Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Top rated - Camouflaged Sites
A Tower that's Really a Tower980 viewsAT&T and Sprint occupy the tower above this building in Temecula, California. The antennas are located adjacent to the 'windows', and the equipment cabinets are hidden by the roof parapets. The name of the center is, oddly, the Tower Plaza! A very good design, indeed.55555
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1076 views55555
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881 views55555
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Very Large Mono-Cross1210 viewsThe East Valley Free Will Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona features a very large mono-cross. This site was constructed by Cingular.55555
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T-Mobile Monocypress in Diamond Bar, California1325 viewsA very hard to find (good) monocypress site built by T-Mobile in Diamond Bar, California. I drove by it several times before spotting it!55555
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Waves in the Shakes?1173 viewsMickyD's hosts this Nextel site in Norwalk, California.55555
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City Monument Sign - Montclair, California795 viewsNextel's monument sign cell site is located along Interstate 10 (a really, really, really busy freeway). Originally built to house its own antennas, it now supports at least one other carrier's antennas, as well.55555
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Irvine, Califoria multicarrier site587 viewsThis is an outstanding multicarrier camo site in Irvine, CA55555
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So-so Camo'ed Pop-Up Site in Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley)451 viewsThis is a so-so camo rooftop site in the San Fernando Valley portion of Los Angeles. It uses open-back pop-ups on the building to mostly hide the antennas.55555
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378 views55555
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AT&T Clock Tower - Public Park613 viewsAT&T Clock Tower Site in Rio Rancho, NM55555
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A Tank of Signal368 viewsT-Mobile's water tank cell site, which doubles as a residential community sales sign. San Diego, California. Built in 2002, you can read about this site here: http://tinyurl.com/TMO-Tank55555
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A Tank of Signal442 viewsT-Mobile's water tank cell site, which doubles as a residential community sales sign. San Diego, California. Built in 2002, you can read about this site here: http://tinyurl.com/TMO-Tank55555
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Mono Eucalyptus Antennas1662 viewsThe antennas atop a mono-eucalyptus in Oceanside, California. American Tower should spend a bit of time fixing the antenna covers.55555
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Sprint's Signal is SMOK'N!976 viewsAnother view of Sprint's faux chimney site in Oceanside, California.55555
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1092 views55555
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1329 views55555
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977 views55555
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845 views55555
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GPS Antenna Directly Mounted to Cabinet972 viewsThis is a good example of how a GPS antenna can use directly mounted on top of an equipment cabinet. This type of mounting reduces the visibility of this element compared with mounting it on an extension pipe above the cabinet. This is a Verizon Wireless site at a church in Mesa, Arizona.55555
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I bow to Him954 viewsVerizon's mono-flagpole site in Mesa Arizona is leaning over ust a wee-bit.55555
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It's time for Wireless740 viewsThis tower in Anaheim, California features an RF transparent clock. 55555
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Now you see it; now you shouldn't.1369 viewsAs an example of how to ALMOST construct a camouflaged site, look at this photograph. Nextel's camo box fails to extend the flashing around the top of its enclosure. As a result, from ground level you can see the coaxial cables running over the top parapet to the camo box. I've created a photo simulation to illustrate how little it would have taken to complete the camouflage for this site, and the benefits of that little effort. Planners, think about these things...they will make a great difference in the result of your work.55555
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Mono Cypress1567 viewsCricket Wireless has constructed this attractive mono cypress in San Marcos, California. The BTS equipment is located against the wall of the building.55555
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Getting ready for pulling the coax cables up the tree975 viewsThe worker prepares the coax cables for insertion into the trunk of the monopalm by laying them out flat on the ground. From here, a pull rope will be used to raise the cables into the trunk, and up to the level of the antennas.55555
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Village of Oak Creek near Sedona709 viewsThis camo site is located on Highway 179 in Oak Creek. This site is on the main road connecting I-17 with Sedona. The site is hidden in the facade box. Nice background, eh?55555
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Agoura High School712 viewsAll four light standards at the Agoura Hills High School sport antenna radomes55555
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Illuminating the Way 2 of 2655 viewsThis 'lighthouse' supports an AT&T Wireless and Sprint co-lo site in Dana Point, California, just adjacent to the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Notice the antennas on the railing at the top, and the equipment room at the base.55555
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Sun, Sail, and Signal #2658 viewsThis camo chimney is located at the Sun and Sail Club in Lake Forest, California. The AT&T Wireless and Cingular antennas are behind the faux rock detail at the top of the chimney. The BTS equipment is located directly below, and in front of the chimney (out of sight in this photo, just below the wood box containing the coaxial and ground cables).55555
