Dr. Jonathan Kramer's Cell Tower Photo Gallery

Copyright 2000-2023 Dr. Jonathan Kramer

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662 views2 comments11/23/06 at 16:03Kramer: Yes. This is near to the Ontario Airport, and jus...
662 views2 comments06/28/06 at 12:41Guest_Anon: that is a cool site. I'm guessing it's ne...
Building top multi-sector cell site594 viewsYet another roof-top cell site. This is a macrosite adjacent to a major freeway in Los Angeles.1 comments06/18/06 at 10:51Guest_skifdank: beautiful
Close Up of Top of Poorly Maintained Faux Chimney907 viewsThis Cingular-built site in El Segundo, California, now owned by T-Mobile, overlooks LAX. The building houses a mortuary. In this picture you see a very poorly maintained faux chimney. A brick facade panel is coming off. The cable, telephone, and power drops should be relocated to achive the required NEC clearances.1 comments06/16/06 at 15:41Jon:
The Tower Works LTD875 viewsThis structurally attractive tower is in Mangonia Park just north of West Palm Beach. The tower is just over 500 feet tall. I had a delightful chat with Marlin of TTW about her tower. She shared some great stories - and frustrations - about this and other towers she's been involved with.1 comments05/20/06 at 22:11Guest_Anon: This is a really neat tower. I've seen it a fe...
Multi-carrier cell site in Clock Tower1284 viewsThe Cerritos Towne Center (Cerritos, California) sports this impressive multi-carrier cell site clock tower. Photo taken just after sunrise on a rainy day.3 comments04/25/06 at 18:20Guest_john: SCI did not build this tower TTS did
Fake Cell Pine Diseased Tree1503 viewsThis has got to be one of my favorite cell trees...perhaps the worlds worst cell pine design. Yes, Nextel is to be commended on this design, not found in nature, spotted in West Los Angeles, California. Compare this to Nextel's truly good design for a cell pine.2 comments04/06/06 at 15:45Guest_Anon: Are they kidding? This is the worst...
A Powerful Bison1743 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This closeup shot shows how the antenna panels are affixed to the metal body of the bison.2 comments04/05/06 at 11:56Jonathan Kramer: Anon, sounds like a great idea!
A Powerful Bison1743 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This closeup shot shows how the antenna panels are affixed to the metal body of the bison.2 comments04/05/06 at 11:52Anon: I like it!! Can we develop faux cows like for the ...
Close-up of Cellular Cactus1877 viewsAt Eagle Mountain Inn, Arizona. Manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com), and operated by Sprint.1 comments04/04/06 at 07:01Loren G: I really like this design as well!!
Monopine - Lake Elsinore, California1681 viewsThis monopine has some of the hallmarks of a good design, including very good branch coverage and the use of camouflage antenna panel covers.3 comments04/04/06 at 06:53Loren G: so far, the best mono pine I ever saw!! Great jo...
Rebar cage for underground transmitter building745 viewsHere's a good show showing how much rebar has been placed in the past 7 days (see the other photo in this gallery). The temporary transmitter trailer is shown in the background. Chris Hicks, the RF engineer responsible for making this site operational, is in the white shorts behind/above the excavation.1 comments04/04/06 at 00:03Buffalo Bill: There it is again, Chris's Land Rover! What ever h...
Panoramic view of the KMLT work site and antenna728 viewsThe trailer with the cable reel on top is the temporary transmitter location; the permanent underground transmitter building is behind the below the portable chain link fence behind the Bobcat. Zoom in on the ridge line to just make out the antenna location.1 comments04/03/06 at 23:57Buffalo Bill: Look, way up there, I see Chris's Land Rover Defen...
RF Safety testing at an FM broadcast station (#2)752 viewsTesting the level of RF emissions to determine compliance with FCC OET 65. The engineer in the picture is Joel Saxberg of Beem Co., a contractor of KMLT-FM in Thousand Oaks, California1 comments04/03/06 at 23:53Buffalo Bill: RF emissions? But that is just a piece of PVC pipe...
RF Safety testing at an FM broadcast station1019 viewsThis is a photograph of RF engineer Joel Saxberg conducting signal strength measurements to determine the boundary to the general population/uncontrolled area around the antenna. Due to signal strength of the station, a fence will be placed around the antenna site to keep out the public out of the RF controlled zone.1 comments04/03/06 at 23:49Buffalo Bill: Hey Joel, keep your distance from Chris, he has wi...
Chris Hicks, Chief Engineer1217 viewsChris Hicks is the Amaturo Group's RF engineer responsible for getting the new KMLT from dirt to on-the-air. He's (proudly) standing by the KMLT transmitter, which is temporarily installed in a trailer while the permanent underground transmitter building is being constructed nearby.1 comments04/03/06 at 23:46Buffalo Bill: Hey Chris, Cute shorts!
A Sassy Looking Mono-Cypress1241 viewsVerizon's mono-cypress tree in Lake Elsinore is Sassy! (Sorry, bad joke: That's VZW's site name...go figure!) Here's a close-up of the tree coverage.2 comments02/26/06 at 00:50Jon: Very nice.
