Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Image search results - "t-mobile"
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California342 viewsT-Mobile BTS.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California328 viewsT-Mobile BTS.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California337 viewsT-Mobile BTS.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California325 viewsT-Mobile BTS.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California311 viewsT-Mobile BTS.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California315 viewsT-Mobile BTS.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California325 viewsT-Mobile BTS Appleton plug (along side Verizon's Appleton plug).
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California365 viewsPano of the front of the building.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California347 viewsLooking up the (camo) skirt of the site.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California333 viewsLooking up the (camo) skirt of the site.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California383 viewsClose up of the of the business end of the building.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California319 viewsPano of the front of the building.
T-Mobile Camo in Palos Verdes Estates, California306 viewsPano of the front of the building.
T-Mobile Camo Site 374 viewsT-Mobile Camo Site at New Hope Christian Church in Chino, CA
T-Mobile Camo Site 400 viewsT-Mobile Camo Site at New Hope Christian Church in Chino, CA
A Tank of Signal448 viewsT-Mobile's water tank cell site, which doubles as a residential community sales sign. San Diego, California. Built in 2002, you can read about this site here: http://tinyurl.com/TMO-Tank
A Tank of Signal362 viewsT-Mobile's water tank cell site, which doubles as a residential community sales sign. San Diego, California. Built in 2002, you can read about this site here: http://tinyurl.com/TMO-Tank
A Tank of Signal368 viewsT-Mobile's water tank cell site, which doubles as a residential community sales sign. San Diego, California. Built in 2002, you can read about this site here: http://tinyurl.com/TMO-Tank
A Tank of Signal441 viewsT-Mobile's water tank cell site, which doubles as a residential community sales sign. San Diego, California. Built in 2002, you can read about this site here: http://tinyurl.com/TMO-Tank
Just park that signal!579 viewsT-Mobile's recently upgraded parking lot site in Long Beach, California.
T-Mobile Camo Site967 viewsCamo site at a shopping center in Los Angeles. T-Mobile.
I hear the T-Mobile Bells A-ring'n571 viewsT-Mobile camo site in a church bell tower. The BTS cabinets are behind the CMU enclosure at the rear of the church.
Cupola Site703 viewsT-Mobile's antennas are inside at the top of the cupola.
T-Mobile Flagpole Site872 viewsBig pole; big flag.
Outstanding T-Mobile Church Site1323 viewsThis is a photograph of T-Mobile's outstanding installation in the exiting bell tower of the Piedmont Community Church in Piedmont, California. The antennas are hidden behind the faux vents. T-Mobile originally proposed a faux stained-glass design, but the City's planners wisely opted for the vent design far more in keeping with the normal look of a bell tower.
Outstanding T-Mobile Church Site1122 viewsThis is a photograph of T-Mobile's outstanding installation in the exiting bell tower of the Piedmont Community Church in Piedmont, California. The antennas are hidden behind the faux vents. T-Mobile originally proposed a faux stained-glass design, but the City's planners wisely opted for the vent design far more in keeping with the normal look of a bell tower.
Outstanding T-Mobile Church Site919 viewsThis is a photograph of T-Mobile's outstanding installation in the exiting bell tower of the Piedmont Community Church in Piedmont, California. The antennas are hidden behind the faux vents. T-Mobile originally proposed a faux stained-glass design, but the City's planners wisely opted for the vent design far more in keeping with the normal look of a bell tower.
Outstanding T-Mobile Church Site838 viewsThis is a photograph of T-Mobile's outstanding installation in the exiting bell tower of the Piedmont Community Church in Piedmont, California. The antennas are hidden behind the faux vents. T-Mobile originally proposed a faux stained-glass design, but the City's planners wisely opted for the vent design far more in keeping with the normal look of a bell tower.
Powering Up Santa Fe395 viewsT-Mobile occupies the top of this power transmission pole near the Plaza in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Light Standards with More788 viewsNear a hospital heliport, which explains the aircraft warning lights, the Verizon site (left) and the T-Mobile site (right) feature clamp-on radomes. The Verizon site also features a microwave antenna, which is unusual for light standard sites. Anaheim, California
Dish on a Light1006 viewsLocated in a community park in Anaheim California, Verizon's foreground light standard site features a back-haul microwave antenna. The background light standard is T-Mobile's. Both lights have aircraft warning beacons due to their location adjacent to a hospital heliport (far background, also with panel antennas!).
You want fries with that BTS?744 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure. There is no compelling need for the GPS antenna to extend above the CMU wall.
McCell Site656 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.
Can You Store My Signal Now?948 viewsT-Mobile's faux lighthouse antenna site in the San Fernando Valley, California.
No Buns!1160 viewsT-Mobile's flagpole site at a McDonald's in Huntington Beach, California is not yet complete. This closeup shows the antenna, the tower-mounted-amplifiers, the remote tilt activators, and all the other fun stuff that makes this site play.
With the 'buns' in place1058 viewsT-Mobile's antennas are now covered at this McDonald's site in Huntington Beach, California
Buns, please!955 viewsT-Mobile's flagpole site, standing adjacent to another carrier's flagpoles, awaits the installation of the panels once the antennas are wired and optimized.
T-Mobile's McDonald's Flagpole Site BTS Equipment1494 viewsThis is the ancillary equipment cabinets and panels (power, telephone; back-up power socket; etc.) that make the flagpole site in front of the McDonald's emit that popular PCS aroma.