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Poor Camo Design816 viewsA camo site should effectively hide the antennas from public view. This site, in West Los Angeles, fails to do so, and illustrates the point. Camo is NOT just putting up some antenna blinds and painting to match.55555
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3111 views55555
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996 views55555
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1107 views55555
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Wireless Sign785 viewsThis uncompleted sign framework holds multiple antennas. Rocky Peak site in Santa Susana Pass, California.55555
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902 views44444
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Monopalm in the Sepulveda Pass1172 viewsWorking on the little tree (July 2001). This monopalm is located on Sepulveda Blvd. south of Mulholland off of the I-405 freeway in Los Angeles.44444
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Belting out the RF819 viewsThe 'belt' around the middle of this structure hides cell antennas. Notice two things: (1) at the far end of the left side you can see some of the antenna cables; and (2) the traditional cell site behind this project.1 comments44444
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1310 views44444
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Sprint's Eagle Mountain Inn Site Equipment Enclosure744 viewsNotice how Sprint has placed its equipment enclosure partially underground and colored it to match the surrounding area. Yet another reason why this is an outstanding site. (I do wish they had painted the GPS antenna, or placed it flush to the top of the roof fence.44444
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Cell Rock990 viewsHere is a cellular rock housing an antenna. The antenna serves the 118 Freeway in the Santa Susana Pass between the Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley. 44444
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False 3rd story on office building1808 viewsAntenna room constructted on top of an existing office building. Windows are not real, but instead painted upon translucent plastic materia. Roof room accessible from access door on right end. 44444
(17 votes)
Wireless Adobe1363 viewsLooking at the west and south sides of Cingular's wireless adobe site. It's on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).44444
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Monopine - Lake Elsinore, California1681 viewsThis monopine has some of the hallmarks of a good design, including very good branch coverage and the use of camouflage antenna panel covers.3 comments44444
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719 views44444
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Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm728 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.44444
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Towering Signal704 viewsSprint's site in Irvine along the I-5 Freeway features an unusual antenna configuration where one of the sector antennas is turned 90 degrees to serve another sector. It's the antenna on the right side.44444
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2250 viewsCan you guess which of the light standards contains the site antennas?44444
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1035 views44444
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A Royal Treatment734 views(Long View) Royal Street (MetroPCS) constructed this very nice cupola site above an existing shopping center in San Juan Capistrano, California. If you'd like to see more about this project visit http://www.sanjuancapistrano.org/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4026. 44444
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Monopalm of Paramount Importance864 viewsThis is a Nextel monopalm site in Paramount, California.44444
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Chimney Site with Elevated BTS Platform - Hermosa Beach, California381 viewsThis site features a chimney to hide the antennas (except from behind) and an elevated BTS equipment cabinet platform.44444
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348 views44444
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We'll leave the Verizon Cell Site on for you.576 viewsVerizon's mono-sign site at a Motel 6 in Vista, California.44444
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1039 views44444
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MonoFlag near Mugu Rock, CA627 views44444
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Outstanding T-Mobile Church Site1123 viewsThis is a photograph of T-Mobile's outstanding installation in the exiting bell tower of the Piedmont Community Church in Piedmont, California. The antennas are hidden behind the faux vents. T-Mobile originally proposed a faux stained-glass design, but the City's planners wisely opted for the vent design far more in keeping with the normal look of a bell tower.44444
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Mono-Cross in Tempe Arizona878 viewsThis is a fairly blah mono-cross in Tempe, Arizona. Taken late morning.44444
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Barn There; Done That1110 viewsVerizon's site along I-580 in Berkeley, California is hardly noticeable to 'civilians' driving by at a raging 3 miles per hour. 44444
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Time for a new Flag and some paint1199 viewsThe flag flying at this Cingular site, located at a Post Office in San Marcos, California is ready to be replaced. Disposal is subject to the U.S. Flag Code. Also, a wee-bit of paint is about due, here, too!44444
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Peeking Inside a Wireless Rock1217 viewsThis is what an antenna looks like mounted inside a cellular rock. The two coaxial cables indicate that the antenna is actually two antennas inside one radome: one for transmit, and one for receive. Another panel antenna can easily be added on the mounting pole in the foreground.44444
