Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Last additions
Church clock tower642 viewsThe omni-directional antennas are atop the clock tower of this church. AT&T Wireless is the carrier.Dec 11, 2004
Church clock tower784 viewsAT&T Wireless' omni-directional antennas are atop the clock tower of this church. View from rear of church.1 commentsDec 11, 2004
Building top multi-sector cell site357 viewsPlain vanilla. No "touch of gold" here.Dec 11, 2004
Building top multi-sector cell site594 viewsYet another roof-top cell site. This is a macrosite adjacent to a major freeway in Los Angeles.1 commentsDec 09, 2004
Top Hat Wireless?405 viewsHere's a different spin on hanging antennas from a pole. The other poles along this strand line are shorter, but AT&T Wireless replaced the existing pole with a taller one to provide room at the top to hang its three sectors of panel antennas.Dec 09, 2004
Microcell Bolted on Parking Lot Light479 viewsSpotted in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, this microcell site is bolted to the top of an existing parking lot light standard. Notice the equipment mounted in the grass area (hey, guy, open that car door slowly or you might hit something).Dec 05, 2004
Oil's Well that Emits Well372 viewsOld oil wells can make good cell sites, even when a building has been built around the base!Dec 05, 2004
Poor Camo Design816 viewsA camo site should effectively hide the antennas from public view. This site, in West Los Angeles, fails to do so, and illustrates the point. Camo is NOT just putting up some antenna blinds and painting to match.Dec 05, 2004
Nextel Wireless Rock922 viewsThis is a camo rock used by Nextel at its Rocky Peak site in the Santa Susana Pass, California.Dec 04, 2004
Nextel's RF warning sign on its Wireless Rock1031 viewsThis is the RF warning sign on Nextel's rock. How do we knot this is a Nextel rock? Call the phone number on the warning sign and find out for yourself.Dec 04, 2004
Panoramic view of the Rocky Peak Wireless Rocks and Wireless Sign1628 viewsHere are 5 of the 6 cell rocks at Rocky Peak. The cell sign is hidden behind the cell rock in the foreground. Note that cell rocks are on concrete pads.

The equipment building with the small microwave antenna belongs to Nextel. The hidden building with the larger microwave antenna belongs to AT&T Wireless. Other carriers are in fenced cages below AT&T and Nextel.

This site houses Cingular, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T Wireless, and Nextel, and serves the Ronald Regan Freeway (SR118) at the east end of the Santa Susana Pass between Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley.

