Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Image search results - "fountain"
473 viewsClose up of the Fountain Hills three sector site atop a traffic and light standard.
I'll Turn Left on a Green Sector...408 viewsFountain Hills area of greater Phoenix. A three sector site atop a traffic and light standard.
It's a WHAT?!878 viewsYes, this is a cellular cactus. Located in Fountain Hills, Arizona, this outstanding cactus site was constructed by Larson-USA (http://www.utilitycamo.com/). Look at the other pictures of this, and other Larson designs in this gallery to see how good it gets.
Yup. It's a cell site!738 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Look at the other cactus photos in this gallery.
Cellular Cactus643 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Look at the other cactus photos in this gallery.
Saguaro Sends Signals Silently734 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Cingular's BTS equipment is located in the fenced area in the left side of the photo. The cactus is up a small rise.
Saguaro Rocks!565 viewsYet another photo of Larson-USA's Fountain Hills, Arizona site for Cingular.
Okay, so what's with the Rock?841 viewsThe faux rock on the left, bottom of the cell cactus hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. It blends in quite nicely. Larson-USA design.
Hollow Rock?617 viewsAnother view of the faux rock on the left, bottom of the cell cactus. The rock hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. Larson-USA design.
Faux Cactus, Faux Rock1085 viewsThe faux rock on the bottom center of the cell cactus hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. Larson-USA design.
Bolts Holding Down Cactus?!1205 viewsThis detail show shows how the faux cactus is bolted to the concrete pad. The faux rock hiding the coaxial cables can be seen at the rear of the cactus. Larson-USA design. www.utilitycamo.com
Making calls in Comfort589 viewsNextel invites you to make calls via its camo site atop this Comfort Inn in Fountain Hills, Arizona
A Real Education451 viewsThis Cingular site is located on the grounds of Fountain Valley (California) High School.
13 files on 1 page(s)