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A Sassy Looking Mono-Cypress1241 viewsVerizon's mono-cypress tree in Lake Elsinore is Sassy! (Sorry, bad joke: That's VZW's site name...go figure!) Here's a close-up of the tree coverage.2 comments44444
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1165 views44444
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Close-up of a cellular/PCS flagpole without the covers4666 viewsThis is a close-up shot of how antennas are stacked in a faux flagpole. All three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is an AT&T Wireless (now Cingular) site in Los Angeles, California. Verizon shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.2 comments44444
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Camo faux water tank790 viewsCamo faux water tank at shopping center entrance. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.44444
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What's that below the fans?1214 viewsTake one poorly configured camouflaged cell palm tree and then abandon any desire to keep it camouflaged. How? Just add non-camo antennas bolted onto the 'trunk' below the fans as seen in this photograph. To see what this cell palm looked like before the addition of the bolt-on antennas, see "...before the mast" in this section!44444
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1522 views44444
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Verizon Wireless Camo Light Standard901 views...in Santa Monica, California. Notice that the BTS equipment vault is located around the corner to the right. It's in the sidewalk area. The vault vents are located in the greenbelt behind the red curb. A very nice installation, indeed.44444
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Columns of Signal863 viewsThe columns at the top are built with RF transparent materials. The antennas are located inside the columns of this church. Look carefully and you'll see the seam of the RF transparent panels.2 comments44444
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Sending out 'the word'1861 viewsA cell site within a church cross. The antennas are behind removable panels above the cross arm. The equipment cabinets are behind the brick wall to the right in the picture.1 comments44444
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Camo site atop standalone church tower - #2843 viewsThis church, in Irvine, California, has a Cingular site above the stained glass in the stand-alone tower.44444
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Cingular underground cell site equipment1272 viewsThe BTS equipment vault, in the foreground, serves a Cingular's light standard microcell. The green pedestal houses the power company meter, and is subject to removal if the power company allows unmetered or remotely metered service sometime in the future.44444
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Outstanding T-Mobile Church Site1324 viewsThis is a photograph of T-Mobile's outstanding installation in the exiting bell tower of the Piedmont Community Church in Piedmont, California. The antennas are hidden behind the faux vents. T-Mobile originally proposed a faux stained-glass design, but the City's planners wisely opted for the vent design far more in keeping with the normal look of a bell tower.44444
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1251 views44444
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One bump too many1146 viewsThis Cingular site cable transition to a flagpole site at the USPO in San Marcos, California features impacts. It's too close to the driveway. 44444
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Saguaro Sends Signals Silently734 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Cingular's BTS equipment is located in the fenced area in the left side of the photo. The cactus is up a small rise.44444
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Okay, so what's with the Rock?843 viewsThe faux rock on the left, bottom of the cell cactus hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. It blends in quite nicely. Larson-USA design.33333
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962 views33333
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Blessed be Sprint995 viewsA sprint site inside a faux bell tower at a church in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles, California).33333
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A Powerful Bison931 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This site is about 1 mile south of the Wyoming state line. The apparent height of the bison is about 12 feet. This photo is looking to the south. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.33333
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Verizon Wireless Camo Light Standard971 views...in Santa Monica, California. Notice that the BTS equipment vault is located around the corner to the right. It's in the sidewalk area. If you still can't spot it, look for the white painted labels! Actually, a nice design. The vents are in the greenbelt area.33333
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Overlooking Lake Elsinore, California (View 2 of 2)893 viewsA close up view of a Sprint site in Riverside County above Lake Elsinore, California (thanks to Larry for the update!).1 comments33333
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Sprint underground BTS equipment853 viewsThis photo shows (foreground) the shallow vault used to route cables to/from the BTS; the BTS equipment vault (large double-doors); and the BTS equipment vault vents (grills near and far side of the BTS vault). Located in the exclusive "Mountaingate" area of West Los Angeles.33333
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Time for More RF702 viewsYou can see that this Sprint-Nextel co-location site is still under construction. The cables are plainly visible inside the clock tower. The hanging panel is for antenna grounding. There are three GPS antennas on the roof of the building to the left of the clock tower (only one shown). The clock isn't running, but it's correct twice each day. 33333
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Sports park monopole765 viewsCingular is responsible for this site. The BTS equipment is located below/behind the score board (left side of photo). This might have been a good site for a cell-flag instead of just a 'plain old' monopole.33333
