Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

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The Transit Mixer has Arrived...549 views...so let the pouring begin!
PCS at City Hall548 viewsThis Sprint site at the Redondo Beach, California City Hall also supports public safety radio antennas above and below the panels.
Nextime Nextel548 viewsNextel's Rose Bowl COW
About three hundred years apart548 viewsYes, this is big iron in Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania. Yes, it's in the middle of a field being tended by local Amish citizens. Yes, this photo captures technology spanning about 300 years. Amazing!
Two Greek Cows548 views...on the road between Athens and the Athens Airport. Shot through the window of a moving taxi.
AVEA (A & A) colo with Turk cell site548 viewsColo site: Avea and Turk
Faux church steeple - Looking inside547 viewsThe faux church steeple to be used as a cell site has plenty of room inside for antenna installation. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
BTS Equipment Behind Monument Sign547 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights (seen in this background right of this photo), and the BTS equipment is behind the monument entry sign.
The Sweet Taste of Signal547 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old sugar silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.
Yerba Buena Island Site Serving the Oakland Bay Bridge547 viewsFrom July, 2001: This multicarrier site is pumping RF along the upper and lower spans of the Oakland Bay Bridge. Located on Yerba Buena Island (on the south side of the spans), this is an interesting configuration, employing "tip-to-tip" construction.

June 2008: This site no long exists. It has been removed to make way for construction of the new Bay Bridge connection to Yerba Buena Island. -jlk
Cell on Taxi ("CAT"?) No... It just Turkcell547 views
Church Steeple Site in Long Beach, California547 viewsChurch Steeple Site
Mobilitie New Wood Pole Pox in West Los Angeles547 viewsMobilitie has planted this awful wood pole in West Los Angeles. Note the standoffs for the equipment and conduits. A small cell? I think not.
Faux church steeple - Nearly complete546 viewsThe faux church steeple to be used as a cell site is nearly complete. Final matching will occur on site. The RF-transparent louvers are to be installed after this photo, but before delivery to the job site. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
Cable Pulling Vault: Sprint's San Dimas Water Tank546 viewsThe cables from the BTS to the antennas pass through this pulling vault, then go up the legs of the tank to the antennas.
Flamingos Have Antennas!546 viewsI always focused on the tail feathers of Flamingos. Who knew that they had antennas, too!
Big Iron CoLo in Lacey Washington546 viewsNextel and AT&T Wireless share this tower in Lacey, Washington. Notice the climbing space through the bottom platform.
Nextel Camo Site - San Marcos, California546 viewsNextel's poorly-maintained camo site at a medical office building in San Marcos, California.
It's a Gas! (Overview)545 viewsCompare this photo, taken in June, 2001, with the photo of the same site taken in May 2005. You'll see the original antenna in the center of each sector. Much cleaner than the replacement design. City of Los Angeles (Brentwood area).
Nextel's Cow and Sprint's Cow: Rose Bowl 2007545 viewsYet another photo of the two COWS (Sprint and Nextel) at the 2007 Rose Bowl Game.
The Sweet Taste of Signal544 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.
Das da ticket!544 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.
Rebar cage for underground transmitter building - From ramp542 viewsAnother shot of the rebar that forms the soon-to-be underground transmitter building. The roadway in the background goes to the antenna site, adjacent to a camouflaged water tank.
Faux 'faux chimney'542 viewsCingular's faux chimney on the rear of a real estate office is a better design than the front faux chimney, yet this chimney suffers from one of the same faults as the front: the panel antenna protrudes above the level of the faux chimney.
Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm541 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.
Two Cacti Site - Eagle Mountain Golf Course and Inn540 viewsSprint's site, designed by Larson-USA, is an outstanding deployment.
Sprint's San Dimas Water Tank - Entry Port540 viewsLooking up to the entry port of Sprint's water tank in San Dimas, California
Surface mounted antennas sometimes just require matching paint539 viewsThis surface mount wireless site is less visible due to the use of matching paint on the antenna radomes. Less visible, but not a true camouflage site.
Church Site539 viewsThis church site in San Diego is interesting because the of the add-on to the church (on the left side) to house AT&T's base station equipment. The antennas are located in the steeple.
