Image search results - "verizon"

Verizon 'Small Cell' (Really a DAS node)529 viewsStrapped on to a City of Los Angeles light standard. Cables are routed inside the pole to and through the top cap.

Verizon 'Small Cell' (Really a DAS node)427 viewsStrapped on to a City of Los Angeles light standard. Cables are routed inside the pole to and through the top cap.

Verizon Camo Church Site 377 viewsAt St. Margaret's in Chino, CA

Verizon Camo Church Site 352 viewsAt St. Margaret's in Chino, CA

Verizon Camo Church Site 379 viewsAt St. Margaret's in Chino, CA

We'll leave the Verizon Cell Site on for you.576 viewsVerizon's mono-sign site at a Motel 6 in Vista, California.

We'll leave the Verizon Cell Site on for you.441 viewsVerizon's mono-sign site at a Motel 6 in Vista, California.

Would Verizon please let the Sprint Nextel inside?2189 viewsThe inside of the building is occupied by Verizon. Verizon's antennas are behind the faux tiles. Sprint's Nextel cabinets are outdoors adjacent to the building, and its antennas are on H-Frame mounts (see the associated pictures).

Would Verizon please let the Sprint Nextel inside?1885 viewsThe inside of the building is occupied by Verizon. Verizon's antennas are behind the faux tiles. Sprint's Nextel cabinets are outdoors adjacent to the building, and its antennas are on H-Frame mounts (see the associated pictures).

GPS Antenna Directly Mounted to Cabinet972 viewsThis is a good example of how a GPS antenna can use directly mounted on top of an equipment cabinet. This type of mounting reduces the visibility of this element compared with mounting it on an extension pipe above the cabinet. This is a Verizon Wireless site at a church in Mesa, Arizona.

GPS Antenna Directly Mounted to Cabinet848 viewsThis is a good example of how a GPS antenna can use directly mounted on top of an equipment cabinet. This type of mounting reduces the visibility of this element compared with mounting it on an extension pipe above the cabinet. This is a Verizon Wireless site at a church in Mesa, Arizona.

Lots of Signals1053 viewsThis multi-carrier, multi-owner site is in Mesa, Arizona. The tower registration shows Verizon as the anchor of the lattice tower. The City of Mesa has multiple sites on the top of its water tank.

I bow to Him953 viewsVerizon's mono-flagpole site in Mesa Arizona is leaning over ust a wee-bit.

Lots of Signals761 viewsThis multi-carrier, multi-owner site is in Mesa, Arizona. The tower registration shows Verizon as the anchor of the lattice tower. The City of Mesa has multiple sites on the top of its water tank.

I bow to Him855 viewsVerizon's mono-flagpole site in Mesa Arizona is leaning over ust a wee-bit.

Exhausting!764 viewsVerizon's generator at Mulligan Fun Center in Murrieta, California has its exhaust drawn off to a remote vent. This is an unusual configuration for an outdoors generator but appropriate here where the generator is located adjacent to a public area.

Light Standards with More788 viewsNear a hospital heliport, which explains the aircraft warning lights, the Verizon site (left) and the T-Mobile site (right) feature clamp-on radomes. The Verizon site also features a microwave antenna, which is unusual for light standard sites. Anaheim, California

Dish on a Light1006 viewsLocated in a community park in Anaheim California, Verizon's foreground light standard site features a back-haul microwave antenna. The background light standard is T-Mobile's. Both lights have aircraft warning beacons due to their location adjacent to a hospital heliport (far background, also with panel antennas!).

UCLA? I C LA!628 viewsVerizon's right-of-way microcell monopole site on Hilgard Avenue near Manning just to the east of UCLA. The base station equipment is located underground adjacent to the two vents.

Faux Windmill Site1034 viewsThis is a Verizon faux windmill in Chino Hills, California

Barn There; Done That915 viewsVerizon's site equipment is located behind the well-marked door inset in the driveway. Notice the GPS antenna at the roof of the antenna enclosure...it should have been located inside the antenna housing.

Barn There; Done That916 viewsThis is a nice Verizon Wireless site off of I-580 in Berkeley California. The antennas are in the enclosure at the peak of the roof. There is a GPS antenna mounted above (which should have been inside).

A well lit monolight brought to you by Verizon591 views...in the San Fernando Valley. A Verizon site. The base station equipment is located in one of the mall stores, which Verizon has taken over and added a new interior door.