693 views2 comments02/26/06 at 00:47Anon: Yeah, hey.
Tanks for the Signal953 viewsOn the left is a legacy multi-carrier lattice tower (with microwave antenna). To the right is a newer faux water tank enclosing the antennas behind RF transparent panels shaped and textured to look like a old wood water tank. The wood work above the equipment building below and to the right of the tank hides some of the roof-mounted equipment. Near Hesperia, California.1 comments02/25/06 at 12:08Kramer: The Oak Hills tank was designed by SCI Design & En...
More of the word from on high...775 viewsThis is a multi-carrier camo site at a church in Thousand Oaks, California. Can you guess where the antennas are hidden?1 comments02/22/06 at 16:39Chris: Yes - check out more at rftransparent.com
Monopalm with Hidden Antennas1359 viewsSprint's monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California uses a design by Chameleon Engineering. The antennas are mounted inside the 'growth pod' below the palms. This view looks upwards to see how the grown pod radone is set out from the trunk of the palm.3 comments02/22/06 at 16:38Chris: Check out rftransparent.com for others
Monopine - Lake Elsinore, California1681 viewsThis monopine has some of the hallmarks of a good design, including very good branch coverage and the use of camouflage antenna panel covers.3 comments02/22/06 at 16:36Chris: I have seen this one and most people will never kn...
Multi-carrier cell site in Clock Tower1284 viewsThe Cerritos Towne Center (Cerritos, California) sports this impressive multi-carrier cell site clock tower. Photo taken just after sunrise on a rainy day.3 comments02/22/06 at 16:31Chris: One of the best I have seen in the So. Cal Area - ...
A Sassy Looking Mono-Cypress1241 viewsVerizon's mono-cypress tree in Lake Elsinore is Sassy! (Sorry, bad joke: That's VZW's site name...go figure!) Here's a close-up of the tree coverage.2 comments02/06/06 at 19:20Larry: Cool. Sprint also has one just like it up north i...
Cell Palm head1149 viewsThis is a close-up of a cell palm. Note the GPS antenna stuck on to right-side of the frame for the panel antennas.2 comments02/03/06 at 16:43Anon: Very good, Larry! I like the frosted palms (in Pa...
Cell Palm head1149 viewsThis is a close-up of a cell palm. Note the GPS antenna stuck on to right-side of the frame for the panel antennas.2 comments02/03/06 at 16:41Larry: I recognize this one. It's Sprint's monopalm next ...
Cell Pine (multiple carrirers)1387 viewsCell pine tree (multi carriers) with more antennas mounted on the building in the background.1 comments02/03/06 at 16:35Larry: The panels on the lower section of the tower belon...
Side Saddle Microwave Dish Installation568 viewsAnother view of this cell site which uses a microwave dish antenna system to provide backhaul to the MTSO. The interesting note for this site is the side saddle (offset) installation of the dish antenna. In most metro installations, a microwave antenna saves the carrier the cost of leasing a telco dataline, but at the expense of adding visual loading to the project.1 comments02/02/06 at 13:03Larry: T-Mobile's (formerly Cingular) towers that were bu...
Co locate site for multiple cell structures771 viewsThis multi-tower site is along next to Interstate 405 in Irvine, California. 1 comments02/02/06 at 12:58Larry: On the left we have T-Mobile (formerly Cingular), ...
Cell Pine993 viewsNot a bad tree design execution, save for the lack of branch coverage over the antennas.1 comments02/02/06 at 12:55Larry: I'm almost positive this is Sprint's tower in Yuca...
"Thick as a brick?" #2 of 2996 viewsFaux brick penthouse wall. Antennas behind the panel at the far end.
Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
3 comments02/02/06 at 12:53Larry: JK, I have postively identified this site as the S...
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?1192 viewsI continue to update the gallery with new photos of this ever-changing site. The latest is the addition of new panel antennas.4 comments02/02/06 at 08:22Kramer: Glad you did, Gary! -Jonathan
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?1192 viewsI continue to update the gallery with new photos of this ever-changing site. The latest is the addition of new panel antennas.4 comments02/02/06 at 07:48Gary: Just checkin in
"Thick as a brick?" #2 of 2996 viewsFaux brick penthouse wall. Antennas behind the panel at the far end.
Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
3 comments02/01/06 at 20:20Kramer: Larry, I'm not sure...this is one of the few photo...
Cell Pine834 viewsThis cell pine is located on a hill in Lake Elsinore, CA. Good branch coverage. Notice the round microwave antenna on the tree trunk.1 comments02/01/06 at 13:07Larry: Jonathan, do you know that's there now a second pi...
"Thick as a brick?" #2 of 2996 viewsFaux brick penthouse wall. Antennas behind the panel at the far end.
Photo courtesy of Peabody Engineering.
3 comments02/01/06 at 13:05Larry: Is this the Sprint site next to Main Place in Sant...