Save for one of the Nextel rocks (shown in this gallery), there are no RF warning signs to alert the public to (suspected) high level RF fields around this easy-to-access site.
2 commentsDec 04, 2004
Peeking Inside a Wireless Rock1217 viewsThis is what an antenna looks like mounted inside a cellular rock. The two coaxial cables indicate that the antenna is actually two antennas inside one radome: one for transmit, and one for receive. Another panel antenna can easily be added on the mounting pole in the foreground.Dec 04, 2004
Wireless Rock1089 viewsThis 'rock' houses one or more wireless antennas. The lifting ring bolt at the top of the rock is a nice touch. Santa Susana Pass, California. 1 commentsDec 04, 2004
Cell Rock990 viewsHere is a cellular rock housing an antenna. The antenna serves the 118 Freeway in the Santa Susana Pass between the Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley. Dec 04, 2004
Cell Rock812 viewsThis 'rock' houses a cell antenna (see the interior shot in this gallery). Rocky Peak wireless site in the Santa Susana Pass, California.Dec 04, 2004
Wireless Sign843 viewsThis uncompleted sign framework holds multiple antennas. Note that the 'rock' to the left is a cellular rock housing Nextel's antennas. Rocky peak site in Santa Susana Pass, California. Dec 04, 2004
Wireless Sign785 viewsThis uncompleted sign framework holds multiple antennas. Rocky Peak site in Santa Susana Pass, California.Dec 04, 2004
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna (Roof on)500 viewsThis is an updated panoramic shot of the job site and antenna. The roof is now on the building. Photo taken on a weekend (no workers present).Dec 04, 2004
Panoramic view of the KMLT transmitter building425 viewsThe roof is on. Less than a month to go before the hole is closed and the building is buried.Dec 04, 2004
KMLT's Roof is On484 viewsIn three weeks the roof will cure and dirt will be pushed to close in the hole.Dec 04, 2004
Parking Lot Light Standard Site700 viewsThis is a close-up of the Nextel radome above the parking lot light standard on USN property in San Diego.Dec 03, 2004
Parking Lot Light Standard Site860 viewsThis is a Nextel site atop a parking lot light standard located on USN property in San Diego, California.Dec 03, 2004
More Power from Power...400 views...plant, that is. San Diego County, California.Dec 03, 2004
Cell Palm766 viewsYet another cell palm.Dec 01, 2004
Cell Pine993 viewsNot a bad tree design execution, save for the lack of branch coverage over the antennas.1 commentsDec 01, 2004
Multi-carrier Omnis and Panels411 viewsThis traditional 'high iron' site supports several carriers using omni-directional antennas, as well as at least one carrier with sectorized panel antennas.Dec 01, 2004
Cell Pine749 viewsNotice how the tower owner stopped the 'bark' cladding just above the branch level. Also notice now well the painted tower shows through the branches. Not a good design as it draws the eye to the painted metal.Dec 01, 2004
Another Sad Little Cell Pine1037 viewsThis cell pine, owned by American Tower, is a fairly poor design as far as camo goes. Like other poor designs for cell pines, this design contains too few branches, and the 'crown' of vertical branches is a dead-giveaway.5 commentsDec 01, 2004
Close-up of Cell Antennas and GPS Antenna on Traffic Signal/Light Standard482 viewsThis is a close-up of the antennas mounted on the traffic signal. Note the two coax cables into the bottom of each panel antenna. One is for transmitting and the other is for receiving.Nov 29, 2004
Updated to Digital...357 viewsThis overview shot shows the antennas (cells and GPS) on a traffic signal, and the BTS equipment in the sidewalk area to the left of the traffic signal. Compare this photo to the photograph in this gallery from a few years ago when this was an analog site.Nov 29, 2004
Lots of BTS Equipment in the Sidewalk Area466 viewsHere's a close-up photo of the AT&T Wireless BTS in the public right-of-way (sidewalk). Notice how tall the equipment stack is (about 6').Nov 29, 2004
Lots of BTS Equipment in the Sidewalk Area353 viewsThis AT&T Wireless base station is located in the right-of-way. The smaller pedestal to the left of the BTS houses the power company meter.Nov 29, 2004
Two Sectors - One into a hillside!410 viewsOkay, here's a panoramic photograph of Sprint's excellent RF into the accessible hillside.Nov 29, 2004
Two Sectors - One into a hillside!411 viewsAs seen in the accompanying photo, the left-pointing antennas (sector) seem to provide excellent coverage for the hillside, and not much beyond it. It would be interesting to know how much power this site and antennas produce, and whether any portion of the hillside is in an RF controlled zone. The hillside, as you can see in the photo, is quite accessible to the general public.Nov 29, 2004
