Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Image search results - "santiago"
AT&T Cow in Action992 viewsPanoramic (three photos) shot of AT&T's Cell-on-Wheels (COW) in action in the Santiago Canyon area of Orange County after the October 2007 wildfires. The portable generator powers the site.
AT&T Cow in Action1760 viewsAT&T's Cell-on-Wheels (COW) in action in the Santiago Canyon area of Orange County after the October 2007 wildfires. The portable generator powers the site.
AT&T Cow in Action686 viewsLook up the ridge at AT&T's Cell-on-Wheels (COW) in action in the Santiago Canyon area of Orange County after the October 2007 wildfires. A portable generator powers the site.
Nextel Field Light Standard Radome Antenna Mount1047 viewsNextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California) uses a field light standard to support the antennas, and the radome that covers those antennas.

The mountain in the background/right of the field light standard is Santiago Peak, the key radio site in Orange County, California.
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