Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Most viewed - Camouflaged Sites
This site SEEMS to need Less SEAMS793 viewsSprint's camo site in Santa Fe Springs, California looks like a major patching and repainting jobs is due...or overdue.
Camo faux water tank790 viewsCamo faux water tank at shopping center entrance. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
Yet Another Sad Cell Pine790 viewsThis Sprint site in Hesperia, California sports sparse branch coverage, and lacks bark cladding. 1 comments
Camouflaged Antenna Site790 viewsThis tower houses sector antennas.
Cardiff Sports Park790 viewsOne pole of a multi-carrier site in the Cardiff Sports Park in Encinitas, California.
Light Standards with More789 viewsNear a hospital heliport, which explains the aircraft warning lights, the Verizon site (left) and the T-Mobile site (right) feature clamp-on radomes. The Verizon site also features a microwave antenna, which is unusual for light standard sites. Anaheim, California
Very Active Monopalm787 viewsThis monopalm is located at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California. Notice that the antenna arms are not visible because they are hidden in the growth pod.
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!787 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking northwest from the roadway.
A Royal Treatment786 views(Close up) Royal Street (MetroPCS) constructed this very nice cupola site above an existing shopping center in San Juan Capistrano, California. If you'd like to see more about this project visit http://www.sanjuancapistrano.org/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4026.
Wireless Sign785 viewsThis uncompleted sign framework holds multiple antennas. Rocky Peak site in Santa Susana Pass, California.
Church clock tower784 viewsAT&T Wireless' omni-directional antennas are atop the clock tower of this church. View from rear of church.1 comments
Using Microwaves to Cook the Food?784 viewsThis site's antennas are painted to match the McDonalds barrel sign at the Barstow Station, Barstow California.
Any port in a storm784 viewsThis is a cable port near the base of the monopalm. It is used to provide an entrance/exit for the coax cables in the trunk of the tree. The 'ladder' below the port is actually a cable support. The coax cables are lashed to the ladder to provide physical support as the cables transit through the cable port.
Color coded coax cables will pulling grips783 viewsThe coax cables are ready for installation in the trunk of the monopalm. Each cable is color coded at both ends to aid in identification. The pulling sleeves ("Chinese finger grips") will be connected to the pulling rope.
Highland View Pentecostal Assembly - Los Angeles782 viewsView of GPS and LMU antennas next to BTS equipment.
YASOTVOG782 viewsYASOTVOG="Yet Anther Sending Out The Voice of God" wireless site at a church in Northridge, California. T-Mobile is the carrier.
Stylish Verizon Wireless Site781 viewsThis Verizon site in Encinitas, California, has a commanding view of the I-5 freeway. This photo, looking north to Carlsbad, shows the nicely hidden site. The antennas are mounted to the roof.
A Royal Treatment of a Cable Tray779 viewsHere is a close-up of the cable tray over the top of the walkway area at Royal Street's site in San Juan Capistrano, California.
More of the word from on high...775 viewsThis is a multi-carrier camo site at a church in Thousand Oaks, California. Can you guess where the antennas are hidden?1 comments
Pumping Signal775 viewsA camo windmill 'hides' this cell site, located on I-10 near Pomona, California.1 comments
Yet Another Strange Cell-Palm775 viewsWe'll, perhaps a coat of brown paint constitutes camouflage....perhaps it doesn't.1 comments
An Odd Cell Palm772 viewsThis Nextel cell palm sports an unusual gap between the bottom of the palm fronds and the growth pod. In fact, it appears to be green! How unusual.1 comments
771 viewsA camo METROPCS site in San Pablo, California. The antennas are in the radomes just below the Holiday Inn sign.
Naked Cellular/PCS Flagpole!769 viewsThis is actually three photos stitched together to show the three-flagpole site in great detail. The center flagpole is an AT&T (now Cingular) Wireless site in Los Angeles, California. AT&T shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.1 comments
A Thoughtful Monopalm768 viewsThe business end of this two-carrier monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church school in Palm Desert, California. Notice that there are no antenna arms at top of the tree structure. Cool.