Two Sectors - One into a hillside!380 viewsThis sprint site isn't for roadway coverage. One sector (the one facing right in this photo) faces a group of homes. The sector facing left in the photo points DIRECTLY INTO A HILLSIDE! Very strange! See the accompanying photo for more details about the aiming of the left-hand sector.Nov 29, 2004
Sprint - Microcell using Sanders CATV radio424 viewsSprint (especially in conjunction with Cox) deployed a significant number of the Sanders cable TV/cell interface. This site uses very low gain antennas (the two outside antennas are for reception from the users, and the center antenna is for transmission to the users). Sprint has built its own CATV-like wireless system to connect many of its sites back to its MTSOs. Nov 29, 2004
Microcell - Two Sectors398 viewsYet another pole-mounted two-sector cell site.Nov 29, 2004
Microcell - Two Sectors396 viewsTwo sectors facing up/down the highway. That's the San Fernando Valley in the background (on a VERY clear day!).Nov 29, 2004
Microcell - Two Sectors501 viewsHigh gain (directional) antennas facing up/down the highway.Nov 29, 2004
Microcell - Two Sectors432 viewsNotice the GPS antenna (the mushroom shaped device) on the crossarm.Nov 29, 2004
Microcell - Two sectors442 viewsA two sector microcell on an Edison pole. Note the old (now abandoned) Metricom packet relay transceiver just below the cobra light head. Metricom is no more, but the equipment lives on.Nov 29, 2004
16 - Equipment Shelter and Pad for Our Little Friend892 viewsThis is the first good shot I've been able to take of the equipment building for our little friend. It's a long shot, taken with a telephoto lens, but you can clearly see the equipment building for the original carrier, and the pad-mounted equipment for the new carrier (on the trunk). Photograph 04 in this gallery shows the relative positions of the equipment building and our little tree.Nov 29, 2004
Rooftop macrocell400 viewsYet another rooftop macrocell site. Santa Monica, California.Nov 29, 2004
Ground level wireless site on hilltop - Overview387 viewsThis is a pull-back photo of a cell site atop a hill above a major Interstate Highway. The antennas are mounted at ground level.Nov 29, 2004
Ground level wireless site on hilltop - CLOSE UP516 viewsThis is a close-up of a cell site atop a hill above a major Interstate Highway. The antennas are mounted at ground level.Nov 29, 2004
Color can make all the difference - Close up422 viewsThe antenna panels, while not camo, are nicely blended into the underlying structure.Nov 27, 2004
Color can make all the difference378 viewsThis non-camo site is tastefully painted to blend in with the underlying structure. Better than most, not a good as some.Nov 27, 2004
Power transmission pole - L.A. Dept. of Water & Power375 viewsThis power transmission pole, located in Tarzana, California, supports a cell site.Nov 27, 2004
Sprint microcell - Omnidirectional pattern2077 viewsOne of the secret ways from the San Fernando Valley into West Los Angeles (or is it the other way around) is via Havenhurst Avenue. Sprint's customers know the route, and Sprint's capitalized on it by adding this omni site to cover the commuters.Nov 27, 2004
Sprint microcell - Base Station, Backhaul, and Powering591 viewsThe base station is the large box. Below it is the interface box that extracts power from the coaxial cable backhaul system. At the bottom, in the small box, is the power regulation transformer. Note that this installation, in California, does not comply with CPUC General Order 95 as it has cables below 8 feet above ground that are not in conduit.Nov 27, 2004
Sprint microcell - Omnidirectional pattern2102 viewsOne of the secret ways from the San Fernando Valley into West Los Angeles (or is it the other way around) is via Havenhurst Avenue. Sprint's customers know the route, and Sprint's capitalized on it by adding this omni site to cover the commuters.Nov 27, 2004
Sprint microcell - Two Sectors414 viewsThis two sector microcell provides spot service along Mulholland Highway in Los Angeles. Note the good use of brown paint to provide some blending with the pole and arms.Nov 27, 2004
Sprint microcell - Single Sector458 viewsA Sprint single sector microcell site on Mullholland Road in Los Angeles.Nov 27, 2004
Now you See it, and Now you Do351 viewsThis non-camo/camo site is located near a major freeway and arterial roadway.Nov 27, 2004
Rooftop macrocell849 viewsThis macrocell is located atop a hotel next to the San Diego Freeway in West Los Angeles. Sorry, no room service on the roof.Nov 27, 2004
After the COW...359 viewsBefore and during the construction of this Nextel site on US Government property, the firm used a COW to provide service along I-405 in West Los Angeles. A photo of that particular COW may be viewed in the non-camo section of this gallery.Nov 27, 2004
