Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Image search results - "arizona"
Monopoles at Apache Junction, AZ City Hall Campus517 viewsMonopoles at Apache Junction, AZ City Hall Campus
Mono-cross1062 viewsClose-up of the mono-blah-cross at a Mesa, Arizona church. Notice that the antenna cover at the top is askew.
Mono-cross1131 viewsTight close-up of the mono-blah-cross at a Mesa, Arizona church. Notice that the antenna cover at the top is askew.
GPS Antenna Directly Mounted to Cabinet972 viewsThis is a good example of how a GPS antenna can use directly mounted on top of an equipment cabinet. This type of mounting reduces the visibility of this element compared with mounting it on an extension pipe above the cabinet. This is a Verizon Wireless site at a church in Mesa, Arizona.
GPS Antenna Directly Mounted to Cabinet848 viewsThis is a good example of how a GPS antenna can use directly mounted on top of an equipment cabinet. This type of mounting reduces the visibility of this element compared with mounting it on an extension pipe above the cabinet. This is a Verizon Wireless site at a church in Mesa, Arizona.
Mono-Cross in Tempe Arizona878 viewsThis is a fairly blah mono-cross in Tempe, Arizona. Taken late morning.
Lots of Signals1053 viewsThis multi-carrier, multi-owner site is in Mesa, Arizona. The tower registration shows Verizon as the anchor of the lattice tower. The City of Mesa has multiple sites on the top of its water tank.
Very Large Mono-Cross1210 viewsThe East Valley Free Will Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona features a very large mono-cross. This site was constructed by Cingular.
Lots of Signals761 viewsThis multi-carrier, multi-owner site is in Mesa, Arizona. The tower registration shows Verizon as the anchor of the lattice tower. The City of Mesa has multiple sites on the top of its water tank.
Yet Another Neglected Flagpole800 viewsNotice that flags at this Cricket flagpole site in Mesa Arizona are undersized and torn. Code enforcement, anyone?
Very Large Mono-Cross723 viewsThe East Valley Free Will Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona features a very large mono-cross. This site was constructed by Cingular.
Mono(blah)-Palm950 viewsCrown Castle's mono-palm in Mesa, Arizona hosts two carriers. The anchor carrier is Sprint; the other is unknown. A fairly poor design, made worse by the addtion of the panels below the top.
Mono-Cross in Tempe Arizona712 viewsThis is a fairly blah mono-cross in Tempe, Arizona. Taken mid-afternoon.
Camo Site at Gas Station682 viewsVerizon Wireless is in the far tower of this gas station on the road to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The site is in Valley, Arizona.
Central Sedona Arizona535 viewsThis multicarrier site is located at Fire Station 4 in Sedona, Arizona.
Central Sedona Arizona448 viewsLocated at Fire Station 4 in Sedona, Arizona, this multicarrier site has an attractive backdrop.
Grand Canyon - South Rim420 viewsThis multicarrier site is located near the Bright Angle Lodge at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
Village of Oak Creek near Sedona707 viewsThis camo site is located on Highway 179 in Oak Creek. This site is on the main road connecting I-17 with Sedona. The site is hidden in the facade box. Nice background, eh?
God Bless This Cell Site448 viewsLocated east of I-17 in Black Rock City, Arizona, this multicarrier site has an odd shaped antenna mounted directly to the tower. A message, perhaps?
Village of Oak Creek near Sedona673 viewsThis camo site is located on Highway 179 in Oak Creek. This site is on the main road connecting I-17 with Sedona. The site is hidden by the parapet above the roof. Nice background, eh?
Steel in the Air445 viewsThis AT&T wireless site is located on Highway 64, about 12 miles south of Valle, Arizona. It's mounted on a steel power transmission pole. Note the flat panel back-haul antenna located below the panels.
Grand Canyon Valle Airport377 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.
Sock-it-to-me411 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.
Which Way is the Wind Blowing?392 viewsAT&T's site at the Grand Canyon Valle Airport in Valle, Arizona is interesting for several reasons. First, the tower also supports and aircraft landing beacon; second, it supports the wind sock. Yes, that's a tower climber working on the site.
Village of Oak Creek near Sedona602 viewsTwo camouflaged sites are seen (barely) in this shopping center along Highway 179 in the Village of Oak Creek, near Sedona, Arizona.
A Dam Tall Tower512 viewsThis tall tower, well, towers over Hoover Dam in Nevada and/or Arizona. I guess it depends in which state you live. This tower is on the Nevada side.
Uninspired Cricket Wireless Site in Mesa, AZ384 viewsClose-up of the Cricket Wireless site on top of the Holiday Inn on Country Club in Mesa, Arizona. From a different view along the street the panel antennas are plainly visible. Not recommended.
Uninspired Cricket Wireless Site in Mesa, AZ321 viewsCricket didn't do much to camo its site atop the Holiday Inn on Country Club in Mesa, Arizona. From a different view along the street the panel antennas are plainly visible. Not recommended.