Stylish Verizon Wireless Site781 viewsThis Verizon site in Encinitas, California, has a commanding view of the I-5 freeway. This photo, looking north to Carlsbad, shows the nicely hidden site. The antennas are mounted to the roof.

Desert Storm!690 viewsVerizon's "Desert Storm" light standard site in Irvine, California.

The Transit Mixer has Arrived...549 views...so let the pouring begin!

Light Standard Under Construction508 viewsThe double arms of this light standard, and the radome containing the antennas above the arms are yet to be placed.

Not part of an underground water river...559 viewsThe water bottle is not part of the CEV.

CEV ready for concrete pour485 viewsJust waiting on the transit mixer to show up.

Nearly time for the 'crete!433 viewsWorkers preparing the CEV for the concrete pour.

Don't worry...the ladder will be removed before the concrete is poured.511 viewsWorkers preping the CEV for the concrete pour. The large holes are to connect to what will be intake and outflow air vents yet to be installed.

Cable route in/out of the CEV482 viewsThis trench will house the power and telephone cable conduits into and out of the CEV, as well as the coaxial cables to the base of the light standard.

Looking at the rear of the CEV.487 viewsA good shot of the base and read of the CEV dig hole.

Light Standard Under Construction587 viewsThe double arms of this light standard, and the radome containing the antennas above the arms are yet to be placed. The light standard is located in the greenbelt median of the roadway.

Verizon CEV installation in Irvine, California619 views

Verizon CEV installation in Irvine, California666 viewsWorkers preping the CEV for the concrete pour.

Camo Site at Gas Station682 viewsVerizon Wireless is in the far tower of this gas station on the road to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. The site is in Valley, Arizona.

461 viewsA Verizon MTSO in Stockton, California.

A Powerful Bison913 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. Notice the microwave dish to the right of the bison. It's used for backhaul to Verizon's mobile telephone switching office (MTSO). Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.

A Powerful Bison688 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This site is about 1 mile south of the Wyoming state line. The apparent height of the bison is about 12 feet. This photo is looking to the north. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.

A Powerful Bison1742 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This closeup shot shows how the antenna panels are affixed to the metal body of the bison.

A Powerful Bison929 viewsVerizon's cellular bison, located in Carr, Colorado, serves I25. This site is about 1 mile south of the Wyoming state line. The apparent height of the bison is about 12 feet. This photo is looking to the south. Photo by Steve Allen of Kramer.Firm, Inc.

Blessed be the Signal From On High590 viewsVerizon's antennas are in the bell tower of this church in Pomona, California.

Blessed be the Signal From On High552 viewsVerizon's antennas are in the bell tower of this church in Pomona, California.

Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California756 viewsThis view shows the separate fences for the varioud sites. Notice that the walkway between the Nextel site (left) and the Sprint site (middle, foreground) passes right under the various panels.

Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California565 viewsNextel's site is to the far left. Sprint's site is in the foreground. Verizon uses the short tower in the rear-right of the photo.

Lambert Ranch - Irvine, California728 viewsAs of early 2006, Verizon, Nextel, and Sprint have sites here, above the Lambert sisters home. All of this property, save for the homestead and trees, is being developed. The cell site is to be relocated. Notice he ripe red yummy things in the foreground.

A Sassy Looking Mono-Cypress1241 viewsVerizon's mono-cypress tree in Lake Elsinore is Sassy! (Sorry, bad joke: That's VZW's site name...go figure!) Here's a close-up of the tree coverage.

Verizon's Sassy Site: Grounded Bollards715 viewsThe traffic bollards at Verizon's Sassy site are grounded. This helps to prevent RF hot-spots near the antennas. Of course, the bollards also help to deter unwelcome vehicle-visitors!

Gallons of Fun586 viewsVerizon's Sassy site has a standby power generator. This above-ground tank holds 305 gallons of fuel. It's inside the main equipment area, which is physically separated from the power generator by about 50 feet.

A Sassy Power Generator597 viewsVerizon's Sassy site features this remote power generator. Note that the fuel tank isn't here, but rather it's located in the main BTS fenced area about 50 feet away (and to the left of this view).

One Sassy Site689 viewsVerizon's site, called "Sassy" near Lake Elsinore, California is designed as a faux Cypress tree. One of my staff looked at the photo and named it "Chia Cell." From its shape, this could also be a camo missile, ready to be launched against competitive wireless carriers! "Houston, we have a problem!"

