular and unidentified second carrier panels and microwave in use on this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.Mar 24, 2006
The Sweet Taste of Signal547 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old sugar silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.Mar 24, 2006
A Powerful Bison913 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. Notice the microwave dish to the right of the bison. It's used for backhaul to Verizon's mobile telephone switching office (MTSO). Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.Mar 24, 2006
A Powerful Bison690 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This site is about 1 mile south of the Wyoming state line. The apparent height of the bison is about 12 feet. This photo is looking to the north. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.Mar 24, 2006
A Powerful Bison1743 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This closeup shot shows how the antenna panels are affixed to the metal body of the bison.2 commentsMar 24, 2006
A Powerful Bison931 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This site is about 1 mile south of the Wyoming state line. The apparent height of the bison is about 12 feet. This photo is looking to the south. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.Mar 24, 2006
Nextel Near the L.A. Convention Center685 viewsNextel's equipment is located inside this building west of the L.A. Convention Center. The building design is quite interesting, eh? Sprint and Cingular and co-located at this site. Sprint's antenna support is like Nextel's (only it has a fresh coat of paint), and Cingular uses a mono-bore tower here.Mar 21, 2006
529 viewsMar 21, 2006
A Stylish Sprint Design669 viewsJust west of the the L.A. Convention Center you'll find this interesting antenna support. While the antennas are external to the dedicated structure, quite a bit of thought went into the design. Linda Paul (now with T-Mobile) has provided additional information about this site, and I have to tell you that the more I see it, the more I like it!Mar 21, 2006
Sprint Together With Nextel...853 views...have the two unusual antenna supports at this site, located west of the L.A. Convention Center. Cingular is here, too, with a mono-bore tower off the photo to the right. Gee, that Nextel tower could sure use a fresh coat of paint, do you agree?Mar 21, 2006
472 viewsMar 21, 2006
453 viewsMar 21, 2006
Los Angeles Cathedrial456 viewsA surface mount antenna site at the Los Angeles Cathedral. Mar 21, 2006
501 viewsMar 21, 2006
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!734 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking west from the roadway.Mar 21, 2006
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!807 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking east from an area not usually accessible to visitors.Mar 21, 2006
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!942 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking north.Mar 21, 2006
674 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking southwest from the roadway.Mar 21, 2006
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!787 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking northwest from the roadway.Mar 21, 2006
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!694 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking east from an area not usually accessible to visitors.Mar 21, 2006
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!593 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking east from an area not usually accessible to visitors.Mar 21, 2006
You Can Rest Your Signal Here725 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.Mar 21, 2006
You Can Rest Your Signal Here613 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.Mar 21, 2006
You Can Rest Your Signal Here650 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.Mar 21, 2006
662 views2 commentsMar 21, 2006
Blessed be the Signal From On High591 viewsVerizon's antennas are in the bell tower of this church in Pomona, California.Mar 21, 2006
Blessed be the Signal From On High552 viewsVerizon's antennas are in the bell tower of this church in Pomona, California.Mar 21, 2006
409 viewsMar 21, 2006
Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California756 viewsThis view shows the separate fences for the varioud sites. Notice that the walkway between the Nextel site (left) and the Sprint site (middle, foreground) passes right under the various panels.Mar 02, 2006
Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California565 viewsNextel's site is to the far left. Sprint's site is in the foreground. Verizon uses the short tower in the rear-right of the photo.Mar 02, 2006
Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California728 viewsAs of early 2006, Verizon, Nextel, and Sprint have sites here, above the Lambert sisters home. All of this property, save for the homestead and trees, is being developed. The cell site is to be relocated. Notice he ripe red yummy things in the foreground.Mar 02, 2006
