Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

Last additions
Illuminating the Way 1 of 2598 viewsThis 'lighthouse' supports an AT&T Wireless and Sprint co-lo site in Dana Point, California, just adjacent to the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Notice the antennas on the railing at the top.Jun 09, 2005
A Real Education451 viewsThis Cingular site is located on the grounds of Fountain Valley (California) High School.Jun 06, 2005
No Dead Zones Around This Site1128 viewsCingular's very slick stand-alone site is located on the grounds of a cemetery.2 commentsJun 06, 2005
Painting on the Sky 1 of 6697 viewsAs a condition of its City of Thousand Oaks construction permit, KMLT is required to paint the antenna pole sky blue. This photo shows the crane and bucket used as the painting platform. May, 2005.

Photo thanks to Bill Cloutier.
1 commentsMay 22, 2005
Painting on the Sky 2 of 6644 viewsBill's in the bucket applying primer, then paint, to the PCV pole supporting KMLT's antenna.

Photo thanks to Bill Cloutier.
May 22, 2005
Painting on the Sky 3 of 6602 viewsBill continues his way down the the PCV pole supporting KMLT's antenna.

Photo thanks to Bill Cloutier.
May 22, 2005
Painting on the Sky 6 of 6586 viewsA close up of Bill priming the next section of the pole, and...from the looks of it...part of his left hand.May 22, 2005
Painting on the Sky 5 of 6536 viewsBill's painting on the sky!May 22, 2005
Painting on the Sky 6 of 6656 viewsThe pole is now painted. May, 2005.

Photo thanks to Bill Cloutier.
May 22, 2005
Tanks for the Signal953 viewsOn the left is a legacy multi-carrier lattice tower (with microwave antenna). To the right is a newer faux water tank enclosing the antennas behind RF transparent panels shaped and textured to look like a old wood water tank. The wood work above the equipment building below and to the right of the tank hides some of the roof-mounted equipment. Near Hesperia, California.1 commentsMay 13, 2005
No Trouble Here! (3 of 3)641 viewsTHis photo highlights the brick face on the Nextel equipment building and the match to the existing multi-story building. North Hollywood, California.May 13, 2005
No Trouble Here! (2 of 3)742 viewsHere's a closer look at Nextel's equipment building located to the right of the main building.1 commentsMay 13, 2005
No Trouble Here! (1 of 3)716 viewsThis Nextel site in North Hollywood, California has its equipment room located to the right of the building in the brick-faced 1 story extension. The antennas are mounted behind RF transparent panels finished to look like a brick parapet (top left).May 13, 2005
It's a Grand Old Flagpole?815 viewsVerizon's flagpole site in Hesperia, California lacks, well, a flag. Note the wind/sand damage to the pole finish. If you look carefully, you'll see the rope used to hoist the flag has come down and is resting on top of the the equipment building, then falling to the ground to the right of the building. Nice job in site maintenance.1 commentsMay 13, 2005
Cell Pine - North Hollywood, CA732 viewsAt a temple.May 13, 2005
I feel the power in Claremont, California (1 of 2)741 viewsThis freestanding cross houses Verizon's antennas at a church site off of I-210 in Claremont, California. This site was originally constructed by PacBell Mobile.May 13, 2005
I feel the power in Claremont, California (2 of 2)597 viewsThis is Verizon's equipment building for its church cross antenna site off I-210 in Claremont, California. Note the gas power generator mounted adjacent to the equipment building. Verizon seems to be adding gas gens where permitted to allow for uninterrupted service in the event of a local power failure.May 13, 2005
Yet Another Sad Cell Pine790 viewsThis Sprint site in Hesperia, California sports sparse branch coverage, and lacks bark cladding. 1 commentsMay 13, 2005
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California634 viewsLong shot of the co-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

The antennas are located in the cross, behind RF transparent panels just below the roof, and on a light standard above a children's play area. Zoom in to see the multiple GPS antennas above the camo panels. Why so many carriers at this site? Three words: Location, Location, Location. This site, on a hill, has a great look up and down Interstate 5, and east to newly developed areas of the City of San Clemente, California.
May 06, 2005
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California686 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This camo sector shines to the east. You can see one of the antennas for this sector located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. The arrows indicate the direction of installation of one of the antennas. The color tape on the coaxial cable is a typical method of identifying the sector of the antenna, and whether its a transmit, receive, or duplex model.
May 06, 2005
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California537 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This camo sector shines to the south. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. One of the panels doesn't match, does it?
May 06, 2005
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California523 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This camo sector shines to the east. You can see the Cingular BTS. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof.
May 06, 2005
Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California602 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.

