Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

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1251 views44444
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One bump too many1146 viewsThis Cingular site cable transition to a flagpole site at the USPO in San Marcos, California features impacts. It's too close to the driveway. 44444
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Sprint's COW Information Sign: Rose Bowl 2006771 viewsThis is the site information sign for Sprint's COW at the 2006 Rose Bowl Game.44444
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Sign me up!603 viewsSprint's site, at the intersection of I-405 and I110 in Gardena, California, is built atop a commercial enterprise sign. See: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=gardena,ca&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=29.025693,55.107422&ie=UTF8&ll=33.857997,-118.283083&spn=0.000873,0.002701&t=h&z=19&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=33.857997,-118.283083&panoid=cnzdeipYOjdDXyBwyMclfQ&cbp=12,307.77006332815694,,0,-20.1437505052467344444
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NextG Distributed Antenna System Node517 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.44444
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Central Sedona Arizona535 viewsThis multicarrier site is located at Fire Station 4 in Sedona, Arizona.44444
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423 views44444
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Saguaro Sends Signals Silently734 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Cingular's BTS equipment is located in the fenced area in the left side of the photo. The cactus is up a small rise.44444
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Parking the Signal391 viewsParking spaces make good sites for BTS cabinets, GPS, and LMU equipment! And parking lot walls are great for mounting panel antennas, especially when the parking lot faces a major freeway. This site is near LAX airport in Los Angeles along the San Diego Freeway at Century Boulevard.44444
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PCS at City Hall548 viewsThis Sprint site at the Redondo Beach, California City Hall also supports public safety radio antennas above and below the panels.44444
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Lots of signal!500 viewsThis is a co-location site located south of Worcester, MA.44444
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Major Macrocell Site (multiple carriers)507 viewsThis is an example of a traditional multiple carrier macrocell site. Note the large microwave antennas facing to the right: They are used to provide high-reliability connection of this site to the MTSO some 25 miles away.44444
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Cell site on a Call Box637 viewsThis cell site uses a travelers call box as the antenna support. The equipment is located just beyond the railing in the underground enclosure. Near Pt. Mugu, California.44444
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Okay, so what's with the Rock?841 viewsThe faux rock on the left, bottom of the cell cactus hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. It blends in quite nicely. Larson-USA design.33333
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Multi-sector wireless site with microwave interconnect364 views33333
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961 views33333
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Blessed be Sprint995 viewsA sprint site inside a faux bell tower at a church in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles, California).33333
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A Powerful Bison930 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This site is about 1 mile south of the Wyoming state line. The apparent height of the bison is about 12 feet. This photo is looking to the south. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.33333
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32. Looking down on the Activated Site516 viewsHere's the bird's-eye view looking down at the BTS equipment mounted on the far pad.33333
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Verizon Wireless Camo Light Standard969 views...in Santa Monica, California. Notice that the BTS equipment vault is located around the corner to the right. It's in the sidewalk area. If you still can't spot it, look for the white painted labels! Actually, a nice design. The vents are in the greenbelt area.33333
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469 views33333
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422 views33333
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453 views33333
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379 views33333
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The Golden Signal479 viewsHere's a close-up of one of T-Mobile's sector antennas and tower-mounted amplifiers at its Chico, California water tank site.33333
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A Crown Castle Site in Mesa, Arizona446 viewsBig iron in Mesa. A Crown Castle site on Broadway near Country Club.33333
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Overlooking Lake Elsinore, California (View 2 of 2)893 viewsA close up view of a Sprint site in Riverside County above Lake Elsinore, California (thanks to Larry for the update!).1 comments33333
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Painting on the Sky 1 of 6696 viewsAs a condition of its City of Thousand Oaks construction permit, KMLT is required to paint the antenna pole sky blue. This photo shows the crane and bucket used as the painting platform. May, 2005.

Photo thanks to Bill Cloutier.
