Image search results - "nextel"

Would Verizon please let the Sprint Nextel inside?2189 viewsThe inside of the building is occupied by Verizon. Verizon's antennas are behind the faux tiles. Sprint's Nextel cabinets are outdoors adjacent to the building, and its antennas are on H-Frame mounts (see the associated pictures).

Would Verizon please let the Sprint Nextel inside?1885 viewsThe inside of the building is occupied by Verizon. Verizon's antennas are behind the faux tiles. Sprint's Nextel cabinets are outdoors adjacent to the building, and its antennas are on H-Frame mounts (see the associated pictures).

H is for Antenna803 viewsSprint's Nextel cabinets are outdoors adjacent to the building, and its antennas are on H-Frame mounts (this group of Nextel legacy antennas shines east along US1010).

H is for Antenna874 viewsSprint's Nextel cabinets are outdoors adjacent to the building, and its antennas are on H-Frame mounts (this group of Nextel legacy antennas shines west along US1010).

Nextel Portable Power Generator in Action724 viewsNextel's 20KW portable generator powers this site along Santiago Canyon Road near Irvine, California right after the wildfires of October 2007.

Nextel Portable Power Generator in Action734 viewsNextel's 20KW portable generator powers this site along Santiago Canyon Road near Irvine, California right after the wildfires of October 2007.

Days'd and Confused1105 viewsNextel need only extend the flashing to and across the top of its antenna enclosure to make this a very good site.

Days'd and Confused893 viewsJust a bit more flashing, if you please.

Now you see it; now you shouldn't.1372 viewsAs an example of how to ALMOST construct a camouflaged site, look at this photograph. Nextel's camo box fails to extend the flashing around the top of its enclosure. As a result, from ground level you can see the coaxial cables running over the top parapet to the camo box. I've created a photo simulation to illustrate how little it would have taken to complete the camouflage for this site, and the benefits of that little effort. Planners, think about these things...they will make a great difference in the result of your work.

Waves in the Shakes?1173 viewsMickyD's hosts this Nextel site in Norwalk, California.

Monopalm of Paramount Importance865 viewsThis is a Nextel monopalm site in Paramount, California.

2008 Rose Bowl Herd776 viewsHere are Nextel's and Sprint's COWS at the 2008 Rose Bowl Game. These cows are penned on the west side of the Bowl across the wash from the south parking lot. Goal-to-Goal in under a second!

2008 Rose Bowl Herd792 viewsCows need feeding. In the case of the 2008 Rose Bowl herd, Sprint and Nextel share the large AT&T data interface (bottom). AT&T Wireless gets its own interface above Sprint and Nextel.

2008 Rose Bowl Herd663 viewsFrom foreground to background we have Nextel, Sprint, and AT&T Wireless. This is the usual herd found at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena for the Rose Bowl Game and related events. These cows are penned on the west side of the Bowl across the wash from the south parking lot. Moo!

Nextel's Cow and Sprint's Cow: Rose Bowl 2007578 viewsThese Cows belong to Nextel and Sprint. This herd spotted at the 2007 Rose Bowl.

Nextel's Cow and Sprint's Cow: Rose Bowl 2007590 viewsThese Cows belong to Nextel and Sprint. This herd spotted at the 2007 Rose Bowl.

Nextel's Cow and Sprint's Cow: Rose Bowl 2007594 viewsThese Cows belong to Nextel and Sprint. This herd spotted at the 2007 Rose Bowl.

Nextel Cow has Peronalized Plates793 viewsThese Cow belongs to Nextel. This license plate photographed at the 2007 Rose Bowl.

Nextel's Cow and Sprint's Cow: Rose Bowl 2007515 viewsThese Cows belong to Nextel and Sprint. This herd spotted at the 2007 Rose Bowl.

Nextel Cow: Rose Bowl 2006525 viewsNextel's Cow at the 2006 Rose Bowl.

The Herd at the 2007 Rose Bowl498 viewsNextel, Sprint, and AT&T "cover" the 2007 Rose Bowl Game.

Nextime Nextel549 viewsNextel's Rose Bowl COW

Nextel's Cow and Sprint's Cow: Rose Bowl 2007546 viewsYet another photo of the two COWS (Sprint and Nextel) at the 2007 Rose Bowl Game.

Nextel Camo Site - San Marcos, California549 viewsNextel's poorly-maintained camo site at a medical office building in San Marcos, California.

Nextel Camo Site - San Marcos, California538 viewsNextel's poorly-maintained camo site at a medical office building in San Marcos, California.

Big Iron CoLo in Lacey Washington548 viewsNextel and AT&T Wireless share this tower in Lacey, Washington. Notice the climbing space through the bottom platform.

Big Iron CoLo in Lacey Washington456 viewsNextel and AT&T Wireless share this tower in Lacey, Washington

Outback with the Signal655 viewsNextel's antennas are inside the lower portion of the sign. The GPS antenna is mounted to one of the legs of the sign. Norwalk, California, overlooking Interstate 5.