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Welcome to Town!1313 viewsHere's a clever way of hidding a cell site inside a City sign.33333
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674 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking southwest from the roadway.33333
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Panoramic view of Sprint Mountaingate Monopole820 viewsThis panoramic photo show the street cuts from power (left), telephone (right), the power meter (far left), the BTS equipment vault and vents in the traffic median, the street cut from the median to the antenna pole (far side of median), and the base of the antenna pole (far right, behind tree). The pole in the middle of the traffic median is a two-arm street light. Too bad it (or a replacement) wasn't used to support the antenna. That would have eliminated the need for the standalone pole just to support the single panel antenna.33333
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"...before the mast"1091 viewsHere's what the camo cell palm looked before the bolt-on antennas were added (see "What's below the fans?" photograph in this section).33333
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Camofulaged AML Receive Site?2763 viewsBack in 1983 Storer Cable was trying to secure a microwave-receive site on a hillside in San Juan Capistrano. The architect retained by Storer lost most of his hair trying to get a design that would pass muster with the City. One night, in a fit of frustration, he came up with this design. We never submitted this one to the City. Pity. It would have been fun!33333
(14 votes)
Camo faux barn912 viewsThis 'barn' is part of a family fun center. The carrier here is Verizon. Notice the GPS antenna to the right of the barn.1 comments33333
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Verizon MTSO cell and microwave tower1731 viewsThis is an interesting 63-ish foot communications tower in Schertz, Texas. It's owned by Verizon Wireless.33333
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Sign of the times (1 of 2)1453 viewsThe cell site antenna is seen at the top of the outdoor advertising sign. Spotted in Connecticut.33333
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T-Mobile's Take on a Cellular Pine981 viewsThis T-Mobile cell pine tree is located near the John Wayne Airport in Orange County. Of interest is the almost total camouflaging of the antennas by careful design/placement of the RF transparent "limbs". The limbs could have come down much further on the trunk.

Oh, yes, there's that aircraft warning beacon that helps the illusion.
1 comments33333
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Oh, say can you see!!1079 viewsAn example of a flag pole cell site. 33333
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Camo site atop broadcast center1885 viewsMajor network studio in Los Angeles. Transmission facilities hidden behind decorative work on top of the building. 1 comments33333
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Southern California palm tree cell site.1903 viewsAlong side a major freeway in the Los Angeles area, this cell site is hardly noticeable from the freeway. 33333
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Installing a cell palm907 viewsI snapped this photograph during the installation of this cell palm tree along the I-405 in the pass connecting the San Fernando Valley and West Los Angeles.33333
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A Powerful Bison1743 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This closeup shot shows how the antenna panels are affixed to the metal body of the bison.2 comments33333
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Parking Lot Light Standard Site860 viewsThis is a Nextel site atop a parking lot light standard located on USN property in San Diego, California.33333
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Sign of the times (2 of 2)1096 viewsNotice how the base station equipment is mounted on the advertising sign pole mount.33333
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It's a Barrel...It's a Tank...It's...well....a Multicarrier site656 viewsThis interesting multicarrier site has the antennas on the outside of the tank structure. Chino Hills, California. Note, the cattle at the top of the hill are real.33333
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Cell Pine - North Hollywood, CA732 viewsAt a temple.33333
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Pumping Signal774 viewsA camo windmill 'hides' this cell site, located on I-10 near Pomona, California.1 comments33333
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Sickly Monopalm in Van Nuys893 viewsThis poor excuse for a monopalm is in Van Nuys, California on Van Nuys Blvd. Sooooo sad.33333
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Camo, almost matching... (1 of 2)576 viewsThis Cingular site is a good example of the need to carefully plan how much of an existing wall will be replaced with a fiberglass camo panel. In this case, the cut out portion of the wall, now replaced with a painted/textured RF transparent panel, is clearly visible. A better approach would have been for the carrier to cut from wood panel edge to panel edge so that the difference, if visible, would have been more uniform.33333
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Sprint Site - Church Tower746 viewsSan Diego County, California. Just east of Interstate 5.33333
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Time's a-tick'n!701 viewsIf you can backwards in this gallery you'll see this as it was about 3 weeks prior to this photo. Nextel and Sprint are already at the site. AT&T Wireless is adding a new site here. Stay tuned for updates.33333
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Multi-carrier cell site in Clock Tower1285 viewsThe Cerritos Towne Center (Cerritos, California) sports this impressive multi-carrier cell site clock tower. Photo taken just after sunrise on a rainy day.3 comments33333
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"Thick as a brick?" #2 of 2996 viewsFaux brick penthouse wall. Antennas behind the panel at the far end.
Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
3 comments33333
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Cell Pine834 viewsThis cell pine is located on a hill in Lake Elsinore, CA. Good branch coverage. Notice the round microwave antenna on the tree trunk.1 comments33333
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822 views 33333
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Mono-cross1063 viewsClose-up of the mono-blah-cross at a Mesa, Arizona church. Notice that the antenna cover at the top is askew. 33333
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Good signal track(ing)916 viewsThis is the multi-carrier radio tower at the Irvine, California AMTRAK station.33333
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Wireless Adobe943 viewsA telephoto show of Cingular's wireless adobe site on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).33333
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Wireless Adobe832 viewsApproaching Cingular's wireless adobe site from the west side service road. It's on a bluff above California Highway 62 southeast of Yucca Valley, California. It appears to be 'just another house on a hill' until you get up close and personal. The site is owned by InterConnect Towers LLC (FCC ASR 1050520).33333
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Getting ready for pulling the coax cables up the tree834 viewsThe worker prepares the coax cables for insertion into the trunk of the monopalm by laying them out flat on the ground. From here, a pull rope will be used to raise the cables into the trunk, and up to the level of the antennas.33333
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Tree Trunk Firmly Planted!742 viewsThis photo shows the detail of the monopalm trunk installation to the foundation. Footings are sunk and concrete is poured around the footings. The tree is bolted to the footings.33333
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Nextel Camo Site - San Marcos, California535 viewsNextel's poorly-maintained camo site at a medical office building in San Marcos, California.33333
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Cell Pine1042 viewsHere's a good merged image photo close-up of a cell pine (monopine) in Walnut, California. Notice the large 'acorn' (microwave dish antenna) that's front and center on the trunk. In most case in metro areas, the purpose of having a microwave dish is (1) to provide back-haul from the cell site to the mobile telephone switching office (MTSO), and (2) to save the cost of leasing data lines from the local phone company. The first purpose is required; the second should not be considered a valid justification in most metro cases.

Also notice that most--but not all--of the panel antennas have slip-on camouflage covers. This photo highlights the significant difference in appearance between covered and merely painted panels.

The bark cladding stops at about the level of the microwave dish. It should have gone all the way to the top as you can see the flat, more reflective metal surface above the cladding.
