Image search results - "loveland"
The Sweet Taste of Signal715 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers. Cingular is in the prefabricated building on the right. The carrier on the outdoor platform on the left is (currently) unidentified.
The Sweet Taste of Signal607 viewsA view of the jumper-to-hardline and grounding point for this unidentified carrier at the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo. The colored tape is used to identify the antenna sectors and whether the antennas are transmit or receive. Loveland, Colorado.
The Sweet Taste of Signal625 viewsUnidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland Colorado. Notice that the equipment is held aloft on a variable mount platform rather than engineering a foundation.
The Sweet Taste of Signal534 viewsAnother view of the old Loveland Sugar Co. silo, now used as an antenna support for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).
The Sweet Taste of Signal602 viewsA close-up view of the platform system used to elevate and level the equipment cabinets for this unidentified carrier at the Loveland Sugar Co. silo, Loveland, Colorado.
The Sweet Taste of Signal651 viewsLong view of the Loveland Sugar Co. (Colorado) silo used as and antenna platform for two carriers (Cingular plus an unidentified carrier).
The Sweet Taste of Signal543 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.
The Sweet Taste of Signal551 viewsCloseup of the Cingular and unidentified second carrier panels and microwave in use on this old silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.
The Sweet Taste of Signal546 viewsCingular and an unidentified second carrier use this old sugar silo in Loveland, Colorado. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc. Loveland Sugar Co.