Penthouse on a Penthouse903 viewsThe cell antennas are located in the faux penthouse in the center of the roof.Nov 27, 2004
Partial Camo on Roof707 viewsNote the relatively good color match on the camo housing on the roof in the center of the photo, but lack of full camo on the far housing. This is a relatively poor design as equipment can be viewed from street level.Nov 27, 2004
Now the walls are up...473 views...another view with the side walls poured. The roof is yet to come.Nov 26, 2004
The walls are up...500 viewsThe concrete calls are poured and are hardening. Next, in about 6 days, comes the roof pour and cure.Nov 26, 2004
Chris Hicks, Chief Engineer1217 viewsChris Hicks is the Amaturo Group's RF engineer responsible for getting the new KMLT from dirt to on-the-air. He's (proudly) standing by the KMLT transmitter, which is temporarily installed in a trailer while the permanent underground transmitter building is being constructed nearby.1 commentsNov 20, 2004
Omnidirectional to Sectorized390 viewsThese poles formerly supported omnidirectional cell antennas. The carrier increased capacity by replacing the omni antennas with sectorized panel antennas.Nov 20, 2004
Power transmission pole - Underground equipment shelter490 viewsThis cell site, on a power transmission pole, is connected to a controlled environment vault ("CEV"). The CEV is an underground room housing the equipment. The hatch for the CEV is the green box show below and to the left of the pole.Nov 20, 2004
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna728 viewsThe trailer with the cable reel on top is the temporary transmitter location; the permanent underground transmitter building is behind the below the portable chain link fence behind the Bobcat. Zoom in on the ridge line to just make out the antenna location.1 commentsNov 20, 2004
Rebar cage for underground transmitter building - From ramp542 viewsAnother shot of the rebar that forms the soon-to-be underground transmitter building. The roadway in the background goes to the antenna site, adjacent to a camouflaged water tank.Nov 20, 2004
Rebar cage for underground transmitter building746 viewsHere's a good show showing how much rebar has been placed in the past 7 days (see the other photo in this gallery). The temporary transmitter trailer is shown in the background. Chris Hicks, the RF engineer responsible for making this site operational, is in the white shorts behind/above the excavation.1 commentsNov 20, 2004
Old Local Market Sign Cell304 viewsThis is most likely a capacity site filling in along a stretch of well traveled roadway in Santa Monica, California. View 1 of 2.Nov 18, 2004
Old Local Market Sign Cell316 viewsThis is most likely a capacity site filling in along a stretch of well traveled roadway in Santa Monica, California. View 2 of 2.Nov 18, 2004
Sort-of Camo805 viewsThis cell site is atop a two story commercial building. Note the use of the old-style RF transparent covers in front of the antennas.Nov 18, 2004
This signal ISN'T watered down365 viewsNote the panel antennas well below the tank.Nov 18, 2004
Signal from a dead tree847 viewsThis wood pole supports a cell site radome at the top. The cables are secured in metal U-channels on the side of the pole. Nov 18, 2004
Cell-on-a-roof343 viewsThree sector cell site on a commercial building rooftop.Nov 18, 2004
Generator Socket505 viewsThis is a standby power generator socket to provide power to the cell site during local commercial power failuresNov 18, 2004
City Sign Cell Site891 viewsThis camouflaged site along Interstate 405 in Westminster, California was constructed by AT&T Wireless, now Cingular.Nov 15, 2004
Pumping more then water...364 views...from this water plant in Hartford, CT. Note the antennas on the righthand smokestack.Nov 13, 2004
Lots of signal!500 viewsThis is a co-location site located south of Worcester, MA.Nov 13, 2004
Two monopoles - Co-location site.354 viewsThese towers are located near Worcester, MA.Nov 13, 2004
The signal is Smok'n from this site!339 viewsThis is a cell site constructed on an old mill brick smokestack. Located in Westborough, MA.Nov 13, 2004
Smokestack BTS equipment363 viewsThis is the base station equipment cage next to the smokestack site in Westborough, MA.Nov 13, 2004
Self-supporting cell tower - Mass Turnpike363 viewsThis co-location site is in Newton, MA along the turnpike.Nov 13, 2004
Connecting the coax and ground strap to the antenna and post860 viewsThe transmitter coaxial cable (black) connects to the rigid coaxial rider inside the antenna support to feed the antenna. The very wide copper strap provides an unbroken ground connection between the antenna and the underground transmitter building about 700 feet away.Nov 13, 2004
Radome above light standard1083 viewsThis Sprint* site, in Thousand Oaks, California, is a low-impact micro cell designed to serve a small area of twisty streets.