Outback with the Signal507 viewsNextel's antennas are inside the lower portion of the sign. The GPS antenna is mounted to one of the legs of the sign. Norwalk, California, overlooking Interstate 5.

Shelling out some signal807 viewsNextel's antennas are affixed below the gas station sign at this site in Henderson, Nevada.

Can a Faux Monopine Have a Faux Disease?802 viewsNextel (now TowerCo) can take 'great pride' in its economical design of this monopine, located in a CalTrans yard at the intersections of the I405 and I10 freeways in West Los Angeles. References to Christmas trees owned by a certain person with the last name of Brown are appropriate.

Nextel Near the L.A. Convention Center686 viewsNextel's equipment is located inside this building west of the L.A. Convention Center. The building design is quite interesting, eh? Sprint and Cingular and co-located at this site. Sprint's antenna support is like Nextel's (only it has a fresh coat of paint), and Cingular uses a mono-bore tower here.

A Stylish Sprint Design671 viewsJust west of the the L.A. Convention Center you'll find this interesting antenna support. While the antennas are external to the dedicated structure, quite a bit of thought went into the design. Linda Paul (now with T-Mobile) has provided additional information about this site, and I have to tell you that the more I see it, the more I like it!

Sprint Together With Nextel...855 views...have the two unusual antenna supports at this site, located west of the L.A. Convention Center. Cingular is here, too, with a mono-bore tower off the photo to the right. Gee, that Nextel tower could sure use a fresh coat of paint, do you agree?

Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California757 viewsThis view shows the separate fences for the varioud sites. Notice that the walkway between the Nextel site (left) and the Sprint site (middle, foreground) passes right under the various panels.

Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California566 viewsNextel's site is to the far left. Sprint's site is in the foreground. Verizon uses the short tower in the rear-right of the photo.

Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California728 viewsAs of early 2006, Verizon, Nextel, and Sprint have sites here, above the Lambert sisters home. All of this property, save for the homestead and trees, is being developed. The cell site is to be relocated. Notice he ripe red yummy things in the foreground.

384 viewsThis co-lo water tank site in Olivehurst, California is shared by T-Mobile, Nextel, and Cingular. The terminated ASR for this site is 1031366 (terminated because it qualifies for delisting under the FCC's 6 meter rule).

Time to Shippee Out the Signal344 views...from this Spectrasite lattice tower on Shippee Road in Oroville, California. Nextel is on the tower. The tower ASR is 1239078. I like the way the tower reflects in the water.

Time to Shippee Out the Signal372 views...from this Spectrasite lattice tower on Shippee Road in Oroville, California. Nextel is the tower occupant. The tower ASR is 1239078.

No, the tower legs are NOT two colors...365 views...it's just the the legs on the right have so many black cables for the T-Mobile, Cingular, and Nextel antennas. Olivehurst, California.

Nextel Field Light Standard Radome Antenna Mount1048 viewsNextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California) uses a field light standard to support the antennas, and the radome that covers those antennas.
The mountain in the background/right of the field light standard is Santiago Peak, the key radio site in Orange County, California.

What's Under the Skirt?794 viewsNextel's Nextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site antennas are behind a radome/skirt affixed to a field light standard. Looking upwards, you can see 4 of the 6 antennas behind the radome/skirt.

Nextel BTS Equpment Shelter697 viewsThis is the BTS equipment shelter for Nextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California). This buidling is located adjacent to a baseball diamond to the east of the field light standard supporting the site antennas.
Notice that the shadow of the field light standard and Radome are falling on the building. Just a lucky shot!

What a Lug!693 viewsNextel's Santa Margarita Christian High School site (Rancho Rancho Santa Margarita, California) is adorned with this emergency generator socket (sometimes called a "LUG"). It permits the Nextel to bring in a portable power generator to keep the site on-air during local power outages. For technical details regarding this device see:

Power Transmission Tower Site391 viewsNextel's BTS equipment shelter is constructed between the legs of this SCE power transmission tower. Highway 18 between Victorville and Littlerock, California.

Power Transmission Tower Site365 viewsNextel's site not only provides local cell coverage along a highly traveled (and very dangerous) state highway, it also serves as a repeater site to relay MTSO connections to a site yet further away. If you didn't understand that, give me a call and I'll explain! :-) Between Victorville and Littlerock, California.

Making calls in Comfort592 viewsNextel invites you to make calls via its camo site atop this Comfort Inn in Fountain Hills, Arizona

Naked Cellular/PCS Flagpole!770 viewsThis is actually three photos stitched together to show the three-flagpole site in great detail. The center flagpole is an AT&T (now Cingular) Wireless site in Los Angeles, California. AT&T shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.

Naked Cellular/PCS Flagpole!703 viewsAll three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is a AT&T Wireless site in Los Angeles, California. AT&T (Cingular) shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.

Close-up of a cellular/PCS flagpole without the covers4666 viewsThis is a close-up shot of how antennas are stacked in a faux flagpole. All three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is an AT&T Wireless (now Cingular) site in Los Angeles, California. Verizon shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.

Hint: It's Not Canneroni590 viewsThese are three section covers of a faux flagpole barely in the City of Los Angeles, California. They're off while Cingular works on its antennas (see the photos in this gallery).