One Sassy Site620 viewsVerizon's site, called "Sassy" near Lake Elsinore, California is designed as a faux Cypress tree. One of my staff looked at the photo and named it "Chia Cell." From its shape, this could also be a camo missile, ready to be launched against competitive wireless carriers! "Houston, we have a problem!"

A Sassy Site625 viewsVerizon's site, called "Sassy" near Lake Elsinore, California is designed as a faux Cypress tree. One of my staff looked at the photo and named it "Chia Cell." From its shape, this could also be a camo missile, ready to be launched against competitive wireless carriers! "Houston, we have a problem!"A

34. A Loose Wire?562 viewsThe loose wire is actually a ground wire. The rolling portion fo the fense is grounded via this lead.

33. Personals Ad: "Concrete Pad Sks Standby Pwr Gen!"460 viewsAs noted above, the standby power generator isn't (yet) installed here. Who knows...maybe it'll never be installed, but if it is, this is where it'll go.

32. Looking down on the Activated Site516 viewsHere's the bird's-eye view looking down at the BTS equipment mounted on the far pad.

31. Cable Termination to BTS Jumpers468 viewsHere's a nice photo of the the cable terminations for the hardline cable to/from the roof, and the jumper to the equipment cabinet. The colored bands identify what cable is connected to what antenna.

30. BTS Installed and Humming440 viewsThe site is active. This photo is looking down on the site BTS equipment cabinet through the roof fence. You'll see more of the fense in a later photo.

28. Close up of the Site Name Sign657 viewsIt's for sure...We'll call this Armacost!

27. The Name Goes On Before the Quality Goes In447 viewsThe pad has been poured, again, and the fense is on it's tracks. No BTS yet, but the site sign has gone up announcing to the world that this is Verizon's Armacost site!

26. Anyone for a Tumble?395 viewsThe concrete mixer has done its job and is ready to go home, again!

25. It's Raining, It's Pouring (Concrete)403 viewsHere's the new re-poured pad. It's just been poured. There'll be a cure period to let it harden before moving the equipment into the area.

24. It's Concrete Pour Day...Again393 viewsThe wood frames are in place and braced for the pour...again. Notice the very nice cable terminations at the far end of the cable tray. You'll see these again, later.

23. An outside view fo the BTS Equipment Area383 views...with the sliding fense not installed on the track, yet.

22. Another View of the New Generator Wood Frame386 viewsYup, it's clearly rotated 90 degrees from before. Oh well.

21. Huh? What Happended to the Concrete Pad?421 viewsIn a surprising twist, the concrete pad has been hammered out and new frames and conduits installed. What gives? According to the work crews, it seems that the generator pad was installed 90 degrees off. Go back in the gallery and look and you'll see what I'm talking about. Because of the little error, weeks were apparently lost in site activation...not to mention $$$ (which I didn't, okay?).

20. The Scaffolding is Down430 viewsHere's a good shot of the clock tower with the scaffolding removed. Nice pic at sunset, eh?

19. Now You See the Cables...Now You Don't386 viewsAnd the cables in the BTS area are also safely tucked away under the cover of the tray.

18. Now You See the Cables...Now You Don't402 viewsThe cables are now safely tucked away under the cover of the tray, now installed.

17. Clock Tower Painting Underway400 viewsA rear view of the re-painted clock tower.

16. Clock Tower Painting Underway421 viewsYet another view of the re-painted clock tower.

15. Clock Tower Painting Underway396 viewsThe panels are fully installed and are being painted and textured to match the building.

14. Installing the Telco Interface and Power Switching Cabinets505 viewsThe large cabinet on the right (with the open door) is to house the telco interface. A telco dataline is used to connect this cell site back to Verizon's mobile telephone switching office. The two smaller cabinets on the left, starting at the far left, are the power breaker panel, and the power generator transfer switch. The transfer switch senses loss of commercial power and automatically starts the generator (yet to be installed) and transfers power to the generator once stabilized. The reverse occurs when the commercial power is restored for a minimum period of time.

13. Securing the Cables and Painting398 viewsThings are moving forward downstairs, too!

12. Close-up of GPS antenna and top of Cable Tray446 viewsAs noted before, the cables are carefully pulled on to the roof so as to prevent kinks. The GPS antenna provides system synchronization time signals. This location is inferior as it can been seen from the ground. A better location would have been on the roof away from the edge so as to hide this element.