A Sassy Looking Mono-Cypress1241 viewsVerizon's mono-cypress tree in Lake Elsinore is Sassy! (Sorry, bad joke: That's VZW's site name...go figure!) Here's a close-up of the tree coverage.2 commentsFeb 06, 2006
Verizon's Sassy Site: Grounded Bollards716 viewsThe traffic bollards at Verizon's Sassy site are grounded. This helps to prevent RF hot-spots near the antennas. Of course, the bollards also help to deter unwelcome vehicle-visitors!Feb 06, 2006
Gallons of Fun586 viewsVerizon's Sassy site has a standby power generator. This above-ground tank holds 305 gallons of fuel. It's inside the main equipment area, which is physically separated from the power generator by about 50 feet.Feb 06, 2006
A Sassy Power Generator597 viewsVerizon's Sassy site features this remote power generator. Note that the fuel tank isn't here, but rather it's located in the main BTS fenced area about 50 feet away (and to the left of this view).Feb 06, 2006
One Sassy Site690 viewsVerizon's site, called "Sassy" near Lake Elsinore, California is designed as a faux Cypress tree. One of my staff looked at the photo and named it "Chia Cell." From its shape, this could also be a camo missile, ready to be launched against competitive wireless carriers! "Houston, we have a problem!"Feb 06, 2006
One Sassy Site620 viewsVerizon's site, called "Sassy" near Lake Elsinore, California is designed as a faux Cypress tree. One of my staff looked at the photo and named it "Chia Cell." From its shape, this could also be a camo missile, ready to be launched against competitive wireless carriers! "Houston, we have a problem!"Feb 06, 2006
A Sassy Site625 viewsVerizon's site, called "Sassy" near Lake Elsinore, California is designed as a faux Cypress tree. One of my staff looked at the photo and named it "Chia Cell." From its shape, this could also be a camo missile, ready to be launched against competitive wireless carriers! "Houston, we have a problem!"AFeb 06, 2006
446 viewsFeb 06, 2006
34. A Loose Wire?562 viewsThe loose wire is actually a ground wire. The rolling portion fo the fense is grounded via this lead.Jan 29, 2006
33. Personals Ad: "Concrete Pad Sks Standby Pwr Gen!"460 viewsAs noted above, the standby power generator isn't (yet) installed here. Who knows...maybe it'll never be installed, but if it is, this is where it'll go.Jan 29, 2006
32. Looking down on the Activated Site516 viewsHere's the bird's-eye view looking down at the BTS equipment mounted on the far pad.Jan 29, 2006
31. Cable Termination to BTS Jumpers468 viewsHere's a nice photo of the the cable terminations for the hardline cable to/from the roof, and the jumper to the equipment cabinet. The colored bands identify what cable is connected to what antenna.Jan 29, 2006
30. BTS Installed and Humming440 viewsThe site is active. This photo is looking down on the site BTS equipment cabinet through the roof fence. You'll see more of the fense in a later photo.Jan 29, 2006
29. Which Way Tray?480 viewsIt's now January, 2006. The site is active (but without a backup power generator). It seems that the installers missed putting all of the covers on the cable tray. Too bad.Jan 29, 2006
28. Close up of the Site Name Sign658 viewsIt's for sure...We'll call this Armacost!Jan 29, 2006
27. The Name Goes On Before the Quality Goes In447 viewsThe pad has been poured, again, and the fense is on it's tracks. No BTS yet, but the site sign has gone up announcing to the world that this is Verizon's Armacost site!Jan 29, 2006
26. Anyone for a Tumble?396 viewsThe concrete mixer has done its job and is ready to go home, again!Jan 29, 2006
25. It's Raining, It's Pouring (Concrete)404 viewsHere's the new re-poured pad. It's just been poured. There'll be a cure period to let it harden before moving the equipment into the area.Jan 29, 2006
24. It's Concrete Pour Day...Again395 viewsThe wood frames are in place and braced for the pour...again. Notice the very nice cable terminations at the far end of the cable tray. You'll see these again, later.Jan 29, 2006
23. An outside view fo the BTS Equipment Area384 views...with the sliding fense not installed on the track, yet.Jan 29, 2006
22. Another View of the New Generator Wood Frame387 viewsYup, it's clearly rotated 90 degrees from before. Oh well.Jan 29, 2006
21. Huh? What Happended to the Concrete Pad?421 viewsIn a surprising twist, the concrete pad has been hammered out and new frames and conduits installed. What gives? According to the work crews, it seems that the generator pad was installed 90 degrees off. Go back in the gallery and look and you'll see what I'm talking about. Because of the little error, weeks were apparently lost in site activation...not to mention $$$ (which I didn't, okay?).Jan 29, 2006
20. The Scaffolding is Down430 viewsHere's a good shot of the clock tower with the scaffolding removed. Nice pic at sunset, eh?Jan 29, 2006
19. Now You See the Cables...Now You Don't386 viewsAnd the cables in the BTS area are also safely tucked away under the cover of the tray.Jan 29, 2006
18. Now You See the Cables...Now You Don't403 viewsThe cables are now safely tucked away under the cover of the tray, now installed.Jan 29, 2006
17. Clock Tower Painting Underway401 viewsA rear view of the re-painted clock tower.Jan 29, 2006
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