Camo Watertank Site893 viewsT-Mobile's water tank camo site in Chino Hills, California
That's one clean signal!891 viewsAnother view of T-Mobile's car wash site in Buena Park, California
T-Mobile Monocypress in Diamond Bar, California1323 viewsA very hard to find (good) monocypress site built by T-Mobile in Diamond Bar, California. I drove by it several times before spotting it!
That's one clean signal!794 viewsA T-Mobile site at a car wash in Buena Park, California.
T-Mobile Faux Lighthouse Antennas799 viewsPublic Storage, the national chain of self-storage centers has many centers that provide cell site locations. This center, in the San Fernando Valley, supports two carriers (T-Mobile and Sprint Nextel). The antennas on top of the faux lighthouse belong to T-Mobile.
YASOTVOG782 viewsYASOTVOG="Yet Anther Sending Out The Voice of God" wireless site at a church in Northridge, California. T-Mobile is the carrier.
Is that A Fog Horn I hear?719 viewsPublic Storage, the national chain of self-storage centers has many centers that provide cell site locations. This center, in the San Fernando Valley, supports two carriers (T-Mobile and Sprint Nextel). The antennas on top of the faux lighthouse belong to T-Mobile.
Unipole in Lacey, Washington552 viewsA T-Mobile unipole site in Lacey, Washington at the King Oscar Motel. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=kings+car+motel+lacey+washington&sll=33.857997,-118.283083&sspn=0.000873,0.002701&ie=UTF8&cd=1&ll=47.061194,-122.766165&spn=0,354.468384&t=h&z=8&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=47.061194,-122.766165&panoid=dqNvyTifCTgz-nLk-Ftupw&cbp=12,3.8848713226988707,,0,-6.115048506611214
McCell Site735 viewsT-Mobile's McDonald's site in Del Mar, California. The antennas are in the three radomes atop the parking lot light standards. The base station equipment is housed in the CMU wall extension behind the trash enclosure.
Faux Steeple Site Overlooking LAX606 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the relationship between the site and the west complex of LAX. This is a $million dollar view of LAX, but I suspect the mortuary isn't quite making all that from T-Mobile.
LMU/GPS - Unusual Configuration675 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very unusual placement of the LMU antenna (left) and the GPS antenna (right) attached to the power riser. This face of the building is to the south, so the LMU antenna is block for about 180 degrees of arc. Clever, eh?
Fax Steeple Site Overlooking LAX599 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. Note that the chimney shown in this photo IS NOT the camo faux chimney in the rear of the property. This is the building real chimney.
Close Up of Top of Poorly Maintained Faux Chimney907 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very poorly maintained faux chimney. A brick facade panel is coming off. The cable, telephone, and power drops should be relocated to achive the required NEC clearances.1 comments
BTS Equipment, Top and Bottom of Faux Chimney612 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport.
Top of Poorly Maintained Faux Chimney585 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very poorly maintained faux chimney. A brick facade panel is coming off. The cable, telephone, and power drops should be relocated to achive the required NEC clearances.
BTS Equipment, Top and Bottom of Faux Chimney595 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport.
BTS Equipment, Bottom of Faux Chimney555 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see the BTS equipment and the cables feeding to the bottom of the faux chimney. A steeple on the LAX side of the building serves the airport.
A Sign of the T-Mobile Times592 viewsThis furniture store sign supports T-Mobile's sectorized antennas. National City, California (south of San Diego). The furniture store is out of business.
A Sign of the T-Mobile Times498 viewsThis furniture store sign supports T-Mobile's sectorized antennas. National City, California (south of San Diego). The furniture store is out of business.
What's Red and Whilte and Radiates All Over510 views...it's this T-Mobile lattice tower in Gridley, California.
382 viewsThis co-lo water tank site in Olivehurst, California is shared by T-Mobile, Nextel, and Cingular. The terminated ASR for this site is 1031366 (terminated because it qualifies for delisting under the FCC's 6 meter rule).
No, the tower legs are NOT two colors...364 views...it's just the the legs on the right have so many black cables for the T-Mobile, Cingular, and Nextel antennas. Olivehurst, California.
Park'n the Signal on the Roof514 viewsNotice how the coax ground wires are far from supported, attached, and protected at this site. This is a violation of the NEC 810.21(C) and (D) et seq.
Park'n the Signal on the Roof458 viewsThe cable wiring for this site leaves something to be desired. Notice how the cables are attached to wood blocks.

PMBS>Cingular>T-Mobile at The Grand Long Beach Event Center, 4101 East Willow St.
Park'n the Signal on the Roof452 viewsPBMS built this site. Cingular took it over. It's likely now a T-Mobile site. Long Beach, California, on top of the parking lot for The Grand Long Beach Event Center, 4101 East Willow St.
Park'n the Signal on the Roof388 viewsPBMS built this site. Cingular took it over. It's likely now a T-Mobile site. Long Beach, California, on top of the parking lot for The Grand Long Beach Event Center, 4101 East Willow St.
It's a Gas!580 viewsUSA Gas in Irvine, California sports this nifty T-Mobile flag site. Cingular has a proposal to change out the flagpole for a dual-carrier flagpole.
It's a Gas!685 viewsUSA Gas station in Irvine, California. This flagpole is operated by T-Mobile. Cingular would like to change it out for a dual-carrier flagpole.
T-Mobile's Take on a Cellular Pine980 viewsThis T-Mobile cell pine tree is located near the John Wayne Airport in Orange County. Of interest is the almost total camouflaging of the antennas by careful design/placement of the RF transparent "limbs". The limbs could have come down much further on the trunk.

Oh, yes, there's that aircraft warning beacon that helps the illusion.
67 files on 1 page(s)