1 comments33333
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Sprint underground BTS equipment853 viewsThis photo shows (foreground) the shallow vault used to route cables to/from the BTS; the BTS equipment vault (large double-doors); and the BTS equipment vault vents (grills near and far side of the BTS vault). Located in the exclusive "Mountaingate" area of West Los Angeles.33333
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Time for More RF700 viewsYou can see that this Sprint-Nextel co-location site is still under construction. The cables are plainly visible inside the clock tower. The hanging panel is for antenna grounding. There are three GPS antennas on the roof of the building to the left of the clock tower (only one shown). The clock isn't running, but it's correct twice each day. 33333
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Sports park monopole765 viewsCingular is responsible for this site. The BTS equipment is located below/behind the score board (left side of photo). This might have been a good site for a cell-flag instead of just a 'plain old' monopole.33333
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Pumping more then water...364 views...from this water plant in Hartford, CT. Note the antennas on the righthand smokestack.33333
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Palms guarding cell site - circa 2001503 viewsHere's a photo of a PCS site I photographed sometime in 2001. Notice that its 'in the middle of nowhere.' Fast forward to the shot of the same site I took in October, 2004.33333
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Multi-carrier cell site and TVRO downlink499 viewsThe multiple carrier tower isn't connected with the TVRO satellite antennas in front, but it makes for a nice picture. This site is located in northern San Antonio, Texas at a very large church facility. An interesting note: The antenna structure registration number shown on the site is, per the FCC's database, cancelled. Interesting!33333
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Old Power Tower = New Cell Tower457 viewsThe power utility removed its wires from this old transmission tower, but still uses it to support a cell site.33333
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Welcome to Town!1313 viewsHere's a clever way of hidding a cell site inside a City sign.33333
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674 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking southwest from the roadway.33333
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Panoramic view of Sprint Mountaingate Monopole820 viewsThis panoramic photo show the street cuts from power (left), telephone (right), the power meter (far left), the BTS equipment vault and vents in the traffic median, the street cut from the median to the antenna pole (far side of median), and the base of the antenna pole (far right, behind tree). The pole in the middle of the traffic median is a two-arm street light. Too bad it (or a replacement) wasn't used to support the antenna. That would have eliminated the need for the standalone pole just to support the single panel antenna.33333
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GPS and LMU antennas1276 viewsThe GPS antenna (the pointed white dome) is used to receive satellite-delivered timing signals used to sync a large-area wireless network.

The LMU (Location Measuring Unit) antenna, which in this photograph is mounted on a bracket to the left of the GPS antenna) is used to help a wireless carrier locate its users as required by the FCC for wireless E-911.
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"...before the mast"1091 viewsHere's what the camo cell palm looked before the bolt-on antennas were added (see "What's below the fans?" photograph in this section).33333
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Camofulaged AML Receive Site?2763 viewsBack in 1983 Storer Cable was trying to secure a microwave-receive site on a hillside in San Juan Capistrano. The architect retained by Storer lost most of his hair trying to get a design that would pass muster with the City. One night, in a fit of frustration, he came up with this design. We never submitted this one to the City. Pity. It would have been fun!33333
(14 votes)
Camo faux barn912 viewsThis 'barn' is part of a family fun center. The carrier here is Verizon. Notice the GPS antenna to the right of the barn.1 comments33333
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Verizon MTSO cell and microwave tower1731 viewsThis is an interesting 63-ish foot communications tower in Schertz, Texas. It's owned by Verizon Wireless.33333
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Sign of the times (1 of 2)1453 viewsThe cell site antenna is seen at the top of the outdoor advertising sign. Spotted in Connecticut.33333
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T-Mobile's Take on a Cellular Pine980 viewsThis T-Mobile cell pine tree is located near the John Wayne Airport in Orange County. Of interest is the almost total camouflaging of the antennas by careful design/placement of the RF transparent "limbs". The limbs could have come down much further on the trunk.

Oh, yes, there's that aircraft warning beacon that helps the illusion.