This non-camo sector shines north along Interstate 5.
May 06, 2005
Completely Camo'd Site685 viewsInside the tower.1 commentsMay 06, 2005
A New Sign of the Times396 viewsYes, this cell site is sandwiched between two outdoor advertising signs. Yes, two of the three sectors shine THROUGH the signs (with metal rails just in front of the panel antennas). May 06, 2005
Really, really flat vines on this pole!386 viewsA Spectrasite site in Montebello, CA.May 06, 2005
Sprint microcell - Two Sectors767 viewsPole mounted Sprint microcell in Brentwood, California (Parkyns St.). The panel antennas should have been painted brown or green to afford some measure of camouflage. This site is near OJ's former home on Rockingham in Brentwood, California. It's a much nicer area than were he now lives in Nevada.2 commentsMay 06, 2005
It's a Gas!615 viewsCompare this photo, taken in May 2005, with the photo of the same site taken in June 2001. You'll see the replacement of the center antenna in each sector. Not nearly as clean as the original design, shown here. City of Los Angeles (Brentwood area).May 06, 2005
It's a Gas! (Overview)551 viewsCompare this photo, taken in May 2005, with the photo of the same site taken in June 2001. You'll see the replacement of the center antenna in each sector. Not nearly as clean as the original design. City of Los Angeles (Brentwood area).May 06, 2005
It's a Gas!563 viewsCompare this photo, taken in June, 2001, with the photo of the same site taken in May 2005. You'll see the original antenna in the center of each sector. Much cleaner than the replacement design. City of Los Angeles (Brentwood area).May 06, 2005
It's a Gas! (Overview)545 viewsCompare this photo, taken in June, 2001, with the photo of the same site taken in May 2005. You'll see the original antenna in the center of each sector. Much cleaner than the replacement design. City of Los Angeles (Brentwood area).May 06, 2005
Yet Another Strange Cell-Palm774 viewsWe'll, perhaps a coat of brown paint constitutes camouflage....perhaps it doesn't.1 commentsMay 06, 2005
An Executive Quality Installation - Part 2667 viewsIn the other photo of this site (elsewhere in this gallery) I didn't show the location of the equipment cabinets. Based on requests from site users, here is a photo showing the equipment location behind the hedge. Apr 23, 2005
Our Clock Tower is now Finished670 viewsOther photos in this gallery document the construction of this site (actually, an upgrade to add additional carrier antennas). This is the site, now complete. Notice the GPS antennas on the roof to the left (west) of the clock tower.Apr 23, 2005
Yahoo! What a site!478 viewsThis omnidirection site is in Santa Monica, California. The GPS antenna is the right (north) of the antennas on the roof.Apr 23, 2005
Camo Site in Shopping Center524 viewsThe camo site is located in the clocktower of this shopping center.Apr 23, 2005
Field of RF Dreams921 viewsThis shot shows the full cell sign/cell rocks site, now-completed. Rocky Peak site in Santa Susana Pass, California. Each of the rocks visible contain cell and/or PCS antennas, as does the church sign. Viewed eastbound on the Ronald Regan Freeway (SR 118) from the Simi Valley heading into the San Fernando Valley. Other photos of this site are in this gallery. Search for 'rocky'.1 commentsApr 23, 2005
Camo, almost matching... (2 of 2)608 viewsThis Cingular site is a good example of the need to carefully plan how much of an existing wall will be replaced with a fiberglass camo panel. In this case, the cut out portion of the wall, now replaced with a painted/textured RF transparent panel, is clearly visible. A better approach would have been for the carrier to cut from wood panel edge to panel edge so that the difference, if visible, would have been more uniform.Apr 23, 2005