Belting out the RF819 viewsThe 'belt' around the middle of this structure hides cell antennas. Notice two things: (1) at the far end of the left side you can see some of the antenna cables; and (2) the traditional cell site behind this project.1 comments02/01/06 at 13:04Larry: The big tower in the background is Nextel. The hi...
Multi-carrier cell site in Clock Tower1284 viewsThe Cerritos Towne Center (Cerritos, California) sports this impressive multi-carrier cell site clock tower. Photo taken just after sunrise on a rainy day.3 comments02/01/06 at 13:01Larry: Sprint owns the tower. Cingular is also on it.
Multi-Carrier Panels604 viewsJust west of Interstate 5 in San Diego County, California. Notice that anyone can walk up to the ground-mounted panel antennas via the path in the foreground. This site is not fenced.1 comments02/01/06 at 12:59Larry: The biggest of those sites belongs to Sprint. I a...
Spectrasite Co-Lo Multisector at Different Levels566 viewsSpectrasite tower supports a three sector wireless system, with one of the sectors lower than the other two (to help shape coverage). Also, this site supports an omnidirection carrier (the vertical antennas on top of the tower). 2 comments02/01/06 at 12:56Kramer: No. This is off of the 60 east of downtown LA.
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?729 viewsThis Nextel site on USMC property in San Diego is already depicted in the gallery, but it's time to revisit is as Cingular is in the process of adding 12 antennas. The lift used to get workers 'up into the tree' is shown in the foreground.1 comments02/01/06 at 12:55Larry: I'd love to see Sprint add CDMA to this one. It's...
Spectrasite Co-Lo Multisector at Different Levels566 viewsSpectrasite tower supports a three sector wireless system, with one of the sectors lower than the other two (to help shape coverage). Also, this site supports an omnidirection carrier (the vertical antennas on top of the tower). 2 comments02/01/06 at 12:54Larry: Is this the one that overlooks the 405 frwy in Lon...
Overlooking Lake Elsinore, California (View 2 of 2)893 viewsA close up view of a Sprint site in Riverside County above Lake Elsinore, California (thanks to Larry for the update!).1 comments02/01/06 at 12:50Larry: This belongs to Sprint. It's zoned on Riverside C...
Overlooking Lake Elsinore, California (View 1 of 2)793 views...with this monopine antenna. Note the equipment located down the hill from the private home. This is a Sprint site that's actually located in Riverside County (thanks, Larry!).2 comments02/01/06 at 12:48Anon: This one is Sprint. I watched this one go up.
Sort-of-Monopine834 viewsThis sickly Sprint monopine is located next to a water tank. Extremely poor branch coverage makes the overall appearance something less than stunning. No bark cladding. No antenna covers or branch coverage.2 comments01/21/06 at 23:21Anon: Larry, this is in Temecula. jlk
Sort-of-Monopine834 viewsThis sickly Sprint monopine is located next to a water tank. Extremely poor branch coverage makes the overall appearance something less than stunning. No bark cladding. No antenna covers or branch coverage.2 comments01/21/06 at 17:57Larry: Interesting where is this one at?
Columns of Signal880 viewsThe columns at the top are built with RF transparent materials. The antennas are located inside the columns of this church. The base station equipment is located at teh lower right site. This church is located in San Juan Capistrano, California.2 comments01/17/06 at 10:18roger: I agree
A Flag and Light Show766 viewsThis is an AT&T Wireless site, later Cingular, shining signal in San Diego on the I-5 Freeway and the Coronado Bay Bridge. The light standard also supports antennas. 1 comments01/17/06 at 10:14Anon: nice flagpole
Sending out 'the word'1861 viewsA cell site within a church cross. The antennas are behind removable panels above the cross arm. The equipment cabinets are behind the brick wall to the right in the picture.1 comments01/09/06 at 22:25Jim: Great idea! This is the way to do it!
693 views2 comments01/07/06 at 09:28Anon: Hi Jon,
Hey, it's a good thing they got the weatherproofing on the building!672 viewsIt's been raining 'round our soon-to-be underground friend. Notice that the conduits are extended through the precast holes.1 comments12/31/05 at 05:16Anon:
Another Sad Little Cell Pine1037 viewsThis cell pine, owned by American Tower, is a fairly poor design as far as camo goes. Like other poor designs for cell pines, this design contains too few branches, and the 'crown' of vertical branches is a dead-giveaway.5 comments12/29/05 at 09:41Kramer: Well put, Jon. Thanks! -Jonathan
Another Sad Little Cell Pine1037 viewsThis cell pine, owned by American Tower, is a fairly poor design as far as camo goes. Like other poor designs for cell pines, this design contains too few branches, and the 'crown' of vertical branches is a dead-giveaway.5 comments12/29/05 at 05:01Jon: Like Jonathan explained, this is a rather poor cel...
Monopalm with Hidden Antennas1359 viewsSprint's monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California uses a design by Chameleon Engineering. The antennas are mounted inside the 'growth pod' below the palms. This view looks upwards to see how the grown pod radone is set out from the trunk of the palm.3 comments12/28/05 at 17:35Kramer: Yeah, cool!