Uninspired Cricket Wireless Site in Mesa, AZ339 viewsCricket didn't do much to camo its site atop the Holiday Inn on Country Club in Mesa, Arizona. From a different view along the street the panel antennas are plainly visible. Not recommended.
473 viewsClose up of the Fountain Hills three sector site atop a traffic and light standard.
I'll Turn Left on a Green Sector...408 viewsFountain Hills area of greater Phoenix. A three sector site atop a traffic and light standard.
Great Scott!469 viewsYet another view of a pole-mounted cell site in Scottsdale, Arizona. Notice the LMU antenna mounted at the top.
Great Scott!353 viewsYet another view of a pole-mounted cell site in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Great Scott! (Even more)363 viewsYet another example of a pole-mounted cell site in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Great Scott! (Some more)614 viewsThis close-up view shows a very stylish use of an iron sculpture to provide an interesting surround to a cell site BTS.3 comments
A Crown Castle Site in Mesa, Arizona446 viewsBig iron in Mesa. A Crown Castle site on Broadway near Country Club.
Great Scott!612 viewsScottsdale has some very interesting pole mounted sites. This long view of several carriers' sites shows an interesting deployment scheme to cover subdivisions along Shea Road.3 comments
It's a WHAT?!879 viewsYes, this is a cellular cactus. Located in Fountain Hills, Arizona, this outstanding cactus site was constructed by Larson-USA (http://www.utilitycamo.com/). Look at the other pictures of this, and other Larson designs in this gallery to see how good it gets.
Yup. It's a cell site!738 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Look at the other cactus photos in this gallery.
Cellular Cactus643 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Look at the other cactus photos in this gallery.
Saguaro Sends Signals Silently734 viewsFountain Hills, Arizona. Camo design manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). Cingular's BTS equipment is located in the fenced area in the left side of the photo. The cactus is up a small rise.
Saguaro Rocks!566 viewsYet another photo of Larson-USA's Fountain Hills, Arizona site for Cingular.
Okay, so what's with the Rock?841 viewsThe faux rock on the left, bottom of the cell cactus hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. It blends in quite nicely. Larson-USA design.
Hollow Rock?617 viewsAnother view of the faux rock on the left, bottom of the cell cactus. The rock hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. Larson-USA design.
Faux Cactus, Faux Rock1085 viewsThe faux rock on the bottom center of the cell cactus hides the cable entry into the Saguaro cactus design. Larson-USA design.
Bolts Holding Down Cactus?!1205 viewsThis detail show shows how the faux cactus is bolted to the concrete pad. The faux rock hiding the coaxial cables can be seen at the rear of the cactus. Larson-USA design. www.utilitycamo.com
Two Cacti Site - Eagle Mountain Golf Course and Inn981 viewsHere are two more cellular cacti, both manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). The landscaping at this site is nothing less than outstanding. It's very difficult to photograph either of the cacti in a full frame given the landscaping. If you didn't know it was there...you wouldn't know it was there! Way to go, Sprint!3 comments
Two Cacti Site - Eagle Mountain Golf Course and Inn540 viewsSprint's site, designed by Larson-USA, is an outstanding deployment.
Looking at Eagles520 viewsAn off-site view of Larson-USA's two cactus design at the Eagle Mountain Inn in Arizona.
Looking at Eagles492 viewsAn off-site view of Larson-USA's two cactus design at the Eagle Mountain Inn in Arizona.
Eagle Mountain Cellular Cactus592 viewsEagle Mountain Inn, Arizona. Design by Larson-USA. It's an outstanding Sprint site.
Sprint's Eagle Mountain Inn Site Equipment Enclosure744 viewsNotice how Sprint has placed its equipment enclosure partially underground and colored it to match the surrounding area. Yet another reason why this is an outstanding site. (I do wish they had painted the GPS antenna, or placed it flush to the top of the roof fence.
Close-up of Cellular Cactus1876 viewsAt Eagle Mountain Inn, Arizona. Manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com), and operated by Sprint.1 comments
Proud Waves From Sprint (3 of 3)675 viewsA wide-shot view of Sprint's Scottsdale Ranch flagpoles site.
Proud Waves From Sprint (2 of 3)554 viewsSprint's installation at the Scottsdale Ranch Community Center features two flagpoles in a nicely landscaped area adjacent to a lake.
Proud Waves From Sprint (1 of 3)596 viewsSprint has created this very nice flagpole site at the Scottsdale Ranch Community Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Note that each flagpole has a light illuminating the other flagpole's flag. The flags are in good condition. The equipment enclosure is the right in the photo (look for the GPS antenna). Points to Sprint for this design, save for the visible GPS antenna which should have been hidden.
Making calls in Comfort589 viewsNextel invites you to make calls via its camo site atop this Comfort Inn in Fountain Hills, Arizona
57 files on 1 page(s)