Camo, almost matching... (1 of 2)576 viewsThis Cingular site is a good example of the need to carefully plan how much of an existing wall will be replaced with a fiberglass camo panel. In this case, the cut out portion of the wall, now replaced with a painted/textured RF transparent panel, is clearly visible. A better approach would have been for the carrier to cut from wood panel edge to panel edge so that the difference, if visible, would have been more uniform.Apr 23, 2005
BTS Equipment Shelter672 views...nicely screened with a matching wood cover.1 commentsApr 23, 2005
KMLT Almost Buried - Just a few weeks of work left!554 viewsThe underground transmitter building is almost complete. Just waiting on the stairs and hatch to be installed. The fencing is still not in final shape at the antenna. Most of the construction 'stuff' has left the site for points unknown. April 2005.Apr 23, 2005
Battle of the Mono's...861 viewsIn this case, a sickly monopine and a basic monopole, both located at the top of a hill next to a water tank. Not much can be said for the monopole, but the poor branch coverage of the monopine sure sticks out like a sore thumb. Successful monopines have great branch coverage, antenna covers, and bark cladding all the way up the tree (unlike this example).2 commentsApr 08, 2005
Sort-of-Monopine834 viewsThis sickly Sprint monopine is located next to a water tank. Extremely poor branch coverage makes the overall appearance something less than stunning. No bark cladding. No antenna covers or branch coverage.2 commentsApr 08, 2005
Single Carrier Monopole425 viewsNot much to say about this site. It's a monopole that happens to be located at the top of a hill next to a water tank.Apr 08, 2005
Camo Monopine872 viewsBranch design and branch coverage are the keys to a great...or poor...monopine design. This multi-carrier monopine, adjacent to an interstate highway, has relatively poor branch coverage. The bark cladding stops at the lowest level of the branches, leaving exposed flat metal surfaces above.Apr 08, 2005
Pumping Signal774 viewsA camo windmill 'hides' this cell site, located on I-10 near Pomona, California.1 commentsApr 08, 2005
Spectrasite in Paramount, California374 viewsYet another Spectrasite installation, this time in Paramount, California (looking north).Mar 13, 2005
Spectrasite in Paramount, California339 viewsYet another Spectrasite installation, this time in Paramount, California (looking west).Mar 13, 2005
Sprint Camo Cell Pine1185 viewsThis Sprint site, under construction as photographed, features a tree designed and installed by Radian Communications Services Corp. The branch coverage is excellent, and the panel antennas are virtually invisible due to branch coverage and camo covers. So, who says it can't be done right? Quite nice!1 commentsMar 09, 2005
Cingular Flag Pole596 viewsThis "super-sized" flag pole camo site is located at a... Well, you can see for yourself.Mar 09, 2005
Cingular Flag Pole (Close-up)1081 viewsThis photograph highlights the reason for conditioning wireless flag pole sites flying the American Flag to routinely inspect the condition of flag, and to follow the requirements of the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10. As seen in this photo, the US Flag on the Cingular camo flag pole is tattered.1 commentsMar 09, 2005
Nextel Camo Site - Completed584 viewsElsewhere in this gallery you'll find a photo of this site while under construction. This photo shows the completed site.Mar 09, 2005
Hitting the signal out of the park397 viewsSprint's three-sector site is split between one sector on an existing light standard, and two sectors on a pole it installed.Mar 09, 2005
Cell site and Microwave Relay467 viewsThis site is not a mobile telephone switching office (MTSO). Rather, its an aggregation point for microwave backhaul from other wireless sites. Verizon and Nextel are co-located here.