Thanks to Rienk Ayers of Chameleon Engineering for updating me regarding the site. Chameleon's tag line works: "the Best is Hard to Find."
A Growth on a Monopalm768 viewsSpectrasite's monopalm has this very strange 6-panel growth on the tree trunk. And isn't that a stange looking, er, microwavealbe 'date' below the palms?! How sad. Inglewood, California. Cingular and Sprint are at this site.
Obelisque du Signal768 viewsThis cellular Obelisque is located at the interchange of California SR241 and SR133 in the City of Irvine, Calfornia. A similar but smaller wireless obelisque is located at The Spectrum in Irvine (a photo is on this site).

This view is from the SR133 N to the SR241 S connector. It highlights the aircraft warning beacon on the top of the obelisque.
Cell Palm767 viewsClose up of the business end of Sprint's Desert Hot Springs monopalm site at 61400B Pierson Blvd. sits aside the road to 29 Palms. Relatively poor branch coverage.
A Flag and Light Show767 viewsThis is an AT&T Wireless site, later Cingular, shining signal in San Diego on the I-5 Freeway and the Coronado Bay Bridge. The light standard also supports antennas. 1 comments
Cell Palm766 viewsYet another cell palm.
Sports park monopole765 viewsCingular is responsible for this site. The BTS equipment is located below/behind the score board (left side of photo). This might have been a good site for a cell-flag instead of just a 'plain old' monopole.
Exhausting!764 viewsVerizon's generator at Mulligan Fun Center in Murrieta, California has its exhaust drawn off to a remote vent. This is an unusual configuration for an outdoors generator but appropriate here where the generator is located adjacent to a public area.
Water Tank761 viewsIn a shopping center in Chino Hills, California1 comments
Lots of Signals761 viewsThis multi-carrier, multi-owner site is in Mesa, Arizona. The tower registration shows Verizon as the anchor of the lattice tower. The City of Mesa has multiple sites on the top of its water tank.
Sprint's Dual Light Standard Site758 viewsHigh above the US101 (Ventura Freeway) in Thousand Oaks sit these dual light standards. Two light standards provide three sectors of diversity coverage in this very high (RF) traffic area. The equipment is located in an underground vault. Rasnow Peak can be seen in the distance.
Monopine in Culver City758 viewsThis is a monopine, constructed in 2002, in Culver City, California.

By today's standards, this would not make the grade (low branch count; no antenna panel covers; bare; etc.).
A faux 'faux chimney'750 viewsCingular's faux chimney on the front of a real estate office is lacking the adequate coverage required to truly consider this to be a camouflaged site. Notice the interesting (read: "ugly") cable entry box, and the fact that the panel antenna protrudes above the level of the faux chimney. Not a good design.
Cell Pine749 viewsNotice how the tower owner stopped the 'bark' cladding just above the branch level. Also notice now well the painted tower shows through the branches. Not a good design as it draws the eye to the painted metal.
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?747 viewsI continue to update the gallery with new photos of this ever-changing site. The latest is the addition of new panel antennas.
Sprint Site - Church Tower746 viewsSan Diego County, California. Just east of Interstate 5.
Monopalm - A Morning View746 viewsClose up of the business end of the Palm Desert, California monopalm. Now you see it...now you do!
Sprint's Eagle Mountain Inn Site Equipment Enclosure745 viewsNotice how Sprint has placed its equipment enclosure partially underground and colored it to match the surrounding area. Yet another reason why this is an outstanding site. (I do wish they had painted the GPS antenna, or placed it flush to the top of the roof fence.
You want fries with that BTS?744 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure. There is no compelling need for the GPS antenna to extend above the CMU wall.
No Trouble Here! (2 of 3)742 viewsHere's a closer look at Nextel's equipment building located to the right of the main building.1 comments
Tree Trunk Firmly Planted!742 viewsThis photo shows the detail of the monopalm trunk installation to the foundation. Footings are sunk and concrete is poured around the footings. The tree is bolted to the footings.
Cell flag poles741 viewsThis is a Sprint site in northern San Diego County. The BTS equipment is located to the right of the flagpoles.