1 comments33333
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Oh, say can you see!!1079 viewsAn example of a flag pole cell site. 33333
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Camo site atop broadcast center1885 viewsMajor network studio in Los Angeles. Transmission facilities hidden behind decorative work on top of the building. 1 comments33333
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Southern California palm tree cell site.1903 viewsAlong side a major freeway in the Los Angeles area, this cell site is hardly noticeable from the freeway. 33333
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Installing a cell palm907 viewsI snapped this photograph during the installation of this cell palm tree along the I-405 in the pass connecting the San Fernando Valley and West Los Angeles.33333
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11 - Ice Guard Construction Nearly Complete749 viewsThe frame for the ice guard is basically complete. Soon it will be covered.33333
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Cell site, microwave mounted on wood pole1131 viewsWe don't need no stinking steel tower!1 comments33333
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A Powerful Bison1743 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This closeup shot shows how the antenna panels are affixed to the metal body of the bison.2 comments33333
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Parking Lot Light Standard Site859 viewsThis is a Nextel site atop a parking lot light standard located on USN property in San Diego, California.33333
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Sending out the word...to Los Angeles International Airport439 viewsThis is an AT&T Wireless site just north of LAX. It's a rather poor design Notice (1) the panels just above the roof line; the microwave panel antenna offset from the bell tower; and the cable runs down to the equipment building. A good design element (perhaps the only one) is the use of the brick face on AT&T's pre-fab building. 33333
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Microcell - Two Sectors398 viewsYet another pole-mounted two-sector cell site.33333
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Hot zone? What hot zone?723 viewsThis roof-top site (now removed) used cheezy plastic safety cones with pasted-on warning signs to alleged mark the edge of the general population/uncontrolled RF zone. Note the two cones at rear-right that have blown over. A very effective warning technique, eh?33333
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Sign of the times (2 of 2)1096 viewsNotice how the base station equipment is mounted on the advertising sign pole mount.33333
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Surface mounted antennas sometimes just require matching paint539 viewsThis surface mount wireless site is less visible due to the use of matching paint on the antenna radomes. Less visible, but not a true camouflage site. 33333
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It's a Barrel...It's a Tank...It's...well....a Multicarrier site655 viewsThis interesting multicarrier site has the antennas on the outside of the tank structure. Chino Hills, California. Note, the cattle at the top of the hill are real.33333
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Cell Pine - North Hollywood, CA732 viewsAt a temple.33333
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Pumping Signal774 viewsA camo windmill 'hides' this cell site, located on I-10 near Pomona, California.1 comments33333
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Ground level wireless site on hilltop - Overview387 viewsThis is a pull-back photo of a cell site atop a hill above a major Interstate Highway. The antennas are mounted at ground level.33333
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RF on the Roof469 viewsThis commercial building in Tarzana, California shows how to poorly plan a roof by sticking almost anything (antenna wise) on the roof. A very poor (or good, depending on your view) example of how not to plan a rooftop. 33333
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Building side mount omni site481 viewsNotice that the omnidirectional antennas are mounted on the side of the building near the corner. Even more interesting is that the GPS antenna (used for network timing) is mounted in such a way as to be shielded from about 120 degrees of sky (this site faces northwest).33333
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Strand-mounted cell site (Sprint)667 viewsThis is a Sprint cell site using the cable TV system to connect users to the MTSO. Irvine, CA.33333
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Sickly Monopalm in Van Nuys893 viewsThis poor excuse for a monopalm is in Van Nuys, California on Van Nuys Blvd. Sooooo sad.33333
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KMLT On-the-Air and Out-of-Sight698 viewsCompare this photograph of the 'finished product' with photos I took during construction. Chris Hicks, the City of Thousand Oaks, and COSCA worked together to create an invisible transmitter shelter in 'open space.' May, 2006.33333
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349 views33333
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363 views33333
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KMLT Panorama - Almost Done527 viewsThe site is nearly complete. Transmitter vault awaits a final hatch assembly.33333
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KMLT Antenna and Support584 viewsThe steel pole supporting the antenna is now painted blue to help it blend into the sky background.33333
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Camo, almost matching... (1 of 2)576 viewsThis Cingular site is a good example of the need to carefully plan how much of an existing wall will be replaced with a fiberglass camo panel. In this case, the cut out portion of the wall, now replaced with a painted/textured RF transparent panel, is clearly visible. A better approach would have been for the carrier to cut from wood panel edge to panel edge so that the difference, if visible, would have been more uniform.33333
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Sprint Site - Church Tower746 viewsSan Diego County, California. Just east of Interstate 5.33333
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Time's a-tick'n!700 viewsIf you can backwards in this gallery you'll see this as it was about 3 weeks prior to this photo. Nextel and Sprint are already at the site. AT&T Wireless is adding a new site here. Stay tuned for updates.33333
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Multi-carrier cell site in Clock Tower1284 viewsThe Cerritos Towne Center (Cerritos, California) sports this impressive multi-carrier cell site clock tower. Photo taken just after sunrise on a rainy day.3 comments33333
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"Thick as a brick?" #2 of 2996 viewsFaux brick penthouse wall. Antennas behind the panel at the far end.
Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
3 comments33333
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Cell Pine834 viewsThis cell pine is located on a hill in Lake Elsinore, CA. Good branch coverage. Notice the round microwave antenna on the tree trunk.1 comments33333
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Looking at the antenna of an FM broadcast station780 viewsHere's a photograph of KMLT-FM's antenna and supporting post from a vantage point near the location. 33333
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Pad-mounted Base Station764 viewsThis is a concrete-pad mounted cell site base station. The powering is to the right, and the GPS antenna is seen in the top-background attached to the ice-bridge. The ice-bridge protects the coaxial cables, mounted below the bridge, from falling ice.33333
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Chester, PA Cell Site549 viewsAttention KMART shoppers! Now you can show for sundries and signal at the same time!33333
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Wireless sites on power transmission towers622 viewsA new trend to install wireless antenna arrays on high voltage power transmission towers. These new co-location sites are gaining popularity due their preexisting right of ways and available height. 33333
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822 views 33333
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Mono-cross1063 viewsClose-up of the mono-blah-cross at a Mesa, Arizona church. Notice that the antenna cover at the top is askew. 33333
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Good signal track(ing)915 viewsThis is the multi-carrier radio tower at the Irvine, California AMTRAK station.33333
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Wireless Adobe943 viewsA telephoto show of Cingular's wireless adobe site on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).33333
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Wireless Adobe831 viewsApproaching Cingular's wireless adobe site from the west side service road. It's on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).33333
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Das da ticket!646 viewsA close up of the AT&T Wireless DAS antennas. Note several things:

First, the RF warning sign is on the rear of the antenna, where is cannot be seen by someone approaching the antenna. This is not consistent with the FCC RF safety requirements.

Second, these are dual band antennas. In the far antenna, the cellular band antenna feed is on the right; the PCS band feed is on the left.
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Getting ready for pulling the coax cables up the tree834 viewsThe worker prepares the coax cables for insertion into the trunk of the monopalm by laying them out flat on the ground. From here, a pull rope will be used to raise the cables into the trunk, and up to the level of the antennas.33333
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Tree Trunk Firmly Planted!742 viewsThis photo shows the detail of the monopalm trunk installation to the foundation. Footings are sunk and concrete is poured around the footings. The tree is bolted to the footings.33333
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Nextime Nextel548 viewsNextel's Rose Bowl COW33333
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Nextel Camo Site - San Marcos, California535 viewsNextel's poorly-maintained camo site at a medical office building in San Marcos, California.33333
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Time to Shippee Out the Signal370 views...from this Spectrasite lattice tower on Shippee Road in Oroville, California. Nextel is the tower occupant. The tower ASR is 1239078.33333
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Cell Pine1042 viewsHere's a good merged image photo close-up of a cell pine (monopine) in Walnut, California. Notice the large 'acorn' (microwave dish antenna) that's front and center on the trunk. In most case in metro areas, the purpose of having a microwave dish is (1) to provide back-haul from the cell site to the mobile telephone switching office (MTSO), and (2) to save the cost of leasing data lines from the local phone company. The first purpose is required; the second should not be considered a valid justification in most metro cases.