11. Cables are now in the Cable Tray413 viewsWe're getting closer! Notice that the cables make a gentle (less than 90 degree) bend at the bottom of the ladder where it connects to the tray in the hallway. Bending cables too much can kink them. Kinking can cause excessive signal transmission losses. Not a good thing! Also notice that the GPS antenna is now installed--quite visibly--at the top of the cable tray on the roof. More in the next photograph...

9. More Cable Tray Installation413 viewsHere's a further view of the cable tray as it transitions from the hallway leading from the side of the building over and down to the BTS equpment housing area.

10. Securing the Coaxial Cables in the Tray411 viewsA tech secures the cables to the tray. Notice that the cable tray extends out a bit from the edge of the wall. This will connect with the vertical portion of the tray heading to the roof.

8. Installation of the Cable Tray to the Roof437 viewsThe techs are installing the cable tray. Once installed, the coaxial cables will be lashed to the ladder arms to provide for support, and to prevent excessive bending of the coaxial cables.

7. A Close-Up View of Two Sectors of RF-Transparent Panels385 viewsThis is a close-up of the rear of the bell tower modified to enclose the antennas.

6. A Close-Up View of Two Sectors of RF-Transparent Panels424 viewsYet another view of the bell tower being modified to enclose the antennas.

5. A Close-Up View of Two Sectors of RF-Transparent Panels390 viewsHere's a close-up of the bell tower being modified to enclose the antennas. The cut-outs on the front and left side of the tower are the RF transparent panels.

4. BTS Pad and Cable Termination431 viewsThe raised concrete pad is to support the BTS equipment. The cables that dead-end in the wall-mounted tray will connect the roof antennas to the BTS.

3. Base Telecommunications Station Equipment459 viewsThis new addition to the existing structure at the rear of the building is to house the BTS equipment, plus a future standby power generator, power switching equipment, and a telephone interface panel. The standby power generator pad is the the one nearest the fence. The BTS equpipment pad is to the rear-left in this photo. Later, things will change a bit...oops!

1. Antennas to be Hidden in Clock Tower509 viewsThree of four sides of the exsting clock tower had walls partially removed to permit the installation of RF-transparent fiberglass panels. As you'll see later, once the antennas are installed behind the panels, the panels are painted and textured to match the rest of the structure, thus hiding the antenna locations.

2. Routing the Antenna Cables up to the Roof513 viewsThe coaxial cables for the antennas, including the GPS antenna, are loosely placed against teh wall going up to the roof. As you'll see later, these cables will be secured in a cable tray. At this time the GPS antenna is not yet installed.

Verizon Wireless Camo Light Standard969 views...in Santa Monica, California. Notice that the BTS equipment vault is located around the corner to the right. It's in the sidewalk area. If you still can't spot it, look for the white painted labels! Actually, a nice design. The vents are in the greenbelt area.

Verizon Wireless Camo Light Standard900 views...in Santa Monica, California. Notice that the BTS equipment vault is located around the corner to the right. It's in the sidewalk area. The vault vents are located in the greenbelt behind the red curb. A very nice installation, indeed.

Got Desert?497 viewsThis little Verizon 3-sector site sites atop a wood pole in Victorville, California. The BTS equipment is in the fenced area to the left, and the telco and power panels are to the right.

The Leaning Tower of Victorville422 viewsVerizon's 3-sector wood pole is ever-so-slowly leaning over. Victorville, California.

Drunk Tank?801 viewsThis series of photos of an interesting Verizon faux water tank in Littlerock, California suggests that perhaps something was amiss when the tank was installed on the legs, don't you know! The microwave dish is for 'back haul' to the MTSO.

Drunk Tank?809 viewsThis series of photos of an interesting Verizon faux water tank in Littlerock, California suggests that perhaps something was amiss when the tank was installed on the legs. Quite an interesting way to mate things.

Drunk Tank?595 viewsYet another view of the 'drunk tank' in Littlerock, California. The BTS equipment shelter is located behind the building in the foreground.

Drunk Tank?561 viewsVerizon's 'drunk tank' in Littlerock, California.

Verizon MTSO Orange County450 viewsThis VZW MTSO (mobile telephone switching office) is in Santa Ana, California. The height of the tower is 60.7 meters AGL.

Naked Cellular/PCS Flagpole!701 viewsAll three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is a AT&T Wireless site in Los Angeles, California. AT&T (Cingular) shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.