Another Sad Little Cell Pine1037 viewsThis cell pine, owned by American Tower, is a fairly poor design as far as camo goes. Like other poor designs for cell pines, this design contains too few branches, and the 'crown' of vertical branches is a dead-giveaway.5 comments12/28/05 at 17:34Kramer: Mark: Call me on 310 473 9900 x21 and I'll explai...
Another Sad Little Cell Pine1037 viewsThis cell pine, owned by American Tower, is a fairly poor design as far as camo goes. Like other poor designs for cell pines, this design contains too few branches, and the 'crown' of vertical branches is a dead-giveaway.5 comments12/28/05 at 08:12Mark: It's better than the alternative..why do we have t...
Monopalm with Hidden Antennas1359 viewsSprint's monopalm at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, California uses a design by Chameleon Engineering. The antennas are mounted inside the 'growth pod' below the palms. This view looks upwards to see how the grown pod radone is set out from the trunk of the palm.3 comments12/27/05 at 15:04Anon:
Columns of Signal863 viewsThe columns at the top are built with RF transparent materials. The antennas are located inside the columns of this church. Look carefully and you'll see the seam of the RF transparent panels.2 comments12/25/05 at 05:42Jon: Agreed!
A Mighty Wind's A'blowin...980 viewsThis well-known AT&T Wireless site sits to the west of SR57 in San Dimas, California (near Arrow Highway). The BTS equipment is located in the building to the left behind the barbed wire fence.3 comments12/25/05 at 05:39Jon: Link to Jon's photos: photobucket.com/albums/c179...
Columns of Signal863 viewsThe columns at the top are built with RF transparent materials. The antennas are located inside the columns of this church. Look carefully and you'll see the seam of the RF transparent panels.2 comments12/14/05 at 17:58Jason Kozora: Not to bad...Not to bad...
Columns of Signal880 viewsThe columns at the top are built with RF transparent materials. The antennas are located inside the columns of this church. The base station equipment is located at teh lower right site. This church is located in San Juan Capistrano, California.2 comments12/14/05 at 17:53Anon: That's a Beauty
Towering Signal737 viewsSprint's site in Irvine along the I-5 Freeway features an unusual antenna configuration where one of the sector antennas is turned 90 degrees to serve another sector. It's the antenna on the right side.2 comments12/12/05 at 20:11Anon: Capacity...capacity...capacity! jlk
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?1192 viewsI continue to update the gallery with new photos of this ever-changing site. The latest is the addition of new panel antennas.4 comments12/12/05 at 20:10Anon: Hi Larry: Yes, this is a long haul site to link O...
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?1192 viewsI continue to update the gallery with new photos of this ever-changing site. The latest is the addition of new panel antennas.4 comments12/12/05 at 20:01Larry: I hope Sprint co-locates on this one as their sign...
Towering Signal737 viewsSprint's site in Irvine along the I-5 Freeway features an unusual antenna configuration where one of the sector antennas is turned 90 degrees to serve another sector. It's the antenna on the right side.2 comments12/12/05 at 19:58Larry: Yeah I've noticed that turned 4th sector before. ...
A Mighty Wind's A'blowin...980 viewsThis well-known AT&T Wireless site sits to the west of SR57 in San Dimas, California (near Arrow Highway). The BTS equipment is located in the building to the left behind the barbed wire fence.3 comments11/27/05 at 01:03Anon: Sure...Please send them and I'll take a look! Tha...
A Mighty Wind's A'blowin...980 viewsThis well-known AT&T Wireless site sits to the west of SR57 in San Dimas, California (near Arrow Highway). The BTS equipment is located in the building to the left behind the barbed wire fence.3 comments11/26/05 at 23:53Jon: This might be the exact photo I took during my tri...
Two Cacti Site - Eagle Mountain Golf Course and Inn981 viewsHere are two more cellular cacti, both manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). The landscaping at this site is nothing less than outstanding. It's very difficult to photograph either of the cacti in a full frame given the landscaping. If you didn't know it was there...you wouldn't know it was there! Way to go, Sprint!3 comments11/24/05 at 00:23Anon: Hi G: Glad to see you here. This is at the Eagle ...
Two Cacti Site - Eagle Mountain Golf Course and Inn981 viewsHere are two more cellular cacti, both manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). The landscaping at this site is nothing less than outstanding. It's very difficult to photograph either of the cacti in a full frame given the landscaping. If you didn't know it was there...you wouldn't know it was there! Way to go, Sprint!3 comments11/23/05 at 22:49Gman: That is great landscaping for sure-what city is th...
Painting on the Sky 1 of 6696 viewsAs a condition of its City of Thousand Oaks construction permit, KMLT is required to paint the antenna pole sky blue. This photo shows the crane and bucket used as the painting platform. May, 2005.