Sprint's COW: Rose Bowl 2006539 viewsSprint's COW at the 2006 Rose Bowl Game.
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California536 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This camo sector shines to the south. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. One of the panels doesn't match, does it?
Painting on the Sky 5 of 6536 viewsBill's painting on the sky!
The Sweet Taste of Signal535 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).
Camo Site Overlooking LAX535 viewsThis apartment building sports mutiple carries in the faux parapet. This site, in El Segundo overlooks LAX. It appears to have 3 carriers co-located here.
Central Sedona Arizona535 viewsThis multicarrier site is located at Fire Station 4 in Sedona, Arizona.
Nextel Camo Site - San Marcos, California535 viewsNextel's poorly-maintained camo site at a medical office building in San Marcos, California.
Faux church steeple - Louvers detail534 viewsThe faux church steeple will be completed with louvers. This photograph is a close-up of the louver detail. These louvers are transparent to radio frequency signals. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
Looking at the entry area.534 viewsHere's a good look at the entry area and the conduits extending from the transmitter building to what will be underground when the earth is pushed back around the building.
KMLT Panorama - Almost Done532 viewsThe site is nearly complete. Transmitter vault awaits a final hatch assembly.
Hope (and signal) Sprints Eternal531 viewsAnother view of the camo antennas at Sprint's Hope Church site in Vista California.
Use a Cell Phone: Go to Jail531 viewsSpotted in Las Vegas, New Mexico
What time is it? Time to make a call!531 viewsSort-of camo site (antennas are on the corners of the clock tower). Thousand Oaks, CA.
cells.oliverhurst.ca.UbiquitelPCS.woodbalancepanels..2765Pwerline Road.20051112.DSCN0361.jpg
Wood You Please Support These Antennas?530 viewsUbiquitel uses wood panels to replace antennas not installed on the two-antenna mounts atop this PG&E power tower in Oakhurst, California. This site is at 2765 Powerline Road.
Sleep Wirelessly in San Pablo, California530 viewsMetroPCS site inside the legs of a Holiday Inn Express sign. For more views of this site, visit http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/ex/1/en/hotel/spoca?_requestid=302192.

Verizon 'Small Cell' (Really a DAS node)530 viewsStrapped on to a City of Los Angeles light standard. Cables are routed inside the pole to and through the top cap.
Antenna arrays mounted on transmission towers529 viewsClose-up view of an antenna array mounted on a power transmission tower.
Waterproofing the KMLT transmitter building529 viewsThe external concrete forms and braces have been removed; the outside is treated for waterproofing; and the pre-cast holes to permit conduit/cable entry are now visible.
Semi-camo tower528 viewsThe Santa Monica Mountains frame this cell site, located along Interstate 405 near the Getty Center in Los Angeles.
View of the transmitter site from near the antenna site528 viewsHere's an updated view of the KMLT transmitter area take from about 600 fee up the hill (very near the antenna site).
NextG DAS - Norwalk, California528 viewsCloseup of NextG Networks DAS light standard node in Norwalk, California. Note the cut-off box grated to the side of the Andrews ION fiber optic node.
KMLT Panorama - Almost Done527 viewsThe site is nearly complete. Transmitter vault awaits a final hatch assembly.
Two on a Stick527 viewsSprint's BTS equipment is located in the large flush-to-grade vault. It's flush vents bracket the BTS vault.
Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site526 viewsA good detail shot of Sprint's antennas located in a faux elevator penthouse.
Wireless, with Cables526 viewsThis multicarrier site is at the upper station of the Mt. Roberts Tramway in Juneau, Alaska.
Nextel Cow: Rose Bowl 2006525 viewsNextel's Cow at the 2006 Rose Bowl.
It Radiates Near Radiation525 viewsThis is a monopole owned by American Tower located in Los Alamos, New Mexico. They work on things there that are better left unspoken (absent a suitable security clearance, that it).
Camo Site in Shopping Center524 viewsThe camo site is located in the clocktower of this shopping center.
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California522 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This camo sector shines to the east. You can see the Cingular BTS. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof.
Tarzana, California522 viewsClark Avenue
Cell site crowning a power transmission tower520 viewsThis cell site, in Walnut Creek, California, is atop a PG&E power transmission tower.