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Two monopoles - Co-location site682 viewsMultiple carriers occupy this site. Notice that the camo panels are missing on the lower antennas on the left monopole.33333
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Church bell tower915 viewsThis site, in Oak Park, California, is located in the bell tower of a church. The give-aways are (1) the poorly placed GPS antenna on the right side of the tower, and (2) the poor paint match of the bell tower extension.33333
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422 views33333
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Antennas in a Dormer953 viewsThe antennas for this camo cell site are within the dormer on the roof. Pacific Coast Highway at Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.33333
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933 views33333
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1103 views33333
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926 views33333
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Lots of Signals1055 viewsThis multi-carrier, multi-owner site is in Mesa, Arizona. The tower registration shows Verizon as the anchor of the lattice tower. The City of Mesa has multiple sites on the top of its water tank.33333
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I bow to Him856 viewsVerizon's mono-flagpole site in Mesa Arizona is leaning over ust a wee-bit.33333
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A Royal Treatment785 views(Close up) Royal Street (MetroPCS) constructed this very nice cupola site above an existing shopping center in San Juan Capistrano, California. If you'd like to see more about this project visit http://www.sanjuancapistrano.org/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4026. 33333
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This site SEEMS to need Less SEAMS792 viewsSprint's camo site in Santa Fe Springs, California looks like a major patching and repainting jobs is due...or overdue.33333
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Light Standards with More788 viewsNear a hospital heliport, which explains the aircraft warning lights, the Verizon site (left) and the T-Mobile site (right) feature clamp-on radomes. The Verizon site also features a microwave antenna, which is unusual for light standard sites. Anaheim, California33333
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AT&T Monopine in Santa Fe, NM836 viewsAT&T's monopine site is above the 599 Bypass around Santa Fe, New Mexico (Mutt Nelson road). View from SR599.33333
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Camo Clock Tower in Mission Viejo, California1925 viewsA very tasteful clock tower cell site in Mission Viejo, California.33333
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865 views33333
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Good signal track(ing)1091 viewsThis is the multi-carrier radio tower at the Irvine, California AMTRAK station.33333
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Color coded coax cables will pulling grips782 viewsThe coax cables are ready for installation in the trunk of the monopalm. Each cable is color coded at both ends to aid in identification. The pulling sleeves ("Chinese finger grips") will be connected to the pulling rope.33333
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Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm697 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.33333
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Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm718 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.33333
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Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm585 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.33333
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Village of Oak Creek near Sedona673 viewsThis camo site is located on Highway 179 in Oak Creek. This site is on the main road connecting I-17 with Sedona. The site is hidden by the parapet above the roof. Nice background, eh?33333
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771 viewsA camo METROPCS site in San Pablo, California. The antennas are in the radomes just below the Holiday Inn sign.33333
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Cellular Cactus643 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Look at the other cactus photos in this gallery.33333
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Camo, almost matching... (2 of 2)608 viewsThis Cingular site is a good example of the need to carefully plan how much of an existing wall will be replaced with a fiberglass camo panel. In this case, the cut out portion of the wall, now replaced with a painted/textured RF transparent panel, is clearly visible. A better approach would have been for the carrier to cut from wood panel edge to panel edge so that the difference, if visible, would have been more uniform.33333
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Camo faux brick wall666 viewsThe antennas are hidden behind the faux brick face in the upper left portion of the wall. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.33333
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Spreading THE WORD...723 viewsVery interesting! This church has a cell site on the tri-leg cross support, AND an AT&T Wireless site inside the large cross attached to the chapel. Site engineering and fabrication of the large camo cross by Peabody Engineering.33333
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Camo-ish on-building cell site1119 viewsThis is an example of how surface mounted antennas can be detailed to blend, if not disappear, into the background of the structure.33333
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Spectrum from the Spectrum1247 viewsThis camo cell site is at the Irvine (California) Spectrum shopping center.33333
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Cell Pine under construction - Close up1081 viewsHere's a close-up of the branch attachment pegs for this cell pine. Notice how well the cables, seen at the very top of the photograph, are hidden by the branches. Also, notice the faux pine needle cover on the antenna to the right of the trunk. A good job by American Tower.33333
(7 votes)
Panoramic view of the Rocky Peak Wireless Rocks and Wireless Sign1628 viewsHere are 5 of the 6 cell rocks at Rocky Peak. The cell sign is hidden behind the cell rock in the foreground. Note that cell rocks are on concrete pads.

The equipment building with the small microwave antenna belongs to Nextel. The hidden building with the larger microwave antenna belongs to AT&T Wireless. Other carriers are in fenced cages below AT&T and Nextel.

This site houses Cingular, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T Wireless, and Nextel, and serves the Ronald Regan Freeway (SR118) at the east end of the Santa Susana Pass between Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley.

Save for one of the Nextel rocks (shown in this gallery), there are no RF warning signs to alert the public to (suspected) high level RF fields around this easy-to-access site.
2 comments33333
(13 votes)
Faux penthouse extension832 viewsThis Nextel site has its antennas located inside the faux penthouse atop the building. Notice the uneven coverage of Spanish tiles on the sides. 33333
(6 votes)
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