Photo thanks to Bill Cloutier.
1 comments11/16/05 at 02:15Anon:
KMLT Antenna and Support706 viewsThe steel pole supporting the antenna is now painted blue to help it blend into the sky background.1 comments11/11/05 at 18:12rancidhooligan: How tall is the antenna mast? Is there danger of ...
Close-up of a cellular/PCS flagpole without the covers4666 viewsThis is a close-up shot of how antennas are stacked in a faux flagpole. All three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is an AT&T Wireless (now Cingular) site in Los Angeles, California. Verizon shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.2 comments10/27/05 at 07:40Kramer: Thanks, Rancid! I always enjoy capturing sites wi...
Close-up of a cellular/PCS flagpole without the covers4666 viewsThis is a close-up shot of how antennas are stacked in a faux flagpole. All three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is an AT&T Wireless (now Cingular) site in Los Angeles, California. Verizon shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.2 comments10/27/05 at 07:20rancidhooligan: Great pic! I wondered how they looked inside. No...
Mounting collar: Radome above a light standard936 viewsHere's a close-up view of how a radome is attached to the top of a concrete light standard. This is a Sprint site in the Newbury Park portion of Thousand Oaks, California1 comments10/23/05 at 16:50Yankees368: Good thing that warning label is so small that you...
Drunk Tank?809 viewsThis series of photos of an interesting Verizon faux water tank in Littlerock, California suggests that perhaps something was amiss when the tank was installed on the legs. Quite an interesting way to mate things.1 comments10/14/05 at 19:39Jon: Hmm.....someone is gonna get fired!
Drunk Tank?801 viewsThis series of photos of an interesting Verizon faux water tank in Littlerock, California suggests that perhaps something was amiss when the tank was installed on the legs, don't you know! The microwave dish is for 'back haul' to the MTSO.1 comments10/14/05 at 19:38Jon: I wonder did they "forget" anythi...
Panoramic view of the Rocky Peak Wireless Rocks and Wireless Sign1628 viewsHere are 5 of the 6 cell rocks at Rocky Peak. The cell sign is hidden behind the cell rock in the foreground. Note that cell rocks are on concrete pads.