Why red and white? This site is located adjacent to the Ontario, California airport.
Mar 07, 2005
City Monument Sign - Montclair, California795 viewsNextel's monument sign cell site is located along Interstate 10 (a really, really, really busy freeway). Originally built to house its own antennas, it now supports at least one other carrier's antennas, as well.Mar 07, 2005
Sending out the word...to Interstate 10390 viewsYet another church along a freeway that (likely) enjoys income in the thousands-of-dollars-per-month range. This is a Nextel site near San Bernardino, California.

The interesting and unusual element of this site is the placement of the antennas following the rise of the roofline. In a typical configuration, the two outside antennas are used for reception, and the center antenna is used to transmit, and they're all on the same horizontal plane.
Mar 07, 2005
An Executive Quality Installation946 viewsVerizon's camo site in Irvine, California is well-crafted inside this business park monument.1 commentsMar 07, 2005
T-Mobile's Take on a Cellular Pine981 viewsThis T-Mobile cell pine tree is located near the John Wayne Airport in Orange County. Of interest is the almost total camouflaging of the antennas by careful design/placement of the RF transparent "limbs". The limbs could have come down much further on the trunk.

Oh, yes, there's that aircraft warning beacon that helps the illusion.
1 commentsMar 02, 2005
Nextel's Interesting Lattice Tower473 viewsA Nextel site using an interesting lattice tower to support its antennas and microwave antennas.Mar 02, 2005
Verizon Plays Golf584 viewsThis Verizon Wireless wireless site is camouflaged atop this tower at a golf course. Quite a nice design, and extremely well executed. Dare we call it a 'hole-in-one?'Mar 02, 2005
Sprint's Drive Test Rover446 viewsThis is a Sprint vehicle used to receive the test signal emitted from the temporary transmitter van. This van drives a predetermined area collecting signal strength data for later mapping.Feb 25, 2005
Rover's Roof481 viewsOn the roof of the drive test 'rover' is a GPS antenna (the square antenna in the center of the roof), plus two PCS omnidirectional antennas for signal measurement and communications purposes.Feb 25, 2005
Drive Test Rover Ready To Run399 viewsInside the cab of the drive test 'rover' is a portable computer connected to the output of the PCS signal strength receiver and the GPS receiver. The computer records the data for later mapping. The clipboard holds the predetermined route that the driver of the rover will cover during the test.Feb 25, 2005
Sprint Conducts a Drive Test469 viewsThe tech mounts the omnidirectional antenna to the telescoping mast. Once the antenna is mounted, he'll connect the coax that runs back to the portable PCS transmitter sitting inside the van. Then the tech will elevate the antenna to the desired height, and set the proper output power of the transmitter. With all this done, another tech will drive the streets in the area recording signal strength, latitude, and longitude for later mapping.Feb 25, 2005
PCS-Transmitter-in-a-Box450 viewsWhen a wireless carrier selects a candidate cell site it will usually conduct a 'drive test' to determine actual coverage. The drive test consists of elevating an antenna (here, an omnidirectional antenna) to a predetermined height. Inside the truck is a portable PCS transmitter powering the antenna.

This is a photo of the PCS transmitter used by Sprint in this drive test. What? You thought it would be larger?!
Feb 25, 2005
Sprint Conducts a Drive Test475 viewsWhen a wireless carrier selects a candidate cell site it will usually conduct a 'drive test' to determine actual coverage. The drive test consists of elevating an antenna to a predetermined height. Inside the truck is a portable PCS transmitter powering the antenna. In a separate vehicle (call it a 'rover') the carrier will drive the streets around the test site out to a predetermined distance from the site. The received signal level and GPS location information are stored in a portable computer inside the rover.

After the test is concluded, the received signal strength and location information are plotted on a street map. That map then serves to guide the RF engineer to select a final candidate site, and to design the antenna system to cover the desired area without causing unreasonable interference to other cell sites on the same network.

Attached to the left of the antenna (and blowing in the breeze) is a measuring tape used to determine the height of the antenna.
Feb 25, 2005
Equipment Cabinets, GPS and LMU antennas511 viewsCingular's equipment cabinets are mounted in the hardscape area between the curb and sidewalk.Feb 25, 2005
Close-up of GPS Antenna and LMU Antenna485 viewsCingular's GPS antenna (left) and the LMU antenna are mounted at about the 5 foot level adjacent to the sidewalk. It's amazing that they're still there. Hope no pedestrians walk into the bracket at night.Feb 25, 2005
Utility Wood Pole Top Mount579 viewsCingular's three sector antenna system is mounted at the top of the utility pole it installed (it has a PBM pole number). The equipment cabinets are located to the right of the pole.Feb 25, 2005
Nextel Camo Site551 viewsThis Nextel camo site is located in Sunnyvale, California. Not seen in this photo is a flat panel (diamond) microwave antenna that is roof mounted.Feb 20, 2005
Tip-to-Tip 1 of 2401 viewsThis equipment cabinets of this site are behind an unlocked gate. Many of the cable conduit pull caps have been removed exposing the site wiring.