Also notice that most--but not all--of the panel antennas have slip-on camouflage covers. This photo highlights the significant difference in appearance between covered and merely painted panels.

The bark cladding stops at about the level of the microwave dish. It should have gone all the way to the top as you can see the flat, more reflective metal surface above the cladding.
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A Real Education451 viewsThis Cingular site is located on the grounds of Fountain Valley (California) High School.33333
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Two monopoles - Co-location site681 viewsMultiple carriers occupy this site. Notice that the camo panels are missing on the lower antennas on the left monopole.33333
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Church bell tower915 viewsThis site, in Oak Park, California, is located in the bell tower of a church. The give-aways are (1) the poorly placed GPS antenna on the right side of the tower, and (2) the poor paint match of the bell tower extension.33333
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Guess which puts out more power?575 viewsThis is a massive power transmission tower that supports two different carriers. Yeah, the tower's REALLY that big.33333
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Co-location cell site448 viewsYACS: Yet another co-location site. Note the various microwave antennas on the monopole. Microwave antennas are used for backhaul to the MTSO, and save monthly recurring line lease costs (at the cost of increased visual load at the site). 33333
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PGE Transmission Tower Cell Site438 viewsSpotted in Walnut Creek, California: A cell site mounted atop a PGE transmission tower. 33333
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Cell site on power transmission pole506 viewsThis site in located in British Columbia, Canada.33333
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Birds on Blue Unique Cell Site Design - Public Art368 viewsThis public art cell site was designed by Ron Pekar and Sandy McDaniel; brought to life by Esteban John DuPont's CellTech Wireless, sponsored by Crown Castle, and authorized by the City of San Diego. This is a wonderful result for a great collaboration. Located at CA905 and Beyer Blvd in San Diego.33333
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8 foot antenna on building363 viewsA rather ugly 8' antenna stuck on the side of a building in Tarzana, California33333
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Antennas in a Dormer953 viewsThe antennas for this camo cell site are within the dormer on the roof. Pacific Coast Highway at Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.33333
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Lots of Signals1055 viewsThis multi-carrier, multi-owner site is in Mesa, Arizona. The tower registration shows Verizon as the anchor of the lattice tower. The City of Mesa has multiple sites on the top of its water tank.33333
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I bow to Him855 viewsVerizon's mono-flagpole site in Mesa Arizona is leaning over ust a wee-bit.33333
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A Royal Treatment785 views(Close up) Royal Street (MetroPCS) constructed this very nice cupola site above an existing shopping center in San Juan Capistrano, California. If you'd like to see more about this project visit http://www.sanjuancapistrano.org/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4026. 33333
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This site SEEMS to need Less SEAMS791 viewsSprint's camo site in Santa Fe Springs, California looks like a major patching and repainting jobs is due...or overdue.33333
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Light Standards with More788 viewsNear a hospital heliport, which explains the aircraft warning lights, the Verizon site (left) and the T-Mobile site (right) feature clamp-on radomes. The Verizon site also features a microwave antenna, which is unusual for light standard sites. Anaheim, California33333
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AT&T Monopine in Santa Fe, NM836 viewsAT&T's monopine site is above the 599 Bypass around Santa Fe, New Mexico (Mutt Nelson road). View from SR599.33333
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Camo Clock Tower in Mission Viejo, California1925 viewsA very tasteful clock tower cell site in Mission Viejo, California.33333
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Wireless, with Cables425 viewsClose up of the multicarrier site at the upper station of the Mt. Roberts Tramway in Juneau, Alaska.33333
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864 views33333
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Good signal track(ing)1091 viewsThis is the multi-carrier radio tower at the Irvine, California AMTRAK station.33333
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Das da ticket!611 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.33333
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Color coded coax cables will pulling grips782 viewsThe coax cables are ready for installation in the trunk of the monopalm. Each cable is color coded at both ends to aid in identification. The pulling sleeves ("Chinese finger grips") will be connected to the pulling rope.33333
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Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm696 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.33333