*Thanks for clearing this up, Jimmy!
1 commentsNov 13, 2004
Cingular underground cell site equipment1272 viewsThe BTS equipment vault, in the foreground, serves a Cingular's light standard microcell. The green pedestal houses the power company meter, and is subject to removal if the power company allows unmetered or remotely metered service sometime in the future.Nov 13, 2004
Constructing the underground transmitter building for KMLT-FM573 viewsThis photograph shows the excavation and initial construction for the underground transmitter building to house KMLT-FM in Thousand Oaks, California. If you look carefully at the middle of the ridgeline you can just see the antenna and antenna post about 700 feet away.Nov 13, 2004
Church bell tower - GPS antenna906 viewsThis is what first caught my eye: The poorly placed GPS antenna. A better design--one not visible to ground level viewers--would have been to place it at the top of the bell tower out of sight, or on the 'back side' where it would not been seen by church goers.Nov 13, 2004
18 - Our little friend has changed and grown!1172 viewsThis photo, taken in November, 2004 shows (1) that the second-to-the-right antenna has been changed out without much regard to color matching, (2) that a new dual-band antenna has been added on trunk below the prior-existing antennas, and (3) that the faux branches have been extended down the trunk to provide partial cover for the new antenna.

Note that the replacement dual-band antenna has its four cable ports visible on the bottom of the antenna, unlike the existing with hidden rear connectors. Most unsightly!