The equipment building with the small microwave antenna belongs to Nextel. The hidden building with the larger microwave antenna belongs to AT&T Wireless. Other carriers are in fenced cages below AT&T and Nextel.

This site houses Cingular, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T Wireless, and Nextel, and serves the Ronald Regan Freeway (SR118) at the east end of the Santa Susana Pass between Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley.

Save for one of the Nextel rocks (shown in this gallery), there are no RF warning signs to alert the public to (suspected) high level RF fields around this easy-to-access site.
2 comments10/10/05 at 20:44Kramer: DJ, that's right... there is another photo here th...
Panoramic view of the Rocky Peak Wireless Rocks and Wireless Sign1628 viewsHere are 5 of the 6 cell rocks at Rocky Peak. The cell sign is hidden behind the cell rock in the foreground. Note that cell rocks are on concrete pads.

The equipment building with the small microwave antenna belongs to Nextel. The hidden building with the larger microwave antenna belongs to AT&T Wireless. Other carriers are in fenced cages below AT&T and Nextel.

This site houses Cingular, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T Wireless, and Nextel, and serves the Ronald Regan Freeway (SR118) at the east end of the Santa Susana Pass between Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley.

Save for one of the Nextel rocks (shown in this gallery), there are no RF warning signs to alert the public to (suspected) high level RF fields around this easy-to-access site.
2 comments10/10/05 at 19:11DJ: The sign for Church at Rocky Peak near these is al...
Not much water, but lots of signal1604 viewsLocated in at a shopping center in Oxnard, California, the cell antennas are located below the faux water tank.3 comments09/04/05 at 00:57Jon: They are stil remaking this site, the site is rapi...
Great Scott! (Some more)614 viewsThis close-up view shows a very stylish use of an iron sculpture to provide an interesting surround to a cell site BTS.3 comments09/04/05 at 00:53Jon: Well, it's better than nothing
Great Scott!612 viewsScottsdale has some very interesting pole mounted sites. This long view of several carriers' sites shows an interesting deployment scheme to cover subdivisions along Shea Road.3 comments09/04/05 at 00:52Jon: Very odd design then... Thanks Jonathan ;...
Monopine - Lake Elsinore, California1681 viewsThis monopine has some of the hallmarks of a good design, including very good branch coverage and the use of camouflage antenna panel covers.3 comments09/04/05 at 00:49Jon: Aqreed!
Two Cacti Site - Eagle Mountain Golf Course and Inn981 viewsHere are two more cellular cacti, both manufactured by Larson-USA (utilitycamo.com). The landscaping at this site is nothing less than outstanding. It's very difficult to photograph either of the cacti in a full frame given the landscaping. If you didn't know it was there...you wouldn't know it was there! Way to go, Sprint!3 comments09/04/05 at 00:45Jon: Very well done!
Great Scott! (Some more)614 viewsThis close-up view shows a very stylish use of an iron sculpture to provide an interesting surround to a cell site BTS.3 comments08/26/05 at 08:25Anon: Well, it's a creative way of blocking the view of ...
Great Scott!612 viewsScottsdale has some very interesting pole mounted sites. This long view of several carriers' sites shows an interesting deployment scheme to cover subdivisions along Shea Road.3 comments08/26/05 at 08:24Anon: Actually, yes...and no. The cactus is a metal scu...
Great Scott!612 viewsScottsdale has some very interesting pole mounted sites. This long view of several carriers' sites shows an interesting deployment scheme to cover subdivisions along Shea Road.3 comments08/26/05 at 00:20Jon: Is that the sun I see on top of a cactus?
Great Scott! (Some more)614 viewsThis close-up view shows a very stylish use of an iron sculpture to provide an interesting surround to a cell site BTS.3 comments08/26/05 at 00:18Jon: Very odd design
Camo faux barn912 viewsThis 'barn' is part of a family fun center. The carrier here is Verizon. Notice the GPS antenna to the right of the barn.1 comments08/22/05 at 15:19Anon:
Not much water, but lots of signal1604 viewsLocated in at a shopping center in Oxnard, California, the cell antennas are located below the faux water tank.3 comments08/18/05 at 22:28Jon: Another Update, this has been replaced with a buil...
Water Tank761 viewsIn a shopping center in Chino Hills, California1 comments08/18/05 at 03:24Jon: These are getting more common in Calfiornia, but t...
Pine tree stealth site2162 viewsWhile it stands alone above the hill, this is actually a very good camouflaged site. Sufficient faux foliage coverage to hide antennas. 1 comments08/18/05 at 03:18Jon: I agree, it does look OK, but it would of looked b...
Cellular Pine Tree1369 viewsIn the Sepulveda Pass between West Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley (California). 2 comments08/18/05 at 03:16Jon: It's in the middle of the picture
Cell site, microwave mounted on wood pole1131 viewsWe don't need no stinking steel tower!1 comments08/18/05 at 00:52Jon: I saw one of those off the 101 freeway in Hollywoo...
15 - Vandals Strike!1230 viewsOkay, I'll start by saying it wasn't me! Really!! Someone(s) climbed our little friend and installed some cute "eyes" at the top of the pole. The eyes remained in place for about two weeks near Christmas time 2002.1 comments08/18/05 at 00:11Jon: Very funny
Another sickly cell-pine1987 viewsIt looks like hardly any imagination was used to design this sad tree tower site.1 comments08/18/05 at 00:08Jon: Agreed Reminds me of the Nextel Site
Camo site atop broadcast center1885 viewsMajor network studio in Los Angeles. Transmission facilities hidden behind decorative work on top of the building. 1 comments08/18/05 at 00:05Jon: I never knew
Mismatched Bricks1316 viewsHere is an example of a faux building extension with a poorly matched 'brick' facing. There's no doubt that this design does not effectively hide the antennas behind the faux brick facing. Notice that no effort was made to match the brick patter of the underlying building thereby highlighting the 'out of place' nature of the extension.
1 comments08/18/05 at 00:02Jon: Agreed
Not much water, but lots of signal1604 viewsLocated in at a shopping center in Oxnard, California, the cell antennas are located below the faux water tank.3 comments08/18/05 at 00:00Jon: Update, the water covering has been removed, but t...
A Sad Little Cell Palm1080 viewsIt is a cell pine? It is a monopole with a few palms attached? It is an example of how to 'sell' the community on a cell pine without delivering? You decide.

No texture on the pole; no real attempt to provide adequate palm cover.

