Image search results - "Vegas,"

CornucopiaMicrowave Horn in Las Vegas, New Mexico351 viewsThis is a 'cornucopia' (high performance) microwave antenna at the CenturyLink Central Office in Las Vegas, New Mexico.

Big Steel over Las Vegas (New Mexico, that is)345 viewsThis multi-carrier tower serves much of Las Vegas, New Mexico.

Use a Cell Phone: Go to Jail531 viewsSpotted in Las Vegas, New Mexico

Sickly Monopine1186 viewsOff of the Old Las Vegas Highway outside of Santa Fe, this poorly designed monopine stands out like the sore thumb it is. The branch coverage, branch count, and panel antenna socks are inferior. A properly designed and executed monopine would not all the antenna stand-off arms to be seen, much less be painted a highly visible green.
By the way, in this case, Las Vegas refers to Las Vegas, New Mexico, rather than to Lost Wages, Nevada.