Sad, sad little tree.
Nov 13, 2004
Church bell tower915 viewsThis site, in Oak Park, California, is located in the bell tower of a church. The give-aways are (1) the poorly placed GPS antenna on the right side of the tower, and (2) the poor paint match of the bell tower extension.Nov 13, 2004
Wireless site on a major transmission tower, Irvine, CA392 viewsUtilizing the powerline ROW, this wireless site makes use of a transmission tower. If you enlarge the photograph, you'll see another wireless site on the pole behind this one.Nov 02, 2004
Simple, single carrier wireless site352 viewsSimple monopole with a single carrierNov 02, 2004
Co locate site for multiple cell structures771 viewsThis multi-tower site is along next to Interstate 405 in Irvine, California. 1 commentsNov 02, 2004
Close-up of transmission tower wireless installation, Irvine, CA344 viewsUtilizing the powerline ROW, this wireless site makes use of a power transmission tower. Nov 02, 2004
Multi-sector wireless site with microwave interconnect364 viewsNov 02, 2004
Oh, say can you see!!1079 viewsAn example of a flag pole cell site. Nov 02, 2004
Multi carrier array367 viewsThis is a co-location site with an omni-direction carrier (the antennas up/down from the platform) and a sectorized (panel) antenna configuration. Spotted in Irvine, California.Nov 02, 2004
RF Safety testing at an FM broadcast station (#2)752 viewsTesting the level of RF emissions to determine compliance with FCC OET 65. The engineer in the picture is Joel Saxberg of Beem Co., a contractor of KMLT-FM in Thousand Oaks, California1 commentsNov 01, 2004
A cell site on a power transmission monopole375 viewsIn Thousand Oaks, California. Note that the BTS equipment is underground.Nov 01, 2004
Looking at the antenna of an FM broadcast station1155 viewsThis is the omni-directional cross-polarization antenna used at KMLT-FM in Thousand Oaks, California. It's a one-of-a-kind antenna design by SPX Corporation's Dielectric division.Nov 01, 2004
Looking at the antenna of an FM broadcast station780 viewsHere's a photograph of KMLT-FM's antenna and supporting post from a vantage point near the location. Nov 01, 2004
RF Safety testing at an FM broadcast station1019 viewsThis is a photograph of RF engineer Joel Saxberg conducting signal strength measurements to determine the boundary to the general population/uncontrolled area around the antenna. Due to signal strength of the station, a fence will be placed around the antenna site to keep out the public out of the RF controlled zone.1 commentsNov 01, 2004
Cell Pine under construction - Close up1081 viewsHere's a close-up of the branch attachment pegs for this cell pine. Notice how well the cables, seen at the very top of the photograph, are hidden by the branches. Also, notice the faux pine needle cover on the antenna to the right of the trunk. A good job by American Tower.Oct 30, 2004
Cell Pine under construction866 viewsThe branch attachment pegs are visible in this photograph. Note the relatively random layout of the pegs, and the fairly good coverage of the antennas at the top. This is an American Tower site in California.Oct 30, 2004
Monopole Power Tower Cell Site400 viewsThis is a cell site on a power mono-tower in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Notice the microwave antenna for backhaul located on the lower portion of the tower.Oct 30, 2004
Waves of Power416 viewsA fairly standard power transmission tower with a cell crown. Spotted in Walnut Creek, California, this photograph graces the cover of Paul Valle-Riestra's book, "Telecommunications: The Governmental Role in Managing the Connected Community" published in 2002.