I feel the power in Claremont, California (1 of 2)741 viewsThis freestanding cross houses Verizon's antennas at a church site off of I-210 in Claremont, California. This site was originally constructed by PacBell Mobile.
Ontario, California Multi-Carrier Camo Site740 viewsThis is one of the early major camo sites in Southern California. Located in Ontario, this multi-carrier, multi-camo monopalm site is located on the north side of the I-10 Freeway. This photo is from December, 2001.
It's time for Wireless740 viewsThis tower in Anaheim, California features an RF transparent clock.
Yup. It's a cell site!738 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Look at the other cactus photos in this gallery.
Sending Out The Word738 viewsCamo site in Irvine, California, originally built by AT&T Wireless.
Towering Signal737 viewsSprint's site in Irvine along the I-5 Freeway features an unusual antenna configuration where one of the sector antennas is turned 90 degrees to serve another sector. It's the antenna on the right side.2 comments
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!735 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking west from the roadway.
McCell Site735 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.
Saguaro Sends Signals Silently734 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Cingular's BTS equipment is located in the fenced area in the left side of the photo. The cactus is up a small rise.
A Royal Treatment734 views(Long View) Royal Street (MetroPCS) constructed this very nice cupola site above an existing shopping center in San Juan Capistrano, California. If you'd like to see more about this project visit http://www.sanjuancapistrano.org/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4026.
Does RF Signal Leak Out of a Signal Tank?733 viewsA view of Sprint's San Dimas, California water tank site.
Cell Pine - North Hollywood, CA732 viewsAt a temple.
A Tower that's Really a Tower732 viewsView facing southwest of AT&T and Sprint tower site above this building in Temecula, California. The antennas are located adjacent to the 'windows', and the equipment cabinets are hidden by the roof parapets. The name of the center is, oddly, the Tower Plaza! A very good design, indeed.
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?730 viewsThis Nextel site on USMC property in San Diego is already depicted in the gallery, but it's time to revisit is as Cingular is in the process of adding 12 antennas. The lift used to get workers 'up into the tree' is shown in the foreground.1 comments
Cell Palm730 viewsSprint's Desert Hot Springs monopalm site at 61400B Pierson Blvd. sits aside the road to 29 Palms. Relatively poor branch coverage.
Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm728 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.
Not-a-Monopalm BTS Enclosure725 viewsThe monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church school is served from this BTS enclosure adjacent to the kids play area. Palm Desert, California. This panorama consists of three photos. Can you find both break points?
You Can Rest Your Signal Here725 views...at the Lemon Tree motel in Pomona, California. It's the site of this Cingular wireless cell sign and well-hidden BTS cabinet. This site overlooks Interstate 10/SR57/SR71 interchange.
Spreading THE WORD...723 viewsVery interesting! This church has a cell site on the tri-leg cross support, AND an AT&T Wireless site inside the large cross attached to the chapel. Site engineering and fabrication of the large camo cross by Peabody Engineering.
Very Large Mono-Cross723 viewsThe East Valley Free Will Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona features a very large mono-cross. This site was constructed by Cingular.
A Growth on a Monopalm722 viewsYet another view of a compromised monopalm. Spectrasite's cellpalm should never have had the microwave dish or the add-on panel antennas on the tree trunk. It took an only fair design and made it terrible. Sprint and Cingular are at this site. Others may be, too.
Is that A Fog Horn I hear?719 viewsPublic Storage, the national chain of self-storage centers has many centers that provide cell site locations. This center, in the San Fernando Valley, supports two carriers (T-Mobile and Sprint Nextel). The antennas on top of the faux lighthouse belong to T-Mobile.
Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm718 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.
The Sweet Taste of Signal717 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers. Cingular is in the prefabricated building on the right. The carrier on the outdoor platform on the left is (currently) unidentified.
Building A CellPine...716 views...one branch at a time. Notice that this is another example of failing to have the bark cladding all the way up the pole. The break point stands out, as does the painted metal above.
No Trouble Here! (1 of 3)716 viewsThis Nextel site in North Hollywood, California has its equipment room located to the right of the building in the brick-faced 1 story extension. The antennas are mounted behind RF transparent panels finished to look like a brick parapet (top left).