Panoramic view of KMLT - 90% backfilled520 viewsThe entire 'back' portion of the transmitter building is now under dirt. Due to the new location of the trash bin, this panoramic photo is taken from a point to the north of the previous panoramic shots.
Looking at Eagles520 viewsAn off-site view of Larson-USA's two cactus design at the Eagle Mountain Inn in Arizona.
BTS Equipment Behind Monument Sign520 viewsAt California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. The antennas are in the radome atop the parking lot lights (not seen in this photo), and the BTS equipment is in the background behind the monument entry sign.
Monopoles at Apache Junction, AZ City Hall Campus519 viewsMonopoles at Apache Junction, AZ City Hall Campus
Waterproofing the KMLT transmitter building518 viewsAnother view of the transmitter building and the waterproofing.
Tumwater Reservoir, Tumwater, Washington518 viewsNear the Tumwater Airport. Note the airport rotating aerodrome beacon on top of the tank.
AT&T's Upgraded Tree at Camp Pendleton Rest Stop518 viewsAT&T has just upgraded this monopine site to 4G and materially improved the camouflage. Much better than before. N/B I-5 at the rest stop.
Super Signal From Super 8517 viewsCingular built this camo site below a sign at the Super 8 Motel in Azusa, California. For some reason the radome cover is missing, exposing the three sector antennas to public view.
NextG Distributed Antenna System Node517 viewsNextG is a wireless carrier's carrier. They provide fiber links between the BTS and the antenna site using a technology referred to as Distributed Antenna System (DAS). This is a NextG DAS node located in Encinitas, California. The carrier supported by this node is Cricket Wireless. NextG's Cricket network in San Diego County is thought to be the largest deployment of DAS in the U.S.
Ground level wireless site on hilltop - CLOSE UP516 viewsThis is a close-up of a cell site atop a hill above a major Interstate Highway. The antennas are mounted at ground level.
32. Looking down on the Activated Site516 viewsHere's the bird's-eye view looking down at the BTS equipment mounted on the far pad.
Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site514 viewsIn West Los Angeles, Sprint's antennas are located in a faux elevator penthouse, and the base telecommunications station equipment is in the foreground on the left side.
Park'n the Signal on the Roof514 viewsNotice how the coax ground wires are far from supported, attached, and protected at this site. This is a violation of the NEC 810.21(C) and (D) et seq.
2. Routing the Antenna Cables up to the Roof513 viewsThe coaxial cables for the antennas, including the GPS antenna, are loosely placed against teh wall going up to the roof. As you'll see later, these cables will be secured in a cable tray. At this time the GPS antenna is not yet installed.
Nextel's Cow and Sprint's Cow: Rose Bowl 2007513 viewsThese Cows belong to Nextel and Sprint. This herd spotted at the 2007 Rose Bowl.
A Dam Tall Tower512 viewsThis tall tower, well, towers over Hoover Dam in Nevada and/or Arizona. I guess it depends in which state you live. This tower is on the Nevada side.
Equipment Cabinets, GPS and LMU antennas511 viewsCingular's equipment cabinets are mounted in the hardscape area between the curb and sidewalk.
Don't worry...the ladder will be removed before the concrete is poured.511 viewsWorkers preping the CEV for the concrete pour. The large holes are to connect to what will be intake and outflow air vents yet to be installed.
Faux 'faux chimney' - A Different Angle510 viewsFrom this angle, Cingular's faux chimney on the front of a real estate office is a good design, but things aren't as they seem. See the view of this faux chimney from the other side to see why its inferior.
What's Red and Whilte and Radiates All Over510 views...it's this T-Mobile lattice tower in Gridley, California.
1. Antennas to be Hidden in Clock Tower509 viewsThree of four sides of the exsting clock tower had walls partially removed to permit the installation of RF-transparent fiberglass panels. As you'll see later, once the antennas are installed behind the panels, the panels are painted and textured to match the rest of the structure, thus hiding the antenna locations.
Yet another awful Mobilitie design509 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire
Light Standard Under Construction508 viewsThe double arms of this light standard, and the radome containing the antennas above the arms are yet to be placed.