Oct 30, 2004
Another wanna-be cell palm888 viewsDone on the cheap, is it a cell palm that suffers from some plastic fungus, or is it a monopole with some palms stuck on for fun. Your call...1 commentsOct 30, 2004
Cell Palm head1149 viewsThis is a close-up of a cell palm. Note the GPS antenna stuck on to right-side of the frame for the panel antennas.2 commentsOct 30, 2004
Parking lot cell site470 viewsHere's another, wider view of a cell site mounted on a parking lot light standard in San Francisco.Oct 30, 2004
Parking lot cell site396 viewsThe cell antennas are mounted on the light standard on the roof of a public parking lot in San Francisco.Oct 30, 2004
San Mateo Bridge433 viewsTo provide for high power, focused coverage along a significant portion of the San Mateo Bridge spanning the Bay, carriers use high gain antennas. Here's a co-lo cell site on the east side of the bay.Oct 30, 2004
Installing a cell palm907 viewsI snapped this photograph during the installation of this cell palm tree along the I-405 in the pass connecting the San Fernando Valley and West Los Angeles.Oct 30, 2004
Salzburg, Austria cell site - Apartment Building429 viewsThis is a cell site on the roof of an apartment building in Salzburg, Austria. I snapped this photo from my hotel room after having just lectured on cell siting at the Center for International Legal Studies.Oct 30, 2004
Salzburg, Austria cell site373 viewsThis is a cell site on the roof of a bank in Salzburg, Austria. I snapped this photo from my hotel room across the street after having lectured on cell sites at the Center for International Legal Studies.Oct 30, 2004
Cell Call Box579 viewsWhere there's nothing else vertical, some carriers will build cell sites on call boxes. This call box (now replaced) was installed on the Pacific Coast Highway near Point Mugu, California. The base station equipment was located in the flush vault in the foreground.Oct 30, 2004
COW: "Cell on Wheels"1560 viewsCOWs are used to provide temporary service, usually to special events, before the installation of a cell site, or in emergencies. Here's a COW owned by Nextel that was used to provide temporary service was the permanent site was being constructed on the roof of the building.Oct 30, 2004
GPS and LMU antennas1276 viewsThe GPS antenna (the pointed white dome) is used to receive satellite-delivered timing signals used to sync a large-area wireless network.

The LMU (Location Measuring Unit) antenna, which in this photograph is mounted on a bracket to the left of the GPS antenna) is used to help a wireless carrier locate its users as required by the FCC for wireless E-911.
Oct 30, 2004
Pad-mounted Base Station764 viewsThis is a concrete-pad mounted cell site base station. The powering is to the right, and the GPS antenna is seen in the top-background attached to the ice-bridge. The ice-bridge protects the coaxial cables, mounted below the bridge, from falling ice.Oct 30, 2004
Pad-mounted Base Station626 viewsThis is a concrete-mounted cell site equipment and power package. Note the use of the ice-bridge (left-rear of the equipment) to protect the cables. The commercial powering package is to the right of the radio equipment package. Oct 30, 2004
Guess which puts out more power?575 viewsThis is a massive power transmission tower that supports two different carriers. Yeah, the tower's REALLY that big.Oct 30, 2004
Co-location external generator sockets465 viewsWhen the commercial power fails, many carriers rely on portable power generators to keep cell sites operating. Here are two generator sockets at a co-lo site (Verizon and AT&TWS [now Cingular]).Oct 30, 2004
Co-location cell sites on paired power transmission towers434 viewsThis is an example of co-location sites on adjacent power transmission towers.

