PCS Base Station below PG&E Power Tower592 viewsUbiquitel's BTS in Olivehurst, California is located in a wood-fenced enclosure below the PG&E power transmission tower.
Wood You Please Support These Antennas?530 viewsUbiquitel uses wood panels to replace antennas not installed on the two-antenna mounts atop this PG&E power tower in Oakhurst, California. This site is at 2765 Powerline Road.
PCS Crown on PG&E Tower362 viewsUbiquitel's PCS antennas in Olivehurst, California are located above the high tension lines on this PG&E power transmission tower.
One Well-Placed PG&E Transmission Tower328 viewsPG&E sure scored locating this tower near the I280 freeway adjacent to Redwood City, California. Lots of carriers (4), lots of income.
Cell site crowning a power transmission tower520 viewsThis cell site, in Walnut Creek, California, is atop a PG&E power transmission tower.