Spotted off the I405 near Inglewood Blvd. in the Southbay area of Los Angeles.
1 comments08/17/05 at 23:59Jon: Agreed
Fake Cell Pine Diseased Tree1503 viewsThis has got to be one of my favorite cell trees...perhaps the worlds worst cell pine design. Yes, Nextel is to be commended on this design, not found in nature, spotted in West Los Angeles, California. Compare this to Nextel's truly good design for a cell pine.2 comments08/17/05 at 23:58Jon: Saw it myself Too bad to true
The many colors of Red, White, and Blue1191 viewsFlag maintenance (and federally required lighting) should be a condition of approval of flag cell sites like the one above. Note that some of the red color stripes have faded to orange.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:54Jon: It's a shame
Another wanna-be cell palm887 viewsDone on the cheap, is it a cell palm that suffers from some plastic fungus, or is it a monopole with some palms stuck on for fun. Your call...1 comments08/17/05 at 23:53Jon: Very not well done, looks pathetic
Radome above light standard1083 viewsThis Sprint* site, in Thousand Oaks, California, is a low-impact micro cell designed to serve a small area of twisty streets.

*Thanks for clearing this up, Jimmy!
1 comments08/17/05 at 23:51Jon: Very Nice Photo
Another Sad Little Cell Pine1037 viewsThis cell pine, owned by American Tower, is a fairly poor design as far as camo goes. Like other poor designs for cell pines, this design contains too few branches, and the 'crown' of vertical branches is a dead-giveaway.5 comments08/17/05 at 23:50Jon: Agreed
Wireless Rock1089 viewsThis 'rock' houses one or more wireless antennas. The lifting ring bolt at the top of the rock is a nice touch. Santa Susana Pass, California. 1 comments08/17/05 at 23:48Jon:
Church clock tower783 viewsAT&T Wireless' omni-directional antennas are atop the clock tower of this church. View from rear of church.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:47Jon: Very well done
When is a Flagpole Not a Flagpole?879 viewsWhen it's a cell site with a windsock! North Seattle Community College. Quite a nice design!1 comments08/17/05 at 23:40Jon: Very interesting IMHO
Parking Lot Light Standard PCS Sites859 viewsThe enclosure on the far left houses Cingular's BTS equipment; the enclosure below the left light standard/cell houses Sprint's BTS equipment.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:38Jon: Very common in Camarillo
What a Strange Trunk!965 viewsGosh, this cell palm has an odd-looking trunk, don't you agree?! Not a very good design, but perhaps it's better than its neighbor.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:37Jon: Agreed
T-Mobile's Take on a Cellular Pine981 viewsThis T-Mobile cell pine tree is located near the John Wayne Airport in Orange County. Of interest is the almost total camouflaging of the antennas by careful design/placement of the RF transparent "limbs". The limbs could have come down much further on the trunk.

Oh, yes, there's that aircraft warning beacon that helps the illusion.
1 comments08/17/05 at 23:35Jon: Love your jokes
An Executive Quality Installation946 viewsVerizon's camo site in Irvine, California is well-crafted inside this business park monument.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:35Jon: Very well done
Cingular Flag Pole (Close-up)1081 viewsThis photograph highlights the reason for conditioning wireless flag pole sites flying the American Flag to routinely inspect the condition of flag, and to follow the requirements of the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10. As seen in this photo, the US Flag on the Cingular camo flag pole is tattered.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:34Jon: A shame really
Sprint Camo Cell Pine1185 viewsThis Sprint site, under construction as photographed, features a tree designed and installed by Radian Communications Services Corp. The branch coverage is excellent, and the panel antennas are virtually invisible due to branch coverage and camo covers. So, who says it can't be done right? Quite nice!1 comments08/17/05 at 23:33Jon: Agreed, very well done
Pumping Signal774 viewsA camo windmill 'hides' this cell site, located on I-10 near Pomona, California.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:32Jon: Very well done IMO
Battle of the Mono's...860 viewsIn this case, a sickly monopine and a basic monopole, both located at the top of a hill next to a water tank. Not much can be said for the monopole, but the poor branch coverage of the monopine sure sticks out like a sore thumb. Successful monopines have great branch coverage, antenna covers, and bark cladding all the way up the tree (unlike this example).2 comments08/17/05 at 23:31Jon: Agreed
BTS Equipment Shelter672 views...nicely screened with a matching wood cover.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:30Jon: Very well done
Field of RF Dreams921 viewsThis shot shows the full cell sign/cell rocks site, now-completed. Rocky Peak site in Santa Susana Pass, California. Each of the rocks visible contain cell and/or PCS antennas, as does the church sign. Viewed eastbound on the Ronald Regan Freeway (SR 118) from the Simi Valley heading into the San Fernando Valley. Other photos of this site are in this gallery. Search for 'rocky'.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:28Jon: Seen this before, seemed strange....thanks for the...
Yet Another Strange Cell-Palm773 viewsWe'll, perhaps a coat of brown paint constitutes camouflage....perhaps it doesn't.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:27Jon: Oh no, were is that cell tower, where?
Completely Camo'd Site685 viewsInside the tower.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:25Jon: Very well done
Yet Another Sad Cell Pine789 viewsThis Sprint site in Hesperia, California sports sparse branch coverage, and lacks bark cladding. 1 comments08/17/05 at 23:24Jon: Godness, what a tree
It's a Grand Old Flagpole?815 viewsVerizon's flagpole site in Hesperia, California lacks, well, a flag. Note the wind/sand damage to the pole finish. If you look carefully, you'll see the rope used to hoist the flag has come down and is resting on top of the the equipment building, then falling to the ground to the right of the building. Nice job in site maintenance.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:22Jon: I guess they think we won't notice a flag on the f...
No Trouble Here! (2 of 3)742 viewsHere's a closer look at Nextel's equipment building located to the right of the main building.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:21Jon: The color is a bit off...
No Dead Zones Around This Site1128 viewsCingular's very slick stand-alone site is located on the grounds of a cemetery.2 comments08/17/05 at 23:20Jon: How very sad this is in a cemetary
Is that an AIRCRAFT warning light on the tree?822 viewsHere's another view of the Nextel/AT&T Wireless Co-Lo site on USMC property in San Diego. This angle shows the microwave antenna used for backhaul purposes.