Major Macrocell Site (multiple carriers)507 viewsThis is an example of a traditional multiple carrier macrocell site. Note the large microwave antennas facing to the right: They are used to provide high-reliability connection of this site to the MTSO some 25 miles away.
Cell site on power transmission pole506 viewsThis site in located in British Columbia, Canada.
Outback with the Signal506 viewsNextel's antennas are inside the lower portion of the sign. The GPS antenna is mounted to one of the legs of the sign. Norwalk, California, overlooking Interstate 5.
A parking lot light site at the Santa Fe Opera, Santa Fe, NM.506 viewsMulti-carrier sites (on parking lot lights) at the Santa Fe Opera in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
14. Installing the Telco Interface and Power Switching Cabinets505 viewsThe large cabinet on the right (with the open door) is to house the telco interface. A telco dataline is used to connect this cell site back to Verizon's mobile telephone switching office. The two smaller cabinets on the left, starting at the far left, are the power breaker panel, and the power generator transfer switch. The transfer switch senses loss of commercial power and automatically starts the generator (yet to be installed) and transfers power to the generator once stabilized. The reverse occurs when the commercial power is restored for a minimum period of time.
Generator Socket504 viewsThis is a standby power generator socket to provide power to the cell site during local commercial power failures
KMLT's Antenna Fence Under Construction504 viewsThe fence being constructed is to keep the hikers in the area away from the antenna site. At the time this photo was snapped KMLT was operating from its old (aux) transmitter site some miles away.
Palms guarding cell site - circa 2001503 viewsHere's a photo of a PCS site I photographed sometime in 2001. Notice that its 'in the middle of nowhere.' Fast forward to the shot of the same site I took in October, 2004.
Monopole503 viewsA monopole site between Victorville, California and Littlerock, California. Carrier unknown.
503 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027
DAS Outboard on Power Meter502 viewsOnce more, Cingular (now AT&T) employs the cabinet-on-a-cabinet technique of placing its DAS note, here in Rolling Hills Estates, California.
Microcell - Two Sectors501 viewsHigh gain (directional) antennas facing up/down the highway.
Cell Site Generator Plug and Breaker/Switch-over Panel500 viewsMany cell sites must operate 24/7, even in the event of a commercial power failure. Most carriers have standby power generators that can be driven to cell sites and plugged in to a generator plug such as the one shown to the right of the breaker/switch-over panel. This facility is owned by AT&T Wireless. It's in the western part of Los Angeles.
Lots of signal!500 viewsThis is a co-location site located south of Worcester, MA.
The walls are up...500 viewsThe concrete calls are poured and are hardening. Next, in about 6 days, comes the roof pour and cure.
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna (Roof on)500 viewsThis is an updated panoramic shot of the job site and antenna. The roof is now on the building. Photo taken on a weekend (no workers present).
Columns of Signal500 viewsThe columns at the top are built with RF transparent materials. The antennas are located inside the columns of this church. The base station equipment is located at teh lower right site. This church is located in San Juan Capistrano, California.
Multi-carrier cell site and TVRO downlink499 viewsThe multiple carrier tower isn't connected with the TVRO satellite antennas in front, but it makes for a nice picture. This site is located in northern San Antonio, Texas at a very large church facility. An interesting note: The antenna structure registration number shown on the site is, per the FCC's database, cancelled. Interesting!
About 75 percent of the building is buried498 viewsThe backfill is covering the building up to about the 75% level. Soon it will be completely buried, and the transmitter and related equipment will be moved in.
A Sign of the T-Mobile Times498 viewsThis furniture store sign supports T-Mobile's sectorized antennas. National City, California (south of San Diego). The furniture store is out of business.
A Well-Done Grilled FM Station498 viewsKMLT's transmitter housing present appearance as of May, 2006 is virtually invisible. Easy to miss. Exactly what was intended! Outstanding work by Chris Hicks, KMLT's CE, the City of Thousand Oaks Planning department, and the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency
The Herd at the 2007 Rose Bowl498 viewsNextel, Sprint, and AT&T "cover" the 2007 Rose Bowl Game.
Time Warner Cable Wireless Node in Santa Monica/West Los Angeles Area498 viewsTime Warner Cable Wireless Node in Santa Monica/West Los Angeles Area. Manufactured by BelAir Networks.