Note the antennas mounted in a "tip-to-tip" configuration. A close up of the antennas is seen in an adjacent photo in this gallery.

This site is located in San Francisco and shines signal on US101.
Feb 20, 2005
Tip-to-Tip 2 of 2441 viewsHere are four antennas mounted in a "tip-to-tip" configuration. Notice the faux antenna cover used to blend each of the two vertical antennas on the right side of the pole. Also clearly seen are the antenna downtilt mounts, and pole-mounted pre-amplifiers.

This site is located in San Francisco and shines signal on US101. The equipment cabinets for this site are seen in an adjacent photo in this gallery.
Feb 20, 2005
Flush Mount Cell Site on PG&E Transmission Pole - San Jose, CA Airport2365 viewsThe interesting point about the cell antennas mounted to PG&E's transmission pole (seen in the right side of the photo) is that the antennas are not out on arms. Usually power companies require carriers to mount antennas on arms to insure adequate climbing space under NESC/CPUC GO95.Feb 20, 2005
Panoramic view of KMLT - 90% backfilled520 viewsThe entire 'back' portion of the transmitter building is now under dirt. Due to the new location of the trash bin, this panoramic photo is taken from a point to the north of the previous panoramic shots.Feb 13, 2005
View of the transmitter site from near the antenna site528 viewsHere's an updated view of the KMLT transmitter area take from about 600 fee up the hill (very near the antenna site).Feb 13, 2005
KMLT Almost Buried550 viewsIf you compare this photo with past photos you'll notice that half the transmitter building is now buried. When complete only the ground level access in the foreground of the building will remain. The pullbox to the left of center is for electrical power. The pullbox to the far right is for the coaxial egress point to feed the antenna.Feb 13, 2005
KMLT's Antenna Fence Under Construction481 viewsAnother view of the antenna, and the fence being constructed is to keep the hikers away from the antenna site. Feb 13, 2005
KMLT's Antenna Fence Under Construction504 viewsThe fence being constructed is to keep the hikers in the area away from the antenna site. At the time this photo was snapped KMLT was operating from its old (aux) transmitter site some miles away.Feb 13, 2005
Panoramic view of KMLT - 75% backfilled484 viewsThis panoramic photo of the site shows the building backfill nearly complete. Soon it will be time to move in the transmitter and related equipment.Jan 31, 2005
Multi-carrier Omnis and Panels442 viewsOn the west side of Interstate 5 in San Diego County, California.Jan 31, 2005
Sprint Tower648 viewsThis stand-alone cell site is located in Carlsbad, California very near the La Costa Resort. Very stylish!Jan 31, 2005
Multi-Carrier Panels604 viewsJust west of Interstate 5 in San Diego County, California. Notice that anyone can walk up to the ground-mounted panel antennas via the path in the foreground. This site is not fenced.1 commentsJan 31, 2005
Sprint Site - Church Tower746 viewsSan Diego County, California. Just east of Interstate 5.Jan 31, 2005
About 75 percent of the building is buried499 viewsThe backfill is covering the building up to about the 75% level. Soon it will be completely buried, and the transmitter and related equipment will be moved in.Jan 31, 2005
Cell Sign406 viewsSpotted in Redwood City, California, this two sector cell site provides spot coverage along the US101.Jan 29, 2005
Galt High School Doesn't Lack for Signal456 viewsThree out of four light standards at the Galt (California) High School Warrior Stadium are cell sites. Well, that still leaves 25% growth potential!Jan 26, 2005
What a Strange Trunk!965 viewsGosh, this cell palm has an odd-looking trunk, don't you agree?! Not a very good design, but perhaps it's better than its neighbor.1 commentsJan 21, 2005
Building A CellPine...715 views...one branch at a time. Notice that this is another example of failing to have the bark cladding all the way up the pole. The break point stands out, as does the painted metal above.Jan 21, 2005