Verizon's Sassy Site: Grounded Bollards716 viewsThe traffic bollards at Verizon's Sassy site are grounded. This helps to prevent RF hot-spots near the antennas. Of course, the bollards also help to deter unwelcome vehicle-visitors!
Sort-of Flag Tank Site714 views...in Boulder City, Nevada.
Mono-Cross in Tempe Arizona714 viewsThis is a fairly blah mono-cross in Tempe, Arizona. Taken mid-afternoon.
Sprint - Monopole with externally mounted single sector panel antenna712 viewsThis is the single sector antenna used at Sprint's Mountaingate site. The trench cut covers the conduit connection to the BTS equipment vault in the traffic median. No, technically this isn't entirely a camouflaged site, but the majority of the site is, so that's why it's in our Camouflaged site gallery.
Agoura High School712 viewsAll four light standards at the Agoura Hills High School sport antenna radomes
What an Awful 'Camouflage' Design711 viewsSprint's silly camo box above non-camo legs design in Burbank, California. Not even painted with some classic line like, "Eat At Joes" or "Repent! The End (of Bad Camo Designs) is at Hand!"
Camo shutters709 viewsThis photo shows the RF-transparent shutters installed in front of the cell site antennas. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
Village of Oak Creek near Sedona709 viewsThis camo site is located on Highway 179 in Oak Creek. This site is on the main road connecting I-17 with Sedona. The site is hidden in the facade box. Nice background, eh?
Mauve in Orange708 viewsI never knew that some Palm tree trunks were mauve. Apparently they can be for mono-palms like this Cingular site in the City of Orange, California.
Partial Camo on Roof707 viewsNote the relatively good color match on the camo housing on the roof in the center of the photo, but lack of full camo on the far housing. This is a relatively poor design as equipment can be viewed from street level.
"Thick as a brick?" #1 of 2706 viewsThese antennas are located behind a faux brick penthouse wall. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
Certainly-a-Monopalm706 viewsHere's an overview of the very active monopalm surrounded by live palm and broadleaf trees. St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California.

Thanks to Rienk Ayers of Chameleon Engineering for updating me regarding the site. Chameleon's tag line works: "the Best is Hard to Find."
Cupola Site705 viewsT-Mobile's antennas are inside at the top of the cupola.
Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site704 viewsLooking at another side of Sprint's faux elevator penthouse, it's clear to see that this site is in need of some demand maintenance. The RF transparent panels are falling off.1 comments
Towering Signal704 viewsSprint's site in Irvine along the I-5 Freeway features an unusual antenna configuration where one of the sector antennas is turned 90 degrees to serve another sector. It's the antenna on the right side.
Time for More RF702 viewsYou can see that this Sprint-Nextel co-location site is still under construction. The cables are plainly visible inside the clock tower. The hanging panel is for antenna grounding. There are three GPS antennas on the roof of the building to the left of the clock tower (only one shown). The clock isn't running, but it's correct twice each day.
Naked Cellular/PCS Flagpole!702 viewsAll three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is a AT&T Wireless site in Los Angeles, California. AT&T (Cingular) shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.
Time's a-tick'n!701 viewsIf you can backwards in this gallery you'll see this as it was about 3 weeks prior to this photo. Nextel and Sprint are already at the site. AT&T Wireless is adding a new site here. Stay tuned for updates.
Parking Lot Light Standard Site700 viewsThis is a close-up of the Nextel radome above the parking lot light standard on USN property in San Diego.
Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites700 viewsThe enclosure on the far right houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the right light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment. Rosemead, California (just north of the I-10 freeway).
Primm an Properr in Primm Nevadaa700 viewsA site below the turret of one of the buildings at Whiskey Pete's in Primm, Nevada (about 400 yards from the California State line) off of I-15.
A Royal Treatment700 viewsThis is the rear of the building supporting Royal Street's cupola site in San Juan Capistrano, California. . The cable tray exits the roof, comes down over the roof of the walk way, down the column, and underground to the equipment enclosure cut into the hillside (left side of picture).
Pulling Cables Inside a Monopalm698 viewsTechs are installing cables inside this legacy monopalm. Sepulveda Boulevard west of the I-405 in Los Angeles.