Hint: It's Not Canneroni2182 viewsThese are three section covers of a faux flagpole barely in the City of Los Angeles, California. They're off while Verizon's works on its antennas (see the photos in this gallery).

An Odd Cell Palm772 viewsThis Nextel cell palm sports an unusual gap between the bottom of the palm fronds and the growth pod. In fact, it appears to be green! How unusual.

Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?823 viewsHere's another view of the Nextel/AT&T Wireless Co-Lo site on USMC property in San Diego. This angle shows the microwave antenna used for backhaul purposes.
Notice how the bark cladding ends at the level of the lowest branches. Modern design (and permit conditions) would have the cladding extend to the top of the tree. Modern design would also extend the branches closer to the ground, and would provide for significantly greater branch coverage. Finally, modern design would also provide for camouflage covers on each of the antennas, and better treatment of the microwave radome.

Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?731 viewsThis Nextel site on USMC property in San Diego is already depicted in the gallery, but it's time to revisit is as Cingular is in the process of adding 12 antennas. The lift used to get workers 'up into the tree' is shown in the foreground.

No Trouble Here! (3 of 3)643 viewsTHis photo highlights the brick face on the Nextel equipment building and the match to the existing multi-story building. North Hollywood, California.

No Trouble Here! (2 of 3)743 viewsHere's a closer look at Nextel's equipment building located to the right of the main building.

No Trouble Here! (1 of 3)718 viewsThis Nextel site in North Hollywood, California has its equipment room located to the right of the building in the brick-faced 1 story extension. The antennas are mounted behind RF transparent panels finished to look like a brick parapet (top left).

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California634 viewsLong shot of the co-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
The antennas are located in the cross, behind RF transparent panels just below the roof, and on a light standard above a children's play area. Zoom in to see the multiple GPS antennas above the camo panels. Why so many carriers at this site? Three words: Location, Location, Location. This site, on a hill, has a great look up and down Interstate 5, and east to newly developed areas of the City of San Clemente, California.

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California688 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
This camo sector shines to the east. You can see one of the antennas for this sector located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. The arrows indicate the direction of installation of one of the antennas. The color tape on the coaxial cable is a typical method of identifying the sector of the antenna, and whether its a transmit, receive, or duplex model.

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California538 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
This camo sector shines to the south. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. One of the panels doesn't match, does it?

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California523 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
This camo sector shines to the east. You can see the Cingular BTS. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof.

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California604 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
This non-camo sector shines north along Interstate 5.

Nextel Camo Site - Completed585 viewsElsewhere in this gallery you'll find a photo of this site while under construction. This photo shows the completed site.

Cell site and Microwave Relay469 viewsThis site is not a mobile telephone switching office (MTSO). Rather, its an aggregation point for microwave backhaul from other wireless sites. Verizon and Nextel are co-located here.
Why red and white? This site is located adjacent to the Ontario, California airport.

City Monument Sign - Montclair, California797 viewsNextel's monument sign cell site is located along Interstate 10 (a really, really, really busy freeway). Originally built to house its own antennas, it now supports at least one other carrier's antennas, as well.

Sending out the word...to Interstate 10392 viewsYet another church along a freeway that (likely) enjoys income in the thousands-of-dollars-per-month range. This is a Nextel site near San Bernardino, California.
The interesting and unusual element of this site is the placement of the antennas following the rise of the roofline. In a typical configuration, the two outside antennas are used for reception, and the center antenna is used to transmit, and they're all on the same horizontal plane.

Nextel's Interesting Lattice Tower474 viewsA Nextel site using an interesting lattice tower to support its antennas and microwave antennas.

Nextel Camo Site551 viewsThis Nextel camo site is located in Sunnyvale, California. Not seen in this photo is a flat panel (diamond) microwave antenna that is roof mounted.

Time's a-tick'n!701 viewsIf you can backwards in this gallery you'll see this as it was about 3 weeks prior to this photo. Nextel and Sprint are already at the site. AT&T Wireless is adding a new site here. Stay tuned for updates.

Nextel Cow (Cell on Wheels)920 viewsSet up at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. Photo taken January 2, 2005.

A small herd of cows...1126 viewsHere are two COWs (cell-on-wheels) set up at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, for "THE BIG GAME" on, well, January 1, 2005. Nextel has a very pretty COW; Sprint's COW is a bit haggard. Both have their own power generators. See the detailed photos in this gallery.

Fake Cell Pine Diseased Tree1504 viewsThis has got to be one of my favorite cell trees...perhaps the worlds worst cell pine design. Yes, Nextel is to be commended on this design, not found in nature, spotted in West Los Angeles, California. Compare this to Nextel's truly good design for a cell pine.

Cell Pine with Antenna Panel Covers1274 viewsHere's a Nextel site at the intersection of the CA SR91 and I110. It's a good design, and uses what I lovingly call "pine needle slip covers" on the panel antennas.
Good branch coverage down the trunk. Good texturing on the trunk, too.
Nice job, Nextel!