Notice that the antenna panels and cables were not required to be painted to match the towers. Painting those elements would have positively impacted the result.
Oct 30, 2004
Cell site on power transmission tower441 viewsHere's a fairly standard non-camo wireless site on a power transmission tower.Oct 30, 2004
External co-location monopole450 viewsOne way a co-location wireless site is created is by externally-mounting the cables and antennas to an existing monopole. This example shows what can happen when the added cables are not covered or otherwise specified to minimize visual impact.

The carriers at this site are Verizon Wireless and AT&T Wireless (now Cingular Wireless).
Oct 30, 2004
RF on the Roof469 viewsThis commercial building in Tarzana, California shows how to poorly plan a roof by sticking almost anything (antenna wise) on the roof. A very poor (or good, depending on your view) example of how not to plan a rooftop. Oct 24, 2004
Camo on an apartment building815 viewsIt was a hard call: Is this a camo or non-camo site? Well, the antennas are hidden behind the enclosure on the right side of the roof, but there was no attempt to hide the BTS equipment in the middle of the roof. Overall, a very poor design.Oct 24, 2004
Camo site on a Public Storage building887 viewsHere's a multi-sector camo installation on a PS building in Los Angeles. The antennas are located inside the box structures on the face of the building.Oct 24, 2004
Four sector monopole cell site625 viewsIt's relatively unusual to find 4-sector towers. Here's one (although only 3 sectors are in use).Oct 24, 2004
Waving the Flag and the Signal1104 viewsThis camo flag is adjacent to a major freeway. Note that under federal law the flag must be illuminated at night (it's not). Oct 24, 2004
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?1082 viewsThis site is on USMC property in San Diego County. The red light on the trop of the cell pine tree warns off low flying helicopters. Notice how the bark cladding stops at the level of the lowest branches. Also notice how much reflective the trunk is without the cladding. The bark cladding should have been extended all the way up the tree trunk.Oct 24, 2004
Co-location cell site448 viewsYACS: Yet another co-location site. Note the various microwave antennas on the monopole. Microwave antennas are used for backhaul to the MTSO, and save monthly recurring line lease costs (at the cost of increased visual load at the site). Oct 24, 2004
Co-location cell site376 viewsYACS: Yet another co-location cell site.Oct 24, 2004
Co-location cell site - sectorized and omnidirectional471 viewsA single monopole tower can support one or more sectorized carriers. The lower carrier does not use diversity reception (two receive antennas spaced so as to better receive lower power mobile handsets). The upper carrier does use diversity. Usually, in diversity configurations, the two receive antennas are on the outsides of the sector, and the transmit antenna is located inside, adjacent to one of the receive antennas. Oct 24, 2004
Generic monopole site677 viewsJust another example of a monopole antenna tower.Oct 24, 2004
The many colors of Red, White, and Blue1191 viewsFlag maintenance (and federally required lighting) should be a condition of approval of flag cell sites like the one above. Note that some of the red color stripes have faded to orange.1 commentsOct 21, 2004
Co-location cell site491 viewsThe lower array was added after the tower was constructed. How do we know? Many of the cables for that array are mounted on the outside of the pole on the righthand side. Oct 21, 2004
Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Site876 viewsWhat you see, including the BTS equipment, is what you get in this parking lot site. Note the addition of the parking lot lights on either side of the antenna pole.Oct 21, 2004
Palms guarding cell site - circa 2001504 viewsHere's a photo of a PCS site I photographed sometime in 2001. Notice that its 'in the middle of nowhere.' Fast forward to the shot of the same site I took in October, 2004.Oct 19, 2004
Palms guarding cell site - circa 2004606 viewsThis is a cell site 'guarded' by live palm trees. Its the same site I photographed in late 2001 (see that photo in this gallery). Notice how the live palms have grown, and so have the houses around the site!Oct 19, 2004
Faux penthouse extension832 viewsThis Nextel site has its antennas located inside the faux penthouse atop the building. Notice the uneven coverage of Spanish tiles on the sides. Oct 19, 2004
Two very different camo cell palm trees1316 viewsNotice the striking design differences between the two cell palms One uses a light round trunk; the other a darker square trunk with a diamond cross-hatch design. Also notice the difference in palm coverage. The Time Warner Palm Desert headend self-supporting tower can been seen in the background of the enlarged photograph.Oct 19, 2004
Is that a Diamond-shaped date?1902 viewsThe diamond-shaped device belong the cell antennas is a flat panel microwave antenna. In many cases, the purpose of this antenna is to save the carrier the cost of leasing a data line from the local telephone company. The trade off is that the antenna weakens or destroys the camouflage nature of the site. Not recommended in most cases. How 'bout the fact that the panel antenna supports aren't cut off above the panels. Also notice how the 'bark cladding' stops below the level of the palms. Not a complete camo solution by any means. Finally, is there a brighter green that might draw the eye even more effectively than the panel antenna on the right side? I think not!Oct 19, 2004
Fake Cell Pine Diseased Tree1503 viewsThis has got to be one of my favorite cell trees...perhaps the worlds worst cell pine design. Yes, Nextel is to be commended on this design, not found in nature, spotted in West Los Angeles, California. Compare this to Nextel's truly good design for a cell pine.2 commentsOct 17, 2004
Oh thank heavens for RF from 7-11476 viewsHere's an example of a microcell designed to illuminate a road segment for adding spot capacity. Notice that the apartment (right of the antenna) is just off the main lobe beam.Oct 17, 2004
Building side mount omni site481 viewsNotice that the omnidirectional antennas are mounted on the side of the building near the corner. Even more interesting is that the GPS antenna (used for network timing) is mounted in such a way as to be shielded from about 120 degrees of sky (this site faces northwest).Oct 17, 2004
Church bell tower478 viewsThis is a non-camo site atop (well, just below) the bells of a church. Notice the shadowing of the antenna cables on the right side front of the tower.Oct 17, 2004
Cell Site Generator Plug and Breaker/Switch-over Panel500 viewsMany cell sites must operate 24/7, even in the event of a commercial power failure. Most carriers have standby power generators that can be driven to cell sites and plugged in to a generator plug such as the one shown to the right of the breaker/switch-over panel. This facility is owned by AT&T Wireless. It's in the western part of Los Angeles.Oct 11, 2004
Spectrasite co-location site497 viewsThis Spectrasite cell/microwave site is located in Carson, California. The tower is registered to what is now Verizon Wireless. Note how the microwave antennas are identified by code to permit identification of specific microwave antennas from ground level. It's located in an "Enterprise" zone (sorry...inside joke).Oct 09, 2004
What time is it? It's Cingular Time!1152 viewsHere's an attractive Cingular Wireless clock tower cell site in Buena Park, California. The BTS equipment is located at ground level behind the block wall.Oct 08, 2004
Cell Pine with Antenna Panel Covers1273 viewsHere's a Nextel site at the intersection of the CA SR91 and I110. It's a good design, and uses what I lovingly call "pine needle slip covers" on the panel antennas.

Good branch coverage down the trunk. Good texturing on the trunk, too.

Nice job, Nextel!
Oct 07, 2004
A Sad Little Cell Palm1081 viewsIt is a cell pine? It is a monopole with a few palms attached? It is an example of how to 'sell' the community on a cell pine without delivering? You decide.

No texture on the pole; no real attempt to provide adequate palm cover.

Spotted off the I405 near Inglewood Blvd. in the Southbay area of Los Angeles.
1 commentsOct 07, 2004
Omni-directional Microcell on Sign592 viewsThis AT&T Wireless site, at Fairfax and Pico in Los Angeles, is an example of placing a microcell site atop an existing, small sign.

If you enlarge the photo, don't miss checking out the lid of the vault in front of the pole. The lid is a piece of plywood, apparently to replace the original concrete!

Nope, I don't want to drive my car over that lid, either!
Oct 07, 2004
Multi-carrier cell site and TVRO downlink499 viewsThe multiple carrier tower isn't connected with the TVRO satellite antennas in front, but it makes for a nice picture. This site is located in northern San Antonio, Texas at a very large church facility. An interesting note: The antenna structure registration number shown on the site is, per the FCC's database, cancelled. Interesting!Oct 05, 2004
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