Sending out the word...to Los Angeles International Airport439 viewsThis is an AT&T Wireless site just north of LAX. It's a rather poor design Notice (1) the panels just above the roof line; the microwave panel antenna offset from the bell tower; and the cable runs down to the equipment building. A good design element (perhaps the only one) is the use of the brick face on AT&T's pre-fab building. Jan 15, 2005
Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites700 viewsThe enclosure on the far right houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the right light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment. Rosemead, California (just north of the I-10 freeway).Jan 13, 2005
Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites859 viewsThe enclosure on the far left houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the left light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment.1 commentsJan 13, 2005
Time's a-tick'n!701 viewsIf you can backwards in this gallery you'll see this as it was about 3 weeks prior to this photo. Nextel and Sprint are already at the site. AT&T Wireless is adding a new site here. Stay tuned for updates.Jan 13, 2005
City Hall Clock Tower575 viewsIrvine, California's civic center is a sight to behold. The clock tower above the site supports public safety radio antennas, and an omni-direction antenna cell site.Jan 13, 2005
Multi-carrier cell site in Clock Tower1285 viewsThe Cerritos Towne Center (Cerritos, California) sports this impressive multi-carrier cell site clock tower. Photo taken just after sunrise on a rainy day.3 commentsJan 13, 2005
Sun, Sail, and Signal #2658 viewsThis camo chimney is located at the Sun and Sail Club in Lake Forest, California. The AT&T Wireless and Cingular antennas are behind the faux rock detail at the top of the chimney. The BTS equipment is located directly below, and in front of the chimney (out of sight in this photo, just below the wood box containing the coaxial and ground cables).Jan 13, 2005
Sun, Sail, and Signal #1583 viewsThis camo chimney is located at the Sun and Sail Club in Lake Forest, California. The AT&T Wireless and Cingular antennas are behind the faux rock detail at the top of the chimney.Jan 13, 2005
Camo site atop standalone church tower - #2843 viewsThis church, in Irvine, California, has a Cingular site above the stained glass in the stand-alone tower.Jan 13, 2005
Camo site atop standalone church tower606 viewsThis church, in Irvine, California, has a Cingular site above the stained glass in the stand-alone tower.Jan 13, 2005
BTS Equipment at Church - Part 2597 viewsThis Cingular site is ready for a second carrier. Notice the conduits, leading to power, telephone, and the camo antenna site inside the church tower (see the related photos in this gallery).Jan 13, 2005
BTS Equipment at Church655 viewsThis is a view of Cingular's BTS equipment installed at a church in Irvine, California. Notice that the GPS antenna, used to providing timing synch, is under the eve of the building.Jan 13, 2005
When is a Flagpole Not a Flagpole?879 viewsWhen it's a cell site with a windsock! North Seattle Community College. Quite a nice design!1 commentsJan 07, 2005
17 - Side view of Our Little Friend1209 viewsJanuary 2, 2005 was a cold, damp day in Southern California, but I managed to snap a photo of our little tree to better show the new antennas mounted off of the trunk, and the new sickly green quad antennas. Also notice a small "Keep Out" sign at the lower left corner of the front fence. I'm sure that it is very effective.Jan 05, 2005
Sprint Camo Site612 viewsThe antennas are housed in the white tower extension. The BTS equipment is in a fenced area adjacent to the yellow posts (see left side of photos). The clock is one of those special ones that only tells time twice each day.Jan 04, 2005
CEV Hatch with Bench723 viewsThe metal bench sits atop the hatch of a CEV (controlled environmental vault) used to house telecommunications equipment in a large, underground room. How large is large, you ask? CEV's are common, but bench tops aren't.