Close-up of a cellular/PCS flagpole without the covers4666 viewsThis is a close-up shot of how antennas are stacked in a faux flagpole. All three flagpoles in this photo are really cell towers. The center flagpole is an AT&T Wireless (now Cingular) site in Los Angeles, California. Verizon shares this site with Verizon and Nextel. The flagpole is 85' tall and 25" in diameter. It's manufactured by Chameleon Engineering.

Hint: It's Not Canneroni590 viewsThese are three section covers of a faux flagpole barely in the City of Los Angeles, California. They're off while Cingular works on its antennas (see the photos in this gallery).

Hint: It's Not Canneroni2182 viewsThese are three section covers of a faux flagpole barely in the City of Los Angeles, California. They're off while Verizon's works on its antennas (see the photos in this gallery).

Verizon MTSO San Diego 2 of 2672 viewsThis photo shows Verizon's Mobile Telephone Switching Office and tower in San Diego, California. The microwave antennas connect various cell sites back to this MTSO. Telephone company leased data lines (usually T1 circuits) are another means of connecting remote cell sites back to a MTSO.

Verizon MTSO San Diego 1 of 2417 viewsThis photo shows Verizon's Mobile Telephone Switching Office and tower in San Diego, California.

It's a Grand Old Flagpole?815 viewsVerizon's flagpole site in Hesperia, California lacks, well, a flag. Note the wind/sand damage to the pole finish. If you look carefully, you'll see the rope used to hoist the flag has come down and is resting on top of the the equipment building, then falling to the ground to the right of the building. Nice job in site maintenance.

I feel the power in Claremont, California (1 of 2)740 viewsThis freestanding cross houses Verizon's antennas at a church site off of I-210 in Claremont, California. This site was originally constructed by PacBell Mobile.

I feel the power in Claremont, California (2 of 2)596 viewsThis is Verizon's equipment building for its church cross antenna site off I-210 in Claremont, California. Note the gas power generator mounted adjacent to the equipment building. Verizon seems to be adding gas gens where permitted to allow for uninterrupted service in the event of a local power failure.

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California632 viewsLong shot of the co-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
The antennas are located in the cross, behind RF transparent panels just below the roof, and on a light standard above a children's play area. Zoom in to see the multiple GPS antennas above the camo panels. Why so many carriers at this site? Three words: Location, Location, Location. This site, on a hill, has a great look up and down Interstate 5, and east to newly developed areas of the City of San Clemente, California.

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California685 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
This camo sector shines to the east. You can see one of the antennas for this sector located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. The arrows indicate the direction of installation of one of the antennas. The color tape on the coaxial cable is a typical method of identifying the sector of the antenna, and whether its a transmit, receive, or duplex model.

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California535 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
This camo sector shines to the south. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof. One of the panels doesn't match, does it?

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California521 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
This camo sector shines to the east. You can see the Cingular BTS. The antennas for this sector are located behind RF transparent panels just below the roof.

Major Co-lo Site - San Clemente, California601 viewsCo-location camo site (Sprint, Verizon, Nextel, Cingular) at St. Andrews by the Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente.
This non-camo sector shines north along Interstate 5.

An Executive Quality Installation - Part 2666 viewsIn the other photo of this site (elsewhere in this gallery) I didn't show the location of the equipment cabinets. Based on requests from site users, here is a photo showing the equipment location behind the hedge.

Cell site and Microwave Relay467 viewsThis site is not a mobile telephone switching office (MTSO). Rather, its an aggregation point for microwave backhaul from other wireless sites. Verizon and Nextel are co-located here.
Why red and white? This site is located adjacent to the Ontario, California airport.

An Executive Quality Installation946 viewsVerizon's camo site in Irvine, California is well-crafted inside this business park monument.

Verizon Plays Golf584 viewsThis Verizon Wireless wireless site is camouflaged atop this tower at a golf course. Quite a nice design, and extremely well executed. Dare we call it a 'hole-in-one?'

Camo faux barn912 viewsThis 'barn' is part of a family fun center. The carrier here is Verizon. Notice the GPS antenna to the right of the barn.

Spectrasite co-location site497 viewsThis Spectrasite cell/microwave site is located in Carson, California. The tower is registered to what is now Verizon Wireless. Note how the microwave antennas are identified by code to permit identification of specific microwave antennas from ground level. It's located in an "Enterprise" zone (sorry...inside joke).

Verizon MTSO cell and microwave tower1730 viewsThis is an interesting 63-ish foot communications tower in Schertz, Texas. It's owned by Verizon Wireless.