Spectrasite co-location site497 viewsThis Spectrasite cell/microwave site is located in Carson, California. The tower is registered to what is now Verizon Wireless. Note how the microwave antennas are identified by code to permit identification of specific microwave antennas from ground level. It's located in an "Enterprise" zone (sorry...inside joke).
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna (Waterproofing)497 viewsThis panoramic view shows the worksite, the antenna and tower, and the transmitter building with the waterproofing applied to the walls.
Got Desert?497 viewsThis little Verizon 3-sector site sites atop a wood pole in Victorville, California. The BTS equipment is in the fenced area to the left, and the telco and power panels are to the right.
496 viewsAdjacent to 5445 Hollywood Blvd, Ste D, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Birds on Blue Unique Cell Site Design - Public Art496 viewsThis public art cell site was designed by Ron Pekar and Sandy McDaniel; brought to life by Esteban DuPont's CellTech Wireless, sponsored by Crown Castle, and authorized by the City of San Diego. This is a wonderful result for a great collaboration. Located at CA905 and Beyer Blvd in San Diego.
Das da ticket!494 viewsAT&T uses a distributed antenna system (DAS) to light this site on Valley Circle in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles County). The DAS node, manufactured by Andrew Corporation, is the small box affixed to the larger power meter pedestal cabinet.
Yet another awful Mobilitie design494 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna (Zoom shot)493 viewsThis close-up panoramic shot shows the transmitter site as seen (well, actually, not seen) from near the antenna site.
Cricket in Santa Fe493 viewsThe Fashion Outlets of Santa Fe hosts this Cricket site.
Looking at Eagles492 viewsAn off-site view of Larson-USA's two cactus design at the Eagle Mountain Inn in Arizona.
Co-location cell site491 viewsThe lower array was added after the tower was constructed. How do we know? Many of the cables for that array are mounted on the outside of the pole on the righthand side.
Power transmission pole - Underground equipment shelter490 viewsThis cell site, on a power transmission pole, is connected to a controlled environment vault ("CEV"). The CEV is an underground room housing the equipment. The hatch for the CEV is the green box show below and to the left of the pole.
Gimme a Transmitter with Mustard!490 viewsAnother view of the at-grade grill over the transmitter room at KMLT. May 2006
Yet another awful Mobilitie design489 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire
8 foot antenna on building488 viewsA rather ugly 8' antenna stuck on the side of a building in Tarzana, California
Blessed Be This Cell Site487 viewsAT&T's monopole at the Calvary Community Church in Phoenix sports not one; not two; but three crosses mounted at the corners of the radomes. Quite an interesting design!
Looking at the rear of the CEV.487 viewsA good shot of the base and read of the CEV dig hole.
Rocket South of Santa Fe on I-25486 viewsOne of the worst located sites I have ever run across.
Yet another awful Mobilitie design486 viewsLos Angeles: Vermont north of Wilshire
Close-up of GPS Antenna and LMU Antenna485 viewsCingular's GPS antenna (left) and the LMU antenna are mounted at about the 5 foot level adjacent to the sidewalk. It's amazing that they're still there. Hope no pedestrians walk into the bracket at night.
CEV ready for concrete pour485 viewsJust waiting on the transit mixer to show up.
KMLT's Roof is On484 viewsIn three weeks the roof will cure and dirt will be pushed to close in the hole.
Panoramic view of KMLT - 75% backfilled484 viewsThis panoramic photo of the site shows the building backfill nearly complete. Soon it will be time to move in the transmitter and related equipment.
Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey483 viewsWater tank site or giant doorknob in Maryland.
Close-up of Cell Antennas and GPS Antenna on Traffic Signal/Light Standard482 viewsThis is a close-up of the antennas mounted on the traffic signal. Note the two coax cables into the bottom of each panel antenna. One is for transmitting and the other is for receiving.
Cable route in/out of the CEV482 viewsThis trench will house the power and telephone cable conduits into and out of the CEV, as well as the coaxial cables to the base of the light standard.
Building side mount omni site481 viewsNotice that the omnidirectional antennas are mounted on the side of the building near the corner. Even more interesting is that the GPS antenna (used for network timing) is mounted in such a way as to be shielded from about 120 degrees of sky (this site faces northwest).
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