Water tank - Personnel Entry Point697 viewsHere's an "underside looking up" view of the personnel entry port to the tank. Notice the fold-down rail ladder system. Gordon Ranch shopping center in Chino Hills, CA.1 comments
Nextel BTS Equpment Shelter696 viewsThis is the BTS equipment shelter for Nextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California). This buidling is located adjacent to a baseball diamond to the east of the field light standard supporting the site antennas.

Notice that the shadow of the field light standard and Radome are falling on the building. Just a lucky shot!
Now You Don't See It, and Now you Don't!695 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking east from an area not usually accessible to visitors.
Rose Bowl Camo Site694 views...on a light standard.
What a Lug!693 viewsNextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California) is adorned with this emergency generator socket (sometimes called a "LUG"). It permits the Nextel to bring in a portable power generator to keep the site on-air during local power outages. For technical details regarding this device see:
Monopalm - A Morning View690 viewsA closer view of the unknown carrier's in-your-face monopalm in Palm Desert, California.
One Sassy Site690 viewsVerizon's site, called "Sassy" near Lake Elsinore, California is designed as a faux Cypress tree. One of my staff looked at the photo and named it "Chia Cell." From its shape, this could also be a camo missile, ready to be launched against competitive wireless carriers! "Houston, we have a problem!"
A Powerful Bison690 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This site is about 1 mile south of the Wyoming state line. The apparent height of the bison is about 12 feet. This photo is looking to the north. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.
Awful Monopalm689 viewsBetween the peeling bark cladding and the strap on panel, this is an awful site.
It's a Gas!687 viewsUSA Gas station in Irvine, California. This flagpole is operated by T-Mobile. Cingular would like to change it out for a dual-carrier flagpole.
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California686 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This camo sector shines to the east. You can see one of the antennas for this sector located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. The arrows indicate the direction of installation of one of the antennas. The color tape on the coaxial cable is a typical method of identifying the sector of the antenna, and whether its a transmit, receive, or duplex model.
Completely Camo'd Site685 viewsInside the tower.1 comments
Nextel Near the L.A. Convention Center685 viewsNextel's equipment is located inside this building west of the L.A. Convention Center. The building design is quite interesting, eh? Sprint and Cingular and co-located at this site. Sprint's antenna support is like Nextel's (only it has a fresh coat of paint), and Cingular uses a mono-bore tower here.
Camo Sprint Site684 viewsHere's another view of Sprint's camo site on Montana Avenue in Santa Monica, California. This view is looking north from 15th Street toward Montana Avenue.
Cell Palm683 viewsNotice that the coax ground block (below the ice guard) and the ground wire from the ground block are not properly affixed. Sprint site in Desert Hot Springs, CA
Sing it with me... "Every Light A Cell Site"683 viewsThis is a view of the east side of the track at Agoura High in Agoura Hills, California. Each of the four light standards at this track support a antennas in radomes.
Camo Site at Gas Station683 viewsVerizon Wireless is in the far tower of this gas station on the road to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The site is in Valley, Arizona.
Two monopoles - Co-location site682 viewsMultiple carriers occupy this site. Notice that the camo panels are missing on the lower antennas on the left monopole.
There's Hope For the Signal!682 viewsSprint's site at Hope Church in Vista California is built in the add-on column below the spire. If you look closely you can see how the add-on was constructed. The facade is RF transparent material.
What an Awful 'Camouflage' Design680 viewsSprint's silly camo box above non-camo legs design in Burbank, California. Not even painted with some classic line like, "Eat At Joes" or "Repent! The End (of Bad Camo Designs) is at Hand!"
The Word Rings Out From T-Mobile679 viewsT-Mobile's exterior box design is spoiled by the visible antenna cables and tower mounted amplifiers in plain view. A little work would make this a nice site on a church bell tower.
Water Tank678 viewsThis faux water tank houses a cell site. This site is located in Chino Hills, California. The tank was constructed to match a non-cell tank at a different location in the shopping center. Quite a nice design.

There's another photo of this site back in the gallery provided by the manufacturer, Peabody Engineering.