Notice how the bark cladding ends at the level of the lowest branches. Modern design (and permit conditions) would have the cladding extend to the top of the tree. Modern design would also extend the branches closer to the ground, and would provide for significantly greater branch coverage. Finally, modern design would also provide for camouflage covers on each of the antennas, and better treatment of the microwave radome.
1 comments08/17/05 at 23:19Jon: Agreed, they should also paint the backhaul
An Odd Cell Palm771 viewsThis Nextel cell palm sports an unusual gap between the bottom of the palm fronds and the growth pod. In fact, it appears to be green! How unusual.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:17Jon: Very funny how they think we won't notice
Overlooking Lake Elsinore, California (View 1 of 2)793 views...with this monopine antenna. Note the equipment located down the hill from the private home. This is a Sprint site that's actually located in Riverside County (thanks, Larry!).2 comments08/17/05 at 23:17Jon: Love to see these stealth cell towers
Well, it's mostly a camo site!1059 viewsNotice how the panel antennas peek over the top of the faux-whatcha-ma-call-it. This is possibly due to an antenna change out that didn't consider (or perhaps care) about the length of the new antenna.

Not a good design.
1 comments08/17/05 at 23:16Jon: If they are so careless, why bulid the "fort&...
Sprint Camo Elevator Penthouse Site703 viewsLooking at another side of Sprint's faux elevator penthouse, it's clear to see that this site is in need of some demand maintenance. The RF transparent panels are falling off.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:14Jon: Thanks for the image
Naked Cellular/PCS Flagpole!769 viewsThis is actually three photos stitched together to show the three-flagpole site in great detail. The center flagpole is an AT&T (now Cingular) Wireless site in Los Angeles, California. AT&T shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:12Jon: Always wanted to see whats inside a stealth cell p...
Water tank - Personnel Entry Point697 viewsHere's an "underside looking up" view of the personnel entry port to the tank. Notice the fold-down rail ladder system. Gordon Ranch shopping center in Chino Hills, CA.1 comments08/17/05 at 23:09Jon: Very Nice Photo
No Dead Zones Around This Site1128 viewsCingular's very slick stand-alone site is located on the grounds of a cemetery.2 comments08/03/05 at 06:18Will: I could see something like this in new neighborhoo...
Sprint microcell - Two Sectors767 viewsPole mounted Sprint microcell in Brentwood, California (Parkyns St.). The panel antennas should have been painted brown or green to afford some measure of camouflage. This site is near OJ's former home on Rockingham in Brentwood, California. It's a much nicer area than were he now lives in Nevada.2 comments07/25/05 at 12:03Kramer: This is a block away from OJ's old Brentwood estat...
Sprint microcell - Two Sectors767 viewsPole mounted Sprint microcell in Brentwood, California (Parkyns St.). The panel antennas should have been painted brown or green to afford some measure of camouflage. This site is near OJ's former home on Rockingham in Brentwood, California. It's a much nicer area than were he now lives in Nevada.2 comments07/25/05 at 11:35Anon: Where?
Cellular Pine Tree1369 viewsIn the Sepulveda Pass between West Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley (California). 2 comments06/22/05 at 15:39Anon:
Battle of the Mono's...860 viewsIn this case, a sickly monopine and a basic monopole, both located at the top of a hill next to a water tank. Not much can be said for the monopole, but the poor branch coverage of the monopine sure sticks out like a sore thumb. Successful monopines have great branch coverage, antenna covers, and bark cladding all the way up the tree (unlike this example).2 comments04/13/05 at 16:39Anon: Personally I think the monopole looks better than ...
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