CEVs come in many sizes, but its common for the size of the room below ground to be measured in hundreds of square feet.
Jan 04, 2005
Sprint Cell on Wheels (COW)802 viewsAt the Rose Bowl, January 2005, Sprint used this temporary cell site to add network capacity in the Rose Bowl area.Jan 04, 2005
Nextel Cow (Cell on Wheels)920 viewsSet up at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. Photo taken January 2, 2005.Jan 04, 2005
Rose Bowl Camo Site694 views...on a light standard.Jan 04, 2005
A small herd of cows...1126 viewsHere are two COWs (cell-on-wheels) set up at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, for "THE BIG GAME" on, well, January 1, 2005. Nextel has a very pretty COW; Sprint's COW is a bit haggard. Both have their own power generators. See the detailed photos in this gallery.Jan 03, 2005
Panoramic view of KMLT after a rain...446 views...well, really, a significant Southern California storm on December 29, 2004.Dec 29, 2004
Looking at the entry area.534 viewsHere's a good look at the entry area and the conduits extending from the transmitter building to what will be underground when the earth is pushed back around the building.Dec 29, 2004
Hey, it's a good thing they got the weatherproofing on the building!672 viewsIt's been raining 'round our soon-to-be underground friend. Notice that the conduits are extended through the precast holes.1 commentsDec 29, 2004
More of the word from on high...775 viewsThis is a multi-carrier camo site at a church in Thousand Oaks, California. Can you guess where the antennas are hidden?1 commentsDec 29, 2004
Sprint - Monopole with externally mounted single sector panel antenna712 viewsThis is the single sector antenna used at Sprint's Mountaingate site. The trench cut covers the conduit connection to the BTS equipment vault in the traffic median. No, technically this isn't entirely a camouflaged site, but the majority of the site is, so that's why it's in our Camouflaged site gallery.Dec 23, 2004
Sprint underground BTS equipment853 viewsThis photo shows (foreground) the shallow vault used to route cables to/from the BTS; the BTS equipment vault (large double-doors); and the BTS equipment vault vents (grills near and far side of the BTS vault). Located in the exclusive "Mountaingate" area of West Los Angeles.Dec 23, 2004
Panoramic view of Sprint Mountaingate Monopole820 viewsThis panoramic photo show the street cuts from power (left), telephone (right), the power meter (far left), the BTS equipment vault and vents in the traffic median, the street cut from the median to the antenna pole (far side of median), and the base of the antenna pole (far right, behind tree). The pole in the middle of the traffic median is a two-arm street light. Too bad it (or a replacement) wasn't used to support the antenna. That would have eliminated the need for the standalone pole just to support the single panel antenna.Dec 23, 2004
Guyed Tower - Antennas Vertically Stacked422 viewsThis cell site is on a guyed lattice tower on top of a commercial building in Modesto, California. Notice that the antennas are vertically stacked "tip-to-tip" at the top of the tower. Dec 23, 2004
A Modest Cell Site?431 viewsThis water tank sports multiple panel antennas. Modesto, California.Dec 23, 2004
Two monopoles - Co-location site682 viewsMultiple carriers occupy this site. Notice that the camo panels are missing on the lower antennas on the left monopole.Dec 19, 2004
Time for More RF702 viewsYou can see that this Sprint-Nextel co-location site is still under construction. The cables are plainly visible inside the clock tower. The hanging panel is for antenna grounding. There are three GPS antennas on the roof of the building to the left of the clock tower (only one shown). The clock isn't running, but it's correct twice each day. Dec 19, 2004
Mono-Park?651 viewsThis Cingular monopole is located in a public park. The BTS equipment is housed in the park building on the side closest to the monopole. The GPS antenna is located on the side of the building with at 180 degrees of sky blocked by its location.Dec 19, 2004
Sports park monopole765 viewsCingular is responsible for this site. The BTS equipment is located below/behind the score board (left side of photo). This might have been a good site for a cell-flag instead of just a 'plain old' monopole.Dec 19, 2004
Business Park Monument665 viewsThis Cingular site is hidden inside a business park monument. The BTS equipment is in the fenced area in the middle-center of the photograph.Dec 19, 2004
Penthouse extension620 views...without much concern for matching textures (brick pattern). Shared Sprint and AT&T Wireless site.Dec 19, 2004
Corner parapets hide antennas619 viewsThe cell antennas are behind the add-on parapets on each building corner.Dec 18, 2004
Belting out the RF819 viewsThe 'belt' around the middle of this structure hides cell antennas. Notice two things: (1) at the far end of the left side you can see some of the antenna cables; and (2) the traditional cell site behind this project.1 commentsDec 18, 2004