A Mighty Wind's A'blowin...678 viewsLooking up to the working platform of the AT&T Wireless Camo Windmill in San Dimas, California. All three sectors can be seen. The cables come down the center inside the large pipe.
LMU/GPS - Unusual Configuration677 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very unusual placement of the LMU antenna (left) and the GPS antenna (right) attached to the power riser. This face of the building is to the south, so the LMU antenna is block for about 180 degrees of arc. Clever, eh?
It's a Grand Old Flag...Again675 viewsHere's an updated photo showing the new (not torn) American Flag at this Cingular flagpole cell site.
Proud Waves From Sprint (3 of 3)675 viewsA wide-shot view of Sprint's Scottsdale Ranch flagpoles site.
Obelisque du Signal675 viewsThis cellular Obelisque is located at the interchange of California SR241 and SR133 in the City of Irvine, Calfornia. A similar but smaller wireless obelisque is located at The Spectrum in Irvine (a photo is on this site).

This view is looking to the west from the northbound SR241 just before the interchange.
675 viewsA very unusual cell rock design encloses both Sprint's equipment building and its antennas. Riverside County, just south of Palm Desert, Caifornia. This view is looking southwest from the roadway.
Village of Oak Creek near Sedona673 viewsThis camo site is located on Highway 179 in Oak Creek. This site is on the main road connecting I-17 with Sedona. The site is hidden by the parapet above the roof. Nice background, eh?
BTS Equipment Shelter672 views...nicely screened with a matching wood cover.1 comments
Two on a Stick671 viewsSprint's BTS equipment is located in the large flush-to-grade vault. It's flush vents bracket the BTS vault. It's interesting to compare the small Sprint vents to the large Cingular vents at the same site. (See the photos of Cingular's vents near this photo in the same gallery.)
Our Clock Tower is now Finished670 viewsOther photos in this gallery document the construction of this site (actually, an upgrade to add additional carrier antennas). This is the site, now complete. Notice the GPS antennas on the roof to the left (west) of the clock tower.
A Stylish Sprint Design669 viewsJust west of the the L.A. Convention Center you'll find this interesting antenna support. While the antennas are external to the dedicated structure, quite a bit of thought went into the design. Linda Paul (now with T-Mobile) has provided additional information about this site, and I have to tell you that the more I see it, the more I like it!
An Executive Quality Installation - Part 2668 viewsIn the other photo of this site (elsewhere in this gallery) I didn't show the location of the equipment cabinets. Based on requests from site users, here is a photo showing the equipment location behind the hedge.
A Baby ___pole Site668 viewsYet another ___pole missing its ____. This is a stunted ___pole just intended to shine signal on a stretch of the I-5 Freeway in the City of San Diego. Built by AT&T, this is now a Cingular site.
Monopalm - A Morning View667 viewsYet another view of the in-your-face panels on this monopalm in Palm Desert, California. Photo taken about 7:30 a.m.
Camo faux brick wall666 viewsThe antennas are hidden behind the faux brick face in the upper left portion of the wall. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
Business Park Monument665 viewsThis Cingular site is hidden inside a business park monument. The BTS equipment is in the fenced area in the middle-center of the photograph.
A Growth on a Monopalm662 viewsSpectrasite's monopalm has this very strange 6-panel growth on the tree trunk. How sad. Inglewood, California. Cingular and Sprint are at this site.
YA_P Site660 viewsYet another ____ pole site. This one in Newport Beach, California.
Sun, Sail, and Signal #2658 viewsThis camo chimney is located at the Sun and Sail Club in Lake Forest, California. The AT&T Wireless and Cingular antennas are behind the faux rock detail at the top of the chimney. The BTS equipment is located directly below, and in front of the chimney (out of sight in this photo, just below the wood box containing the coaxial and ground cables).
Cell Pine Branch Attachment657 viewsThis close-up shows how the branch attachments occur on this cell pine tree.
Monopalm - A Morning View657 viewsThis monopalm in Palm Desert, California is located in a shopping center. The branch coverage is poor, and the panels certainly stand out in the morning light. The carrier is unknown.
McCell Site657 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.
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