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Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm718 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.33333
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Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm584 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.33333
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Nextel's Cow and Sprint's Cow: Rose Bowl 2007576 viewsThese Cows belong to Nextel and Sprint. This herd spotted at the 2007 Rose Bowl.33333
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Nextel Cow has Peronalized Plates792 viewsThese Cow belongs to Nextel. This license plate photographed at the 2007 Rose Bowl.33333
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Nextel's Cow and Sprint's Cow: Rose Bowl 2007545 viewsYet another photo of the two COWS (Sprint and Nextel) at the 2007 Rose Bowl Game. 33333
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Tumwater Reservoir, Tumwater, Washington518 viewsNear the Tumwater Airport. Note the airport rotating aerodrome beacon on top of the tank. 33333
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NextG Distributed Antenna System Node466 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.33333
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Village of Oak Creek near Sedona673 viewsThis camo site is located on Highway 179 in Oak Creek. This site is on the main road connecting I-17 with Sedona. The site is hidden by the parapet above the roof. Nice background, eh?33333
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Blessed Be This Cell Site461 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!33333
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770 viewsA camo METROPCS site in San Pablo, California. The antennas are in the radomes just below the Holiday Inn sign.33333
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The Golden Signal369 views...from this water tank site in Chico, California belongs to T-Mobile.33333
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Verizon MTSO Orange County450 viewsThis VZW MTSO (mobile telephone switching office) is in Santa Ana, California. The height of the tower is 60.7 meters AGL.33333
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473 viewsClose up of the Fountain Hills three sector site atop a traffic and light standard.33333
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Great Scott!353 viewsYet another view of a pole-mounted cell site in Scottsdale, Arizona.33333
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Cellular Cactus643 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Look at the other cactus photos in this gallery.33333
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Camo, almost matching... (2 of 2)608 viewsThis Cingular site is a good example of the need to carefully plan how much of an existing wall will be replaced with a fiberglass camo panel. In this case, the cut out portion of the wall, now replaced with a painted/textured RF transparent panel, is clearly visible. A better approach would have been for the carrier to cut from wood panel edge to panel edge so that the difference, if visible, would have been more uniform.33333
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Equipment Cabinets, GPS and LMU antennas511 viewsCingular's equipment cabinets are mounted in the hardscape area between the curb and sidewalk.33333
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Nextel Cow (Cell on Wheels)920 viewsSet up at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. Photo taken January 2, 2005.33333
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A small herd of cows...1126 viewsHere are two COWs (cell-on-wheels) set up at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, for "THE BIG GAME" on, well, January 1, 2005. Nextel has a very pretty COW; Sprint's COW is a bit haggard. Both have their own power generators. See the detailed photos in this gallery.33333
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Camo faux brick wall666 viewsThe antennas are hidden behind the faux brick face in the upper left portion of the wall. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.33333
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Spreading THE WORD...723 viewsVery interesting! This church has a cell site on the tri-leg cross support, AND an AT&T Wireless site inside the large cross attached to the chapel. Site engineering and fabrication of the large camo cross by Peabody Engineering.33333
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Sprint - Microcell using Sanders CATV radio424 viewsSprint (especially in conjunction with Cox) deployed a significant number of the Sanders cable TV/cell interface. This site uses very low gain antennas (the two outside antennas are for reception from the users, and the center antenna is for transmission to the users). Sprint has built its own CATV-like wireless system to connect many of its sites back to its MTSOs. 33333
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Microcell - Two Sectors432 viewsNotice the GPS antenna (the mushroom shaped device) on the crossarm.33333
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Cell site crowning a power transmission tower520 viewsThis cell site, in Walnut Creek, California, is atop a PG&E power transmission tower.33333
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Camo-ish on-building cell site1119 viewsThis is an example of how surface mounted antennas can be detailed to blend, if not disappear, into the background of the structure.33333
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