Faux church steeple - Louvers detail534 viewsThe faux church steeple will be completed with louvers. This photograph is a close-up of the louver detail. These louvers are transparent to radio frequency signals. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 18, 2004
Faux church steeple - Rough construction649 viewsThe faux church steeple to be used as a cell site is under construction. The parts of the steeple are being mated. The undercoating is yet to be applied. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 18, 2004
Faux church steeple - Looking inside548 viewsThe faux church steeple to be used as a cell site has plenty of room inside for antenna installation. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 18, 2004
Faux church steeple - nearing completion551 viewsThe faux church steeple to be used as a cell site is nearing completion. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 18, 2004
Faux church steeple - Nearly complete546 viewsThe faux church steeple to be used as a cell site is nearly complete. Final matching will occur on site. The RF-transparent louvers are to be installed after this photo, but before delivery to the job site. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 18, 2004
"Thick as a brick?" #1 of 2706 viewsThese antennas are located behind a faux brick penthouse wall. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 18, 2004
"Thick as a brick?" #2 of 2996 viewsFaux brick penthouse wall. Antennas behind the panel at the far end.
Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
3 commentsDec 18, 2004
Camo shutters838 viewsHere's a cell site with the antennas recessed into the wall. RF-transparent shutters will be installed in front of the antennas to make the antennas disappear. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 18, 2004
Camo shutters709 viewsThis photo shows the RF-transparent shutters installed in front of the cell site antennas. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 18, 2004
Camo faux brick wall666 viewsThe antennas are hidden behind the faux brick face in the upper left portion of the wall. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 17, 2004
Camo faux brick wall - close up602 viewsThe antennas are hidden behind the faux brick face. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 17, 2004
Camo faux water tank790 viewsCamo faux water tank at shopping center entrance. Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.Dec 17, 2004
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna (Waterproofing)497 viewsThis panoramic view shows the worksite, the antenna and tower, and the transmitter building with the waterproofing applied to the walls.Dec 17, 2004
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna (Zoom shot)493 viewsThis close-up panoramic shot shows the transmitter site as seen (well, actually, not seen) from near the antenna site.Dec 17, 2004
PCS at City Hall549 viewsThis Sprint site at the Redondo Beach, California City Hall also supports public safety radio antennas above and below the panels.Dec 17, 2004
Waterproofing the KMLT transmitter building519 viewsAnother view of the transmitter building and the waterproofing.Dec 17, 2004
Waterproofing the KMLT transmitter building530 viewsThe external concrete forms and braces have been removed; the outside is treated for waterproofing; and the pre-cast holes to permit conduit/cable entry are now visible.Dec 17, 2004
Panoramic view near antenna looking at the KMLT work site460 viewsHere's a good overview of the KMLT transmitter site, under construction, and the City of Thousand Oaks in the background. The camera position is about 30 feet south of the antenna. Dec 17, 2004
Spreading THE WORD...723 viewsVery interesting! This church has a cell site on the tri-leg cross support, AND an AT&T Wireless site inside the large cross attached to the chapel. Site engineering and fabrication of the large camo cross by Peabody Engineering.Dec 16, 2004
Camo site under construction619 viewsNextel's antennas are behind the foam panel. Site engineering and fabrication by Peabody Engineering.Dec 16, 2004
Cell Pine834 viewsThis cell pine is located on a hill in Lake Elsinore, CA. Good branch coverage. Notice the round microwave antenna on the tree trunk.1 commentsDec 16, 2004
Cell flag poles741 viewsThis is a Sprint site in northern San Diego County. The BTS equipment is located to the right of the flagpoles.Dec 16, 2004
Faux Water Tank, plus...605 viewsAlong the I15 just at the north end of Escondido you'll find this site. It contains a camo water tank, a second carrier below (on the legs), and ground-mounted antennas to the right of the tank.Dec 16, 2004
Camo faux barn912 viewsThis 'barn' is part of a family fun center. The carrier here is Verizon. Notice the GPS antenna to the right of the barn.1 commentsDec 15, 2004
Multi-sector camo panels567 viewsThis is an interesting, albeit less than good example of externally mounting panels in camo boxes. Notice how the antenna panel cables are visible above the left-hand panel box, and below the right-hand panel box.Dec 11, 2004
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